Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 17 Teaching Career

Tiandou Advanced Royal Academy.

Another year passed, and the annual school day arrived. Yuan Changqing also quit his job at the blacksmith shop and moved to the school.

Now he has also received assignments from the school and met his partner.

Because Yuan Changqing has no teaching experience yet and is still an assistant teacher, he was assigned to a regular class for first-year freshmen.

His partner, as the head teacher, Yuan Changqing mainly assists the head teacher in maintaining class order, conveying the tasks assigned by the school, and checking the homework assigned by the teachers of each subject in the class.

Now Yuan Changqing is an assistant teacher in Class 1 and Class 2. The head teacher is a beautiful teacher who is about the same age as himself.

"Hello, Teacher Yuan, my name is Catherine."

Yuan Changqing said: "Hello, Teacher Catherine, we are partners now. I will cooperate with your work. Please take good care of me in the future."

Catherine stunned him, with blonde hair, blue eyes, tall figure, and curvy figure, exuding infinite charm.

She is simply a man's dream lover, making people want to stop.

"No problem. Now that we have officially met, let's get to know each other better and have a happy cooperation."

"Okay, I think so too, then let me introduce myself formally."

"My name is Yuan Changqing, martial soul blue silver grass, level 52 attack type soul king."

"My name is Catherine, Golden Eagle of Martial Soul, Level 64 Attack Soul Emperor."

Yuan Changqing was also surprised when he heard that Catherine was the Soul Emperor. He didn't expect her soul power to be so high.

"Wow, Teacher Catherine, I didn't expect you to be the Soul Emperor at such a young age."

"It's okay. I just have high innate soul power and my level is relatively high. I'm far behind you."

"You can't say that. It's just that I was lucky and had some opportunities to cultivate to the Soul King level. Otherwise, I can't get much higher with the Blue Silver Grass Spirit no matter how much I cultivate."

"Okay, let's stop complimenting each other. Let's discuss the teaching plan for the class now."

After some discussion, it was mainly Catherine who talked, and Yuan Changqing also made some suggestions. It didn't take long before a rough plan was come up.

Catherine had never taught students at the Advanced Soul Master Academy before, and she made the suggestion based on her previous experience at the Advanced Soul Master Academy.

After the two discussed, they chatted about their respective experiences. After understanding, Catherine's home was in Tiandou City. She was born a commoner and had a restaurant at home. She was a wealthy family.

After awakening her martial soul, her innate soul power was level 8, and she was a genius girl. After graduation, she went to Douluo Continent for some training, and after she came back, she applied for a job as a teacher in school.

Yuan Changqing said: "I didn't expect your life to be so colorful. I can't do it. I'm not strong enough and I went home after graduating from junior college."

"If I hadn't gotten lucky later, I might have stayed at home all my life and not ventured out."

"Well, then let's work hard together and sprint higher."

The Tiandou Royal Academy was originally established to help the empire cultivate talents.

However, as time went by, it gradually turned into a gilded place for the nobility and excluded common people.

This made the students of Tiandou Royal Academy uneven, so there was a division of student levels.

Those nobles who come to gild mainly come to make connections and wait until graduation to prepare for inheriting the family business in the future.

Although there are talented students, they are in the minority after all, and those people are assigned to elite classes as soon as they arrive.

The elite classes have the best teachers and the best training environment. These people have received the best training in the empire, and they will also be the mainstay of the empire in the future.

However, the school also recruits talented civilian students every year. Otherwise, the Tiandou Empire would have been divided up long ago by those nobles alone.

This is also the reason why the empire's top officials turn a blind eye to the academy turning into a gilding field for nobles.

Although those genius students are in the elite class, there are still some little geniuses in the ordinary class. After all, the nobles are not all trash.

After the opening ceremony, each class began its formal opening ceremony.

Yuan Changqing and Catherine formulated their teaching tasks for Class 1 and Class 2.

Although both of them are novices, they are still doing well. This may be a test for them by the school!

In addition to classroom teaching, Yuan Changqing is mainly responsible for daily fixed teaching arrangements.

He took over some of the plans he had made when he was studying in his previous life.

There is morning jogging every morning, and there is also sparring among classmates. As for practicing in the evening, it depends on everyone's consciousness.

There is also an assessment every month, and the assessment is divided according to the level of their innate soul power. The person who makes the slowest progress every month will be responsible for the hygiene of the entire class next month.

If you don't work hard, you will keep doing it. Although they are all nobles, they don't dare to explode in school.

This was also challenged by someone, and that person was also trained to death by Yuan Changqing. Finally, he found the school and wanted to go to another class, but the school did not agree.

In the end, the man was so miserable that he had no choice but to surrender. In this way, he escaped the disaster and became honest.

In this way, Yuan Changqing was also described as a chameleon by the students in his class. He changed his tricks to trick people, and everyone was afraid of him.

This year, Yuan Changqing and Catherine worked very well together and completed the teaching tasks very well. The students in their class also made obvious progress.

The two of them also received awards from the school, including material rewards, which is also very good.

Yuan Changqing also followed those students and listened to every class this semester, which was a great benefit.

In addition, I also read a lot of books in the college library. However, the senior college is different. There are so many books. If you want to read them all, I am afraid it will not take more than a few years to finish them.

There are a lot of introductions about medicinal materials in this world. Yuan Changqing also found a lot of books about soul guides, almost all of them incomplete.

The most comprehensive books about soul guidance devices are actually those soul guidance devices used in daily life, but think about it, otherwise there wouldn't be so many in Douluo Continent.

However, these can also be used as a reference to draw parallels.

Yuan Changqing also plans to take his wife over to live with him after the holiday. Living in separate places is not an option.

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