After the school holiday, Yuan Changqing had a meal with several familiar teachers, packed up his things, hired a carriage and rushed to Soto City.

Blue Silver Village.

A year later, Yuan Changqing returned to this familiar place, where he cared, although he usually wrote letters home.

But after all, this is the only place that feels like home. Maybe in my previous life, I and my grandfather were dependent on each other. My grandfather passed away early, so I am a little lonely.

This made me unknowingly rely on home. Only home can make me feel the warmth.

The moment Wang Yuyan saw her, she ran into her arms, and the two held each other for a long time without wanting to separate.

The two of them separated only after their sister-in-law was making fun of them. Wang Yuyan lowered her head with a red face, like a child who had done something wrong.

In the evening, mother and grandmother prepared a large table of delicious food for Yuan Changqing to catch the wind and wash away the dust.

After the meal, everyone sat around and talked about the past year.

The house is still the same as before, nothing much happens, but there is one more thing to do to exercise my practical experience.

My younger uncle has now become the family's sparring partner. Maybe he is getting married, and has no plans to go out to work anymore. Now he is living a very comfortable life in Lanyin Village.

My sister Yuan Ziyi looked at me longingly and asked about Tiandou City.

"Brother, is Tiandou City fun? Is there as many people as Soto City?"

"There are indeed a lot more people than Soto City, and it's a lot more lively. As for whether it's fun or not, I think it's about the same as Soto City!"

"But Tiandou City is indeed much larger than Soto City, and there are more powerful people there than here."

His younger brother Yuan Zilong also asked: "Brother, what about your school? Is it as big as the one here in Soto City?"

"There is no comparison. The school I am currently in is the Royal Academy of the Tiandou Empire."

"The Royal Academy is built outside the city on several mountains. It is very spectacular and very large. The training facilities inside are also very good."

"However, it has almost turned into a school for nobles. Only a few talented civilian students can enter and study there."

"When I come back this time, I bring back a lot of information that I compiled. I'll keep it at home. You can all take a closer look. It will be good for you all."

Mother Lan Ling said: "How long do you plan to stay when you come back this time?"

"I'll leave in half a month and spend time with you."

Then he added: "I'm going to take Yu Yan there this time, and Qing Lan will stay at home. I'm not very familiar with her there now."

"There are still children at home who can play with him, so I need your help to take care of him. I will take him there after his martial spirit awakens."

"Also, do you want to go there and play this time? I will have time to accompany you around Tiandou City."

My sister-in-law wanted to go, but in the end everyone decided to forget it and wait until the children at home are older to go.

After Yuan Changqing stayed at home for half a month, he took his wife Wang Yuyan and set off for Tiandou City.

Tiandou Royal Academy.

Returning to their dormitory, Yuan Changqing and Wang Yuyan were busy for a while, cleaning the house, and after eating, they hugged each other and fell asleep.

The journey from Soto City to Tiandou City was dusty, and the two of them were a little tired, so they took an early rest.

The next day, the two of them got up early and planned to go shopping in Tiandou City together and buy some daily necessities.

After shopping for a long time, when it was lunch time, Yuan Changqing took Wang Yuyan to Catherine's hotel for dinner.

This hotel is considered a mid-range hotel in Tiandou City, offering food and accommodation.

After the holiday, Catherine helped out at her hotel. After seeing Yuan Changqing, she walked towards them.

"Teacher Yuan, are you bringing your girlfriend over for dinner? Why haven't you seen her before?"

"Ahem, Teacher Catherine, this is my wife. I have been married for several years, and my child is four years old now."

Catherine looked surprised and said, "Why haven't you said this before?"

"You didn't ask either. I can't just talk about it. If that's the case, wouldn't it be a bit puzzling!"

"Haha, yes. If you are really like that, others will think you are mentally ill."

However, Yuan Changqing saw that after Catherine found out that he had a wife, she looked at him a little strangely.

Afterwards, Catherine started chatting with Wang Yuyan, which made Yuan Changqing speechless. They didn't get to know each other so quickly!

"Catherine, we are here to have dinner. Let's help with the arrangements. Let's talk when we have time. Don't worry about your family's business."

"It's okay. I'll go make arrangements first. Let's eat together and treat it as if I'm supporting sister Yuyan."

Wang Yuyan said sheepishly: "Sister Catherine, no need, you should go about your business first. There will be many opportunities in the future!"

"It's okay. I'm just here to help out on vacation. I just want to say hello."

Yuan Changqing said: "Okay, I won't be polite to you anymore. We will invite you again in the future."

With Catherine saying hello and the food being served quickly, the three of them started chatting while eating together.

"Teacher Yuan, why didn't you bring sister Yuyan here last year?"

"Katherine, it's not like you don't know. I only arrived in Tiandou City last year and applied for a job as a teacher. I'm not familiar with this place."

"Besides, I'm not a rich man, so I can only explore the road by myself first, and get myself settled first before Yuyan can come. Why don't you come with me and share the hardships?"

Hearing what I said, Wang Yuyan looked moved, and Catherine nodded.

"Sister Yuyan, you are so lucky that Teacher Yuan loves you so much."

Wang Yuyan blushed and said, "It's okay, Sister Catherine. You will definitely meet someone who is good to you in the future."

After this meal, Catherine and Wang Yuyan became familiar with each other. They kept talking and forgot about Yuan Changqing.

After the meal, the two said goodbye to Catherine and returned to the school dormitory together, taking out the daily necessities and setting them up.

The two of them sat down and chatted, telling her about some situations in Tiandou City and some things in school.

"Yu Yan, when I have nothing to do, I can borrow some books from the school library for you, and you can read them at home."

"Also, don't fall behind in your cultivation. Try to advance to the Soul Sect as soon as possible. When the time comes, I'll ask Catherine to help me hunt for soul rings for you."

"Okay, brother Changqing, I will listen to you. I can reach the Soul Sect in one year at most."

"Well, then go ahead, but don't force yourself too much, just be relaxed and moderate."

"Well, Brother Changqing, why do you have such a good relationship with Sister Catherine? I saw today that after she found out that I was your wife, why did she feel that she looked at you a little strangely? Doesn't she like you?"

Yuan Changqing retorted: "How is it possible? We are colleagues. We are both new teachers in the school last year."

"And we are in charge of the same class. He is the head teacher and I am the teaching assistant. We have a lot of contact with each other."

"So, it's normal to have a good relationship. Otherwise, don't think too much about how to teach students."

After hearing this, Wang Yuyan said seriously: "Brother Changqing, I didn't think much about it. Maybe it was my misunderstanding!"

"But Sister Catherine is so beautiful, so you are not tempted. If you were really together, I wouldn't say anything."

"It's a lie to say that I'm not moved. Isn't that a disease? But I already have you, and we both have children, so don't think nonsense."

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