Blue Silver Village.

When Yuan Changqing returned here again, two years had passed.

When Catherine and Wang Yuyan saw Yuan Changqing, they rushed over quickly, and the three of them hugged each other tightly.

After the three of them separated, Wang Yuyan asked with a hint of tears: "Brother Changqing, where have you been in the past two years? We haven't heard from you, and you haven't written back."

Yuan Changqing hugged Wang Yuyan again, patted her back gently and said, "I'm sorry for making you worry. It's my fault. Look, I'm back safely now!"


Later, Wang Yuyan asked again: "Husband, why are you so murderous? Most people don't dare to approach you."

Hearing Wang Yuyan's question, Yuan Changqing also knew that Catherine Dao had not told her family where she was going. Then, she looked at Catherine gratefully.

Then, Yuan Changqing took Catherine and Wang Yuyan to sit down together, then asked everyone else to sit down, and then told some of his own experiences.

Yuan Changqing looked at the crowd and said, "Actually, I went to the Killing City in the past two years. In order not to worry you, I didn't say anything when I left."

When Wang Yuyan heard about the Killing City, she exclaimed: "Brother Changqing, why didn't you tell us that you were going to the Killing City? It is said that it is very dangerous there."

Lan Ling also asked with a concerned look at this time: "Changqing, are you okay now? Are you injured?"

"Mom, don't worry, I'm fine. Look, I'm fine now!" After Yuan Changqing finished speaking, he stood up and jumped.

Grandpa saw that Yuan Changqing was okay. Although he complained a little about Yuan Changqing not telling his family clearly, he still came out to help rescue him and said: "Well, since Changqing is fine and nothing happened, everyone should be happy. However, Changqing Qing, you should avoid going to those dangerous places in the future. After all, you have a family, and you have to think about your wife and children."

Yuan Changqing said solemnly: "Grandpa, I understand. I will stay at home and accompany them well in the next time."

Next, Catherine also asked: "Husband, you haven't said anything about the murderous aura in you yet!"

So, Yuan Changqing explained: "The murderous aura you feel is actually a new realm I gained from the Killing City. It's just that I can't control it freely now. After a while, I can control the murderous aura. As long as I don't Once you open the realm, you won’t feel the murderous aura anymore.”

Everyone was also surprised. They did not expect Yuan Changqing to obtain another domain. You must know that a person cannot obtain a domain without special circumstances, unless you reach a titled Douluo. Also, like Wang Yuyan, because After taking the so-called immortal product Supreme Acacia Broken Heart Red, I was lucky enough to get a place in the Acacia field.

Even Yuan Changqing's Blue Silver Domain was awakened by sheer luck. Yuan Changqing guessed that it might be because he was the first to cultivate the Blue Silver Grass martial soul to Soul Saint on the Douluo Continent, and then he awakened the Blue Silver Domain. Domain, otherwise, why didn’t my sister-in-law wake up?

My sister-in-law said at this time: "My dear nephew, quickly, let everyone see your new field."

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "It's not possible now. I can't control the murderous aura in the Killing God Realm yet. If it is turned on, the murderous aura will easily hurt you."

Then, he added: "Oh, by the way, my new domain is called the Killing God Domain. Those murderous auras specifically attack the spirit and can disrupt people's spiritual perception."

The sister-in-law said disappointedly: "Okay, then wait until you can control your god of death realm, and then show us."

Grandpa said at this time: "Okay, everyone, don't be curious. Chang Qing just came back and is tired. Let him pay attention first."

Then, Yuan Changqing also gave Ye Guang the inner elixir of the ten-headed blazing sun snake that he obtained in the Killing City. Now Ye Guang is also a soul king. As for the use of the inner elixir, he also told him that his sister-in-law and his family of three knew After learning that the inner elixir was so useful, I was very grateful to Yuan Changqing.

Therefore, in the next two years, Yuan Changqing did not go anywhere and was busy controlling the Killing God Realm in Lanyin Village.

The method Yuan Changqing uses is also very simple. He usually just reads books, strikes iron, etc. He just tries not to think about other things and tries to calm down his heart and not let the murderous intention interfere with his spirit.

This was also a time to cultivate one's mind and nature, allowing oneself to return to normalcy. Slowly, the murderous aura that had not been tamed was also controlled by Yuan Changqing.

In the past two years, Yuan Changqing first spent a year controlling his murderous aura, allowing himself to fully control the realm of the God of Death.

In the second year, I practiced hard in the family's treasured land. Although I couldn't use soul skills and soul power in the killing city, I didn't say I couldn't practice.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing now has level 88 soul power, and has already caught up with Catherine. Now Catherine is also a level 88 Contra, and her uncle Ye Xiaofan is also a level 86 Contra. From absorbing soul rings to The soul bone was already level 82 at that time, and with the past few years, it has reached level 86.

Also, all the adults in the family are already soul masters at the Soul Saint level, and my sister-in-law has also reached level 79. She might become a Soul Douluo level soul master someday.

Moreover, the qi and blood golden elixir in Yuan Changqing's body is becoming more and more condensed, and golden lines are beginning to appear on it. The same is true for Catherine now.

Yuan Changqing thinks that he can practice so quickly because the "Eternal Spring Technique" and the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit are more complementary. After all, judging from the name of the skill, it seems to be consistent with the properties of Blue Silver Grass. They both have wood or life attributes. Attributes.

In addition, Yuan Changqing also feels that this technique has the smell of tiger balm. It is not a pure attribute technique, so no one in the family has any bad problems while practicing it.

After staying at home for two years, Yuan Changqing also wanted to visit Tiandou City. He hadn't seen Dugu Bo and his family for a long time.

"Yu Yan, Catherine, how about we go to Tiandou to stay for a while tomorrow. We haven't been there for several years, and I don't know what happened to Lao Duwu and Brother Dugu." Yuan Changqing suggested to the two of them.

Catherine also wanted to visit Tiandou City, but in the past two years, Yuan Changqing has not been there since he came back. Therefore, it has been more than two years since the last time I went there, and I miss her friends a little.

Catherine said: "Okay, I also miss my parents and my friends in Tiandou City."

Wang Yuyan also nodded her head in agreement.

Yuan Changqing said: "Okay, we will set off tomorrow, and I will also go and catch up with old friends."

"Hey, hubby, didn't you know that Uncle Dugu has a granddaughter now? He is so happy all day long. It's so fun." Catherine thought of Yuan Changqing's friends, then thought of Dugu Bo's situation, and said now The condition of old poison.

Yuan Changqing was stunned when he heard that Old Poison had another granddaughter. Then he immediately came back to his senses and said, "Oh, I have to congratulate Old Poison. I wonder what her name is?"

"My name is Dugu Yan, nicknamed Yanyan. She is four years old and so cute. Now Yuyan and I are both Yanyan's godmothers." Catherine added.

Hearing this, Yuan Changqing did not expect that Dugu Yan still appeared. Although he had an extra brother, it seemed that the timeline was back.

Tiandou City.

Yuan Changqing came to Tiandou City again with his two wives. It had been almost seven years since he last left.

After arriving at the manor in Tiandou City, I first went to see the family business here, and then went to Dugu Bo's house.

After seeing Yuan Changqing, Dugu Bo said: "Changqing, you are such a rare visitor. I didn't expect that I haven't seen you for a few years, but my strength has become higher again. It seems that I am not far away from being banned!"

"Hahaha, you're well, old poisonous creature. We haven't seen each other for almost seven years. No, I came to see you as soon as I came to Tiandou City to reminisce. I heard that you have lived a very happy life in the past few years. Ah!" Yuan Changqing also replied with a smile.

Then, he said to Dugu Xin: "Brother Dugu, long time no see. Congratulations. Now you have a son and a daughter."

Dugu Xin also smiled and said: "Hey, brother Yuan, it's been a long time indeed. I heard from Catherine and the others that you went out for training a few years ago."

"Yes, I went to the Killing City and stayed there for two years. After I came out, I rested at home for another two years."

Dugu Bo was also a little surprised and said: "Changqing, why did you go to the killing city? It is not a kind place."

Later, Yuan Changqing roughly talked about the situation in the Killing City. After listening to it, Dugubo and his son also took a breath. They did not expect that the situation in the Killing City was so bloody and tragic.

Later, I heard Dugubo and his son talk about some of the things that had happened over the years.

Dugu Bo said: "Recently, I heard something about Wuhun Palace. I don't know what Wuhun Palace is looking for. It has dispatched a large number of manpower to search the entire Douluo Continent."

Yuan Changqing also followed: "Oh, I didn't know about this. It seems that the news is behind! That old poison, have you heard anything?"

Duguxin said at this time: "Hey, Brother Yuan, you are asking the wrong person. It is too late for my father to take care of his grandchildren now. How can he have time to inquire about any news? These are all what I said when I got home."

Yuan Changqing asked again: "Brother Dugu, I will listen to you if you tell me."

"Hehe, I'm actually not very sure. I also heard about it. It seems to be related to Tang Hao of the Haotian Sect. It is said that it started from the beginning of this year. I don't know where it came from, saying that Tang Hao got a This treasure was found out by Wuhun Palace for some reason, so Wuhun Palace began to search for Tang Hao in Mandouluo Continent."

At first, Yuan Changqing didn't pay attention, but when he heard that Wuhun Palace was searching for Tang Hao everywhere, Yuan Changqing felt that it was probably about A Yin. Otherwise, Haotian Sect was the best sect in the world. With his reputation, Wuhun Palace would only go to trouble Tang Hao when it was full.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing has another guess, but he doesn't know whether it is true or not.

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