Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 131 Conspiracy

From what Dugu Xin said about Wuhun Palace searching for Tang Hao, Yuan Changqing felt that there must be some hidden things in this matter that everyone didn't know.

In terms of time, Ah Yin has been with Tang Hao in Douluo Continent for so long. How come he has not been discovered before, but he was discovered at this critical time.

Yuan Changqing guessed that at this point in time, Ah Yin should have entered the maturity stage. After transforming from a hundred thousand year soul beast into a human, it needs to go through three stages, namely the infancy stage, the maturity stage, and the god transformation stage.

If converted according to human soul master levels, the infancy period is from level 10 to level 69. This is also the most dangerous stage for soul beasts. As long as you reach Soul Douluo or Titled Douluo, you can discover the soul beast's true form.

If the maturity period is calculated according to the human soul master level, it is from level 70 to level 89. Only the soul beast at this stage can be regarded as a real human being. Even the powerful ones at the Title Douluo level will not discover the soul beast's body. .

The divine transformation stage is the third stage, which is equivalent to a human being above level 90. The soul beasts at this stage are like human titled Douluo, to attack the distant eternal life. In fact, to put it bluntly, they become gods.

Therefore, after Ah Yin enters the mature stage, it is impossible to be discovered.

After Ah Yin entered the mature stage, she also told Tang Hao, and she and Tang Hao naturally became husband and wife.

So now it seems that this year is almost the time for Tang San to come to Douluo Continent.

Therefore, it is now rumored that Tang Hao has obtained a treasure, isn't it? A hundred thousand year soul ring must be a treasure, so there must be a conspiracy in it.

As for who is setting up this plot, it is a bit intriguing, because as for A Yin being a soul beast, besides Tang Hao, there is only Tang Xiao.

Moreover, Tang Xiao can also be ruled out. After all, Tang Xiao and Tang Hao fell in love with A Yin at the same time before, but Tang Xiao finally quit.

So, the reason why A Yin was discovered is that Tang Hao took A Yin to meet his father Tang Zhen when A Yin had not yet entered the mature stage. However, Tang Zhen disagreed with the two of them, and Tang Zhen should have also discovered After all, Tang Zhen was a titled Douluo at that time.

However, perhaps because of Tang Hao's reasons, A Yin was not arrested, so Tang Hao took A Yin and left the Haotian Sect again.

Moreover, only Tang Zhen in the Haotian Sect knew A Yin's identity. If other people in the Haotian Sect knew A Yin's identity, A Yin might not be able to leave at that time.

After Tang Hao left, in order to prevent Tang Hao from being with a soul beast, in order to prevent their father-son relationship from being broken, and also for the sake of the hundred thousand year soul ring. Therefore, it is very likely that Tang Zhen personally set up this situation.

Therefore, after Tang Hao left Haotian Sect, the news about A Yin should have been released by Tang Zhen, but it was still released to Wuhun Palace, and other forces were not informed. This is also the reason why there is now a full fight in Wuhun Palace. Luo Dalu looks for Tang Hao.

At the beginning, Wuhun Palace must have found Tang Hao and A Yin, but those people were not strong enough, so they were still run away by Tang Hao. Now Tang Hao's strength is level 89, and ordinary people really can't defeat him. .

As for Ah Yin's death, it must be related to Tang Zhen. At that time, Ah Yin was already pregnant with Tang San and was about to give birth.

Therefore, Tang Hao wanted to return to the Haotian Sect so that his and A-Yin's children could live in the Haotian Sect in the future, so he wrote a letter to Tang Xiao and asked it to be handed over to his father Tang Zhen.

After Tang Zhen read the letter, he made another plan and secretly sent Tang Hao's return route map to Wuhun Palace.

After Wuhundian got the news, Pope Qianxunji led his people to stop Tang Hao on the way, but Tang Hao still ran away.

A Yin also gave birth to Tang San on the way to escape, but in the end she was caught up by Qian Xunji, and a big battle broke out between the two sides.

However, how could Tang Hao, who was still a Soul Douluo, be Qian Xunji's opponent? After all, there were several titled Douluo in the Wuhun Palace at that time.

In order to force A Yin to surrender, Qian Xunji threatened Tang Hao's life, and A Yin had no choice but to deliberately compromise. However, what Qian Xunji didn't expect was that after A Yin handed Tang San to Tang Hao, he directly sacrificed his life to Tang Hao. It was sacrificed to Tang Hao. The energy of the hundred thousand year soul beast when sacrificed was not easy to break. Tang Hao became a titled Douluo and directly beat Qian Xunji to serious injuries.

Perhaps, Tang Hao might have noticed something later, but Tang Zhen was already dead at that time. Death is like a lamp going out, so there is no point in pursuing the case. Besides, A Yin's death was also caused by Wuhun Palace. Tang Hao Just put it on Wuhundian's head.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing guessed that this conspiracy must have been set up by Tang Zhen, but what he didn't expect was that some other things happened later, which eventually led to the Haotian Sect being forced to close the mountain and retreat, and he was furious to death.

Yuan Changqing roughly guessed something in his mind at this time, but he didn't say much, so he had to follow Dugu Xin's words and said: "Judging from the intensity of the Wuhun Palace's search across Douluo Continent, it seems that this is a rare thing. One’s treasure!”

Dugu Xin added: "No matter how good the treasure is, let's not think about it. The current Wuhun Palace is very domineering. Haven't you seen that other forces on the mainland have not participated!"

"Moreover, even the Haotian Sect has not said anything. There must be something we don't know about."

The thing here is of course because of the hundred thousand year soul ring. Besides, even if Wuhun Palace finds Tang Hao, it will not kill him. Otherwise, it will trigger a war between the two major forces. This A little more confidence, the current Haotian Sect still has it.

Yuan Changqing said again: "Okay, Brother Dugu, these are none of our business. They are matters between Wuhun Palace and Haotian Sect. We don't need to worry about it."

"Hahaha, yes, we should just care about ourselves." Dugu Bo also said with a smile.

Then he said: "Changqing, how long do you plan to stay in Tiandou City this time?"

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "I don't know either. I'll tell at that time, but I will still stay in Tiandou City for a while."

"That's fine. We can get together more often when we have time. However, you can't leave today. We haven't had a drink together for several years. You must not come back drunk this time."

"Hahaha, no problem, let's see how I get you down."

After returning from Dugubo's house, I saw Catherine and Wang Yuyan also back.

Yuan Changqing asked: "My dear wives, where are you today?"

Wang Yuyan said: "Sister Catherine and I went to find Erlong today."

Yuan Changqing said: "I heard you say before that she has opened a school in Tiandou City. How is her school doing now?"

Catherine said at this time: "I think it's okay. Erlong's Lanba Academy only recruits civilian students. In addition, it has only been opened for a few years, so there is still a gap between it and those old high-end academies."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Indeed, in addition to the alternative Tiandou Royal Academy, there are several top-notch advanced soul master academies in the Tiandou Empire, such as the Five Elements Academy, which not only has teachers, but also resources. , it is indeed not comparable to the newly established colleges.”

"However, the people in this golden iron triangle really have something in common. Not to mention Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong and Flanders actually founded a high-level soul master academy. I just don't know about Flanders. How is the school going?"

"Hey, hubby, we do know a little bit about this. You said that Shrek Academy in Flanders is really weird. Although they don't recruit many students, as long as they recruit people with good talents, they are the resources of their school. Not very good," Catherine explained.

Later, Catherine added: "I just feel that Flanders' school has wasted the talents of those students. If those students were in other high-level soul master colleges, their development would definitely be better than theirs."

Yuan Changqing said: "You are right. People like Flanders are all monks on the way. They are definitely not as good as formal schools on how to teach students. Although their strength is good, the resources of the college determine it. Originally, the soul master In the early stage, sufficient resources are needed to help. Do you think Flanders and the others are people who have the money to buy these resources? Also, their Shrek Academy must not even have a martial soul mimicry training ground now! "

"Well, it's true not. What it was like when Flanders and the others first opened school, it's not much different now."

Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "Hahaha, it seems that it is really possible that Flender can do this."

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's take a rest early."

In the next period of time, Yuan Changqing went to Tiandou Royal Academy to have a look. Now Meng Shenji is the chief of the academy. Together with Zhilin and Bai Baoshan, the two second-ranking officers, they form the top management of Tiandou Royal Academy. .

Although Yuan Changqing is no longer an official teacher of Tiandou Royal Academy, he still has the name of an honorary teacher. Now that he is in Tiandou City, he should take a look.

Also, I found some teachers I had good relationships with before and had dinner together to reminisce about old times and so on.

In this way, after Yuan Changqing settled his previous relationship, he settled down to live peacefully in Tiandou City.

Moreover, on Douluo Continent, there are rumors from time to time that Wuhun Palace is chasing Tang Hao. Up to now, Wuhun Palace has not captured him. It seems that he is still capable. He is worthy of being the future Haotian Douluo. , really good at hiding.

You must know that the Wuhun Palace has an intelligence network all over the Douluo Continent. As soon as you show up, you will be easily traced. Moreover, even Pope Qian Xunji has to start patrolling the Douluo Continent from time to time.

However, Yuan Changqing guessed that at this time, Tang Hao and A Yin must be hiding in a relatively remote village, or the place where A Yin was planted by Tang Hao after A Yin died. After all, it was not far from the Holy Soul Village. , the environment is beautiful and it is convenient to purchase supplies.

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