Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 146 Land of Opportunity

The different feelings of the three people also show that this place has different feelings for different people.

For a metallic martial soul like Catherine, she is very friendly, so she feels very comfortable here.

Yuan Changqing said: "Catherine, judging from your situation, the thing attacking our consciousness sea here is most likely emitted by an unknown metallic thing. Otherwise, why can we feel that the attack on our consciousness sea feels like It feels like being pricked with needles.”

"Besides, there might be an opportunity here for you, so now let's search carefully here to see if there is anything hidden that we haven't discovered."

Catherine heard this and said: "If there is really a chance, then we really have to look for it carefully, otherwise we will suffer a big loss!"

"Hehe, sister Catherine, if you lose, you may lose." Wang Yuyan said with a smile.

Yuan Changqing also smiled and said: "Catherine, since you feel special about this place, then search carefully and you may find something."

After hearing what Yuan Changqing said, Catherine looked around and felt that they were all the same. She said with some distress: "Husband, look, everything here is the same. How can I find it?"

Yuan Changqing added: "How else can I find it? I can only search slowly. However, Catherine, you can follow your feeling. After all, you feel different here. Maybe you can find it quickly."

Catherine could only nod, and then started looking for it seriously.

However, after Catherine followed Yuan Changqing and Wang Yuyan to search for a while, none of the three found anything.

So, just like Yuan Changqing said, he started looking for it according to his feeling, and then, he unknowingly came to a place where the surface of the mountain was very flat. Looking up from the ground, the surface of the mountain was very flat, as if it had been used by someone. It looks like it was cut with a knife.

Upon seeing this, Yuan Changqing and Wang Yuyan came to Catherine together. Yuan Changqing asked: "Catherine, have you discovered anything?"

After hearing this, Catherine nodded and said: "I don't know if that's true or not. I just followed my feeling like you just said, so I came here. I found that there are some differences between this place and other places. It’s like there’s something inside this mountain that’s attracting me.”

When Yuan Changqing heard what Catherine said, he started touching the mountain with his hands.

Then he said to Catherine and Wang Yuyan: "You should also look for it. Maybe there is something hidden here, but we just haven't discovered it."


Then, the three of them started knocking here, and soon, Wang Yuyan made a discovery.

Wang Yuyan exclaimed: "Brother Changqing, sister Catherine, come over and take a look, I have discovered something here."

Catherine hurried over and asked, "Sister Yuyan, what did you find?"

Wang Yuyan saw that the two people came over after hearing her shout.

Seeing that Catherine was a little anxious, Wang Yuyan replied: "I feel that the mountain may be empty. When I knocked just now, there was an empty sound of "dong dong dong". You can try it now and see if it is like this." .”

"Dong dong dong!"

Later, Yuan Changqing and Catherine went to try it separately. As Wang Yuyan said, the mountain was indeed empty.

Yuan Changqing said: "Maybe there is a space like a secret room in here, and there may be things Catherine needs in it. Everyone is looking here to see if there are any switches or anything like that."

Yuan Changqing and the other three groped for a while, but didn't find any switches.

Yuan Changqing also said doubtfully at this time: "This is impossible and makes no sense. Is there no space at all here, but is it just that this place can make such a sound?"

Yuan Changqing's words also made the two women think that this was a mistake.

Later, Yuan Changqing knocked on other mountains and found that there was no sound.

So, Yuan Changqing said again: "We are looking for it. There must be a space in that place. It seems that we haven't found it yet."

Then, Yuan Changqing and the others continued to search around separately, but still couldn't find it. This made the three of them a little frustrated. After searching for a long time, they still couldn't find it.

Catherine said at this time: "Husband, do you think the entrance is not here at all? There is another entrance. That's why we didn't find the switch of the mechanism here!"

Wang Yuyan also nodded and said: "Brother Changqing, I also think Sister Catherine is right, otherwise we would have searched all over here and why couldn't we find it!"

It would have been easy to find it by relying on mental power. Yuan Changqing and the other three had tried it before. However, there seemed to be something interfering with the mental power detection here. Therefore, it was not good to use mental power to detect it here. Made it.

When Yuan Changqing heard what the two women said, he also felt that there might really be other entrances. The three of them searched all over and couldn't find it. Maybe they were looking in the wrong place, so they couldn't find anything.

So, Yuan Changqing said again: "Maybe there are other entrances as you two said, then let's look around here to see if there are any caves or the like."

In the next few days, Yuan Changqing and the three of them spent time here, looking for the entrance nearby during the day, and leaving this weird place at night to rest outside.

Outside the edge of the strange place, Yuan Changqing and the others set up a large tent. This is where the three of them rested in the past few days.

At this time, the three of them gathered inside the tent. After searching for several days, the three of them felt that there was no hope of finding the entrance again.

Although the area of ​​this weird place is not too big, it is not small either. Moreover, the mountains here are towering, which makes it more difficult for the three of them to find the possible entrance.

Catherine sat on a blanket and said: "Husband, sister Yuyan, let's go look for it tomorrow. If we still can't find it, then let's leave. I think there may not be any opportunities here, but there must be some." What special thing creates such a weird place.”

Yuan Changqing also sighed at this time and said: "Okay, then we will look for it for another day tomorrow. If we can't find it, we will leave. It's just a pity. It seems that we can only come back next time when we have a chance."

Catherine was also a little disappointed at this time. She could clearly feel that there might really be an opportunity here that she needed, but now it was a treasure trove that was unavailable, and she felt a little irritable in her heart.

Catherine also said in frustration: "Husband, I really feel in the past few days that there may be an opportunity for me here, but I can't find it no matter how hard I look!"

At this time, Yuan Changqing had no choice but to comfort him: "Okay, just because we couldn't find it this time, it doesn't mean we can't find it when we look for it next time. Maybe the opportunity hasn't come yet, so we didn't find it this time."

"Also, this place is right here, and it can't escape. We'll have plenty of time to come back and look for it later."

Wang Yuyan also came over to comfort Catherine at this time and said, "Yes, sister Catherine, maybe we can find it easily next time we come looking for her."

Another day, Yuan Changqing and the others entered the strange place again and continued to search for the entrance.

After almost another day of searching, the three of them returned to the mountain wall to meet up.

Catherine saw Yuan Changqing and Wang Yuyan and asked, "Husband, sister Yuyan, have you found the entrance?"

Yuan Changqing and Wang Yuyan shook their heads at the same time, saying that they had not found them.

When Yuan Changqing saw Catherine's expression, he knew that she hadn't found it either, so he comforted him: "Katherine, forget it if you haven't found it. Let's go back first and come back next time."

"Well, damn it, why can't I find it!" Catherine said and punched the mountain wall.


At this time, a "click" was heard. Yuan Changqing and the other three looked for sound at the same time, and saw a crack appearing on the mountain.

Yuan Changqing quickly pulled Catherine and Wang Yuyan back and said, "Is this the correct way to open the entrance?"

Catherine was also confused at this time. She didn't expect that she just wanted to vent her anger and punched her, and it was really possible to find a way to open the entrance.

Yuan Changqing added at this time: "It seems that this place is probably artificially arranged. Otherwise, we would not have found the entrance after searching for so long. Instead, the entrance is right in front of us."

Then, he looked at the two women and said, "Let's use soul skills first and then attack this place to see what's going on."

Catherine said: "Then let me do it. I also want to see what happened and let us waste so many days in vain."

"The sixth soul skill, Golden Wing Slash."

The two long knives formed by the wings of the golden eagle martial spirit struck directly on the mountain wall.


At this time, things began to fall from the mountain wall. After a burst of dust dispersed, there was a hole, exposed in front of Yuan Changqing and the others.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Changqing said: "It seems that this place has been artificially arranged. No wonder this mountain wall looks so flat."

Catherine also said: "Yes, I just don't know who set it up and how it was arranged. From the outside, it looks just like the real thing, making it impossible for people to detect it."

Yuan Changqing said: "Of course you can't detect it. It's not like you haven't tried it before. There is strong mental interference here. Otherwise, we wouldn't have spent so much effort looking for it. Moreover, you found it accidentally. Look. It's really your chance to come here, otherwise, we were all ready to leave, but a turning point suddenly appeared."

"Haha, this shows that my luck is pretty good, and this opportunity has not gone away from me." At this time, Catherine said happily.

Wang Yuyan said: "Okay, let's go see what's going on here first. Sister Catherine may not be able to wait any longer, hehe."

"Well, let's go then!"

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