Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 147 Golden Lotus

As the entrance appeared, Yuan Changqing and the others waited outside for a while, then went in directly to see what was hidden inside that could make Catherine yearn for it.

This time it was Catherine who took the lead. After all, she had a strong feeling about this place.

Walking into the passage inside, after walking for a certain distance, there is a staircase in front of you, which leads to the ground below.

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "It is very likely that this place was laid out at some time before, and there are obvious traces of manual excavation here."

Catherine said: "Tell me, is this a ruins or something? There are still many places like ruins on Douluo Continent, but this one has not been discovered yet."

Yuan Changqing thought for a while and said: "Maybe, but why do you feel like you have a chance here? Is there something in this ruins that is attracting you?"

Catherine shook her head and said, "Then we won't know what it is until we find it."

Yuan Changqing and the other two people climbed down the stairs step by step. The situation inside was the same as the outside. The walls were all white. They didn't know if this was the original color or if it was caused by some reason.

After walking up an unknown number of stairs, there is another straight passage in front of me. I don’t know why, but after walking into this passage, I feel like I’m on edge.

Yuan Changqing felt something was wrong, so he quickly said: "Catherine, be careful, I feel something is wrong, as if something is targeting us, we should activate the defensive soul skills first, just in case something unexpected happens."

"The fourth soul skill, double golden shields."

After Catherine heard what Yuan Changqing said, she quickly added defensive soul skills to herself.

"The sixth soul skill, blue silver diamond shield."

Yuan Changqing also activated his defensive soul skills and protected himself and Wang Yuyan in the shield.

The three of them had just walked for a while when they heard a sound coming from the front of the passage, and then something hit Catherine's defensive shield.

After noticing the movement, Yuan Changqing quickly asked: "Catherine, what's going on?"

Catherine replied: "Husband, you really hit the mark. There is a mechanism in front that can shoot arrows. Fortunately, I defended myself in advance, otherwise I might have been injured."

Yuan Changqing said: "It seems that this is to prevent someone from entering. Our journey may not be so easy. You should pay more attention in front and be careful."

"Well, I understand. You protect sister Yuyan, and I will be careful." Catherine replied.

Fortunately, the next section of the passage was only attacked by arrows, and no other attacks were encountered. Yuan Changqing and the others passed through smoothly and came to another set of stairs.

Yuan Changqing added: "Now we encounter such a staircase again. I don't know how many floors there are in front of us. Moreover, the attacks we encounter may become stronger as we go down. We must stay vigilant now. "

Catherine also said: "Yes, it seems that we can only get through this."

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "Katherine, you should go to the back to protect Yu Yan. I will go to the front. If the attack is too strong later, I will just put on the armor."

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing and Catherine changed positions, and then Yuan Changqing held the forging hammer in his hand. In this not very spacious passage, sometimes using a hammer to attack may be more effective.

When they came to another passage, sure enough, not far away, they heard another sound of breaking through the air. When Yuan Changqing's blue silver shield was shaken for a while, he saw that spears were being fired continuously. On the shield, Yuan Changqing saw that his defense was not broken, so he kept maintaining his defensive soul skills.

The attacks in the first two levels don't seem to be very powerful, but they are a bit difficult to guard against. If you are not prepared, you may be hit, but you don't know what kind of attacks you will face later.

Then, in the next few levels, Yuan Changqing and the three of them were attacked by fire attacks, freezing attacks, lightning strikes, etc. However, these were resolved by the three of them one by one.

After arriving at a staircase again, Yuan Changqing said: "It is indeed getting more and more dangerous behind here, and the ones arranged here are all soul guidance formations. It seems that it is quite a long time ago. I didn't expect it. These soul guidance formations are actually still functioning, and I feel that they still have some power. If it hadn't been too long, we might not have been able to break through so easily."

Wang Yuyan asked: "Brother Changqing, why are these soul guidance formations so rare in Douluo Continent now?"

Catherine also asked: "Yes, we have never seen these formations we encountered today outside. What's going on?"

Yuan Changqing still knows something about it from the memory of his previous life. Anyway, there are different opinions and various speculations. Some say that the development of soul guides on Douluo Continent was very brilliant at that time, and even soul guides that could threaten the existence of gods were created. The weapon was destroyed by the gods. From then on, the knowledge about soul guidance devices began to decline on the Douluo Continent. However, Yuan Changqing felt that this possibility was very low.

There is also a theory that at that time, because the development of soul guidance devices reached its peak, the forces of all parties began to expand, and a great war broke out. This directly led to the later ban on the development of soul guidance devices and the ban on the spread of soul guidance devices. Knowledge of soul tools is also because of this. As time goes by, fewer and fewer people know how to make soul tools. Until now, no one in Douluo Continent can make soul tools. Even if they understand, That is to say, those life-oriented soul guides, haven't you seen that even space rings and the like are excavated from some ruins?

However, whether these are true or not, it is already past history, and no one can tell whether it is true or false.

Yuan Changqing shook his head at this time and said: "I don't know, maybe there is some reason, so there is a lack of knowledge in this area, and there are only some soul tools used in daily life that can still be used. I have made them, but they are just relatively simple.”

Catherine also nodded and said: "Yes, compared with these here, it is simply not worth mentioning."

Yuan Changqing said again: "Well, the fact is that even if there are no soul guides, Douluo Continent still has soul masters, and it is still developing as usual, so we don't need to pay attention to these. Besides, don't our family also have some soul guides? Do you have any knowledge about appliances? This is enough for you to learn at home.”

Catherine nodded and said: "Well, that's true. Learning the knowledge of these soul tools is still very time-consuming and energy-consuming. I'd better practice my soul power."

After Yuan Changqing and the others rested here for a while, they set off again. After walking up the stairs, they came to a huge palace-like space with many huge pillars supporting the space.

After arriving here, Yuan Changqing felt that maybe this was the destination.

So, he said: "Maybe this is the place we are looking for, but we still have to be careful. Maybe there are arrangements here that we don't know about, waiting for us!"

Catherine and Wang Yuyan nodded at this time and carefully observed the surroundings to see if there was anything they had overlooked.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing and the other three cautiously continued to pass through this palace-like space. When they walked inside, they saw many statues that looked like guards.

Wang Yuyan looked at these statues and said, "There are so many statues here! They are like guards here, guarding this place."

After Yuan Changqing heard this, he had a guess in his heart. Maybe these statues must be the levels here.

So, Yuan Changqing said: "Be careful, these statues may not be simple, and they may be our last obstacle."

After saying that, Yuan Changqing directly picked up the forging hammer, came to a statue, and smashed it down with the hammer.

Sure enough, just after Yuan Changqing hit the statue, something like a stone skin wrapped around it fell off and started to move.

Yuan Changqing felt that this might be a soul guide similar to a puppet, but it was wrapped in something by the maker and kept here.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Changqing quickly said: "It seems that we need to deal with these statues before we can move forward."

Saying that, Yuan Changqing did not use soul skills, but directly used the forging hammer and continued to step forward and start attacking.

The surrounding statues may be because the first statue woke up, and they gradually showed their true colors.

At this time, Catherine and Wang Yuyan also joined the ranks of attacking the statue.

These statues also started fighting the three of them with the weapons in their hands, including knives, swords, and soul guides similar to soul guide guns.

However, perhaps because of the long time lapse, the strength of these statues was greatly reduced. After a while, they were solved by Yuan Changqing and the others.

Then the three of them continued walking inside and came to a place that looked like an altar. They saw a golden lotus growing there.

Yes, it is a living thing that grows. This also made Yuan Changqing and the others not expect that they would encounter a golden lotus growing here deep in the ground.

Yuan Changqing said: "Catherine, is this golden lotus your opportunity?"

Catherine also looked at the golden lotus and replied: "Yes, I can feel that this golden lotus is my opportunity, and it may also be my opportunity to become a titled Douluo."

Then, Catherine added: "Husband, I think I need to practice here for a while. I feel that if I practice here, I will be promoted to Titled Douluo soon, so we need to stay here for a while."

When Yuan Changqing heard what Catherine said, he was also a little surprised and asked: "What you said is true, Catherine, can it really help you advance to the Title Douluo?"

Catherine also said happily: "Well, and just now, I felt like this golden lotus was sending me some message, so I need to stay here for a while."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "In this case, let's wait here until you become a Titled Douluo before leaving. After all, your becoming a Titled Douluo is more important, and other things can be put aside."

"Well, husband, I now know why I feel comfortable coming to this place. This golden lotus is a metallic lotus, so it is of great help to my cultivation. It is also because of this, I will say that this place will allow me to reach Titled Douluo faster." Catherine explained how she felt when she came to this place before.

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Okay, Catherine, you can practice here quickly. Yuyan and I are waiting for you in the main hall outside."


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