Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 180 Xiao Wu’s Behavior

Dai Mubai's actions were completely exposed in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes. In response to his letting go of himself, Zhu Zhuqing also gave up the last bit of persistence in his heart.

After Yuan Hailan and Zhu Zhuqing returned to Lanyin Village again, Zhu Zhuqing returned to his room on the pretext of feeling unwell.

Yuan Hailan also noticed Zhu Zhuqing's abnormality and had some guesses in his mind.

Thinking of what his father Yuan Changqing told him, and also going to the Rose Hotel today, Yuan Hailan felt that the blond man he saw today might be the person Zhu Zhuqing was looking for, but he didn't expect that he was quite good at playing.

Thinking of Zhu Zhuqing's performance, Yuan Hailan was also very happy knowing that she would not go to Dai Mubai again.

After Yuan Hailan and Zhu Zhuqing left the Rose Hotel, Dai Mubai also took the twin girls into the Rose Hotel.

But after entering, Dai Mubai discovered that the room that he had reserved for a long time had been given to another guest by the staff here, and that person happened to be still checking in.

Seeing this, Dai Mubai couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to take the room back.

The people checking in were Tang San and Xiao Wu who had just arrived from Notting City.

Xiao Wu didn't know if it was because he was a spirit beast before. In the Star Dou Forest, there were two hundred thousand year old spirit beast brothers from the Ming Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. They developed a character that was not afraid of anything.

However, after coming to the human world, his character of being fearless has not changed much, and he will take action whenever he disagrees.

This is similar to Xiao Wu being a sister at Notting City Junior Soul Master Academy for six years.

Moreover, Xiao Wu is still in the infancy stage of the spirit beast turning into a human being. If Notting City was a small town and there were not many powerful people there, Xiao Wu would not have been able to live such a comfortable life for six years.

However, this time Tang San followed Yu Xiaogang's arrangement and went to school at Shrek Academy in Soto City, and Xiao Wu also came with him. This could be regarded as stepping out of the small place of Notting City and heading towards Douluo Continent. The first step has been taken.

Maybe it was Xiao Wu's six years of living in Notting City that gave her the illusion that she had lived in human society for so long without being discovered, and that she would not be discovered when she went to other places. Or maybe Xiao Wu had a lucky mentality. Bar.

After arriving in a big city like Soto City, Xiao Wu still looked fearless, fearing that others would not know that there was such a person as Sister Xiao Wu.

Although in the original work, Xiao Wu was not discovered in Soto City, you are still in your infancy. Shouldn't you keep a low profile in human society?

Even if Yuan Changqing's family is not involved, Xiao Wu lived in Soto City and participated in so many battles in the Great Soul Fighting Arena. The Shrek team also made a lot of noise in Soto City. Could it be that Didn't it attract any attention?

You know, almost everyone in the Shrek team is a genius. It is impossible not to attract attention. However, even because of Ning Rongrong, Xiao Wu is still at great risk of being exposed. !

So, the most likely reason for this is Tang Hao. He directly helped Xiao Wu solve or blocked the possibility of being discovered to be a soul beast.

When Xiao Wu saw Dai Mubai's arrogance, she immediately became unwilling and fought him back.

Dai Mubai also fired back, and in the end, the two sides decided the ownership of the room in a duel, and Tang San was the winner in the end.

Although Dai Mubai's spirit master level is higher than Tang San, Tang San relies on the unique skills that Tang San secretly learned in his previous life. Dai Mubai's three spirit skills are still not enough.

At this point, Dai Mubai has finally met the person who changed his destiny. However, he also lost the most important person in his life because of Yuan Changqing's appearance in this world.

After Zhu Zhuqing returned to her residence, she also thought about the past six years. She originally thought that Dai Mubai would be able to practice with peace of mind after he escaped from Star Luo City and had a relaxed environment.

However, what Zhu Zhuqing didn't expect was that Dai Mubai still acted like he couldn't hold up the wall, and the last trace of expectation in his heart disappeared.

Based on what he saw today and some speculations in his mind, Yuan Hailan felt that he could step up his offensive against Zhu Zhuqing.

So, after finding Zhu Zhuqing, Yuan Hailan said straight to the point: "Zhuqing, we are going to Soto City today. Did you see the person you were looking for?"

After hearing Yuan Hailan's questions and some of his performances today, Zhu Zhuqing also knew that maybe Yuan Hailan had discovered something unusual about himself and asked himself this question!

Zhu Zhuqing nodded and said, "Yes, Brother Hailan, I have persisted for the past six years, but in exchange for his Dai Mubai's feasting and feasting in Soto City."

"Moreover, in order to find him, I was chased all the way and almost died on the way. Brother Hailan, tell me, am I worth it? Woohoo!"

As he talked, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help crying as he thought about the hardships he had suffered in the past six years.

Upon seeing this, Yuan Hailan hurriedly took Zhu Zhuqing's hand and comforted him: "Zhuqing, now that you have seen Dai Mubai's true face clearly, you can escape as soon as possible. You still have a choice."

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Yuan Hailan with a hint of hope and asked: "Brother Hailan, do I really have a choice? You have to know that not everyone can fight against an empire. I know your feelings for me, and I also I want to promise you and be with you."

"However, I can't be so selfish and let you and your family get into this ridiculous dispute in order to survive!"

Yuan Hailan was very moved when she heard that Zhu Zhuqing was still thinking about herself.

So, Yuan Hailan said: "Zhuqing, don't worry, as long as you make a decision, no one can make things difficult for you. I know you still don't believe what I say now, but I can prove it to you."

Then, Yuan Hailan pulled Zhu Zhuqing out of the room.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing asked, "Brother Hailan, where are you taking me with you?"

Yuan Hailan pulled Zhu Zhuqing and said: "Zhuqing, I will take you to meet someone who can make you make up your mind and let you make a choice."

When Yuan Hailan took Zhu Zhuqing to find Yuan Changqing, Yuan Changqing was with Wang Yuyan and Catherine.

After seeing Yuan Hailan and Zhu Zhuqing, Catherine asked: "Hailan, Zhuqing, why are you here, and you still look anxious? Is there something wrong?"

Yuan Changqing and Wang Yuyan also looked over, so Yuan Hailan told what he and Zhu Zhuqing saw when they went to Soto City today.

Yuan Hailan replied: "Mom, today Zhuqing and I went to Soto City and saw some of Dai Mubai's actions. Therefore, after returning, Zhuqing was a little depressed."

After Yuan Hailan explained everything, Catherine looked at Yuan Changqing, who nodded, indicating that he could give Zhu Zhuqing reassurance.

So, Catherine stepped forward, pulled Zhu Zhuqing to sit next to her, and asked: "Zhuqing, under such circumstances, you can still think about not wanting to involve Hailan and our family. Auntie is really happy. It shows that you are not a selfish person, but a good girl."

"But what Auntie wants to tell you now is that the worries in your heart are unnecessary. Our family is not afraid of the revenge of the Star Luo Empire royal family and the Zhu family. Besides, this is not the Star Luo Empire. They want to take revenge on our family. , but also to see if he has that strength."

For some readers who talked about the age gap between Zhu Zhuqing and Yuan Hailan, they just felt that Zhu Zhuqing's choice in the original work was a bit pity, so they gave Zhu Zhuqing another choice. How can I put it? As for the age gap, it can be regarded as an improvement. It’s fun!

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