Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 181 Nether Civet Cat

Zhu Zhuqing was also a little surprised after hearing what Catherine said, although he knew from Yuan Hailan before that Yuan Hailan's family must be quite powerful.

However, now that Catherine has said that she is not afraid of the joint revenge of the Star Luo Empire royal family and the Zhu family, there must be a big gap between the strength of Yuan Hailan's family and what she had guessed.

Catherine looked at Zhu Zhuqing's confused eyes and glanced at Yuan Hailan.

Seeing this, Yuan Hailan knew it was time to speak for himself, and then said: "Zhuqing, what my mother said is the truth. Our family is not weak now!"

Seeing the doubt in Zhu Zhuqing's eyes when he looked at him, Yuan Hailan continued: "In our family, my father and mother are both powerful people at the Title Douluo level."

After Zhu Zhuqing heard Yuan Hailan's words, he was also very shocked. He did not expect that such a small village as Lanyin Village would house a powerful person of the Title Douluo level.

So, Zhu Zhuqing quickly asked: "Aunt Catherine, is what Brother Hailan said true? Are you and uncle both powerful Titled Douluo?"

Yuan Changqing and Catherine both smiled and nodded, confirming that they were both titled Douluo.

"Oh my god, it's unbelievable. I originally guessed that your family's strength might include Contra Douluo, but I didn't expect that there are even two Titled Douluo." Zhu Zhuqing said incoherently.


Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's look, everyone laughed. Yuan Hailan continued: "Zhuqing, you are wrong. Not only my father and mother are Titled Douluo in our family, but my sister-in-law is also a Titled Douluo. It's just that You haven’t seen it yet.”

"Ah, there is also a Titled Douluo. This is" Zhu Zhuqing didn't know how to describe it.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't expect Yuan Hailan to say that there was a Titled Douluo in his family. This was a bit outrageous. Is it so easy to achieve a Titled Douluo? Three of them appeared in Yuan Hailan's family.

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "Zhuqing, you can rest assured now. Your problems are not a problem to our family. You can practice and live here with peace of mind. If there is anyone in the Star Luo Empire, If you dare to trouble you, we will naturally come to help you solve it."

Zhu Zhuqing also temporarily recovered from the shock in his heart, and worked hard to calm the shock in his heart.

Then, Zhu Zhuqing replied: "Uncle, I understand. I never thought you were so strong before, and I am in trouble, so I am a little hesitant."

"Well, if you can think this way, it means that you are thinking about Hai Lan and you are serious about it." Yuan Changqing nodded with satisfaction at Zhu Zhuqing's idea.

Then, Catherine took Zhu Zhuqing's hand, and then pulled Yuan Hailan's hand over, and put their hands together. In an instant, Zhu Zhuqing's face turned red.

Seeing this, Catherine smiled and said: "Now that the problems have been solved, then, Hailan and Zhuqing, the matter between you two has been decided."


Yuan Hailan and Zhu Zhuqing nodded in agreement at the same time, but Zhu Zhuqing was a girl after all. She lowered her head and blushed as if she had a fever, feeling a little embarrassed.

After seeing what had happened, Yuan Changqing said again: "Hailan, you should go back with Zhuqing first. You can tell Zhuqing some basic situations at home."

"I understand, dad, mom, aunt, I will go back with Zhuqing first."

After Yuan Hailan finished speaking, Zhu Zhuqing also said hello quickly and left quickly with Yuan Hailan.

After watching the two people leave, Yuan Changqing said to Wang Yuyan: "Yuyan, Hailan's personal problem has been solved now. Qinglan's matter has to put some pressure on him. Now, he is surpassed by his younger brother."

Wang Yuyan also nodded and said: "Yes, we didn't care about him before, but now that we are older, it's time to talk about him."

Catherine also said: "Yes, sister Yuyan, let me give you an idea. Isn't it that the continent-wide soul master competition will start in a year? The students recruited by Tianshui College are all beautiful girls. I think by then We can go to Tiandou City and have a look, maybe we can help Qinglan find a suitable one."

Hearing Catherine's words, Wang Yuyan's eyes suddenly lit up and she said: "Yeah, why didn't I think of that? I heard that in addition to the attribute requirements, Tianshui College's admission requirements also require beauty. So, there must be many Beautiful girl, I must go and see it next year.”

Then, Wang Yuyan asked again: "Brother Changqing, what do you think?"

Yuan Changqing replied: "Okay, if Qinglan has the ability, I don't have any objection to finding a few more."

Wang Yuyan nodded and said: "Then let's make preparations first and go to Tiandou City in advance before the start of the Soul Master Competition next year."

Yuan Changqing and Catherine both agreed.

Then, Catherine asked: "Husband, what plans do you have for cultivating Zhuqing? Although Zhuqing's current strength is considered a little genius at her age, it is not as good as those real talents." Compared with geniuses, there is still a big gap."

After hearing what Catherine said, Yuan Changqing also began to recall the memory of Zhu Zhuqing's martial spirit in his mind.

Because the Zhu family and the Dai family in the Star Luo Empire have martial soul fusion skills, there is an almost fixed range for obtaining soul rings and hunting soul beasts. Only in this way can the white tiger martial soul and the ghost spirit cat martial spirit be guaranteed. It can achieve the greatest degree of compatibility, so that the two martial arts can be well integrated.

However, according to some speculations of Yuan Changqing, it was because of this that the maximum potential of the two spirits could not be brought out for the sake of one spirit fusion skill.

You know, in Yuan Changqing's previous life, the white tiger was the four-elephant sacred beast, the divine king in charge of the western armies.

However, on the Douluo Continent, the White Tiger did not show its due strength at all. Even a hybrid dragon like the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus was able to claim the title of the best attack-type beast spirit in the world.

Although the White Tiger Spirit is also a powerful beast spirit, it is not as famous as the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex.

Let’s not talk about the White Tiger Spirit for now, but what about the Nether Civet Spirit?

You know, it is not simple to usually have the word "netherworld", but a creature like a cat is born for the night, and its ghostly eyes can be seen at night.

With the word Nether, you can know that this is like the messenger of death.

Moreover, there is also a saying that cats have nine lives, which is enough to show that some cat species have very high levels.

As for Zhu Zhuqing's Nether Cat Spirit, just like the White Tiger Spirit mentioned earlier, it is very likely that he gave up its potential for the spirit fusion skill.

Or perhaps, after the Zhu family and the Dai family discovered that the two martial arts could be fused, they did not explore and develop the routes that originally belonged to their respective martial arts.

However, as far as Yuan Changqing is concerned, the path that Zhu Zhuqing's Nether Civet Spirit needs to take should be towards the shadow or death system.

The dark system can enhance the attack power, which is a bit like the direction of the strong attack system. The soul power can have strong corrosiveness and adhesion.

After all, there is no right or wrong attribute, and the dark attribute does not allow you to absorb blood to improve your strength like the evil soul master.

The shadow system is easy to understand. It is also a sensitive attack system. However, it is better at concealment. It is like an assassin. If it misses a hit, it will escape thousands of miles away, or it will hit with one hit.

The death system lies in the aspect of life, and its attack power is also strong, which can cause great damage.

The above three methods, plus the Zhu Zhuqing family's own soul ring selection method, are all different.

So, regarding Catherine's consideration, Yuan Changqing replied: "We still need to talk to Zhuqing about this first. I have also considered the route her martial arts will take. I will decide after asking her opinion!"

Catherine also nodded and said, "That's good. I'll ask Hai Lan to tell her when the time comes."


At Shrek Academy, Tang San and Xiao Wu also successfully entered school, and Ning Rongrong also came to Shrek Academy.

However, something is different this time. Zhu Zhuqing has another choice, and the Shrek Seven Monsters have now become Six Monsters.

Moreover, Ning Rongrong still had a little witch-like personality. On the first day of school, she failed to complete the task assigned to her by Flanders and ran to Soto City for a big meal.

Later, she showed her image of a little witch to the fullest in Shrek Academy. She looked like a little girl and made the other students dumbfounded.

Although Ning Rongrong was mercilessly criticized by Flanders in the end, she still chose to stay, but was temporarily isolated from other students.

After talking about how to train Zhu Zhuqing before, Yuan Hailan brought her to meet Yuan Changqing again.

Yuan Changqing asked: "Zhuqing, now you can be said to have left the Zhu family and the Star Luo Empire. So, what considerations do you have for the development of your martial soul?"

Yuan Changqing's words made Zhu Zhuqing a little confused. In her impression, didn't the martial soul follow the Zhu family's previous plan, and then, after practicing to the point of advancement in strength, wouldn't it be enough to add a soul ring? Is there any other way to say it?

So, Zhu Zhuqing asked: "Uncle, my martial soul's soul ring has been planned in my family for a long time. I can just practice it step by step. Listen to what you said, is there anything wrong with this? ?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "I know a little bit about your family's plans. Also, the reason why your Zhu family and the Dai family of the Star Luo Empire have always been the candidates for emperor and queen is because of the martial arts of your two families. With martial soul fusion skills, after becoming a couple, the increase in strength can effectively act as a deterrent."

"Well, what my uncle said is true. This is indeed the case. This is also the reason why the Zhu family's martial spirit is not an outstanding one among the beast martial spirits, but the Zhu family can be ranked among the top families in the Star Luo Empire." Zhu Zhuqing After hearing what Yuan Changqing said, he replied.

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