Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 191 Situation

Yuan Changqing listened to Zhu Zhuqing's opinions and agreed. The reason why he did not consider these in advance was mainly because he needed to train for a while before thinking about it.

Now that Zhu Zhuqing has brought it up, it doesn't matter much if you think about it in advance.

However, it can be seen from here that although Zhu Zhuqing is young, he comes from a big family and has been exposed to it since childhood, so he still knows some of the truths very well.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing said: "Zhuqing's suggestion is very good. Although for a soul master, the war horse will affect the combat effectiveness during battle, but for ordinary people, it can greatly improve the combat effectiveness."

"However, we have just started to form the knights now. We can do it step by step and first arrange some war horses for the Blue Silver Knights."

"As for the Gold Pattern Blue Silver Knights, everyone needs to be able to ride a horse. The rest is the cooperation of the team."

After a while, seeing that no one had any more suggestions, Yuan Changqing asked again: "Sister-in-law, uncle, can our family's funds cover the consumption of these more than 3,000 people?"

My sister-in-law is in charge of the financial power, so she replied: "We have been developing for decades, and we still have some financial resources. In addition, we have our own farms and pastures, and we can save a lot of money. So, this The consumption of more than 3,000 people can still be dealt with."

After hearing this, Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Then we don't have to worry about the funds. However, sister-in-law, you have to do a good job in logistics support in this area from now on."

My sister-in-law nodded and said, "No problem. It's easy for me to do these things."

At this time, Grandpa asked again: "Changqing, we have completed the previous plans. Then, the next problem is the venue. Have you thought about how to arrange it?"

"After all, it is a bit too eye-catching for us to gather so many people together. We still need to pay attention to the impact."

"Although our family is now powerful and even has a titled Douluo, we still don't want the Balak Kingdom to pay attention to it."

Yuan Changqing nodded, agreed, and replied: "Indeed, at this point, it is beneficial for us to keep a low profile."

Then, he said: "Grandpa, I have already found the training venue. It is in the small mountain range behind our village. Some time ago, I accidentally discovered a large valley with a large flat land in it. It is very It is suitable as a training ground for our family. We just need to clean it properly and it can be used at any time."

"Moreover, it's not far from our home, and it's relatively hidden. As long as we arrange some open and hidden sentries outside the valley, we can monitor whether there are people there."

Upon hearing this, Grandpa nodded and said: "Since you have thought about it, let's arrange it like this!"

Then, he looked at Yuan Fei and Yuan Zilong and said, "Now you, father and son, just follow the plan mentioned by Chang Qing."


After the matter was finished, everyone began to go about their own business.

Yuan Changqing left his grandfather Yuan Tao, his father Yuan Fei, his uncle Ye Xiaofan and his brother Yuan Zilong behind, preparing to tell them something.

When there were only five of them left, Grandpa asked: "Changqing, do you have anything else to say if you leave us here?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, grandpa, the reason why I let you stay this time is to tell you the reasons why I want to integrate the family's power, and also to prepare you mentally."

After a pause, he continued: "The reason why I want to start integrating family power now is to prevent it from happening before it happens."

Yuan Changqing knew some of what Wuhun Palace was going to do in the future, although with his relationship with Bibi Dong, the possibility of it affecting his family was very small.

However, this is also an opportunity. Later, Yuan Changqing has a plan to develop the family faster, but it is not convenient to say it now.

Therefore, integrating family power now is also a precautionary plan. As long as the east wind blows, it can be officially implemented. We will talk about this later.

Ye Xiaofan asked at this time: "Changqing, is something going to happen? Is it that even our family's strength can't handle it?"

Yuan Changqing shook his head, and said vaguely based on the memory of his previous life: "You may not realize that the current situation of Douluo Continent seems to be calm, but in fact, it has been secretly surging for a long time."

Because Ye Xiaofan is responsible for the family's business affairs, he is relatively aware of the external situation. After what Yuan Changqing said, and thinking about it carefully, it is true.

So, Ye Xiaofan said: "Changqing, if you didn't say it, I really wouldn't have thought deeply about it. What you said does make sense. If you think about it carefully, it seems that Douluo Continent is very peaceful now. In fact, We can still find some clues.”

"Furthermore, Wuhun Palace has indeed become more and more powerful in recent years. The Tiandou Empire has also strengthened its defense against Wuhun Palace. I think the Star Luo Empire will do the same!"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "That's why I want to form a family knighthood to deal with future emergencies and ensure the future development of the family."

"Therefore, Dad, you and Zilong need to train the knights into elites. In this way, we will at least have less worries."

Yuan Fei said: "Don't worry, Chang Qing, now that we know this, we won't neglect it."

Yuan Zilong also nodded and said: "Brother, don't worry, I will definitely train them well."

"Well, train when it's time to train, but your soul power cultivation must not be left behind. This is your most powerful guarantee in the future." Yuan Changqing also reminded.


After arranging these, Yuan Changqing began to be busy with his own affairs. Regarding the verification of the development of Blue Silver Grass, no one could help Yuan Changqing.

Shrek Academy.

Although Ning Rongrong still stayed in Shrek Academy, and her subsequent performance in the Star Dou Forest, others also accepted her, unlike when she first joined Shrek Academy and was rejected by other students.

However, since other students knew about Ning Rongrong's little witch side, although they accepted her now, they only regarded her as an ordinary classmate, which made Ning Rongrong very uncomfortable.

You know, Ning Rongrong has never been treated like this since she was a child. When she was in the Qibao Glazed Sect, everyone in the sect treated her like a princess, and no one dared to disobey her.

However, after arriving at Shrek Academy, the treatment here was extremely different. Such a gap was a huge blow to Ning Rongrong.

Moreover, Xiao Wu was the only girl in the academy, but Xiao Wu basically circled around Tang San every day. Now that Zhu Zhuqing was gone in Shrek Academy, Ning Rongrong had no one to talk to.

However, it cannot be said that Oscar is still willing to talk to Ning Rongrong. However, Ning Rongrong's attentiveness to Oscar has not yet developed into the relationship as in the original work.

Therefore, Ning Rongrong felt that she had never felt more lonely in Shrek Academy. Sometimes, she really missed the life of Qibao Glazed Sect, where she was carefree every day.

However, Ning Rongrong still felt stubborn in her heart. Wouldn't it be too embarrassing to go back like this? So, she gritted her teeth and insisted on staying.

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