Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 192 Ning Rongrong’s Visit

Shrek Academy, night.

Because there were only two girls in Shrek Academy, Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu, they were arranged to live in the same room.

Now that the students at Shrek Academy have experienced the Star Dou Forest, their relationship has become much more harmonious. Ning Rongrong's performance this time has also made everyone have a great change in their view of her.

Now Ning Rongrong is not as ostracized by everyone as she was at the beginning. However, to say how good the relationship has become, it can only be said to be an ordinary relationship.

Looking at Xiao Wu who had just come back from outside, Ning Rongrong thought that there would be two days of vacation tomorrow, so she wanted to invite Xiao Wu to go to Soto City with her tomorrow.

For the students of Shrek Academy, before returning from the Star Forest, master Yu Xiaogang also came to the academy. After Flanders' introduction, Yu Xiaogang officially became the instructor for all students of Shrek Academy. Future training arrangements It's up to Yu Xiaogang to take control.

Therefore, after Flanders announced the news, Yu Xiaogang naturally became everyone's coach. Finally, after giving everyone another two days off, formal training will begin.

Tang San was also very happy to see Yu Xiaogang also come to Shrek Academy. Now, because he absorbed the soul ring of the Man-Faced Demon Spider, he had eight spider-like things on his back. Until now, Tang San didn't have any Knowing what this was, I thought that my teacher Yu Xiaogang was also here, so I could ask him for advice.

Yu Xiaogang asked Tang San to reveal the eight spider legs. After looking at these eight spider legs, Yu Xiaogang knew what they were, and then told Tang San that this was the most powerful thing besides the hundred thousand year spirit ring and spirit bones. The precious external soul bone.

Afterwards, Yu Xiaogang began to popularize knowledge about soul bones with everyone. After Yu Xiaogang's popularization, people at Shrek Academy also knew that in addition to the six soul bones fixed in the human body, There is actually a kind of external soul bone.

Not only that, this external soul bone can also be improved as the soul master's strength increases. Everyone is also surprised. Moreover, everyone also finds that Yu Xiaogang knows so much and is worthy of the name of master.

Later, Yu Xiaogang also told Tang San some methods of controlling the attached soul bones, and Tang San also named these eight spider legs the Eight Spider Spears.

After all this, everyone also knew that Yu Xiaogang was Tang San's teacher. They also thought that Tang San's strength was top-notch at the same level when his martial spirit was Blue Silver Grass. They were also happy to get it now. Yu Xiaogang’s teachings.

"Xiao Wu, there are still two days of vacation. Do you want us to go to Soto City together tomorrow?" In the dormitory, Ning Rongrong asked Xiao Wu as he thought about his vacation tomorrow.

After Xiao Wu returned to Shrek Academy, she returned to her careless appearance, jumping around when she walked.

"Okay." As soon as he agreed, Xiao Wu seemed to think of something again and said, "Rong Rong, I still want to ask the mistress first to see if he is going. If he goes, we will go together."

When Ning Rongrong saw Xiao Wu like this, she thought to herself that it seemed like her question was in vain. Ever since she met Xiao Wu, she had been surrounding Tang San. Everything else was the same in Xiao Wu's eyes. .

So, he had no choice but to reply: "Okay, then remember to ask early tomorrow. If you don't go, I will go alone."

"I know, I'll ask early tomorrow morning." Xiao Wu replied nonchalantly.

Ning Rongrong got the answer from Xiao Wu the next day. Sure enough, Xiao Wu wanted to be with her third brother, so Ning Rongrong had to go to Soto City alone.

Ning Rongrong walked alone on the streets of Soto City, wandering here and there, looking here and there, and then went to have a big meal.

How could Ning Rongrong be so courageous? How could you say that an auxiliary soul master with no fighting ability dared to wander around Soto City alone?

However, Ning Rongrong was still very smart, and she might have guessed now that Ning Fengzhi must have sent someone to protect her secretly.

Otherwise, how could a twelve-year-old girl be able to cross such a long distance from Qibao Glazed Sect to Shrek Academy without encountering any trouble since she ran away from home?

Originally, Ning Rongrong was a little complacent at first, thinking that she could come to Shrek Academy from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect by herself.

However, after the conversation with Flanders at Shrek Academy and the attitude of other students in the academy towards her, Ning Rongrong finally came back to her senses.

I found that no one here cares about my thoughts and feelings. As a result, Ning Rongrong knew that it was not that he had the ability to come to Shrek Academy on his own, but that there must be someone in the sect who secretly took care of those who had his own ideas. , and finally arrived at Shrek Academy safely and soundly.

After thinking about this, coupled with her experience in Shrek Academy, Ning Rongrong felt that she had grown a lot. Even though others in the academy rejected her at first, Ning Rongrong insisted on staying, and that was how she became in Star Dou. The act of not abandoning in the forest.

Moreover, such behavior was recognized by everyone, and other students at Shrek Academy had a new view of her.

After shopping alone all morning, Ning Rongrong also felt bored. Thinking that she had no friends here, she rolled her eyes and had a new idea.

Ning Rongrong thought that Yuan Changqing's home was here in Soto City, and she also knew about the United Company. So, she found the staff at the United Trading Company, took out the Qibao Glazed Sect's identity token, and asked someone to take her to Yuan Changqing's home.

Because the United Company also had business dealings with the Qibao Glazed Sect, they also knew the identity token of the Qibao Glazed Sect. After seeing the token, they specially sent someone to take Ning Rongrong to Lanyin Village.

Blue Silver Village.

When Ning Rongrong arrived here, she found that this place was much larger than the average village.

Today's Lanyin Village has changed a lot compared to before. It has a larger population and a larger building area, making it almost the same as an ordinary small town.

Such changes are all the result of Yuan Changqing's family. Since the orphanage was opened, the orphans stayed here to get married, have children, and settle down when they grew up. Therefore, the development has been rapid and the size of the village has become larger.

Looking at the orderly layout of the surrounding buildings, the flat roads on both sides, and the shops near the roadside, you can tell that Lanyin Village is developing well.

When the servant at Yuan Changqing's house said that a staff member from the United Company came to visit with people from the Qibao Glazed Sect, Yuan Changqing thought it was the people from the Qibao Glazed Sect in Soto City who had something to do with him!

After seeing the person, he realized that it was Ning Rongrong. Then he thought that Ning Rongrong was already at Shrek Academy at this time, and it became clear.

So, Yuan Changqing asked deliberately: "Rong Rong, why do you have time to see your Uncle Yuan? Did you come to Soto City with the sect?"

Ning Rongrong shook his head and said in a somewhat embarrassed voice: "Uncle Yuan, I ran out alone. I thought your home is in Soto City, so I came over to see you."

Yuan Changqing pretended to be suddenly enlightened and said: "You are really courageous, and you dare to run so far alone without any ability to protect yourself. Aren't you afraid that your father will worry about you?"

"Hehe, don't be afraid. Dad must have sent someone to protect me all the way. Otherwise, I would not have come to Soto City safely." Ning Rongrong replied with a smile.

Yuan Changqing looked at Ning Rongrong and said with a smile: "You also know that there are people protecting you all the way. It's really not like your character. You have become smarter."

When Ning Rongrong saw Yuan Changqing talking about herself like this, she also said coquettishly: "No way, Uncle Yuan, I am already very smart! However, I only figured it out when I came to Soto City, hehe!"

Yuan Changqing asked again: "Then why are you here in Soto City? You are not here specifically to see me, are you?"

Hearing this, Ning Rongrong squeaked again and said with a blushing face: "Of course I thought about it. Then, I heard that there is a Shrek Academy here, so I stopped by to study here."

If Yuan Changqing didn't know the inside story, he would have believed Ning Rongrong's lies.

So, Yuan Changqing pretended to be suspicious and said: "Rong Rong, listen to your words, why does Uncle Yuan not believe it so much? I think you heard that there is a Shrek Academy here, and then you are alone I sneaked out and went to school here, and in the end, I just wanted to come see Uncle Yuan. It’s so sad!”

Ning Rongrong saw that Yuan Changqing had exposed her little thoughts, and said coquettishly: "Uncle Yuan, don't I have to go to Shrek Academy to register first, so as not to miss the time? You see, this is not a free time. Have you come here to see you?"

When Yuan Changqing saw Ning Rongrong say this, he stopped teasing her and said, "Well, since you said so, Uncle Yuan will believe you this time."

Then, he asked: "Rong Rong, I haven't seen your father, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo for a long time. Are they okay?"

Ning Rongrong replied: "Well, I just don't know what I'm doing every day and don't play with me. That's why I'm so bored in the sect, and I overheard that Shrek Academy, a specialized school The academy that admitted monsters was a little curious, so he secretly ran out of the sect and came to Soto City."

Hearing what Ning Rongrong said, Yuan Changqing was actually a little curious. Logically speaking, Shrek Academy may not be able to receive students every year. The school's funds are insufficient and there is no extra money for advertising. How can it spread so much? How far is it? Could it be that this is the function of slogans!

You know, Shrek Academy's slogan is to only recruit monster students. You say you are in an academy and it doesn't matter what you want, but the slogan you shout is to kill many well-known academies in an instant.

It seems that this slogan has fooled some people, and Flender has really understood the free advertising effect.

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