Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 197 Reflection

After Yuan Changqing looked at Flanders and Yu Xiaogang, he thought of Liu Erlong again. I guess Yu Xiaogang still doesn't know that Flanders is already with Liu Erlong!

In fact, the ideas Yuan Changqing gave Flender a few years ago to pursue Liu Erlong were also a bit evil.

However, Flender lived up to Yuan Changqing's high expectations for him. After unremitting efforts, he finally successfully chased Liu Erlong.

Although Liu Erlong was a little disgusted with Flanders's stalking at first, it could even be said to have turned into disgust later on. After all, at that time, Liu Erlong was still thinking about Yu Xiaogang. Before, he only thought about Yu Xiaogang. As a big brother, Flanders doesn't like him anymore.

However, since Flanders found Liu Erlong, he began to launch a fierce offensive. What Liu Erlong did not expect was that Flanders would pursue him even though he knew that he liked Yu Xiaogang. I felt that Flanders had changed and became a little strange, so I felt disgusted with Flanders.

However, fortunately, Flanders is not an ordinary thick-skinned person. Even if he realized that Liu Erlong hated him, Flanders did not give up. He often hung around in front of Liu Erlong and always cared about and protected Liu Erlong. Two dragons.

In addition, Catherine, Wang Yuyan, and Hua Feiyan were assisting. Slowly, Liu Erlong also felt Flanders's feelings, and there was a crack in the closed world in his heart. As time went by, this crack also It grew bigger and bigger, and Flanders' figure slowly squeezed in.

Liu Erlong was deeply moved when he saw Flender's concern and care for him. The long-lost sweetness in his heart reappeared. Therefore, Liu Erlong was also reflecting on his past and thinking about why he couldn't follow him. With a person who cares about and loves himself!

Later, Liu Erlong also began to slowly accept Flanders' existence, and gradually no longer hated Flanders in his heart.

What happened next was more logical, and Flender finally got the beauty back after a long period of hard work.

Liu Erlong also tied the knot with Flanders and became husband and wife under the witness of several good friends, including Catherine, Wang Yuyan and Hua Feiyan.

And the matter between Flanders and Liu Erlong really echoes the old saying, even a good girl is afraid of being harassed by a man!

Yuan Changqing thought of this and looked at Flanders and Yu Xiaogang sitting together. He felt funny in his heart. He just didn't know that in the future, when Yu Xiaogang knew that his good brother Flanders would actually give Liu Erlong a good cabbage. It would be very exciting to think about what kind of mood you would feel after poaching a corner.

Yuan Changqing couldn't wait to take a look at this bad taste in his life. Now that he thinks about it, he feels a little excited.

Then, Yuan Changqing looked at Zhao Wuji again. This man could be considered a tough guy. When he was still the Soul Emperor, he was able to escape from the hands of the ten Soul Emperors in Wuhun Palace. His strength should not be underestimated.

As for why he had a conflict with Wuhun Palace and was hunted down by Wuhun Palace, Yuan Changqing's past life memory did not describe much. He only knew that Zhao Wuji had a conflict with Wuhun Palace.

However, Zhao Wuji treats his own people well and is more protective of his shortcomings. Yuan Changqing feels that as long as Zhao Wuji does not get involved in the disputes in Douluo Continent in the future, he is still willing to let him go.

Back to business.

Flender watched Ning Rongrong and Yuan Changqing come to Shrek Academy together, and also knew that Ning Rongrong's uncle was Yuan Changqing.

This is what Flanders did not expect. The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect is also related to Yuan Changqing, but thinking about it, it makes sense. After all, Yuan Changqing is a titled Douluo now, and he has an intersection with the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect. Is it normal?

So Flanders said: "Your Majesty, you are Ning Rongrong's uncle!"

Yuan Changqing was a little puzzled by this question, so he said: "Oh! Flender, how do you say this?"

Seeing Yuan Changqing ask this, Flanders thought that the people sent by the Qibao Glazed Sect to secretly protect Ning Rongrong might not have communicated with Yuan Changqing.

Flanders replied: "Your Majesty, it's like this. After we found out that Ning Rongrong didn't come home at night last night, we summoned all the people from Shrek Academy to look for her, but we never found her. Later, I received a letter saying that Ning Rongrong went to live with an uncle of hers, but she didn't expect that uncle was actually Your Majesty."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "I have a good relationship with Rongrong's father, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo. Rongrong has known me since we were young, so there is nothing wrong with me being Rongrong's uncle."

"Furthermore, I came here this time to resolve this matter. At noon today, Rongrong also gave me an overview. After understanding it, I also criticized her. It is indeed Rongrong who did not think carefully about this matter."

After hearing this, Flanders said: "My Majesty, this is serious. This incident happened because we did not do well. We did not convey the rules of Shrek Academy well to every student, so this happened. thing."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Frend, don't worry, I'm not here to pursue you or anything. It's just that when Rongrong told me, he also knew that he was in the wrong and was a little embarrassed about how to explain it when he came back."

"That's why she asked me to come over and help her tell you. As for the punishment regulations in your college later, as long as it doesn't cause any irreversible development potential for Rongrong in the future, I think even Sect Leader Ning should not do it. I don’t mind your punishment.”

At this time, Ning Rongrong also quickly stood up from Yuan Changqing, bowed to Flanders, and said: "Dean Flanders, I'm sorry, it was Rongrong who didn't consider the matter thoroughly yesterday, which caused everyone to be in trouble late at night. Everyone came together to find Rongrong, I’m really sorry.”

"Also, Dean Flender, I will conduct a self-examination in front of other teachers and classmates later."

When Flanders saw that both Yuan Changqing and Ning Rongrong expressed their opinions in this way, it gave him enough face, so he no longer wanted to criticize Ning Rongrong.

So, Flanders said: "Since you, Ning Rongrong, have this awareness, I won't say anything more to you this time. As long as you remember this experience and won't do it again, it will be fine."

"Well, thank you, Dean Flanders. Rongrong promises that he will abide by the college's regulations in the future." Ning Rongrong promised immediately after seeing that the matter was resolved.

Later, when Yuan Changqing saw that Ning Rongrong had finished talking, he asked her to go back to her dormitory at Shrek Academy.

After Ning Rongrong left, Flanders complained: "Your Majesty, you don't know that we were really shocked when we discovered that Ning Rongrong was missing last night."

"Also, your Majesty must know Ning Rongrong's status in the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect better than we do. If something happens to her, we at Shrek Academy don't have to think about how to escape. You might as well just kill yourself."

Yuan Changqing understood Flanders's mood. After all, if something happened to Ning Rongrong, Flanders and others would be waiting for revenge from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

So, Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Flender, I understand your mood, but fortunately, everything is fine now, and you don't have to worry about anything."

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