Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 198 The frightened little rabbit

After Ning Rongrong returned to Shrek Academy, everyone was quite surprised when they found out that a titled Douluo had brought Ning Rongrong back with him.

After all, although there are many titled Douluo on the Douluo Continent, they are rarely seen in person.

However, when Xiao Wu learned that a titled Douluo had come to Shrek Academy, she also felt panic in her heart, fearing that Yuan Changqing would discover him.

As a result, Xiao Wu never dared to leave the dormitory. She stayed in the dormitory like a frightened little rabbit. She was not as energetic as usual. Now all that is left in Xiao Wu's heart is fear and apprehension. disturbed.

After Ning Rongrong came out of Flanders' office, she returned directly to the dormitory. When she entered the dormitory, she saw that Xiao Wu was also in the dormitory now, not following Tang San as usual.

So, Ning Rongrong asked: "Xiao Wu, why aren't you with Tang San today?"

Xiao Wu was extremely nervous when she heard the sound of opening the door just now. After seeing that it was Ning Rongrong, her heart that jumped into her throat relaxed a little.

After hearing Ning Rongrong's question, Xiao Wuzuo Guyan replied: "Rongrong, you're back. I'm just feeling a little uncomfortable today, so I'll rest more in the dormitory."

Ning Rongrong didn't notice anything unusual about Xiao Wu, and then asked with concern: "Xiao Wu, are you okay? Do you want me to notify Tang San for you, or go find Teacher Shao Xin for you? take a look?"

Shao Xin's martial soul is Tangdou. As an auxiliary soul master, he can train to become a soul saint. His talent is not simple either.

Xiao Wu was also startled when she heard that Ning Rongrong wanted to help her find a teacher to check on her. She was afraid that if she went to find a teacher to check on her, she would attract the attention of other teachers or Yuan Changqing, a titled Douluo.

So, he quickly said: "Rongrong, no need, I'm not very uncomfortable, I just need a good rest. You don't need to trouble the teacher for me, I don't have a big problem."

When Ning Rongrong saw Xiao Wu say this, she didn't force anything, and just said, "Okay, but, Xiao Wu, if you need my help, just ask."

"Well, Rongrong, thank you. I understand. If I have any problems, I will definitely ask you for help." Seeing that Ning Rongrong was no longer entangled in her own problems, Xiao Wu quickly responded.

Then, he asked cautiously: "Rong Rong, I heard that you came back today with a strong man with the strength of a titled Douluo. Is it true?"

Ning Rongrong nodded and said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

Xiao Wu shook her head and said: "It's nothing, I'm just a little curious. Is this titled Douluo from your Seven Treasures Glazed Sect?"

Ning Rongrong also shook his head and said: "That's not true. He is an uncle of mine. I went to his home as a guest yesterday. That's why I didn't go back to Shrek Academy and made you go to look for him so late at night. I, Xiao Wu, am so sorry."

Xiao Wu replied: "It's okay Rongrong, we are all classmates and we should help each other."

Then, he asked: "Then Rongrong, has your Uncle Titled Douluo left?"

"I haven't left yet. I'm still in Dean Flender's office. My uncle came here mainly to help me talk about my failure to return to the dormitory yesterday. As for when to leave, maybe he will leave later." Ning Rongrong explained.

Later, Ning Rongrong saw that Xiao Wu had been asking about Yuan Changqing's affairs, thinking that Xiao Wu wanted to meet the titled Douluo.

So, Ning Rongrong suggested: "Xiao Wu, you have been asking about Titled Douluo. Do you want to meet my uncle? How about I take you to meet him later?"

These words frightened Xiao Wu. If he really listened to Ning Rongrong's words, wouldn't it be the same as asking for death directly at his door?

Moreover, Xiao Wu was still thinking about avenging her mother, so how could she automatically run to die?

Xiao Wu shook her head repeatedly and said: "No, I'm just curious. I heard that your Qibao Glazed Sect has two Titled Douluo. I didn't expect that you also have an uncle with a Titled Douluo."

"Haha, that's right, in the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, my Grandpa Sword and Grandpa Bones are very good. As long as I want anything, they will find a way to find it and give it to me." When talking about Sword Douluo and Bones of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, Douluo, Ning Rongrong became in high spirits.

Then he said enthusiastically: "Besides, I have known the uncle who accompanied me to Shrek Academy this time since I was a child. He also gave me many delicious spiritual fruits before."

When Xiao Wu saw Ning Rongrong like this, she was filled with envy. In the past, Xiao Wu had her mother, Da Ming and Er Ming who cared about her.

However, after Xiao Wu's mother died, in order to take revenge, she chose to leave Da Ming and Er Ming, leave the Star Dou Forest where she had been living, and go to the human world alone.

Then, they met Tang San. Maybe Tang San was born from the union of human and grass. Although his body was a proper human body, Xiao Wu just felt that being around Tang San was more intense than being around other people. Kinder and more comfortable.

Thus, the trajectory of fate brought together a human being who was born from the combination of human and grass, and a soul beast that was still in its infancy.

Then, the expression of unabashed envy in Xiao Wu's eyes showed, and she said in a somewhat depressed mood: "Rong Rong, I really envy you that so many people care about you."

Ning Rongrong replied: "Xiao Wu, you are not bad at all. Look, your third brother cares about you. Moreover, your relationship is not like brother and sister at all. I feel that your relationship is more like a couple." Same."

Suddenly, Xiao Wu blushed at Ning Rongrong's words, and retorted in a low voice: "No way, we have a normal relationship between brother and sister, we just have a good relationship."

"Haha, Xiao Wu, why do I not believe it so much? Also, do you think you believe this?" Ning Rongrong teased.

Afterwards, Xiao Wu stopped talking after listening to Ning Rongrong's words. She also felt a little confused, thinking back to every detail she had spent with Tang San over the years.

Perhaps the initial friendship turned into the family relationship between brother and sister, and now after hearing what Ning Rongrong said, it seems to have turned into love again. Could it be that this is the love between lovers?

After all, although Xiao Wu has become a human being, in terms of thinking, she is still mostly thinking like a soul beast. She has a vague understanding of the feelings between humans and does not have a specific concept.

Perhaps only after experiencing life and death can we truly understand it. Moreover, isn't this the case in the original work?

Yuan Changqing, after chatting in Flanders' office for a while, was ready to leave.

Flanders and others also stood up to see her off. After leaving Flanders' office, Yuan Changqing had no intention of exploring Xiao Wu. After all, Yuan Changqing had long known that Xiao Wu was at Shrek Academy.

Moreover, Tang Hao should be nearby now, and Yuan Changqing also wanted to meet this new generation of Clear Sky Douluo to see if his Clear Sky Hammer was as powerful as he thought.

So, when Yuan Changqing left Shrek Academy, he used the Blue Silver Emperor Spirit to communicate with the Blue Silver Grass. In addition, Yuan Changqing was already sensitive to the breath of life because of the Blue Silver Emperor Spirit, and he soon discovered Traces of Tang Hao.

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