Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 212 Dugu Bo’s Attack

After Flanders brought teachers and students from Shrek Academy to join Lanba Academy, Liu Erlong directly changed the name of Lanba Academy to Shrek Academy.

Moreover, Liu Erlong also handed over the position of dean to Flanders. Flanders was quite happy at first.

However, when he saw the financial situation of the college, the old face suddenly became unhappy.

However, Liu Erlong was happy because he no longer had to worry about funds.

When it was still Lanba Academy, Liu Erlong could still get some funds from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family to maintain the normal expenses of Lanba Academy.

However, now that Blue Tyrant Academy has been changed to Shrek Academy, if he wants to get support from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, Flanders knows that it is impossible without even thinking about it.

If that's the case, wouldn't Shrek Academy become a subsidiary force of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family?

Besides, Flanders had no intention of joining any force. Otherwise, Shrek Academy wouldn't have been so hard in the past.

Therefore, after seeing the current funding situation of the new Shrek Academy, Flender began to worry about how to maintain the funds to maintain the operation of Shrek Academy in the future.

This also led to Flanders's cool operation in the Soul Master Competition later.

When Dugu Yan was in Tiandou Royal Academy, he accidentally heard that Lanba Academy in Tiandou City was changed to Shrek Academy, and he thought of the six Shrek monsters he met in Soto City.

Thinking of Lanba Academy, Dugu Yan thought of her mother Hua Feiyan's good friend Aunt Liu Erlong, isn't she the dean of Lanba Academy!

So, Dugu Yan quickly sent someone to find out if this Shrek Academy was actually the Shrek Academy he knew.

Finally, the news fed back to Dugu Yan was indeed the Shrek Academy where Tang San was studying. Now, Dugu Yan was happy and finally found a chance for revenge.

After getting the news, Dugu Yan told Dugu Bo about it when he returned home. Dugu Bo had been a little curious about how Tang San broke Dugu Yan's Jade Phosphorus Snake Venom.

Dugu Bo asked: "Yanyan, can you find out where Tang San is?"

Dugu Yan nodded and replied: "Grandpa, I just came back to tell you after I found out more about it. You have to help me teach Tang San a lesson."

Dugu Bo looked at Dugu Yan lovingly and said, "Don't worry, I want to see what this man named Tang San is capable of, and how he can break through the green phosphorus snake venom."

Then, he asked: "Oh, by the way, Yanyan, you haven't said where Tang San is yet?"

Dugu Yan said quickly: "Grandpa, Tang San is now in Lanba Academy. It is the academy run by mother's friend Aunt Liu Erlong, but it has been changed to Shrek Academy now."

Dugu Bo nodded and said: "It turns out it's at Liu Erlong's academy. Well, grandpa knows about it. I'll go and have a look when the time comes. Just wait for the good news from grandpa, Yanyan."

"Well, thank you grandpa, you are so kind, hehe." Dugu Yan said happily after receiving Dugu Bo's agreement.

After Lanba Academy was changed into Shrek Academy, based on the former Shrek Six Monsters, several talented students from the new Shrek Academy were selected to join and form a new Shrek team.

After the Shrek team was formed, Yu Xiaogang began to train them again. Because new members joined, the tacit understanding of cooperation was not so perfect. Now Yu Xiaogang is training the tacit understanding of the new Shrek team.

After Dugu Bo got the news about Tang San from Dugu Yan, he didn't act rashly. He only started to act after finding out who Tang San was.

So, one dark night, after Dugu Bo came to Shrek Academy, he found Tang San's dormitory and knocked Tang San and Oscar unconscious. Then, Tang San was kidnapped by Dugu Bo.

Afterwards, Dugu Bo quickly left Shrek Academy with Tang San, who was already unconscious, heading towards the Sunset Forest.

However, this time after Dugu Bo kidnapped Tang San, the situation was different from that in the original work.

The next day, after Oscar woke up, he felt a pain in his neck. He thought it was because he didn't sleep well. He looked around the dormitory, but Tang San was not found.

Where Team Shrek was training, Yu Xiaogang discovered that Tang San, who was usually very punctual, why didn't he come today?

So, Yu Xiaogang asked: "Do you know what happened to Tang San today, and he hasn't arrived yet?"

In response to Yu Xiaogang's question, everyone looked at each other in confusion. Dai Mubai came out and said, "Master, none of us have seen Tang San today."

Oscar also said: "Yes, Master, when I woke up today, I saw that Tang San was no longer in the dormitory. I thought he had gotten up early and came to the training ground!"

At this time, other people also said that they had not seen Tang San today.

Then, Yu Xiaogang asked again: "Xiao Wu, did the mistress come to see you today?"

Xiao Wu said: "No, I didn't see Third Brother today. Do you think Third Brother had something to do today and went out?"

Yu Xiaogang shook his head and said: "Impossible, even if something happens, the mistress will tell you in advance."

Xiao Wu was also a little anxious at this time, and asked hurriedly: "Master, do you think something will happen to the third brother?"

"Probably not. We were all in Shrek Academy yesterday and never went out. Moreover, we have just come to Tiandou City and we haven't offended anyone!" Yu Xiaogang also said with some uncertainty.

However, thinking that if Tang San disappeared, his ideal would not be realized, Yu Xiaogang began to feel anxious.

So, Yu Xiaogang quickly found Flanders and others and told them about Tang San's disappearance. After some discussion, everyone felt that Tang San didn't know anyone in Tiandou City. Therefore, Tang San was very worried. Something might have happened.

Flanders thought that if something really happened to Tang San, Tang Hao wouldn't demolish Shrek Academy. However, there was no good way now, so he had to find it quickly.

In the end, Flanders arranged for everyone to start looking for Tang San. However, everyone had no clues. They were like headless flies. They could only try their luck to see if they could find Tang San.

After Dugu Bo kidnapped Tang San, he left Tiandou City and headed towards the Sunset Forest.

However, what Dugu Bo didn't know was that right after he kidnapped Tang San, Dugu Bo was discovered by Tang Hao.

I don’t know if it was because of the fight between Yuan Changqing and Tang Hao that the time when Tang Hao appeared has changed. In the original work, Tang Hao is now looking for trouble in Wuhun Palace.

This time Tang San followed Flanders to Tiandou City. Tang Hao did not leave, but followed Tang San secretly.

Therefore, Tang San was discovered by Tang Hao right after he was kidnapped by Dugu Bo.

However, Tang Hao did not act rashly, but quietly followed Dugu Bo, waiting for an opportunity.

After all, if Tang Hao had a big fight with Dugu Bo in Tiandou City, his whereabouts would be easily exposed and attract the attention of Wuhun Palace, which would not be beautiful.

Moreover, another disadvantage is that it will be very detrimental to Tang San's future growth.

After Dugu Bo entered the Sunset Forest, Tang Hao, who was following behind, felt that he would not attract other people's attention here.

As a result, the Clear Sky Hammer silently appeared in Tang Hao's hand, and then, it was thrown directly towards Dugu Bo with a hammer.

However, Dugu Bo is no longer the titled Douluo in the original work who is the weakest when fighting alone.

Because of Yuan Changqing's help, Dugu Bo solved the problem of his martial soul very early, so his soul power has not stopped. Now Dugu Bo is already a level 94 titled Douluo.

Therefore, when Tang Hao made a sneak attack, Dugu Bo noticed it and quickly ducked to avoid Tang Hao's attack.

"Who are you? You dare to sneak attack me." After escaping the attack, Dugu Bo asked angrily.

However, Dugu Bo did not receive a response. After Tang Hao saw that Dugu Bo had dodged his attack, he did not dare to talk nonsense. Otherwise, Dugu Bo would probably think of something from the Clear Sky Hammer spirit. Then, Tang San It will be dangerous, and you will fall into passivity.

Therefore, Tang Hao did not speak, but stepped up his attack, leaving Dugu Bo no time to think.

Dugu Bo saw that the other party did not answer him, but continued to attack, so he had to defend passively.

"The fifth soul skill, Snake Python Tiangang Shield."

Dugu Bo quickly used defensive soul skills on himself, and a huge python scale-like shield appeared in front to resist the opponent's attack.

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