Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 213 Follow-up

However, Dugu Bo's defense could not stop Tang Hao who was eager to save his son. After a few hammer blows, he was broken by the Clear Sky Hammer.

Because Dugu Bo was holding Tang San in his hand, he was very passive for a moment when facing Tang Hao's fierce attack.

Therefore, Dugu Bo adopted the strategy of fighting and retreating at the same time, first consuming the opponent's soul power and then counterattacking.

However, Dugu Bo was doomed to be disappointed. The Clear Sky Hammer, known as the world's most powerful offensive weapon, was not that easy to deal with. If it had been in a passive state, it was very likely that he would become passive first.

Seeing that his method failed, Dugu Bo no longer sat still and waited for death.

"The fourth soul skill, Jade Phosphorus Confusion Array."

Suddenly, a large green poisonous mist appeared around. Not only can these poisons blur people's vision, but the poisonous mist is also poisonous. If the human body inhales the poison in the poisonous mist and reaches a certain amount, symptoms of poisoning will appear. .

However, the poison had no effect on Tang Hao for the time being. After Tang Hao saw the green poisonous mist, he quickly held his breath and used his soul power to protect his body.

"The third soul skill, Zhenyue."

Tang Hao saw Dugu using poison to resist his attack and delay his speed.

So, Tang Hao used his soul skill and saw a huge Clear Sky Hammer falling from the sky. The pressure from it made Dugu Bo feel like a huge mountain was pressing down on him.

"Haotian Hammer, you are talking about people from the Clear Sky Sect, no, you are Tang Hao with a hundred thousand year soul ring!" After seeing the hammer, Dugu Bo also knew this time that it was the Clear Sky Hammer spirit that attacked him.

Tang Hao hadn't used any soul skills before, so Dugu Bo wasn't sure yet, but with such a big Clear Sky Hammer now, if he still couldn't recognize it, he, a titled Douluo, might as well just buy a piece of tofu and hit him to death.

However, now that the Clear Sky Hammer was attacking, it didn't give Dugu Bo much time to think about other things.

"The sixth soul skill, Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor Break."

"Bang!" The soul skills of both sides collided directly. Although the Clear Sky Hammer fell from the air, it had the bonus of weight and inertial speed.

However, facing the ten thousand year soul skill, he was still easily repelled.

Although the soul skill was broken, Tang Hao still had many attack methods.

"The fifth soul skill, Haotian's Heart."

Tang Hao began to improve his condition, and then he picked up the Clear Sky Hammer and stepped forward, hoping to watch Dugu Bo fight in close combat and quickly hit Dugu Bo.

Seeing the opponent approaching, Dugu Bo once again used the "Snake and Python Tiangang Shield" to defend himself.

The sound of "bang bang bang" continued to hit the shield, and Dugu Bo also knew that constant defense was not an option.

"The eighth soul skill, freezing time."

In an instant, Tang Hao was suspended there by Dugu Bo, unable to move. This also gave Dugu Bo a chance to fight back.

"The sixth soul skill, Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor Break."

A green phosphorus snake king rushed straight towards Tang Hao and hit Tang Hao with a bang.

Tang Hao didn't expect that he would accidentally fall into Dugu Bo's trap.

Moreover, Tang Hao was accidentally poisoned, and without any time to think about it, he began to use his strong soul power to escape from the effects of Dugu Bo's soul skills.

"Dugu Bo, you deserve to die!" Tang Hao looked at Dugu Bo with an angry face and said.

"Hmph." Dugu Bo's character is also known to be strange. He was also unhappy with Tang Hao's threat and shot back: "Tang Hao, you have to understand that it was you who attacked me first."

"Hmph, since you are so stubborn, then I want you to look good next." Tang Hao didn't say much.

"The sixth soul skill, iron bones."

"Hammer of Chaos Cloak."

Tang Hao started to get serious, and he also wanted to beat Dugu Bo down directly.

Dugu Bo also saw the situation, so he quickly distanced himself and released poisonous mist to protect himself.

"The eighth soul skill, freezing time."

Dugu Bo wanted to imprison Tang Hao again, but Tang Hao was not a fool. After seeing the "Freezing Time" soul skill again, he quickly used the "Chaotic Cloak Hammer Technique" to fight against him, and directly killed Dugu Bo. The effect of the soul skill was partially offset.

Seeing this, Dugu Bo knew that it didn't work this time and that Tang Hao still had a hundred thousand year soul ring, which was difficult to deal with, so he quickly flew away.

Tang Hao saw this and quickly followed him, and the two began a chase in the Sunset Forest.

Dugu Bo saw Tang Hao chasing him from behind, and he was also wondering in his heart. It seemed that he and Tang Hao had nothing to do with each other.

After thinking for a moment, he saw Tang San holding it in his hand, and suddenly he had a guess. Could it be that Tang Hao was doing it for this boy? They both had the surname Tang, but wasn't this boy's martial spirit Blue Silver Grass?

Then, he thought that he had gone to kidnap this boy today, and Tang Hao happened to show up. Obviously, it was because of this boy named Tang San.

So, Dugu Bo stopped running and stopped. Tang Hao was a little puzzled when he saw the old guy Dugu Bo stopped.

At this time, Dugu Bo lifted Tang San forward and said, "Tang Hao, the reason why you attacked me sneakily is because of this kid in my hands!"

When Tang Hao saw Dugu Bo's appearance, he knew that he had been discovered. However, he didn't say anything and just looked at Dugu Bo.

Seeing that Tang Hao didn't speak, Dugu Bo knew that he had guessed correctly, so he said again: "Tang Hao, you are too sensitive. If I want to kill this kid, do I need to go to such trouble?"

Tang Hao heard Dugu Bo's words at this time, thought about it, and felt the same.

Tang Hao said: "Then what do you mean, running away to kidnap people at night."

"It's nothing, I just heard that this kid is very knowledgeable about poisons. You should also know that I am also famous for poisons, so I want to see if this kid really knows a lot about poisons." Dugu Bo also The reason for kidnapping Tang San was revealed.

Tang Hao also half-believed Dugu Bo's words, nodded and said: "In that case, you can hand him over to me now, and I can pretend that this never happened."

Dugu Bo thought for a while and felt that since Tang Hao said so, he should keep his promise, and said: "Okay, but I hope you will do what you say."

Then Dugu Bo threw Tang San towards Tang Hao.

After catching Tang San, Tang Hao said, "Although I don't have to argue with you about Tang San, our battle just now is not over yet."

Tang Hao's words also made Dugu Bo stunned. He didn't expect Tang Hao to come out like this. It seems that if he doesn't finish this game today, he won't be able to do well.

"Hmph, since you, Haotian Douluo, want to continue fighting, then come on. If that kid hadn't been in my hands just now, you wouldn't have thought that I was afraid of you," Dugu Bo said.

Tang Hao did not expect that this was the reason why Dugu Bo left the battlefield just now.

So, Tang Hao said: "For this reason, I will let you suffer less later."

In fact, Tang Hao was just talking. Now that he was injured, he couldn't use his full strength. This time he insisted on fighting Dugu Bo just to intimidate him.

When Dugu Bo saw that Tang Hao said this, it was obvious that he was looking down on himself, and he said angrily: "Tang Hao, if you want to fight, then fight."

"The sixth soul skill, Jade Phosphorus Snake Emperor Break."

The green Phosphorus Snake King rushed over, and Tang Hao did not expect that Dugu Bo was angry at him.

"The fifth soul skill, Haotian's Heart."

"The third soul skill, Zhenyue."

As his own state was comprehensively improved by the "Heart of Haotian", the power of the "Yue Zhen" soul skill was also strengthened.

"Touch!" Dugu Bo's soul skill was directly pressed to the ground, but it was not broken. The snake's tail "swish" and was drawn towards Tang Hao.

Now because Tang San was holding it in Tang Hao's hand, Tang Hao was at a loss.

Tang Hao was also afraid that his battle with Dugu Bo would affect Tang San, so he jumped into the air, dodged, and then placed Tang San on a big tree.

Because there are titled Douluo fighting here, Tang Hao is not afraid of any soul beasts appearing here.

When Dugu Bo saw Tang Hao putting Tang San on the tree, he really wanted to give himself a beating, and he was also filled with anger. This was because he was looking down on himself so much.

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