Although Yuan Changqing did not go to watch the continental soul master competition, Wang Yuyan and Catherine were very interested and went to watch it every day.

In particular, Wang Yuyan also brought Yuan Qinglan with her, and as long as there was a Tianshui College game, she would go to every game. This also had a purpose.

As expected, all the students at Tianshui College were as beautiful as flowers. Wang Yuyan was extremely happy when she saw them.

Therefore, every time Tianshui College won a competition, he would take Yuan Qinglan to congratulate them. After a few times, Wang Yuyan became familiar with the leading teachers and students of Tianshui College, and by the way, Yuan Qinglan also got to know them.

After seeing Tang San leave the arena of the Soul Master Competition, Shi Nian also left.

In order to help Canghui Academy win tomorrow, Shi Nian decided to kill Tang San, the core member of the Shrek Academy team, in advance today.

So, they laid an ambush on the road Tang San passed by, and after Tang San entered the illusion caused by the martial soul Remnant Dream of that year, he took Tang San to a remote place outside Tiandou City.

During Can Meng's time, the martial soul Can Meng mastered the illusion ability, and often used the martial soul's ability to kill opponents to gain psychological satisfaction.

Moreover, Shi Nian is now the team leader of Canghui Academy. The martial spirit "Can Meng" is a relatively rare martial spirit on Douluo Continent.

The Remnant Dream Martial Spirit can lead people into a certain illusion, where they will be tortured in the dream and unable to extricate themselves, and eventually be killed. It sounds a bit like "Inception". Maybe, this is also related to his "Remnant Dream" martial spirit.

However, it is a pity that the ambush of Tang San this time was destined to be a miscalculation. Now, although Tang San's "Purple Demon Eye" does not have the help of the fairy grass to see through the autumn dew, it has still reached the mustard level and can already see through it. Everything is foggy.

This time Xiao Wu was able to avoid being discovered by titled Douluo like Yuan Changqing who had watched the battle, also because Tang San's "Purple Demon Eye" had some different developments after reaching the Mustard Seed realm, and he didn't know what it was used for. Covered up.

After Tang San entered the illusion of his time, he didn't notice it at first, but when he appeared in the same place back and forth, it immediately aroused Tang San's vigilance.

However, Tang San had the experience of two lifetimes. After discovering that something was wrong, he quickly calmed down. After thinking of countermeasures, he pretended to be in an illusion. When Can Meng Ji Nian let go of his guard, he would give him a sure blow. kill.

Sure enough, when Shi Nian saw Tang San unable to extricate himself after falling into the illusion, he didn't know that he had actually been deceived by Tang San, which also gave Tang San the opportunity to fight back.

So, after Tang San deceived Sian Nian, he found the right opportunity and used the "King of Hell Tie" to launch a sneak attack on Sian Nian.

Yuan Changqing had already followed Tang San when he took him outside Tiandou City. After seeing the "King of Hell Sticker" appearing in Tang San's hand, he couldn't help but sigh for Tang San.

Unexpectedly, this "King of Hell Poster" was made for Tang San. It was indeed worthy of being the son of the world. Some of the thoughts in his mind before made Yuan Changqing even more determined.

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, it is better not to kill Tang San for the time being, in order to avoid unknown changes, which will attract the attention of unknown beings and increase the danger to yourself.

Seeing that the "King of Hell Tie" was shot out by Tang San, Shi Nian was about to be hit because he was unprepared. Yuan Changqing also took action quickly, and with a burst of soul power, he directly knocked the poisonous needle shot by the "King of Hell Tie" to the ground.

After all, this "King of Hell Sticker" is just a relatively powerful special hidden weapon, which may have miraculous effects on unprepared people.

When Tang San saw the poisonous needle of the "King of Hell Tie" being knocked down, he knew that something unknown had happened, and he also knew that the plan to counterattack Shi Nian had failed.

Tang San was not a fool. When he saw something was wrong, what immediately occurred in his mind was to leave here quickly, otherwise he would have to deal with being here today.

So, Tang San quickly used the method of "ghost shadow and trace". The figures formed a zigzag shape, flashed continuously, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Just after Tang San shot out the poisonous needle of "King of Hell Tie", Shi Nian also knew that he was being plotted by Tang San.

However, when he came back to his senses, he found that Tang San had already run far away, so he wanted to catch up.

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "Shi Nian, don't chase him. Killing him will do you no good. The final result is that you will still be killed."

When Shi Nian heard this voice, he knew that this person should be the one who saved him just now.

So, Shi Nian looked in the direction of the sound and saw a person standing there not far away.

Shi Nian quickly asked: "Who are you, sir? Why did you save me?"

"Why save you? Of course you are still useful to me, otherwise I would have nothing to do!" Yuan Changqing said matter-of-factly.

Shi Nian also heard the meaning of these words and asked: "Although you saved me just now, if you want me to work for you, it depends on whether you have the strength."

At this time, he had not seen Yuan Changqing's strength. Although he felt that Yuan Changqing might be stronger than him, his confidence in his Remnant Dream Martial Spirit was not to that level to allow him to work for him.

"Oh! It seems that you are very confident in your own strength. How about I play with you now and see if your Canmeng Wuhun can really bring you confidence." Yuan Changqing asked.

Hearing Yuan Changqing say this, Shi Nian knew that he would either agree to play for the other party today or die.

So, Shi Nian once again used the illusion space to wrap Yuan Changqing inside.

After Yuan Changqing entered Shi Nian's fantasy space, he felt that this fantasy space was a way to infinitely amplify the negative emotions in his inner world. In addition, Shi Nian could add some private information to those negative emotions, so as to achieve People fall into infinite pain and are eventually killed by time.

However, Yuan Changqing's mental power was beyond the control of Shi Nian's Remnant Dream Martial Spirit. When Shi Nian saw Yuan Changqing walking around in his fantasy space, he knew that he had miscalculated this time.

Not only did Shi Nian miscalculate, but Yuan Changqing also pulled Shi Nian in. When Shi Nian wanted to withdraw, he found that he was suppressed by the opponent's strong mental power.

Until then, Shi Nian finally knew Yuan Changqing's strength. He must be a powerful Titled Douluo, and he was also a Titled Douluo with very strong mental power.

Otherwise, even if Yuan Changqing was a titled Douluo, he would still feel that it was impossible for him to even exit the illusion he created!

Shi Nian's guesses were indeed correct. Yuan Changqing used his strong mental power to directly suppress Shi Nian, preventing him from withdrawing at will.

At this time, facing the threat of possible death, Shi Nian immediately made a decision and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, Shi Nian was offended just now, and Shi Nian is willing to serve your Majesty."

Yuan Changqing did not answer, and kept staring at Shi Nian. He was still in a mental state, and it was easy to see whether Shi Nian was sincerely convinced.

After a while, Shi Nian was seen trembling by Yuan Changqing. Shi Nian knew that it was Yuan Changqing who didn't trust himself.

So, Shi Nian said again: "Your Majesty, I swear by my martial soul Can Meng that if you betray..."

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "I am Yuan Changqing."

Shi Nian then continued: "I, Shi Nian, swear by my martial spirit Can Meng that if I betray His Majesty Yuan Changqing, Can Meng's martial spirit will collapse and die."

Later, Yuan Changqing released his suppression of Shi Nian, and the two of them came out of the illusion space.

At that time, he immediately saluted Yuan Changqing and said, "Your Majesty."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Shi Nian, you should stay in Canghui College honestly from now on. I will inform you if anything happens."

"Also, don't think about dealing with Tang San in the future. There is also a Titled Douluo behind him."

Hearing this, Shi Nian suddenly started to sweat profusely, as if he had walked away from the gate of hell.

Then, Shi Nian quickly responded: "Yes, Your Majesty, I know."

Seeing that Shi Nian was quite sensible, Yuan Changqing ordered: "Shi Nian, your mission after being at Canghui College is to take control of Canghui College no matter what method you use. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I will definitely fulfill your Majesty's instructions." Shi Nian responded.

Later, Yuan Changqing went to the place where the poisonous needle of "King of Hell Sticker" fell, wrapped the poisonous needle with soul skills, and shot it at a big tree not far away. Soon, the big tree hit by the poisonous needle quickly withered. , decay, and finally turn into ashes and dissipate in the air.

Such a scene made Shi Nian dumbfounded, and he felt scared in his heart. He thought that if it weren't for Yuan Changqing, he might have been like this big tree!

Yuan Changqing looked at the effect of the "King of Hell Patch" poisonous needle. It was indeed highly toxic and full of effects.

The reason why Yuan Changqing let Shi Nian see this was to let him know that if he hadn't saved him, Shi Nian would have gone to see the God of Death by now.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing put away the poisonous needles that Tang San shot out. Maybe these things could come in handy in the future, and they might even bring unexpected joy to themselves.

After the matter of conquering Shi Nian was settled, Yuan Changqing took Shi Nian back to Tiandou City.

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