Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 218 Reminder

The continent-wide soul master competition passed one after another, and the seed teams that went to Wuhun City this time were also selected.

Because Yuan Changqing was still registered in the Tiandou Royal Academy, Prince Xue Qinghe also came over to invite Yuan Changqing to follow the Tiandou Empire's seed team to Wuhun City, and Yuan Changqing also agreed.

This time I went to Wuhun City to reunite with Bibi Dong and discuss some things.

Wuhun City.

After two rounds of soul master competitions in the Tiandou Empire, Yu Xiaogang went to Wuhun City in advance to find Bibi Dong in order to solve the problem of twin martial soul training.

In addition to Tang San's twin martial souls, judging from the cultivation status of the three people with twin martial souls known to Douluo Continent, only Bibi Dong now knows how to cultivate twin martial souls.

Maybe Yu Xiaogang feels good about himself and feels that Bibi Dong owes him. If he goes to Wuhun City to seek help this time, he will definitely get help from Bibi Dong.

It has to be said that besides his shortcomings, Yu Xiaogang still has advantages, that is, because of Tang San's existence, Yu Xiaogang is now more and more confident, looking like he has a chance to win, a bit like a dog-headed strategist. the taste of.

After Yu Xiaogang took the elder's token issued to him by the Wuhun Palace that Tang Hao had given him to the Shangsan Sect, when he arrived at Wuhun City, he took the elder's token directly and went to find Bibi Dong in a show of force.

Moreover, he also acted like a victim, and said that if you, Bibi Dong, don't help me, I will make you look good in the future.

I have to say that Master Yu Xiaogang is well-deserved. Even so, I feel that Bibi Dong will miss her old feelings and won't do anything to her.

However, what Yu Xiaogang didn't know was that the way Bibi Dong looked at Yu Xiaogang now was simply disgusting.

Bibi Dong thought again about why she had fallen in love with a useless person like Yu Xiaogang. She was really blind.

The current Bibi Dong will not always be tolerant to Yu Xiaogang like in the original work.

After seeing Yu Xiaogang holding the token previously given to the Haotian Sect, and now discovering that Tang San also possesses another martial spirit, the Haotian Hammer, it is not difficult to see that Yu Xiaogang has been mixed up with Tang Hao and his son and Wu. The grievances between the Soul Palace have disappeared.

Now that Yu Xiaogang knew clearly that Wuhun Palace had a grudge against Tang Hao and his son, he still dared to blatantly come to Wuhun Palace to seek help. This was simply a naked slap in Wuhun Palace's face!

No matter how good a person feels about himself, he would not do such a stupid thing. However, Yu Xiaogang showed his shamelessness to the fullest.

Bibi Dong felt that she was giving you face, so she stopped coddling Yu Xiaogang and confiscated the elder gold medal directly.

Before this was over, someone took Yu Xiaogang into custody again and asked the people below to greet Yu Xiaogang properly and let him experience what it was like to be in the cell of Wuhun Palace.

Therefore, Yu Xiaogang is now in a tragedy. Before coming to the Wuhun Hall, the confidence he had when he went to Bibi Dong to find a solution to the cultivation of twin souls was gone.

Yu Xiaogang, who was in the cell, even wanted to die now. How could he be so stupid that he was blinded by lard? It was not natural for him to blatantly come to Wuhun Palace with Tang Hao's Elder Token. Are you seeking death?

In this way, Yu Xiaogang would be repaired by the staff guarding the cell every day. Whether he can get out in the future depends on luck.

The Tiandou Empire's seed team heading to Wuhun City to participate in the Soul Master Competition is also on its way, and Yuan Changqing is now sitting on Prince Xue Qinghe's carriage to go with them.

Xue Qinghe has been recruiting Yuan Changqing over the years, but without success.

Although he failed to recruit Yuan Changqing, Yuan Changqing did not reject the friendship shown by Xue Qinghe.

Moreover, Xue Qinghe has still not figured out what is going on with Yuan Changqing. He always feels that there seems to be something he doesn't know about.

Yuan Changqing looked at Xue Qinghe, who was sitting opposite, and said meaningfully: "Qinghe, it seems that you haven't practiced well in these years. You know, only strength can protect the sweetest fruit!"

Listening to Yuan Changqing's words, Xue Qinghe always felt that there was some meaning in the words, and he didn't know how serious they were. This also made Xue Qinghe think that Yuan Changqing had discovered something.

Therefore, Xue Qinghe remained silent, and then replied with a wry smile: "Your Majesty, it's not like you don't know that the Swan Martial Spirit of our royal family is not a high-level martial spirit. It’s just too difficult.”

"So, it's not that Qinghe doesn't want to practice seriously, it's just that he has more than enough ambition but lacks the strength!"

At this time, Xue Qinghe also felt a little regretful in his heart. Why did he choose to come to the Tiandou Empire to pretend to be the prince? If he had practiced better in Biwuhun City, he would have been a titled Douluo-level soul master by now, instead of being like Now he is still a soul saint.

Moreover, Xue Qinghe did not dare to practice too fast, otherwise others would easily find out the clues, especially his teacher Ning Fengzhi, who had a titled Douluo around him, so he could easily spot some abnormalities. .

Seeing that Yuan Changqing has already become a powerful Titled Douluo, Xue Qinghe would be deceiving himself if he didn't envy him.

Yuan Changqing looked at Xue Qinghe and said, "Really? It seems that it's really not your fault."

Then Yuan Changqing asked deliberately: "Qinghe, I heard that you have been paying attention to a student named Tang San from Shrek Academy recently. I wonder what is so special about him that he deserves the attention of your highness, the Crown Prince!"

Xue Qinghe replied: "It's nothing. It's just because my teacher admires him more and he is a twin martial soul, so I paid attention to him."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "It seems that you now know Tang San's background."

"Well, Tang San's other martial spirit is the famous Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit, and he is Tang Hao's son." Xue Qinghe didn't hide anything. I guess with Yuan Changqing's ability, he should have known about Tang San's background.

Then, Xue Qinghe continued: "Although the Haotian Sect was forced to close the mountain, as a member of the Haotian Sect living in exile, Tang San would not be without benefit to the Tiandou Empire if he had a good relationship with him. After all, Wuhundian is becoming more and more aggressive now, which is not a good sign."

Yuan Changqing said again, "So you want to recruit Tang San and indirectly hook up with the Haotian Sect. Are you sure you are serious?"

"Well, I have thoughts on this." Xue Qinghe replied seriously.

Yuan Changqing reminded: "In this case, let me give you a hint. Now the Li clan in Tiandou City has surrendered to Tang Sansan. You should also know that Haotian Sect used to have four major affiliated clans!"

"Now that the Force Clan has joined, it is not impossible for the remaining three clans to join Tang Sansan under the recommendation of the Force Clan."

"Moreover, the Min clan is related by marriage to the Haotian Sect. This clan is also the most likely to seek refuge with Tang San."

"As for the remaining Yu clan and Po clan, as long as they work hard, they will most likely join Tang San."

Yuan Changqing said this to remind Xue Qinghe to pay attention to these things, otherwise the boat might capsize in the gutter.

If Xue Qinghe can eliminate these forces in advance, it will be easier to control the Tiandou Empire in the future.

It's not like in the original work, knowing clearly that these four major clans had taken refuge with Tang San, but they still remained indifferent and didn't think of a way to solve it.

After Yuan Changqing said this, Xue Qinghe was also thinking secretly about what this meant.

Although Yuan Changqing was talking about the many benefits of recruiting Tang San, with the addition of these four major clans, Tang San's power had greatly increased, and he would have a lot more helpers for the Tiandou Empire to resist the Spirit Hall in the future.

Secretly, it was a reminder that Tang San and his son had a bloody feud with Wuhun Palace. If Tang San's power increased greatly, it would be of no benefit to controlling the Tiandou Empire and Wuhun Palace.

In fact, Yuan Changqing's intention was to tell Xue Qinghe not to waste all his efforts on Tang San.

Seeing Xue Qinghe's thinking look, Yuan Changqing closed his eyes and said nothing more.

When Xue Qinghe looked at Yuan Changqing again, his face also looked uncertain.

After the Tiandou Empire's team walked to a long and narrow valley, they were attacked by a group of men in black just like in the original work.

After looking at this group of men in black, Yuan Changqing was speechless for a while. He didn't know what Bibi Dong was thinking. Although it was to kill Tang San, such an obvious attack made all the colleges in the Tiandou Empire share the same hatred. In the end, the mutton was not eaten, but it caused a lot of trouble.

Seeing this, Xue Qinghe quickly asked: "Your Majesty, what should we do now?"

Yuan Changqing glanced at Xue Qinghe and said: "We will wait and see what happens for the time being. There is no need for me to take action now. Others will naturally solve the problem."

After all, it was not just Yuan Changqing who was going to Wuhun City this time. Ning Fengzhi was also in the team with Sword Dou Luo Chenxin, but they were sitting on another carriage.

After encountering the attack, Ning Fengzhi rushed to Shrek Academy with Sword Douluo. After all, Ning Rongrong was there.

Sure enough, as teachers and students from various colleges shared the same hatred and worked together to fight against the enemy, these men in black did not take advantage.

Later, when Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo appeared, everyone knew that these people were sent by Wuhun Palace.

In the end, it was also known that these people came specifically to kill Tang San, and the others only suffered unreasonable disasters.

However, in the end, with the help of Sword Dou Luo Chenxin, the black-clothed men from Wuhun Palace who came to kill Tang San returned in vain.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Changqing said to Xue Qinghe: "Qinghe, do you think this Wuhun Palace is sick? Even if you want to assassinate Tang San, you have to choose a good time."

"To carry out an assassination in front of so many people is no different from handing over the handle to the Tiandou Empire. After you go to Wuhun City this time, you must express the Tiandou Empire's strong dissatisfaction, so that Wuhun Palace must have An explanation.”

However, Xue Qinghe always felt strange when he heard Yuan Changqing's words.

Xue Qinghe also nodded and said: "We must express the dissatisfaction of the Tiandou Empire to Wuhun Palace, otherwise, Wuhun Palace will really think that the Tiandou Empire is a soft persimmon!"

After Xue Qinghe finished speaking, he quickly got off the carriage and took his men to various colleges to understand the situation and comfort them.

Fortunately, in the end, except for the Tiandou Empire's army, the losses to those colleges were not major. After a simple repair, they continued to head to Wuhun City.

The journey after that was relatively smooth. I encountered no setbacks along the way and arrived at Wuhun City safely.

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