Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 230 Evil God Bead

After Bibi Dong and Yuan Changqing were sucked into the Arena of Life and Death by the Dark Devilgod Tiger, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo outside saw this scene and immediately looked at each other.

Ju Douluo asked anxiously: "Old ghost, the Pope and Yuan Changqing were sucked into the black hole. What should we do?"

Ghost Douluo was also a little anxious at this time and didn't know what to do. He just shook his head and said: "What else can we do? There are only two of us here now. We don't know what the situation is. This situation is also All we can do is wait.”

At this time, Bibi Dong and Yuan Changqing were in a similar alien space. On the battlefield just now, apart from the traces of previous fights, only Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were left.

After hearing this, Ju Douluo also nodded and said, "I hope nothing will happen to the Pope and Yuan Changqing!"

After Yuan Changqing and Bibi Dong discussed it, the two began to act independently, constantly wandering around the Dark Demon Tiger, interfering with its movements.

I saw Yuan Changqing holding the two ice swords and waving the sword energy continuously, attacking towards the head of the Dark Demon Evil Tiger.

Bibi Dong also started to take action. His head soul bone, which is mentally immune, has a soul bone skill called "Real World". He can even see through the soul. After using the head soul bone skill, he could clearly see the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. situation.

I saw that the soul of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was still entangled with the phantom of a magic seal. Bibi Dong said at this time: "Chang Qing, I'm afraid the effect of my previous soul skill won't last long."

Later, Bibi Dong used the twin death scythes formed by the soul bones of his left arm and his right arm to join the battle against the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

After hearing this, Yuan Changqing said: "We try to delay as much time as possible. It is still solving the troubles in the soul. This is our opportunity."

As a result, Bibi Dong and Yuan Changqing began to use their soul bones to attack the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's defense.

Perhaps because of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's confidence in its own defense skills, it didn't care about the actions of Yuan Changqing and Bibi Dong, but concentrated on solving their soul troubles.

As if to verify the behavior of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, as expected, Yuan Changqing and Bibi Dong failed to shake its "Evil God Guard" skill in time.

At this time, Bibi Dong became a little anxious and said: "Changqing, what should we do now? The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's defense cannot be broken with our current abilities."

"Moreover, if we continue, the little soul power we have is wasted on maintaining soul bones even though we don't use soul bone skills."

What Bibi Dong said is not unreasonable, but Yuan Changqing discovered the behavior of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. Since he is dedicated to solving the soul problem, this gives me a chance.

So, Yuan Changqing came to Bibi Dong and said, "Get ready now and wait for my command."

After Yuan Changqing finished speaking, he went straight forward and came to the side of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. Taking advantage of its unpreparedness, he pressed his hands on its body, communicating with the world that had not been used for a long time, and began to absorb the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's energy. Evil spirit.

In an instant, the balance of the evil energy emitted by the "Evil God Guard" skill of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was broken, and a blank appeared.

The rules that existed in the Arena of Life and Death were instantly applied to the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger from that blank space.

Subsequently, the "Evil God's Protection" on the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger instantly disintegrated, and it turned into a little tiger.

Yuan Changqing quickly shouted: "Quick, kill it."

Bibi Dong, who had been prepared for a long time, saw the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger transform into a tiger cub, and rushed forward. The twin death scythes slashed its throat twice in a row, and then it fell to the ground and died.

This is also the price paid by the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger for its carelessness. It was confident in the "Evil God's Guard" skill and was indifferent to the attacks of Yuan Changqing and Bibi Dong. It was busy solving the troubles in its soul, so it would not have suffered such a big mistake.

With the death of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, the effect of the Arena of Life and Death was lost, and Yuan Changqing and Bibi Dong also appeared from that alien space.

After seeing the two of them, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo hurriedly came forward to greet them.

Yuan Changqing has been paying attention to the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger at this time. The most important thing on his body is still there. In order to prevent it from accidentally escaping, Yuan Changqing has been guarding beside the body of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

As expected, not long after, a bead appeared from the corpse of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, and the surrounding space fluctuations became stronger.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing quickly stepped forward and grabbed the bead to prevent it from running away through the space channel.

What Yuan Changqing didn't know was that when he grabbed the Evil God Bead, the Evil God in the God Realm also noticed it.


Spirit world.

The God of Evil noticed that the Evil God Pearl he had left on Douluo Continent had changed.

Through induction, the Evil God discovered that the host of the power he had left on Douluo Continent was dead. However, the Evil God's Pearl was actually obtained by someone.

The God of Goodness saw the same look as the God of Evil and asked: "Evil, what's wrong with you?"

The God of Evil replied: "It's nothing serious. I just found out that the Evil God Pearl I had on Douluo Continent didn't escape this time, and was even obtained by someone above me. What a surprise!"

The God of Kindness added: "Is it the planet that God King Shura and Poseidon are paying attention to?"

The God of Evil nodded and said: "Yes, I also randomly used an orb to leave my divine power in it to see if anyone could obtain and inherit my divine throne."

The God of Kindness nodded and said: "Then whoever gets your orb this time, do you think he can inherit your throne?"

The God of Evil shook his head and said, "I sensed it through that orb just now. His power is similar to the energy of the God of Life. It seems there is no hope this time."

During the conversation between the God of Evil and the God of Kindness, Yuan Changqing handed the Evil God Bead to Bibi Dong again.

Yuan Changqing said: "Dong'er, this orb is related to what I told you before, please take it."

"Yeah." Bibi Dong took the Evil God Pearl in her hand and looked at it carefully, but didn't see anything special.


After looking at the expression of the God of Evil, the God of Good actually asked twice in a row today: "Evil, what happened to you today? Did you find something else?"

The God of Evil nodded and said: "I really found out. Just now you didn't ask me if the person who got my orb can inherit my divine throne, but now I actually sensed someone who can inherit my divine throne. "

But as soon as the God of Evil finished speaking, his brows wrinkled again.

Seeing the God of Evil frowning, the God of Kind asked: "This is a good thing, why are you frowning?"

The God of Evil replied: "I just sensed a familiar aura in the body of the person who can inherit my throne."

The God of Kindness was also a little surprised and asked: "Who is it? Is that person already the successor to the throne of God?"

"Yes, he is indeed the successor to the divine throne, and he still inherits the divine throne of Rakshasa God." The God of Evil replied.

The God of Kindness nodded and said, "Then it seems that you need to find someone you are destined for again."

After putting away the Evil God Bead, Bibi Dong looked at the black soul ring on the corpse of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. After recovering her own soul power, she began to absorb the soul ring.

When Bibi Dong absorbed the soul ring, the God of Evil also sensed that there was no divine power in Bibi Dong's soul-eating spider emperor spirit.

The God of Evil said again: "That's not necessarily true. Maybe this person can really inherit my throne. It seems that I need to talk to the Rakshasa God."

The God of Kindness asked in surprise: "Evil, are you trying to steal the successor chosen by the Rakshasa God?"

The God of Evil shook his head and said: "I still understand some of the rules of the God Realm. Although I am stronger than the Rakshasa God, I will not snatch the successors of other gods. It is just the Rakshasa God who chooses. This successor is a little special."

"Also, maybe I can use the divine test to help you find an heir!"

"Special?" The God of Kindness thought for a while and then said: "Could this person be able to inherit two divine positions? Then he (she) should be a twin martial soul, which can inherit your divine position."

The God of Evil nodded and said, "That's right, I said this just because I sensed that one of his (her) spirits has no divine power."

Then, the evil god asked his servant to invite the Rakshasa god.

As Bibi Dong continued to absorb the soul ring, it gradually reached the final moment. Now, without the help of the Evil God Pearl, Bibi Dong easily solved the remnant soul of the Dark Demon Evil Tiger, and finally, successfully absorbed it. The soul ring of the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

When I saw the soul ring skill of Bibi Dong's Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, it turned out to be a cute little tiger. It seems that no matter how powerful it is, it still has its cute side.

Yuan Changqing and others were surprised when they saw this situation. They didn't expect that the soul ring could be like this.

Moreover, Bibi Dong was shocked when she saw the situation of the soul ring. This was the first time she had seen such a situation.

At this time, Bibi Dong asked: "Changqing, why did my soul skill become like this?"

Yuan Changqing shook his head and replied: "I don't know, this is the first time I have encountered this situation. Maybe it's because soul beasts like the Dark Demon Evil Tiger are too special!"

"Moreover, maybe it's because of this that your soul skills are so effective."

Bibi Dong also nodded and said: "What you said is true. After this soul ring turns into a little tiger, it is really similar to when it was alive, inheriting its six attributes."

Yuan Changqing added: "Although your spirit ring does not reach the level of a hundred thousand year old spirit ring, with its six attributes, it is not weaker than the effect of a hundred thousand year old spirit ring."

"Besides, there's nothing wrong with the way this little tiger looks."

Bibi Dong also laughed at this time. Indeed, the cute little tiger now looked different from the Dark Evil God Tiger before.

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