Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 231 A bolt from the blue

After Bibi Dong successfully obtained the soul ring of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, the four of them hurriedly left the Star Dou Forest. They also spent a lot of time here this time.

After Yuan Changqing and others left the Star Dou Forest, they returned to the Star Dou Town again.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing and Bibi Dong parted ways and each embarked on their way home.

After a long period of fermentation, almost everyone on the Douluo Continent knew about the destruction of the Haotian Sect and the Li Clan.

Tang Xiao knew the seriousness of the matter when he took people to the secluded place of Haotian Sect in Wuhun Palace.

In order to keep the Haotian Sect alive, they quickly arranged for people to escort some talented juniors of the Haotian Sect, as well as the women and children, to leave the secluded place.

After hiding all the way, the remaining women, children, and children of the Haotian Sect came to the Star Luo Empire and arrived at a place surrounded by mountains. It was sparsely populated and few people appeared here.

Because the Star Luo Empire is relatively strong, the power of Wuhun Palace is not as great as in the Tiandou Empire.

Therefore, it would be much safer for the remaining members of the Haotian Sect to come to the Star Luo Empire.

Moreover, this place was also the secret place of the Haotian Sect in the Star Luo Empire, and only the people of the Haotian Sect knew about it.

Not to mention the Cunning Rabbit's Three Caves, this is also a retreat left by the Haotian Sect. Otherwise, these women and children would not know where to find a hiding place.

Moreover, this has to be said about Tang Xiao's decisive decision. Otherwise, in the Haotian Sect, these people would end up in the same fate as Tang Xiao, the five elders, and the remaining sect disciples. People die.

Tiandou City, Yuexuan.

Ever since Tang Yuehua knew that the Haotian Sect had been destroyed, his whole person had changed. He no longer looked as graceful and dignified as he did before the Haotian Sect was destroyed.

Now Tang Yuehua seems to have lost his soul. He sheds tears every day and looks haggard.

The flawless white moonlight shone through the window on the person beside the window. Tang Yuehua looked like a zombie, silently dazed by himself.

At this time, a black figure suddenly appeared in Yuexuan, the whole person was wrapped tightly.

When the visitor came to the window and saw Tang Yuehua, he shouted in a deep voice: "Aunt Yuehua."

After shouting several times in a row, Tang Yuehua responded. After seeing a man in black, Tang Yuehua asked in a hoarse voice: "Who are you?"

Then, the man in black took off the bag on his head and said, "Aunt Yuehua, it's me, Tang Long."

After seeing Tang Long, Tang Yuehua said excitedly: "Tang Long, it's great that you are still alive."

Then, he quickly asked: "Xiaolong, my eldest brother, and the five elders, how are the other members of my clan doing?"

Tang Long's deep voice came again and said: "Aunt Yuehua, I don't know either. After I and some women, children and young people in the tribe were arranged to leave by the sect master, after these tribesmen were settled, we came out again to inquire about the news. , not long after, I heard that the Haotian Sect was destroyed."

"However, I haven't seen a single clan member left behind in the sect so far. I think the clan leader, the five elders who stayed behind, and the clan members must have all been killed!"

Then, Tang Long said with a tone of hatred: "These are all done by Wuhun Palace. When I gain strength in the future, I will definitely come back with revenge and avenge those dead clansmen."

"Then there's Tang Hao. If it weren't for his repeated conflicts with Wuhun Palace, our Haotian Sect wouldn't have been destroyed by Wuhun Palace."

Tang Yuehua felt helpless when she saw Tang Long's resentful tone towards Tang Hao. Yes, all of this was Tang Hao's actions alone. However, it brought the Haotian Sect to the end of its destruction.

So, Tang Yuehua had no choice but to say: "Xiaolong, the second brother also has his own reasons."

Tang Long couldn't care about Tang Hao's difficulties. He only knew that so many members of the Haotian Sect died tragically, including his own parents, but he didn't care about Tang Hao's difficulties.

Tang Long said coldly: "Aunt Yuehua, I know you have a good relationship with Tang Hao, but the Haotian Sect is not Tang Hao's Haotian Sect. I came to see you this time just to see if you have anything here. News from the Sect Master and the others.”

"As for Tang Hao, if he really thought about Haotian Sect, he wouldn't do such mindless things again and again."

"Furthermore, just because of the conflict with Wuhun Palace, he killed the previous pope, which caused the Haotian Sect to be forced to retire, and now because of his son and a soul beast, our Haotian Sect has been destroyed. .”

"So, Tang Hao never considered the Haotian Sect. In the end, it was the Haotian Sect that paid for his actions."

Upon seeing this, Tang Yuehua knew that the remaining clan members probably hated Tang Hao to the core, and didn't know what to say.

Tang Long said again: "Aunt Yuehua, it's very dangerous for you to be here alone now. Otherwise, you'd better leave with me!"

Tang Yuehua shook his head and said: "Forget it, I'd better stay in Tiandou City. If there are still clansmen in the sect alive, maybe they can be found, so that I can find out about the sect."

Tang Long saw that Tang Yuehua was not willing to leave, so he did not force it, and said: "Okay, Aunt Yuehua, I will leave first. Now the Wuhun Palace is still looking for those of us who are still in the Haotian Sect. Are you in heaven?" Be more careful in Doucheng."

Afterwards, Tang Long left a secret method to deliver the message and left quickly under the cover of night.

At this time, Yuexuan was not safe either. In order to follow the clues and find the remaining personnel of Haotian Sect, Wuhun Palace did not want to do anything to Tang Yuehua, but just kept monitoring her.

half year later.

After Tang Hao brought Tang San to the beautiful valley not far from the Holy Soul Village, he had been training Tang San there.

Since there are a lot of wild fruits and fish in the rivers, there is no shortage of food for Tang Hao and Tang San for the time being, but they will occasionally go outside to purchase some supplies.

Regarding how to train Tang San, Tang Hao had already made a plan in his mind, and now he could just implement it.

Originally, Tang San's cultivation of the first martial soul had almost improved, and now it was time to cultivate the second martial soul, the Clear Sky Hammer.

Moreover, now that a major crisis is approaching, the threat to Tang San from Wuhun Palace also requires Tang San's strength to reach a higher level as soon as possible. For Tang Hao to train himself, Tang San is also happy to see it happen. .

However, Tang Hao is now the suitable candidate to lead Tang San in cultivating the Clear Sky Hammer, which is known as the most domineering artifact soul on Douluo Continent. After all, Tang San is not a member of the Clear Sky Sect now.

Moreover, Tang Hao was also one of the top geniuses of the Haotian Sect back then. He had already practiced it himself, and now he would teach his son how to practice again, which would definitely improve the efficiency of Tang San's practice.

First, Tang Hao asked Tang San to practice his own strength and practice the Clear Cloak Hammering Technique without the help of soul power.

Moreover, different wooden hammers are still used. At the waterfall, the impact force of the waterfall from top to bottom is used to train how to swing the wooden hammer in the waterfall.

Therefore, during his training period, Tang San not only improved his physical fitness, but his physical strength also became much stronger.

In the end, after Tang Hao's step-by-step training method, Tang San was not only able to swing the hammer in the waterfall very well, but with such continuous training, he also mastered the random cloak hammer technique to perfection.

Moreover, the reason why Tang Hao wanted to train Tang San now was to prepare Tang San for entering the Killing City.

After all, in the killing city, a soul master cannot use his soul skills, so he needs a strong body and life-saving trump cards.

Therefore, in the killing city, people can only rely on their own strength to fight and survive. This was a great advantage for Tang San, who had mastered the cloak hammering technique to great perfection.

Of course, these all take time, and you can only improve by passing each stage.

Therefore, after training Tang San to a stage, Tang Hao let Tang San train alone, and then move on to the next stage after reaching the standard.

Therefore, Tang Hao also took advantage of Tang San's time to practice and went to a place far away from the Holy Soul Village to purchase needed supplies.

However, during this purchase of supplies, Tang Hao overheard a piece of news that shocked him. The Haotian Sect and the Li Clan were wiped out.

Tang Hao didn't care too much about the annihilation of the Force Clan. This also shows that the Force Clan deserves to be destroyed. Who told you to be a licking dog!

However, the news that the Haotian Sect was destroyed was difficult for Tang Hao to accept, and he became furious for a moment.

So, Tang Hao quickly grabbed a person who was discussing the destruction of Haotian Sect and asked in a cold tone: "I ask, you answer!"

The powerful aura scared the man to death, and he could only nod his head involuntarily when he heard Tang Hao's question.

Later, Tang Hao asked again: "You just said that the Haotian Sect was destroyed. When did this happen?"

"It's been almost half a year, and now the whole continent knows about it."

Tang Hao asked again: "Did Wuhun Palace do it, and what was the reason for destroying Haotian Sect?"

The man nodded again and said: "Yes, it was Wuhun Palace's action. It is said that it was because Haotian Douluo Tang Hao colluded with the soul beast, so Wuhun Palace destroyed Haotian Sect. "

After getting the news he wanted, Tang Hao threw the man to the ground, turned around and left.

"Ah, Wuhun Palace, I want you to pay the price and be buried with the Haotian Sect." Tang Hao's voice spread far away.

After the few people who were discussing the destruction of Haotian Sect heard this, they also guessed who the person was just now.

One of the passers-by said: "Isn't that person Haotian Douluo Tang Hao?"

Passerby Yi replied: "Judging from the meaning of those words, it should be him. I didn't expect to meet him here."

Passerby C said at this time: "Fortunately, he didn't do anything to us, otherwise we would have turned into corpses by now."

After Tang Hao confirmed the news that Haotian Sect had been destroyed, he immediately lost his mind.

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