Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 254 The New King of Killing

Spirit world.

After Tang Chen's death, God Shura also sensed the changes in the place where the divine throne was inherited on the Douluo Continent, and knew that the inheritor of the divine throne had died.

When Tang Chen, the inheritor of the divine throne, was plotted against, God Shura also knew about it. However, there was no death after all. It was just the sudden changes in the killing city that attracted God Shura's attention.

Therefore, God Shura was also preparing to send down his divine thoughts to see what happened.

Faced with the fact that he personally killed his grandfather Tang Chen, Tang Hao couldn't accept this fact for a while.

Although, judging from the situation at that time, something must have happened to Tang Chen, otherwise, he would not have killed him in the first place.

Moreover, judging from Tang Chen's final changes and letting himself kill Tang Chen, Tang Hao must have known that he was no match.

So, judging from the previous situation, Tang Chen must have been controlled by something, but I don't know what method he used in the end to briefly gain control of his body.

After a period of sadness, Tang Hao thought again that his great revenge had not been avenged, Tang San had not grown up yet, and he still needed to hold on.

Afterwards, Tang Hao first collected the body of his grandfather Tang Chen, and then picked up the Shura Divine Sword on the ground.

In an instant, after Tang Hao came into contact with the Shura Divine Sword, he seemed to be pulled down into a special space. There was a figure standing in the air. In fact, this figure was the divine will descended by the Shura God.

"It seems that my successor died because of you." God Shura said.

After hearing this, Tang Hao's eyes turned red instantly, and he said with a cold face: "You are the one who controlled my grandfather. Who are you and why do you do this?"

God Shura ignored Tang Hao's tone and said, "So, you and my successor are still a family."

"But why do you think I controlled your grandfather?"

Tang Hao stared at God Shura, as if his eyes could kill him, and said: "If you hadn't controlled my grandfather, then why didn't he recognize me and wanted to kill me."

"Hahaha, interesting, interesting. It seems that you haven't figured out the situation yet." God Shura smiled and said: "Then, do you know who I am? You must think that I control your grandfather."

"If you don't tell me who you are, how will I know?" Tang Hao said impatiently.

God Shura smiled again and said: "Since you want to know, then I will tell you who I am. Listen up, I am God King Shura, and your grandfather is the inheritor of this God King."

"So, now do you still think I will be the one controlling your grandfather?"

"Hiss!" When Tang Hao heard that the person in front of him was God King Shura, he instantly took a breath.

Then, Tang Hao said again: "You said that my grandfather was the inheritor of your divine throne. Then, why did he become like this? He didn't even recognize his descendants."

God Shura thought that he had finally found a qualified inheritor of the divine throne, but was plotted against him in the end. He sighed and said, "Alas, your grandfather's situation was plotted against."

"Ah, aren't you a god? My grandfather is your inheritor of the throne, why can't you help him!" Tang Hao asked with some confusion.

God Shura said again: "Do you think it's that easy? When I knew that my successor was plotted, it was already too late."

"Furthermore, the God Realm has its own rules. How can they be broken casually?"

Although he didn't know why even the gods were helpless, Tang Hao still wanted to know how his grandfather Tang Chen was plotted and who was behind the scenes.

So, Tang Hao asked again: "Then how was my grandfather plotted against, and who was plotting against my grandfather?"

God Shura looked at Tang Hao and said, "Since you also have my mark on your body, I will tell you about it."

"This city of killing is a place I specially left on the Douluo Continent to test my divine status, and your grandfather is also the person most likely to inherit my divine status."

"There are nine tests for the divine throne. Based on your grandfather's situation and strength at the time, I originally thought that he would eventually inherit my divine throne. But I didn't expect that when the eighth test was about to be completed, someone would plot against him. It’s there.”

"When I learned about it, it was already too late. Although your grandfather was not completely dead, there were still souls contaminated by my divine power that had not been eliminated."

"However, he was also completely suppressed, unable to move, and his body and sea of ​​consciousness were fully controlled by a blood-red nine-headed bat king's soul beast."

"And this kind of soul beast is very corrosive. It's good that your grandfather can persist until now."

"As for who is plotting against your grandfather, even if I tell you, you don't have the strength to participate. Your strength level is not at the same level. Knowing it will only increase your troubles. So you should understand."

God Shura's last words also let Tang Hao know that the person who plotted against his grandfather must have reached the level of a god. Even if he knew it now, he would not have the strength to take revenge.

Suddenly, Tang Hao felt a deep sense of helplessness again.

Later, Tang Hao thought that this place was no longer a killing place. He didn't think so much before because of the anger in his heart.

So, why did God Shura bring him here now?

So, Tang Hao asked again: "Master Shura God King, is there anything you need me to do now that you brought me here?"

After hearing Tang Hao's words, Shura God felt that Tang Hao was much more pleasing to the eye now than before.

God Shura nodded and said: "There is indeed something that needs your help. As the place where my divine throne is inherited, the Killing City also needs a caregiver. I think that although you are injured, your strength is still good. Yes, very suitable for this location.”

"Well, I don't know if you are willing. If you are willing, I can help you heal your injury."

After hearing this, Tang Hao thought about it seriously, and then thought that Tang San was now in the Slaughter City. If he became the caregiver here, wouldn't he be the Slaughter King here.

So, in this way, not only could his injuries be treated, but Tang San could also be protected. Tang Hao felt that this was a way to get the best of both worlds.

So, Tang Hao nodded and said: "Master Shura God King, I am willing to be the guardian of the place where your divine throne is inherited."

God Shura smiled, very satisfied with Tang Hao's answer, and said: "Since you agreed, then I will cure your injury first, otherwise, with your current condition, it is very likely that you will not be able to hold on for long. "

Then, God Shura waved his hand, and divine power fell on Tang Hao. In an instant, Tang Hao felt that his internal injuries were slowly recovering, and his internal organs began to reset.

This is a feeling that Tang Hao has never felt since he became a Titled Douluo. As the injury recovers, the previous heavy feeling all over his body is gone, and now he feels that his body has an unprecedented sense of relaxation.

After Tang Hao recovered from his injury, God Shura stopped. After all, the divine power in the divine thoughts coming down from the divine world was also limited.

God Shura looked at Tang Hao and said again: "In addition to helping me look after the Killing City, you also need to help me find the next inheritor of the divine throne, and you also need to escort him so that he can complete it smoothly. My divine status assessment.”

After hearing God Shura's words, Tang Hao instantly had an idea in his mind, since God Shura said before that his grandfather Tang Chen was the most suitable successor to the throne.

So, now that Tang San is in this killing city, can he also become the inheritor of God Shura's throne?

So, Tang Hao said again: "Master Shura God King, since you need a successor to the divine throne, then I now have a ready candidate."

"Besides, that person is in the Killing City. I don't know if you need to take a look to see if it's appropriate."

As for the person Tang Hao was talking about, how could God Shura not know who it was? After all, as the God Realm's law enforcement king, he monitors the entire God Realm to see if anyone violates the rules of the God Realm, and communicates with the other four God Kings of the God Realm. Let’s protect the Douluo World together. If you don’t know this, then the Douluo World will be in danger.

Moreover, regarding Tang San, God King Shura knew very well that how Tang San came to Douluo Continent and the opportunities he encountered on Douluo Continent were all his own faults.

As for Yuan Changqing's arrival, why didn't God Shura or other god kings notice it? This has to be said about the World Pearl.

Although the World Pearl was severely damaged, its most basic function of concealing the secrets still existed.

Otherwise, Yuan Changqing might have been discovered as soon as he came to Douluo Continent. Then, there are two consequences waiting for Yuan Changqing, either death, or receiving the attention of God and being selected as the inheritor of the divine throne.

Also, why did God Shura directly choose Tang Hao as the guardian of the Killing City? Isn't it because he and Tang San have a father-son relationship.

In this case, it would be impossible for Tang Hao not to be careful when one was the inheritor of the Shura throne and the other was the guardian of the Killing City.

God Shura didn't reveal Tang Hao's little thoughts. This was exactly what he needed and it could save him a lot of effort.

So, God Shura nodded and said: "Since I asked you to help me find the inheritor of the divine throne, you naturally have the right to recommend it."

"Then, tell me now, who makes you so optimistic about it? I will also investigate."

Then Tang Hao replied: "Lord God King, that man's name is Tang San, and my subordinates don't hide it either. He is my son, and he is currently training in the Killing City."

God Shura, who had known about Tang San's situation for a long time, now pretended to close his eyes, and after a while, said: "Your son is still a twin martial soul. Now it seems that your recommendation of your son is also a good candidate."

"However, since you recommended it, I will also give your son a chance. As long as Tang San can pass through the hell road of the Killing City, he can come and start the inheritance test for the divine position."

"On behalf of Tang San, I would like to thank Lord God King." Tang Hao said happily now.

Tang Hao, who had experienced so much suffering, finally had a good thing happen to him.

Not only is his injury now healed, but Tang San has also received the promise of a divine examination. For Tang Hao, it is really a double blessing!

However, what Tang Hao didn't know was that God Shura had already chosen Tang San as the inheritor of his divine throne. However, after such an operation, it was an accident that Tang San and his son were still not grateful to him. Harvest!

Later, after God Shura told Tang Hao how to control the Killing City, that divine thought returned to Shura God Sword again.

With this, Tang Hao became the new killing king of the killing city.

After Bibi Dong completed this soul hunting operation and annexed the Tiandou Empire to establish the Wuhun Empire, she also completed a test for the Rakshasa God.

Later, after completing the divine examination, because of the relationship between the evil god king, the Rakshasa divine examination was completed again, and Bibi Dong also started the examination for the inheritance of the evil god king's divine throne.

Thus, a person with two divine statuses was born on Douluo Continent. Although he has not truly become a god yet, it is only a matter of time.

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