Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 255 The situation changes again

After Yuan Changqing saw that things in Tiandou City had calmed down, he first went to Wuhun City and then returned to Lanyin Village.

While in Wuhun City, Yuan Changqing also learned about the situation of her divine examination from Bibi Dong, and felt that he should practice well and break through the current realm as soon as possible.

Moreover, when leaving Wuhun City, Bibi Dong gave Yuan Changqing something that he didn't want to accept.

However, I also thought that there are still some people in the family whose strength is still too low to cope with future situations.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing accepted it. After all, there is someone in the family who is suitable for this thing.

After returning to Lanyin Village, Yuan Changqing summoned brothers Yuan Qinglan.

Looking at the people in front of him, Yuan Changqing took out what Bibi Dong gave him, which was a box, and then handed it to Yuan Qinglan.

Yuan Changqing said: "As for the contents of this box, I will tell you briefly. This is the national treasure of the former Tiandou Empire: the Vast Sea Universe Shield, which is also a thing of the Poseidon."

"Now, I'll leave it to you. You can use it yourself, or you can give it to Bing'er. The only ones suitable for our family now are you two."

"Furthermore, this thing is also related to the inheritance of Poseidon. I called you all here so that you can go to Poseidon Island to take the test."

"Although only one person can get the divine inheritance in the end, it is beneficial for you to go together, and you can also participate in the Poseidon's assessment."

"It's just that if you don't get the divine inheritance, it's just a simple assessment. However, this can also quickly improve your strength."

"Also, Zhuqing and Bing'er have also begun to practice the family's inherited skills, but your strength has not yet reached the level required by the family."

"So, not all the skills have been taught to you. This is something that every family member has experienced."

"However, this time you are going to Poseidon Island to take the divine examination together. I will teach you the techniques from the first to the ninth level now."

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing directly taught those who had not yet obtained the first nine levels of "Eternal Spring Secret" to them.

Later, Yuan Changqing said: "As for the "Eternal Spring Secret", as long as you practice step by step, you can practice to the level of a god. I believe you should have known this before."

"However, this requires hard training to achieve. However, the inheritance of the divine position is different. As long as you participate in the assessment, whether you are the inheritor of the divine position or those who simply participated in the assessment, you can quickly improve your strength. .”

"Therefore, this is why I asked you to go to Poseidon Island to take the assessment. So, if you have anything you want to ask, ask it now!"

Yuan Qinglan first asked: "Dad, you said that only Bing'er and I can use this Vast Sea Universe Shield. What do you mean by this?"

Yuan Changqing also knew what Yuan Qinglan was thinking, because he was afraid that other people would have random thoughts.

Yuan Changqing looked at Yuan Qinglan and nodded happily, saying: "This is also inferred based on your attributes. Hailan is currently majoring in the metallic white-headed golden-winged eagle martial spirit, and his other martial spirit is also preparing to take the life attribute. Route, it doesn’t match.”

"As for Zhuqing, she is now taking the path of death attribute, which is quite different from the status of Poseidon."

"So, now you and Bing'er are the most suitable in our family. If we really want to talk about it, Bing'er may be the most suitable, but you are even worse."

"Therefore, when the time comes, which one of you two can inherit the position of Poseidon will only depend on Poseidon's choice."

After Yuan Changqing said this, everyone nodded, and Yuan Qinglan asked again: "Then will it be just the four of us this time?"

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "Your cousin Ye Guang and the other two will also go. After they arrive, you can set off."

The two people Yuan Changqing mentioned were also thought of on the spur of the moment. After all, Bibi Dong had entrusted himself with the vast universe, so he had to consider Bibi Dong's disciples.

So, Yuan Changqing thought of Hu Liena and Xie Yue. There was originally Yan, but Yan's martial spirit was too restrained on the sea, and he didn't want a fire-attribute flying martial spirit like Ye Guang.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing instantly rejected Yan and only added Xieyue and Hu Liena. If according to the original work, Hu Liena should be in the killing city now.

However, Yuan Changqing and Bibi Dong mentioned before that Tang Hao might take Tang San to the Killing City. For safety reasons, Bibi Dong did not let Hu Liena go.

Shui Bing'er asked at this time: "Uncle, can I call my sister Shui Yue'er?"

Yuan Changqing thought that Shui Yue'er's martial spirit was really suitable for Dahai, and might even be able to help Yuan Qinglan and the others, so he agreed.

Yuan Changqing said to Shui Bing'er: "Yes, but you must keep it confidential and don't make it known to everyone. Just tell your sister."

"Well, thank you, uncle." Shui Bing'er said happily thinking that her sister could also go.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing wrote to Bibi Dong explaining the reason, and asked Hu Liena and Xieyue to rush to Soto City to join Yuan Qinglan and others.

Shui Bing'er here also wrote a letter to Shui Yue'er, asking her to come to Soto City as soon as possible.

After receiving Yuan Changqing's letter, Bibi Dong also knew what was going on. After explaining the situation, he quickly asked Hu Liena and Xie Yue to set off for Soto City.

Originally, Yan wanted to come with him, but when he heard that he was going to sea, he immediately gave up the idea.

Finally, as Hu Liena, Xie Yue and Shui Yue'er arrived in Soto City one after another, they went directly to the city lord's mansion.

Now that the Yuan Changqing family has settled in Soto City and begun to rule the city, they naturally moved into the city lord's palace.

After meeting the three of them, Yuan Changqing said, "You know some news now compared to before we came here!"

The three of them nodded at the same time, and Hu Liena said at this moment: "Yes, Your Majesty, before we came here, the teacher told my brother and I to follow your arrangements after we come."

Shui Yue'er also said: "I just listen to my sister."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Well, in that case, those of you who are going together this time should get to know each other first."

Afterwards, Yuan Qinglan and others introduced each other to Hu Liena and the other three who had just arrived, and everyone began to get familiar with each other.

Yuan Changqing added: "You are going to Poseidon Island to take the assessment this time. No one can help you. You need to complete these things by yourself."

"So, I hope you can work together and help each other when the time comes, so that your chances of passing the test will be greater."

Everyone looked at each other, and then replied together: "Yes, dad (uncle, Your Majesty)."

Seeing this, Yuan Changqing added: "After you arrive at Hanhai City, you can find a ship there to take you to Poseidon Island."

"However, anything can happen on the sea, such as pirates, sea spirit beasts, etc."

"So, you must always be on guard and don't trust those people. I have also prepared some pills for you. When the time comes, each of you will bring some with you, just in case."

"Then, I have said what I should say to you. Now you can go and prepare together. You can decide among yourself when to set off."

Afterwards, Yuan Qinglan took everyone to prepare. After Yuan Changqing finished explaining, he went directly back to Lanyin Village.

How good this trip to Poseidon Island will be depends on the abilities of Yuan Qinglan and the others.

After the newly established Wuhun Empire digested and integrated the original Tiandou Empire, after some training, it began to march towards the Star Luo Empire.

After the Star Luo Empire knew that the Tiandou Empire was finished, it retreated decisively and carried out layer-by-layer defenses at some important levels.

Therefore, when the Wuhun Empire began to attack the Xingluo Empire, it encountered stubborn resistance, and it was no longer as smooth as it was before with the Tiandou Empire.

However, with the addition of the spirit master team of the Spirit Empire, no matter how solid the defense was, it was quickly broken, and the Spirit Empire's army also launched its force to attack the effective forces of the Star Luo Empire.

Faced with such a situation, the Star Luo Empire had no effective solution.

However, just when the Star Luo Empire was at a loss, someone approached Dai Zhen, the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire.

Dai Zhen looked at the person in front of him who was dressed in a black robe, covering his whole body tightly. Judging from the aura on his body, it was obvious that he was a titled Douluo.

Although this man said he was here to help him resist the Spirit Empire, Dai Zhen didn't know what his purpose was and why he was helping the Star Luo Empire.

However, now facing the powerful offensive of the Spirit Empire, there is no solution.

So, Dai Zhen asked: "Your Excellency said that you are willing to help the Star Luo Empire resist the Spirit Empire. So, your strength should be very strong. What do you want in the end?"

The man in black robe knew that Dai Zhen was afraid that after he defeated the Wuhun Empire, the Star Luo Empire would also be destroyed by him.

The man in black robe said in a low voice: "Don't worry, after the Wuhun Empire is eliminated, I will only want the Tiandou Empire, and the original Wuhun Palace and the former affiliated principalities and kingdoms of the Tiandou Empire will serve as our buffer zone .”

"Moreover, we can also sign a non-aggression treaty. In this way, your Star Luo Empire should feel relieved."

"Hmph, it seems that Your Excellency has a big appetite. You are using the people of my Star Luo Empire to help you conquer the world, but my Star Luo Empire has not caught a single hair. Do you think this is reasonable? Dai Zhen said with an unhappy expression.

The man in black robe said with a smile: "Without my help, your Star Luo Empire will be destroyed by the Wuhun Empire. However, with my help, your Star Luo Empire will still exist, so you Do you still feel that the Star Luo Empire has suffered a loss?"

"So, the current situation is that you have no bargaining power. If you don't agree, just pretend that I haven't been here."

"So, Emperor Xingluo, what is your decision now?"

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