Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 256 Tang Hao does it again

After hearing the words of the man in black robe in front of him, Dai Zhen also knew that he was very aware of the current situation between the Spirit Empire and the Star Luo Empire.

Therefore, the man in black robe is confident. Anyway, if he doesn't agree, the man in black robe will have nothing to lose.

However, the Star Luo Empire is different. The final result may be to follow in the footsteps of the Tiandou Empire!

Moreover, the man in black robe also made it very clear that if he chooses to cooperate with him, the Star Luo Empire will still be the Star Luo Empire, although many Star Luo Empire troops will be sacrificed in the process of annihilating the Spirit Empire.

However, if they don't cooperate, the final fate will be just as the man in black robe said, there will be no Star Luo Empire in the Douluo Continent from now on.

Therefore, Dai Zhen could only agree. However, he could not agree hastily yet. If he agreed rashly without knowing the strength of the other party, it would be a bit of a disadvantage.

Dai Zhen said: "The Star Luo Empire can agree to your terms, but you can't just say it without proof."

"At least, Your Excellency, you want to let me see the strength you have shown and see if you can help the Star Luo Empire resist the Spirit Master Legion of the Spirit Empire."

"Otherwise, even if we cooperate, it will only delay the process for a little while, and we still won't be able to resolve the eventual demise of the Star Luo Empire."

Seeing what Dai Zhen said, the man in black robe also knew that if he didn't show some of his strength, it would be difficult to cooperate with the Star Luo Empire.

The man in black robe said in the same deep voice as always: "Don't worry, since I came to you to cooperate, I will not fail to contribute, and I will definitely let you see my strength."

Dai Zhen still shook his head and said: "You don't need to tell me these vain things. Let's use actual combat to confirm our cooperation."

"Since Your Excellency is so sure and confident, then the front line of the Star Luo Empire is currently engaged in a series of battles with the Spirit Empire."

"Moreover, the Xingluo Empire is also losing ground. You will show your strength on the front line and see if your people can stop the Spirit Empire."

"If you help the Star Luo Empire block the Wuhun Empire, our cooperation will take effect. My Star Luo Empire will agree to all the requests you made before."

"Although, I don't know what your plans and purposes are."

"However, if you can't stop me, since you are still willing to help the Star Luo Empire under such circumstances, you should not get involved. The final result will only increase casualties."

The man in black robe nodded and said: "Very good, since your majesty has said so, I can't be stingy anymore. After the Spirit Empire is defeated, I hope your majesty will not forget our agreement. "

Dai Zhen also nodded in response: "Don't worry, sir, I won't break what I promised, as long as you can help the Star Luo Empire solve its current predicament."

"Then the agreement between us is established. At that time, we can also directly sign a treaty with our respective demands and put them on paper."

"However, the prerequisite is that you must first help the Star Luo Empire solve the current troubles this time."

The man in black robe added: "Well, since we have reached a consensus now, His Majesty will wait for my news in Xingluo City. I think he will not be disappointed."

"Therefore, I hope that when I come to Star Luo City again, His Majesty will have prepared our contract."

Without waiting for Dai Zhen's reply, the man in black robe left directly after finishing speaking.

Dai Zhen looked at the black-robed man's leaving figure, and in his heart he very much hoped that he could really help the Star Luo Empire solve the dilemma it was currently facing.

After all, the current Xingluo Empire can be said to be in danger when facing the Wuhun Empire's offensive.

Moreover, with the continuous defeats, the morale of the Star Luo Empire's military was also seriously frustrated, and they could no longer control the army.

Because the army is basically made up of ordinary people, after repeated failures and the powerful strength of the Wuhun Empire, it is no different from directly killing people like the Star Luo Empire to fill in, and it will definitely cause these ordinary people to be replaced. People panic.

So, let's see if this man in black robe can bring him good news this time.

After Tang Hao became the new King of Slaughter, he quickly took control of the Slaughter City using the methods taught by God Shura, and the forces that were originally in the Slaughter City also became Tang Hao's subordinates.

With his power, his injuries healed by God Shura, and his strength restored and improved, Tang Hao felt that he could do it again.

Moreover, because he needed to help God Asura find the inheritor of the Asura God's throne, and helped Tang San win an opportunity, Tang Hao couldn't wait to tell Tang San.

After all, this is the opportunity for Tang Hao and his son to avenge the death of their wife and the annihilation of their clan to Wuhun Palace.

Therefore, after taking control of the Killing City and its forces, Tang Hao quickly found Tang San who was inside the Killing City.

After seeing Tang Hao, Tang San asked in surprise: "Dad, why are you in the Killing City? Didn't you come in with me?"

After hearing Tang San's words, Tang Hao immediately recalled those past events full of hatred, and a look of anger appeared on his face involuntarily.

Afterwards, Tang Hao sighed and said, "Last time, our father and son were separated because of the title Douluo in Wuhun Palace, and you also know that your mother is where we are hiding."

"But when I returned there again, your mother and the things your mother left for you were gone. This must have been done by the Wuhun Palace."

"After sending you to the Killing City this time, I originally wanted to go find your mother, but then I was blocked by the four titled Douluo from Wuhun Palace."

"In the end, I managed to break out of the siege, but they were still forced into this killing city."

"However, due to some reasons, I have now become the ruler of this killing city."

"Moreover, Xiaosan, you may not know that this city of killing is also the place where a powerful god inherits his throne. It is because of the recognition of that god that I can become the ruler here."

"Also, I need to help this god find a successor to his throne right now, so, Xiaosan, I thought of you first and recommended you."

"It's just that you still need to complete the final assessment of the Killing City and walk through the road to hell. Then, you will be qualified to go to the place where the divine throne is inherited to participate in the inheritance assessment of the divine throne."

"Therefore, mistress, you must break through the killing city and walk through the road to hell this time, do you understand?"

After listening to Tang Hao's story, Tang San felt a little excited. He had only heard of the legend of the gods on Douluo Continent before.

But now, such a good thing happened. As long as he could finally meet the conditions for the divine position assessment, he would have the opportunity to participate in the divine position assessment, and Tang San began to feel excited in his heart.

Then, Tang San said with a firm face: "Dad, don't worry, I will definitely pass through the hell road of the Killing City and obtain the qualifications for the inheritance assessment of that god's throne."

Tang Hao nodded and said: "Okay, you are worthy of being my Tang Hao's son. However, although I am the King of Slaughter now, you are my son."

"However, the rules of this killing city cannot be broken casually. Whether you can go through hell in the end depends on your own ability."

After hearing this, Tang San replied confidently: "Don't worry, I believe I can get through the hell road of the Killing City by relying on my own strength."

"Okay, then, you can go back now. You can only rely on yourself for the rest of the journey." Tang Hao replied.


Afterwards, Tang San left Tang Hao with excitement.

Looking at Tang San's leaving figure, Tang Hao also had more thoughts in his mind, wanting to use the power of the Slaughter City to help him complete his revenge.

However, after experiencing so many things, Tang Hao was no longer the impulsive person and began to make decisions.

After taking control of the Killing City, Tang Hao naturally found a way to control these people here.

Therefore, after having some calculations in his mind, Tang Hao arranged for a group of men to leave the Killing City and go to Douluo Continent to inquire about the news.

After the people from the Killing City arrived on the Douluo Continent, they began to collect and inquire about information according to Tang Hao's instructions.

At the beginning, there was not much news sent back to the Killing City, and Tang Hao basically knew it.

However, slowly, the news coming back from Douluo Continent began to change, which Tang Hao did not expect.

Looking at the intelligence information in his hand, Tang Hao did not expect that Wuhun Palace would have such great ambitions.

Judging from these circumstances, Wuhun Palace has already begun to engulf the territory of the Tiandou Empire, and the process of annexing the Tiandou Empire has been extremely smooth.

So, from this point of view, this is a plan that Wuhun Palace has been planning for a long time, and this time it must be the right time.

Therefore, such a large-scale operation was launched to devour the Tiandou Empire in one go. At this time, when Tang Hao saw this situation, he felt the urge to take a hand.

However, in the end Tang Hao endured it, feeling that now was not the best time.

Sure enough, before Tang Hao had to wait long, news came again that the Wuhun Empire established by Wuhun Palace had begun to attack the Star Luo Empire.

After receiving such news, Tang Hao instantly realized that the time had come and he could start taking action.

Later, Tang Hao thought that if he could use the power of the Star Luo Empire and the Slaughter City to cripple the Wuhun Palace this time, it would be more satisfying than simple revenge.

After all, looking at the current actions of Wuhun Palace, it is obvious that they want to unify the entire Douluo Continent. If they are destroyed by themselves in the end, it will definitely be more satisfying than going directly to Wuhun Palace for revenge.

Although Tang Hao wanted to use these two forces to cripple the Wuhun Palace, Tang Hao also knew that with the current power of the Wuhun Palace, there was little hope of achieving such a goal.

However, now that I have the idea of ​​​​cooperating with the Star Luo Empire, I have to make a big deal.

So, having made his decision, Tang Hao slowly formed a completed plan in his mind.

Afterwards, Tang Hao left the Killing City and took the plan to Xingluo City of the Xingluo Empire, where he met the Xingluo Emperor Dai Zhen.

In the end, Tang Hao and Dai Zhen reached a cooperation after a confrontation.

Although, this cooperation still requires Tang Hao to complete some prerequisites before he can finally reach the final cooperation with the Star Luo Empire.

However, this is nothing to Tang Hao, the new king of killing. Now Tang Hao is not like before, almost like a loner.

At this time, Tang Hao wanted strength and people.

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