Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 271 Talking about

In the courtyard, Yan Jiecheng and Yuan Changqing got married one after another, and they also felt itchy to see Silly Zhu.

So, Silly Zhu started his blind date business again, but it was only as hot as the first few days, and when things passed, it would turn into a bitch again.

Moreover, even on a blind date, if Widow Qin is there, as long as she goes to Shazhu's house and walks around, she is basically considered a prostitute. Widow Qin is already very experienced.

After Yuan Changqing and Zeng Li got married, Zeng Li became pregnant soon after. Later, in order to allow Zeng Li to have a peaceful pregnancy, he returned the temporary worker in the textile factory to the street office. After all, this was a job that the street office had helped find before. .

Zeng Li and Yan Jiecheng's wife Yu Li were both workers in a textile factory. Although their positions were different, they were still familiar faces.

Therefore, after the two married in the courtyard, they became friends. Sometimes Yu Li would come to Yuan Changqing's house to complain to Zeng Li about the third uncle's stinginess, and she still looked angry when she said it.

After Zeng Li became pregnant, Yuan Changqing even asked Zeng Li to quit his job and raise the baby at home, which also made Yu Li envious.

After all, everyone in the courtyard knows what kind of person the third uncle is. He is someone who can give you a small piece of food for a long time. He eats by head and distributes peanuts by grain.

It's no wonder that Yu Li often complained about the third uncle in front of Zeng Li.

Because Yuan Changqing often read Taoist classics, Buddhist scriptures and other books he had collected at home, his family thought that Yuan Changqing wanted to become a monk. Fortunately, Yuan Changqing found a partner and felt relieved after getting married.

Before, Yuan Changqing also wanted to tell Yuan Dongfang and Jiang Fen about cultivation after he obtained the technique to cover the world.

However, Yuan Changqing had just obtained the Five Elements Classic at that time, and he had not fully understood it yet, nor had he mastered it.

Yuan Changqing was also afraid that after telling his parents, Yuan Dongfang and Jiang Fen would think that he was crazy because he did not have sufficient proof to prove that what he said about cultivation was true, so he did not tell them.

Although later after practicing, I could get a little bit of spiritual energy from the Donglai Purple Qi, but it was only a little bit in the morning every day. Until now, all that little spiritual energy had been used by Yuan Changqing to warm his body.

Before Zeng Li married Yuan Changqing, he also knew that Yuan Changqing liked those religious classics, so he didn't pay much attention to them at the time.

However, after marrying Yuan Changqing, I discovered that Yuan Changqing not only often collected religious books from outside, but was also very obsessed with them and would read them at home every day.

This also aroused Zeng Li's curiosity, and at the same time he was worried that Yuan Changqing would abandon himself and the child in his belly to become a monk. It must be said that this was exactly the same as Yuan Changqing's parents' thoughts.

Another night, Yuan Changqing finished reciting Taoist classics, which was a must-do homework every day. When he was preparing to go to bed, Zeng left his mouth to speak.

"Changqing, you have collected so many scriptures and recited them every day. What do you think?" Zeng Li asked the questions and worries in his heart.

Yuan Changqing saw Zeng Li asking himself this, and thought that he would tell her in the future.

So, after Yuan Changqing thought about it for a while, he no longer planned to hide it from Zeng Li.

Yuan Changqing said: "Honey, I think there are reasons for all this. I'm just afraid that you won't believe me after I tell you."

Zeng Li became even more curious and asked again: "Changqing, we are husband and wife, please tell me."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "That's okay, I will say it in the future anyway, but I haven't achieved anything yet, so I haven't told you and your parents."

"Honey, actually I read these Taoist classics, Buddhist scriptures and other religious books for the purpose of spiritual practice."

"Besides, you should also know from those story books that there are gods, Buddhas and so on. These all really existed."

Zeng Li was also a little confused. Then he touched Yuan Changqing's forehead with his hand and said, "Changqing, you don't have a fever. Have you read too many books and confused your brain? You are just talking nonsense." .”

When Yuan Changqing saw Zeng Li like this, he knew that she didn't believe what he said.

Yuan Changqing grabbed Zeng Li's hand and said helplessly: "Look, what I said before, I knew you wouldn't believe what I said."

Later, Zeng Li asked tentatively: "Changqing, could it be that... you are not talking nonsense, what you said is true, and the gods and Buddhas in the myths and legends in the story books really existed? "

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "It is indeed true. There is no need to lie to you about what I said."

"Besides, I am already practicing now, but I haven't started yet. I originally planned to tell you and my parents after I started, so that you can practice together."

"However, the current cultivation environment is not good and it takes a long time. Only in the morning can we absorb a ray of spiritual energy from Donglai Purple Qi."

Zeng Li now somewhat believed it, and said: "In that case, the books you read every day are considered as cultivation."

Yuan Changqing added: "Yes, I accidentally got a practice book, but I can't understand some of the terms in it, so I need to taste the profound meaning of those scriptures from these Taoist classics and Buddhist scriptures."

"In this way, we can combine it with the practice method so that we can understand it well and make no mistakes when practicing."

Zeng Li was now looking forward to it, and asked again to confirm: "So, you are already practicing now, and that practice technique can really be practiced."

"Yes, it is indeed possible to practice, but it is more difficult." Yuan Changqing is also relatively helpless about the current Dharma-ending era of Earth Star.

Immediately, after being confirmed, the difficult questions about cultivation were automatically filtered out. Zeng Li said happily: "Changqing, does that mean that I can also practice in the future, and also be able to practice like those mythical characters in the legend? Become an immortal!"

Hearing Zeng Li's words, Yuan Changqing was speechless. He even became an immortal!

Now there are countless ancient emperors and emperors in the dark restricted areas of Beidou. In order to become immortals, they are willing to become darkness. They use all the spirits in the world as sacrifices to extend their lifespan and wait for the opening of the road to immortality.

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "Wife, stop having those daydreams now. These are not things we should consider now."

"Moreover, if you want to practice now, you'd better follow me and read more books like these Taoist classics. As long as you understand the meanings of the scriptures in them, you can understand the meaning of the terms in the practice methods when you practice. .”

Zeng Li calmed down after being told this. He carefully recalled what Yuan Changqing said before and knew that it was very difficult now because of the cultivation environment.

Zeng Li added: "Anyway, I don't have to go to work now, and I have time to raise my baby at home, so I can read more of the books you collected."

"This is a good arrangement. What you need now is to read these classics thoroughly and smoothly, but don't pay attention to the meaning." Yuan Changqing said.

He also said: "After you read it through, I will teach you what I understand, so that when you read it again, you will understand it according to what I taught you. In this way, you will have It’s a different feeling.”

Zeng Li nodded and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Later, Yuan Changqing smiled "hehe" and said as if he was joking: "Honey, you are pregnant with a child now and often recite those Taoist classics or Buddhist scriptures. Maybe our child can also be enlightened early. .”

No, people say that one pregnancy makes one stupid for three years. Zeng Li actually believed it after hearing what Yuan Changqing said.

Zeng Li said with some surprise: "Changqing, what you said is true. It is really good for our children that I often recite these Buddhist scriptures."

Faced with Zeng Li's rhetorical question, Yuan Changqing didn't know how to answer. He said this based on what he heard about in his first life what kind of prenatal education pregnant women should do when they are pregnant.

For example, play more music, read more books, etc. for the fetus. As for the principle behind this and whether it is true, Yuan Changqing has not heard of any evidence to prove it.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Changqing could only bite the bullet and said: "Maybe it really works, I just said it casually, but at least there is no harm, don't you think so, wife?"

Zeng Li also automatically filtered out the bad ones and listened to the good ones, which were good for the fetus.

"Well, then I will read these to our children every day from now on, so that our children can listen to them more. Also, Changqing, you will also read to our children in the future." Zeng Li decided.

Yuan Changqing could only nod helplessly.

Later, I thought that now that I have told Zeng Li about the cultivation, do I need to tell Yuan Dongfang and Jiang Fen?

Yuan Changqing said again: "Honey, do you think I should tell my parents now? This will also let them know in advance!"

Zeng Li thought for a while and said: "Changqing, I think it's better to explain it to them. As long as you explain it to them seriously, I believe that your parents will believe you."

"Well, I wanted to say it before, but I didn't have any proof, so I was afraid that my parents wouldn't believe it. But, wife, you have to help me when I say it!" Yuan Changqing also decided to tell his parents. .

After all, the entire society now is atheistic. If Yuan Changqing suddenly said this, it would definitely be difficult to accept.

Zeng Li nodded and said: "Don't worry, I think your parents will believe it. When the time comes, I will be there to help you explain."

"Well, it's too late now. I'll tell my parents tomorrow that we should sleep now." Yuan Changqing said.


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