Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 272 Teaching the Dharma

After Yuan Changqing decided to tell his parents about being able to practice, he returned home from get off work the next day and called Yuan Dongfang and Jiang Fen to his bedroom.

Then, Yuan Changqing looked at the situation in the yard outside, closed the door and locked it.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Fen and Yuan Dongfang were a little baffled when they came in. They didn't know what happened to Yuan Changqing to make him so mysterious.

Jiang Fen sat on the stool and asked: "Son, why did you call me and your dad in so mysteriously? You also closed the door tightly, so others would think we were doing something. What a shameful deed!"

"Ahem, Mom, look at what you said, wasn't this just in case, lest someone come into the house unexpectedly? It's not like you don't know the moral character of the people in our compound. Let others go. I don’t even say hello first, just like I’m going back to my own home.” Yuan Changqing is also a little unhappy about this in the courtyard, especially those residents whose faces are thicker than the city walls.

Jiang Fen also knew the virtues of those in the courtyard. He nodded and said, "Then you can tell us now why you asked us to come here."

Yuan Changqing and Zeng Li looked at each other, then turned their heads and said, "Mom and Dad, what I say below may seem a bit outrageous to you, and you may not even believe it."

"But please, you must believe me, son. What I say next are all true."

Yuan Changqing's words made Yuan Dongfang and Jiang Fen a little confused. Why did they feel that their son was so nagging today.

So, Jiang Fen asked doubtfully: "Son, what is going on? You tell me first, and your dad and I will judge for ourselves. Besides, your dad and I are both so old, so we must have eaten enough salt." I have crossed more bridges than you have, and you still have a lot of experience.”

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing didn't say anything more, and said: "Mom and Dad, in fact, cultivation can really be done in our world. The gods and Buddhas you see in those story books should have come from cultivation."

Yuan Changqing's words were like a bolt from the blue, making people unable to believe it. However, Yuan Changqing's previous words made Yuan Dongfang and Jiang Fen doubtful.

After being stunned for a while, Yuan Dongfang and Jiang Fen both came to their senses.

Jiang Fen asked with a trembling tone: "Son, what you said about our world can be cultivated. Is this true? You didn't deceive me and your father, right?"

Yuan Dongfang also asked: "Yes, Changqing, don't talk nonsense. We also know the books you usually read, but you can't talk nonsense either. If others know this, it will be very serious." It’s incredible.”

At this time, Zeng Li also interjected: "Mom and Dad, I believe what Changqing said is true. We are all a family, and Changqing will not lie to you like this."

Seeing that Yuan Dongfang and Jiang Fen still didn't believe it, Yuan Changqing took out the practice book he got and handed it to them.

Yuan Changqing said: "Mom and Dad, you can read this cultivation secret book first. After reading it, I think you should be able to judge whether what I said is true."

"Moreover, I have verified that it is really possible to practice. What I said is absolutely true and there is no nonsense."

"Besides, you are my parents and my family. There is no need for me to lie to you about this. It's not good for me, is it?"

Later, when Jiang Fen got the practice technique handed over by Yuan Changqing, she and Yuan Dongfang started to read it together.

Suddenly, there was silence in the room, except for the sound of turning books from time to time.

After a while, when Jiang Fen and Yuan Dongfang carefully read the contents of the practice exercises, their breathing became a little rapid.

After Jiang Fen closed the book, she quickly raised her head and asked, "Son, are you sure this exercise is genuine and can really be practiced? It's not just fabricated?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Mom and Dad, it's all true. Moreover, I got this exercise from the scrap recycling station where you worked when I was assembling a bicycle."

Yuan Dongfang also asked at this time: "Changqing, you said just now that you have verified it. So, you have already practiced it."

"So, have you achieved anything famous in your practice?"

Yuan Changqing added: "Mom and Dad, I am indeed practicing, and I practice every day. This practice method is indeed true."

"It's just that the current cultivation environment is relatively difficult, and I haven't made any great achievements in cultivation until now."

"However, after practicing now, my physical fitness is much better than before. Let's talk about Silly Zhu in our yard. He is quite good at fighting."

"But if I compete with him now, I might be able to hit three or five stupid posts without any problem."

Yuan Dongfang nodded at this time and said: "Changqing, since you said that cultivation is difficult, then it is of no use even if we can cultivate!"

Yuan Changqing also knows that because of the difficulty of cultivation, this will make people want to give up.

So, Yuan Changqing found a way to make people persist, and explained: "Dad, you can't say this. Although it is difficult to practice, it is indeed an indisputable fact."

"However, it is not without its benefits. For example, after practicing, the body can be healthier, stronger, the skin can be improved, and life can be prolonged. Maybe it can also keep people in peak condition for a long time."

Now Yuan Changqing can only use this reason to let his family persist. After he finds some cultivation resources in the future, he can let the whole family embark on the path of cultivation.

After hearing this, not only Jiang Fen and Yuan Dongfang were moved, but Zeng Li also began to look forward to it.

After all, who doesn't want to be healthy and live longer? Didn't you see that Qin Shihuang in the storybook wanted to live longer and sent people to find the elixir of life?

However, now there is an opportunity in front of him. Jiang Fen, Yuan Dongfang, Zeng Li, and even Yuan Changqing are not immune.

Then, Jiang Fen asked hurriedly: "Son, what do you think we should do now to start practicing?"

Yuan Changqing became happy when he saw that his parents had begun to believe it.

Later, Yuan Changqing said: "I will now tell you about the secret realm of the Wheel and Sea and the first realm of the Five Elements Sutra."

"This first realm is the Secret Realm of the Wheel and Sea. You should be clear about it after seeing the cultivation method. It is also introduced above."

"Then, according to my own understanding, everyone has a fixed lifespan, and our cultivation is to resist the erosion of time."

"So, time is ruthless and will always leave its mark on all things. Trees have annual rings, and the human body also has the wheel of life."

"Then, where is the wheel of life in our human body? It corresponds to the Dantian of the human body. Although we will be affected by the passage of time, the marks on the wheel of life will not be reduced."

"But we can practice. Through practice we can prevent the wheel of life from drying up."

"However, the sea of ​​suffering is also the sea of ​​endless suffering that covers the wheel of life. If we want to transcend and maintain the wheel of life, crystal clear without scars, and the mark will always be the same as when it was first born, we can only create life in the sea of ​​suffering and brew vitality in the scars. , turn it into the spring of life, cultivate the divine veins, sacrifice the sky bridge, reach the other shore, reach the end of the sea of ​​suffering, and reach the other shore."

"Therefore, this secret realm of the Wheel and Sea is a kind of transformation of the monk's flesh, blood, organs and bones, just like a new kind of rebirth, thus achieving a complete rebirth."

"Then, after nine more transformations, to achieve a transformation like breaking out of a cocoon and turning into a butterfly, the cultivation of the secret realm of the Wheel and Sea is completed."

"So, the cultivation of the secret realm of the wheel and sea is to open the secret realm of the wheel and sea. The spring of life will gush out from the sea of ​​suffering, and a divine bridge will be built to reach the four small realms on the other side, one step at a time."

"So, I think you should be able to understand what the secret realm of Lun Hai is!"

When Yuan Changqing finished speaking, Yuan Dongfang, Jiang Fen, and Zeng Li both nodded to express their understanding.

Later, Yuan Changqing said: "Then, I will talk about the first secret realm of the Five Elements Classic."

“If the sky had no soil, it would not be able to cover the earth; if the earth had no soil, it would not be able to sustain all things on the earth, and grains would have nowhere to grow; if humans had no soil, they would not be able to reproduce naturally and the five permanent things would not be established. Therefore, heaven, earth, and humans cannot be without soil. If wood has no soil, it will lose the power of cultivation; if fire has no soil, it cannot shine in all directions; if metal has no soil, it will be difficult to exert its sharp energy; if water has no soil, water cannot flow through the terrain. If there is no water and no wood, It cannot grow and nourish all things; without fire and gold, it cannot reproduce. This is the indispensable principle of the five elements, and the five elements are constructed from this."

"Everything with blood and energy must combine yin and yang to establish the nature and accumulate the five elements to form the shape. In the body, wood and bones, metal tendons, earth muscles, water, blood, and fire are the images of the five things. Each of the five things has its own reality. It’s a relief.”

"And the five elements are mutually reinforcing and inhibiting each other, metal generates water, water generates wood, wood generates fire, fire generates earth, earth generates metal; metal overcomes wood, wood overcomes earth, earth overcomes water, water overcomes fire, and fire overcomes metal."

"Therefore, we must understand the relationship between the five elements. With this understanding, we will not make mistakes when practicing."

"Also, you need to know that the world between heaven and earth is also indispensable to the five elements."

"Then, corresponding to our human body, the five elements correspond to our five internal organs. This is also connected to the second secret realm of the Five Elements Sutra. We will talk about this later."

"So, as long as we understand these, we will get twice the result with half the effort when we practice."

"Of course, it is difficult to practice now due to the practice environment, but we still need to seriously understand and figure it out."

At this time, Yuan Changqing explained the first realm of the technique and the secret realm of the Wheel and Sea, and finally finished.

Then, Yuan Changqing said again: "Mom and Dad, you don't have to rush to start practicing now. Like Zeng Li, you first read through the Taoist classics and Buddhist scriptures I collected and read them in order. I’m going to teach you some of the scriptures and meanings I know, and when you feel it’s appropriate, you can start practicing.”

Jiang Fen and Yuan Dongfang both nodded. Jiang Fen said: "Okay, just follow my son's arrangements. We also need to digest what you said before."

"Well, well, if you don't understand anything, you can write it down. I will explain it to you every few days." Yuan Changqing nodded.

After that, everyone left the bedroom and started preparing for dinner tonight.

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