Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 279 Opening up the sea of ​​suffering

After Yuan Changqing recovered the mana he had previously consumed, he opened his eyes again.

"The consumed mana has been restored. Then, let's start to break through, and strive to be able to break through successfully in one go and open up the sea of ​​suffering." Yuan Changqing took a deep breath and said to himself.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing closed his eyes again, continued to run the Five Elements Sutra, and began to absorb the power of the stars from the Blue Silver Emperor.

At this time, although Yuan Changqing had long sensed the Wheel of Life in the Sea of ​​Wheels, he needed to constantly sense it if he wanted to break through and open up the sea of ​​suffering.

As Yuan Changqing practiced, the magic power in his body continued to attack the sea of ​​suffering. After a period of unremitting efforts, the sea of ​​suffering finally saw some changes.

I saw a slight crack finally showing up at the edge of the sea of ​​suffering. This is the edge of a breakthrough.

Yuan Changqing plans to break through in one fell swoop this time. If he fails to break through successfully this time, although he can still break through in the future, the difficulty will be even greater.

If I had known, this would be like marching to fight. If you want to win, you have to work hard.

As there are more and more cracks in the sea of ​​suffering, Yuan Changqing is also using his magic power to continuously attack.

Time passed slowly. Although there were more and more cracks in the sea of ​​suffering, they still failed to break through. Yuan Changqing was also a little anxious at this time.

You know, Yuan Changqing still understands the principle of making a big effort, then exhausting it again, and failing three times. If he can't break through directly this time, he doesn't know when he will be able to break through in the future.

As the breakthrough took longer and longer, Yuan Changqing thought that there would be no breakthrough this time, but there was another turning point.

I saw in the starry sky, just when the bright moon was about to disappear and the sun rose, the sun and moon glowed together again in the sky.

At this time, the power of yin and yang rotates. There is a way that two is born, two begets three, three begets all things, two is yin and yang, yin and yang give birth to the five elements, and the combination of the five elements creates yin and yang.

With the emergence of the power of yin and yang in the sky, the power of yin and yang drawn by the Blue Silver Emperor directly impacted the sea of ​​suffering.


Yuan Changqing only heard a roar in his body, and the sea of ​​suffering was officially opened.

Seeing the sea of ​​suffering opened up in his body, which was as big as a grain of rice and emitting five colors of light, Yuan Changqing also knew that his physique was unusual, but he still didn't know what it was.

At the place where Yuan Changqing made his breakthrough, Yuan Changqing's body was seen emitting five colors of light, red, white, yellow, black, and green.

These five colors of light are getting brighter and brighter with Yuan Changqing's breakthrough, and the five colors are also constantly changing alternately, which is really beautiful.

Five colors are also flowing in the sea of ​​suffering in Yuan Changqing's body. This is the vision of the sea of ​​suffering after the breakthrough.

It can be seen from this vision that Yuan Changqing is also a member of the special physique. However, from the original work of Zhe Tian, ​​no such vision was found.

Yuan Changqing felt that the five-color vision in his sea of ​​suffering was the Five Elements. It matched the Five Elements Sutra he had practiced. Could it be that he had a Five Elements constitution.

Later, Yuan Changqing thought about the last five-element soul ring in Douluo Continent, although the Blue Silver Emperor no longer had the soul ring.

However, after all, there has been a time when this was not the case, and perhaps my own physique also has this aspect of the reason.

If you know that the Blue Silver Emperor is also a part of Yuan Changqing, then it makes sense that he has five-color visions in his sea of ​​suffering.

Fortunately, the power of yin and yang emerged later, which allowed Yuan Changqing to successfully open up the sea of ​​suffering. This can be regarded as officially embarking on the path of spiritual practice.

At this time, Yuan Changqing was also constantly consolidating the sea of ​​suffering that he had just opened up. When he opened his eyes again, Yuan Changqing smelled a foul and unpleasant smell on his body.

Then, seeing a layer of black substance covering his skin, Yuan Changqing knew that this was the toxins and impurities in his body over the past twenty years, with traces of black blood on it.

Seeing this, I also know that after opening up the sea of ​​suffering this time, it is equivalent to a marrow cleansing with the I Ching, which removes impurities and toxins from the body.

Now, Yuan Changqing can also feel that his body is more relaxed. He believes that with practice, all the impurities and toxins remaining deep in the body will be slowly discharged, thereby achieving a dirt-free body.

The mana in Yuan Changqing's body shook, and the dirt attached to the skin was also removed. Then, he took out the clothes inside the storage ring and put on clean clothes inside and outside.

After the opening of the Sea of ​​Bitterness, Yuan Changqing is now able to use some spells and has also experimented with them, but they are all about the five elements.

Seeing that the sky was already bright and he had broken through to the sea of ​​suffering, Yuan Changqing also planned to go back.

After Yuan Changqing returned to Sijiu City, the time for work had passed anyway, so he was not in a hurry to go to work, nor did he go directly back to the courtyard.

After Yuan Changqing returned to the city, he found a bathhouse, where he planned to cleanse himself and wash away some of the odor that remained on his body before going back.

After returning to the courtyard, Yuan Changqing saw the third aunt sitting in the courtyard doing some needlework.

"Changqing, isn't it working time now? Why are you back?" Third Aunt asked curiously.

Yuan Changqing also said seriously: "Third aunt, I have something to do, so I asked for leave."

Yuan Changqing had reminded Zeng Li before going to Breakthrough, and Yuan Dongfang would naturally ask for leave.

The third aunt said: "Then if you have something to do, just go and do your business."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "The three aunts will do your sewing slowly."

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing returned to his home and saw that Zeng Li was not at home either. He must have gone out.

After Yuan Changqing waited at home for a while, Zeng Li also came back from outside. Looking at the eggs and vegetables in her hands, it seemed that she had gone to the vegetable market.

After Zeng Li saw Yuan Changqing coming back, he quickly asked: "Husband, are you back with a breakthrough now?"

Yuan Changqing smiled and replied: "Yes, finally a near-miss breakthrough."

Then, in front of Zeng Li, Yuan Changqing displayed small fire balls, small water balls and other simple five-element spells in his hands, which were constantly changing.

After Zeng Li saw it, his eyes widened and he was surprised. Although he had been mentally prepared for it, he was still a little surprised after seeing it for real.

Zeng Li said excitedly: "Husband, this is really amazing."

Yuan Changqing said: "It's nothing. You can do it after you break through in the future."

Speaking of this, Zeng Li was also a little frustrated and said: "Husband, I don't even know when I will be able to break through. Just like you said, there is no spiritual energy in the outside world at all, so I can only absorb a wisp of it every day. Purple air comes from the east.”

Seeing this, Yuan Changqing comforted him: "Honey, don't worry, I will think of a way in the future to ensure that you, Yue'er, and your parents can all embark on the path of cultivation."

"Now, what you have to do is to lay a good foundation first. After I find the resources for practice in the future, you will be able to get started faster if you start practicing."

"Furthermore, you also know that I have collected rune books with special formations. I will also study and see if I can set up formations at home to assist you and your parents in their cultivation."

"Besides, it's not like you haven't realized the benefits of the purple energy from the east that you absorb every day."

"This will not only extend your life, but also nourish your soul. Only the stronger your soul is, the faster and clearer you will be able to sense the wheel of life in the future."

After Zeng Li heard this, he also said: "Husband, it's okay. I just saw that you have already broken through, but you can't practice yourself. I'm afraid that the gap between us will become wider and wider in the future, so I'm just complaining."

Yuan Changqing nodded, hugged Zeng Li in his arms, and said: "Don't worry about this. Although you can't practice yet, we will make up for it in other ways. You can use the ancient books I collected when you are free. Take a look, this will be good for your future cultivation."

"We can't just cultivate, we also need to experience and understand. So where do these start? This requires the accumulation of knowledge."

"Therefore, if we look more at the classics left by the monks in ancient times, we can understand from these classics the wisdom they gave us."

"In the future, when we practice, we can add this wisdom to the Tao we have understood, learn from the strong points and make up for the shortcomings, remove the dross and retain the essence."

"Moreover, the wisdom in the classics left by the ancients is actually the Tao they understood, and each of us understands the Tao differently. This requires us to learn from each other."

"After all, isn't there a saying that says rocks from other mountains can be used to attack jade? That's what it means."

"Tao is so profound and profound that it takes us a lifetime to understand it, and we may not be able to fully understand it in our lifetime."

"Then, now you can take advantage of the time to recite those ancient books. Even if we can't understand the truth now, when we practice in the future and become stronger, maybe the Tao in these ancient books can provide you with Some help.”

Zeng Li nodded and said: "Husband, I will remember what you said, but what you said is true. After I read these ancient books, there are some things that I can't understand if you don't explain them to me. It’s really confusing!”

"Besides, I know all those words, but when they are connected together, it becomes difficult to understand their meaning."

"Also, these ancient books are different from the current vernacular. You still need to segment the sentences yourself, and add different sentence segments. The meanings reflected are inconsistent. Sometimes it is really difficult to understand."

Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "This is the wisdom of the ancients. The meaning of a sentence will continue to change through different fragments."

"This is just like Tao. Everyone understands it differently, and the Tao they realize will naturally be different."

"So, Tao, even if you need to rely on yourself to realize it, what belongs to others will only belong to others after all."

"Therefore, we also need to know that only by realizing our own way can we go further on the path of cultivation."

"Just like there is a saying that goes like this, "He who learns from me will live, and he who resembles me will die." So what does this mean?"

"That is to say, those who learn from me may succeed, but those who only know how to imitate and do not know how to innovate will definitely fail."

"So, from here we can see that we can learn from others, but we cannot blindly copy others."

"After all, what belongs to others is always others', and only what is right for you is the most suitable for you. The Tao is the same, it is the same truth."

"Well, I understand. I will keep what you said in mind." Zeng Li nodded.

Then, he said: "Husband, when did you come back?"

"It didn't take long. I just came back and sat for a while, and you came back." Yuan Changqing replied.

Zeng Li asked again: "It's not too late now, so why don't you wait to go to work in the factory?"

"Then I won't be here this morning, did you tell dad?" Yuan Changqing asked.

"Well, you told me yesterday. If you didn't come back this morning, I told dad." Zeng Li replied.

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Then I'd better rest at home for a day and go back tomorrow. Anyway, my father will ask for leave for me."


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