Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 280 The 1980s

Almost ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, and now we have entered the 1980s.

Yuan Changqing also used some methods in the past period to "rob the rich and benefit himself".

Now that we have entered the 1980s, we can also buy and sell personal houses, so Yuan Changqing bought a two-bedroom courtyard house.

After all, living in the former courtyard, it was not convenient to do some things. There were many trivial things.

After Yuan Changqing bought this two-bedroom courtyard house from a man who was going abroad, after some repairs, Yuan Changqing and his family moved in.

As for the house in the courtyard that used to be vacant, it was rented out by Jiang Fen.

Nowadays, many people who used to go to rural areas have returned. However, the housing situation is also tight. After returning, there is not much place to live, so they need to rent a house.

Nowadays, most of the people living in the courtyard are older people. Young people like Yuan Changqing have basically moved out.

After Yuan Changqing renovated the courtyard he bought and made some arrangements, the family moved in.

Although this second-level courtyard is not big, it is more than enough to house Yuan Changqing's family of five. Yuan Yuer is almost sixteen years old now and is in the prime of life.

After Yuan Yue'er became sensible, Yuan Changqing began to teach her step by step how to read the classics. When she was a little older, Yuan Yue'er also began to practice the cultivation techniques taught by Yuan Changqing with Zeng Li.

After Yuan Changqing taught them the cultivation techniques, Yuan Dongfang and Jiang Fen practiced on time every day. For more than ten years, there was no sign that they were in their fifties.

Although due to spiritual energy, Yuan Changqing's family has not broken through to the sea of ​​suffering in the past ten years.

However, practicing the Five Elements Sutra every day and absorbing the daily ray of purple energy from the east also keeps the family's body warm and nourished. As long as there is a place with sufficient spiritual energy, I believe that they can quickly break through to the sea of ​​suffering.

Yuan Changqing has also risen to another level in the past ten years. He is now at the peak of the Life Spring Realm, and is only a little short of breaking through to the Divine Bridge Realm.

Moreover, after Yuan Changqing broke through the Life Spring Realm, the Blue Silver Emperor and the World Pearl in Yuan Changqing's Sea of ​​​​Consciousness came to the Sea of ​​Bitterness one after another and stood on the Life Spring.

In the past ten years, Yuan Changqing has also experimented to see if he could assist his family members in their cultivation by setting up formations.

However, in the end they all ended in failure, although Yuan Changqing also used some of the formation materials collected to lay out a formation similar to the Spirit Gathering Formation.

However, the spiritual energy of the Earth Star is locked in Kunlun Mountain, and there is no spiritual energy in the outside world at all. It is difficult for Yuan Changqing to gather spiritual energy through the spirit gathering array.

Therefore, except for Yuan Changqing, who can practice through the power of the Blue Silver Emperor to draw stars, the rest of Yuan Changqing's family can only absorb the wisp of purple energy from the east every day.

"Dad, I have been practicing for so many years, but I haven't accomplished anything in practice. Except for you, none of our family has accomplished anything in practice. We won't continue to practice like this!" Yuan Yuer finished practicing with her family. Finally, he asked Yuan Changqing.

Yuan Changqing replied: "Yue'er, you have to be patient. I didn't see that your grandparents and mother have been cultivating longer than you and didn't say anything. You are just cultivating, and you lose confidence so quickly!"

Yuan Yue'er took Yuan Changqing's hand and said: "Dad, it's true. You also said that the current environment is not suitable for cultivation. If this continues, Yue'er really won't have the patience and confidence to persevere."

Zeng Li interrupted at this time: "You are almost an adult, but you are still so uncertain."

Yuan Yue'er said with a bitter face: "Mom, I just let it go. If I hadn't seen the results of dad's cultivation, I really wouldn't be able to persist."

"Moreover, look at you and your grandparents, you have persisted for more than ten years, and you are still not nearly the same as me. I really don't know how you persisted."

Yuan Changqing said: "It's not surprising that you said so, Yue'er. Now is indeed not suitable for cultivation. After all, the cultivation environment is limited here."

"If the cultivation environment was favorable, you might have already broken through to the Sea of ​​Suffering Realm or even a higher realm."

"However, you don't have to worry. It's not as good as before. I also have some plans to see if I can help you get some training resources."

"In this way, you can really feel the charm of cultivation, but you still need to wait for a while."

Yuan Changqing was able to use the World Pearl after breaking through the Sea of ​​Bitter Realm before.

The World Pearl can originally help Yuan Changqing cultivate medicinal materials such as ginseng, polygonatum, and fleece-flower root. As long as these medicinal materials reach a certain age, they can become elixirs.

Although there are medicinal materials in the World Pearl that can accelerate the growth of medicinal materials, due to the short time now, the medicinal materials cultivated have not yet reached the level of elixirs.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing's family has not yet enjoyed the help of the elixir.

Seeing that Yuan Changqing had a plan, Yuan Yuer's eyes suddenly lit up and she quickly asked: "Dad, what are your plans? Where are you going to find cultivation resources? I want to go with you. Can you bring me with you?" ah?"

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "You should stay at home and study for me honestly now. Read more books. Reading can make you understand, which will be good for your future cultivation."

"As for where I am going to look for cultivation resources, I will tell you after I find them."

After hearing this, Yuan Yue'er's face fell, and she said feebly: "Okay, then you have to find more cultivation resources. There are so many people in the family who need them, and it's impossible to have less!"

"You kid, how can you talk? I want you to study hard. It's for your own good. Judging from your appearance, you are very reluctant!" Zeng Li grabbed Yuan Yuer's ear and said.

"Mom, why do you always like to pull my ears?" Yuan Yuer said to Zeng Li dissatisfied.

Then he said to Yuan Changqing: "Dad, you don't care about your wife, she is going to rip off your precious daughter's ears."

Yuan Changqing smiled and said, "Daughter, I dare not care about your mother. Your mother is in charge of this family now. She has the final say, and I will listen to your mother."

"Dad, I think you did it on purpose. Don't you feel sorry for your precious daughter? When I was a child, you loved me the most." Yuan Yuer said pitifully.

Zeng Li added: "You still know how to complain. Let's see how I deal with you."

"Mom, I was wrong, please spare me for now. I will study hard and stop running around." Yuan Yuer immediately begged for mercy.

"Hmph, I'll let you go this time. Let's see if you dare again next time." Zeng Li said while letting go of Yuan Yue'er's ear.

After getting out of Zeng Li's control, Yuan Yue'er hurriedly ran to Yuan Changqing's side. While rubbing her ears with her hands, she complained to Yuan Changqing with a slightly contemptuous look: "Dad, you really don't even know how to help me. .”

Yuan Changqing spread his hands and said: "Who made you lose your memory and hit the muzzle of the gun? There is nothing I can do about it."

"I can help you with other things, but when it comes to your mother, I can't control it."

Yuan Yue'er stamped her feet and whispered: "Dad, you are so useless, you can't even control your own wife."

Although Yuan Yue'er's voice was small, Zeng Li still heard it.

So, Zeng Li glared and said slightly threateningly: "Yue'er, say what you just said again, mom didn't hear clearly!"

"Mom, you must have heard wrong. I didn't say anything. You guys chat, I'm leaving first." Seeing Zeng Li's eyes, Yuan Yuer said while running.

After seeing Yuan Yuer'er leave, Zeng Li asked: "Husband, just now you said you were going to find cultivation resources for us. Did you find anything?"

Yuan Changqing shook his head and replied: "I'm not sure yet. I can only go and see it first. Only after seeing it can I know."

Zeng Li asked worriedly: "Will it be dangerous? If it is dangerous, it's better not to go."

Yuan Changqing took Zeng Li's hand and said: "It's okay. If there is really danger, I will do what I can and will not take my own life as a joke."

Hearing what Yuan Changqing said, Zeng Li felt a lot more at ease and said, "Then you have to be careful, I will take good care of the family."

"Well, don't worry, I will have to prepare for a while before setting off." Yuan Changqing nodded in agreement.

Since the time came to the 1980s, Yuan Changqing and Yuan Dongfang quit their jobs in the steel rolling mill, bought a three-story building outside, and opened a restaurant.

Moreover, Yuan Dongfang's apprentice Ma Hua also quit his job and now works as a chef in a restaurant.

After so many years, although Yuan Dongfang's cooking skills are not top-notch, they are not as good as Silly Zhu.

However, after inspecting MCA for a year and understanding its character, Yuan Dongfang officially accepted MCA as his apprentice.

Later, Yuan Dongfang also taught his cooking skills to Ma Hua without any reservation. Although Ma Hua was a rigid person, he really had nothing to say about respecting his teachers.

Originally, when Yuan Changqing and Yuan Dongfang resigned from their jobs in the steel rolling mill, they were not prepared for MCA to resign as well.

However, after hearing that Yuan Dongfang resigned from his job and planned to open a restaurant outside, MCA also resigned from his job quickly and came to join Yuan Dongfang. There was no discussion about remuneration after coming.

When Yuan Dongfang saw that MCA resigned from his job, it was hard to blame him. Then, he directly asked MCA to take the lead. The cooking work in the restaurant was basically handed over to MCA.

Moreover, MCA is indeed suitable for the profession of chef, and the dishes produced taste really good. The business of Yuan Changqing's restaurant has been good since it opened.

Yuan Changqing and Yuan Dongfang also discussed that after their voices stabilized in the future, they were also prepared to give part of the hotel's dry shares to MCA.

From now on, the hotel can be run by MCA, and Yuan Changqing and his family can practice in peace and peace of mind.

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