Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 281 The first bend of the Yellow River’s nine meanders

The secret method of covering the world, in the first secret realm of the Wheel and Sea, the four stages of the Sea of ​​Bitterness, the Spring of Life, the Divine Bridge, and the other side, there will be divine patterns produced at each stage. These divine patterns will be generated at each stage. Anyone can forge a divine weapon of their own destiny.

Of course, this also depends on the cultivation technique. Generally, four magical weapons are forged in the Lunhai Secret Realm.

Only those advanced skills can defeat all the methods with one force and forge a divine weapon in the secret realm of Lun Hai.

Yuan Changqing's current Five Elements Classic's method of forging natal divine weapons can also take the path of defeating all methods with one force, but it does not have the blessing of the emperor's character.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing had a guess, that is, the Five Elements Sutra he obtained was probably only a part of it, and there must be a part of the Sendai Secret Realm behind it.

It's just that what stage the Immortal Stage Secret Realm can reach is not something that Yuan Changqing, a young monk who has just started, can know.

However, I think it must not be too low, otherwise, there will not be a secret method that can overcome all the magic in forging the natal magic weapon.

Now that Yuan Changqing has reached the life spring realm of the Wheel and Sea Secret Realm, Yuan Changqing has not yet thought about how to forge his own divine weapon.

Yuan Changqing doesn't know now whether he should take the path of defeating all methods with one force, or the path of forging a natal magic weapon in stages.

Although taking the path of defeating all methods with one force, the natal magic weapon is definitely the strongest, but forging a natal magic weapon at each stage is not without exception.

Just like Lingbao Tianzun, his Zhuxian Sword Formation is one of the best among the imperial soldiers.

Lingbao Tianzun's imperial weapon should have forged a magic weapon sword at each stage, and coupled with the formation diagram, it is said that Lingbao Tianzun can kill an immortal with the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, even though it is just the corpse of the immortal.

However, immortals are immortals. After all, the emperor is only the pinnacle of humanity, while immortals have already reached the level of immortality. The gap between them is like a world of difference between one side of the abyss.

And Lingbao Tianzun can use the combat power of the pinnacle of humanity to set up the Immortal Killing Sword Formation and kill the immortal corpse. Then, one can imagine the power of the Immortal Killing Sword Formation.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing came from the era of information explosion in later generations, and he also knew a lot about the magical weapons and spiritual treasures in the novel.

Just like the five innate five-element flags in the prehistoric world, each of them is one of the top innate spiritual treasures with unparalleled defense.

If five innate five-element flags were gathered together and an innate five-direction and five-element formation was set up, it would be an innate formation that could rank among the top three in the prehistoric world.

It can be imagined from this that the power of this Five Elements Formation is no worse than the Immortal Killing Sword Formation of Lingbao Tianzun.

However, Yuan Changqing also knows the difference between each world. He may not be extremely strong in the prehistoric world, but he can be in the Zhetian world.

After all, the five five-element flags in the prehistoric world were born innately, and there are some innate laws in them. It is impossible to say that they are powerful.

However, it is different in the world of Zhetian. This world is a dilapidated world. Here, you not only need your own understanding of Tao, but also need powerful skills.

The better the materials needed to forge the natal magic weapon, the better the forged magic weapon can grow with its owner.

You must know that the natal magic weapon is equivalent to the continuation of a person's life. This is a person's understanding of Tao, and the natal magic weapon is used as a carrier of one's own Tao.

The more profound the Tao you understand, the more powerful your natal divine weapon will be.

Therefore, it is necessary to adapt measures to local conditions. Those magical weapons and spiritual treasures from other worlds can only be used as a reference and cannot be read from the book.

This is what Yuan Changqing has been struggling with now. After all, no one wants to have a powerful weapon.

However, there is no rush now. Yuan Changqing is in the Quan Realm and still has time to think about it.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing does not have the right figure to forge his natal magic weapon. There is immortal gold on the earth star, and it is still in Kunlun Mountain.

However, with Yuan Changqing's current strength, he may be defeated by the formation in Kunlun Mountain before he reaches there. No, it is not possible, but certain.

After Yuan Changqing made some preparations at home, he set off. This time when he went out, Yuan Changqing also made two preparations.

On the one hand, I want to go to Kunlun Mountain to see what's going on there. Even if I can't enter Kunlun Mountain, it's still good to go and experience it. It just so happens that Yuan Changqing is studying rune patterns.

And with so many formations laid out in Kunlun Mountain, it can serve as Yuan Changqing's teacher to confirm the runes he has learned on his own.

Moreover, you can also experience the formations in this world and see if you can learn something. If you learn something from Kunlun Mountain, it will be of infinite use.

You must know that among the formations here, the lowest is the Quasi-Emperor Formation. If you can learn a little bit about it, it will be of endless use.

On the other hand, Yuan Changqing wants to see if there is any harvest in Kunlun Mountain. If there is any harvest, it is easy to say.

If there is no gain, Yuan Changqing plans to learn Duan De. After all, Duan De's achievements in this area can be said to be a great achiever among Zhe Tian.

Later, Ye Fan had a mouth full of oil from Duan De. From here, it can be imagined that the oil and water here have been rich for many years.

If I had known earlier, when Earth Star could still practice cultivation, this place had once been glorious.

Well, those practitioners in the past must have left behind a lot of good things after their death. So, if Yuan Changqing finds one or two, wouldn't this cultivation resource be available?

Going west from Sijiu City, Yuan Changqing did not take the main road, but walked along the banks of the Yellow River.

As the mother river of China from ancient times to the present, the Yellow River has always been accompanied by the history of China, and there are countless myths circulating in it.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing also wanted to see if he could encounter the remains of any historical figures along the way.

You must know that the legendary Emperor Xi also once attained enlightenment in the Yellow River. The name of this ancient emperor’s Imperial Bing He Tuluo Shu is also familiar to the general public.

Looking at the turbid water of the Yellow River, after thousands of years, this mother river that has raised countless Chinese people has also suffered a lot due to human reasons.

Because in history, humans have carried out endless deforestation of forests on the Loess Plateau in order to obtain wood, which has led to large-scale soil erosion and caused a large amount of sediment to flow into the Yellow River, creating the turbid scene of the Yellow River.

This is also the reason why the Yellow River is so yellow, because there is a lot of sediment in the water of the Yellow River.

These silts also caused the riverbed in the lower reaches of the Yellow River to rise, making the Yellow River moody and causing hardship to the people along its banks.

It is also because of this large amount of sediment that the course of the Yellow River has been changed several times in history. After the founding of New China, through continuous management, the Yellow River improved.

When Yuan Changqing came to the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River, there was a famous place called Jiuqu Yellow River.

The most beautiful natural landscapes here are the first bend of the Yellow River and the Hukou Falls.

The most magical part of these two landscapes is the three-dimensional map of the Jiuqu Yellow River.

It is a large S-shaped bend formed by the Yellow River when it flows through these two landscapes, just like the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram in the "Book of Changes".

It is also similar to the theory of "reincarnation of life" or "reincarnation of the sun and the moon" of Tibetan Buddhism ("Swastika") and Tibetan Buddhism ("Swastika").

The first bend of the Yellow River's nine meanders expresses the feminine beauty of the Yellow River's spirit of "tranquility and far-reaching" with a generous gesture and a peaceful mind.

The Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River expresses the "flexible and flying" masculine Tai Chi spirit of the Yellow River spirit with a majestic attitude and heroic mentality.

These two unique landscapes of movement and stillness, one yin and one yang, can be said to be the best interpretation of the spirit of the Yellow River, and are a three-dimensional representation of the Chinese Yin-Yang Tai Chi theory.

It is said that this is the place where Emperor Xi gained enlightenment, and the origin of Emperor Bing He Tu Luo Shu was also learned from here.

As for the specific truth, it has been too long and it is impossible to verify it.

However, since there is such a legend, it must not be groundless and must have its own explanation.

Yuan Changqing is now in the life spring realm and can already use the art of rainbow transformation.

When Yuan Changqing came here, he rose into the sky and looked at the scene here from the air, which made him more three-dimensional.

Looking from top to bottom, the huge natural Tai Chi pattern is imprinted on the earth, and the water of the Yellow River flows slowly.

Although Yuan Changqing has read the principles of yin and yang countless times in the Book of Changes, he also understood the principles from some annotations.

However, without an image reference, we only know its shape but not its reason.

Now with such an image as a reference, Yuan Changqing also has some understanding, and gradually sinks into the mysterious and mysterious truth of Tai Chi Yin and Yang.

Wuji is Tai Chi, Tai Chi is the source of Yang when it moves, it is the movement when it is still, it is still when it is still, and when it is still, it moves again, and when it moves, it becomes still, and they are the root of each other, dividing Yin and Yang.

Yuan Changqing, who sank into the mysterious and mysterious artistic conception, also realized some of the mysteries of Tai Chi Yin and Yang.

After a moment, he broke away from this artistic conception, and Yuan Changqing also had a look of regret on his face.

"It seems that there is no chance." Yuan Changqing murmured.

After all, with Yuan Changqing's current strength, it is still somewhat difficult to comprehend these. On the one hand, there is too little accumulation, and on the other hand, Tai Chi Yin and Yang are too profound and cannot be comprehended now.

Yuan Changqing is now practicing alone. He has no one who shares the same path, and no one with whom he can discuss it. His contact with this world is not very deep, and he has no one to lead the way.

It's like an item is placed in front of you. Although you know it, you don't know how to use it.

Because you have not accumulated enough knowledge, Yuan Changqing is in the same situation now.

I have read a lot of Taoist classics and Buddhist scriptures, but I still can't understand the principles in them. This is why Yuan Changqing still has insufficient accumulation and quickly breaks away from that artistic conception.

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