Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 282 Kunlun and the Divine Bridge

After stopping and stopping along the way, a month later, Yuan Changqing finally arrived at the boundary of Kunlun Mountain.

Because Kunlun Mountain is blocked by some emperor formations, its true face is not revealed at all.

And the outline of Kunlun Mountain that Yuan Changqing sees now is only a part of it.

Even so, the exposed part of Kunlun Mountain is still extremely vast to Yuan Changqing, a young monk who has just entered cultivation.

Now Yuan Changqing has only arrived at the boundary of Kunlun Mountain, and is still far away from the exposed part of Kunlun Mountain.

Looking at Kunlun Mountain from here, its outline is so vast. If it were all revealed, it would be unknown how vast it is. Yuan Changqing could only guess based on his imagination.

"It's really spectacular. If all the Kunlun Mountains are revealed, it will definitely be magnificent and vast. It's just that if this sacred land wants to lift the restrictions, we still have to wait!" Yuan Changqing said with emotion.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing sighed and walked quickly towards Kunlun Mountain again.

After arriving at the foot of Kunlun Mountain, Yuan Changqing, with his cultivation in the Life Spring Realm, could feel that it was indeed different from the outside world here.

In the heaven and earth here, Yuan Changqing can clearly sense the aura between heaven and earth, and after careful perception, the closer he gets to Kunlun Mountain, the richer the aura becomes.

This shows that Kunlun Mountain is continuously absorbing spiritual energy from the heaven and earth, and transporting it towards Kunlun Mountain, which is shrouded in a large formation.

Although this is just the outside of Kunlun Mountain and not the core place, if you can practice here, the conditions are not comparable to other places.

As for how to enter Kunlun Mountain and enter that sacred land, it is still very difficult with Yuan Changqing's current strength.

However, since he was here, he couldn't return without success. Yuan Changqing began to follow the direction of the mountains and continued walking deeper inside.

Sure enough, the Kunlun Mountains exposed to the outside world are indeed suitable for cultivation. Many beasts here are affected by the aura here, passively absorbing the aura emitted here, and have also achieved a certain level of cultivation.


A large, colorful insect appeared in front of Yuan Changqing. It had stripes on its body and a "king" character on its head. It was roaring at Yuan Changqing with its mouth wide open.

"It seems that meat can be eaten today. I wonder how this tiger meat that contains spiritual energy tastes." Yuan Changqing thought to himself.


I saw white rays of light flashing through, like a spear, shooting directly towards the tiger in front. This is a technique that uses the metallic magic power in the Five Elements Sutra practiced by Yuan Changqing.

The tiger also saw Yuan Changqing's attack and pounced on it, trying to break up Yuan Changqing's attack with its front paws.

However, this tiger is only because it has been nourished by spiritual energy for a long time, and its strength is not very strong. It is still difficult to take Yuan Changqing's attack.

Just at the beginning, he was injured by Yuan Changqing's magic, and there was blood on his body.

"Roar." The pain caused by the injury also made the tiger roar loudly.

Yuan Changqing didn't want to get entangled with it, so he dodged directly, came to the side of the tiger, and hit it on the lower back with a palm.

"Crack." There was a sound of bones, and Yuan Changqing broke the tiger's back.

"Woo!" In an instant, the tiger collapsed on the ground, making a painful sound.

Seeing this, Yuan Changqing used a magic technique in his hand, which was a spear, and it was inserted directly into the tiger's head, killing him.

Then, looking at the sky, it was not far from night, so Yuan Changqing was not ready to move on.

After finding a relatively secluded place, Yuan Changqing began to dismember the tiger, peeled off the skin, and disembowelled it. After cleaning up the useless things, he used magic techniques to pour water on it. On top of the tiger meat, wash it.

After that, Yuan Changqing lit a fire and started roasting tiger meat. Fortunately, Yuan Changqing prepared a lot of seasonings when he set off from home.

The sound of "sizzling" sounded. After a while of roasting, the tiger meat turned golden and the aroma of the meat began to smell. It immediately made people move their index fingers and salivate.

After it was ready to eat, Yuan Changqing impatiently cut off a piece of tiger meat with a knife and began to eat it in big mouthfuls.

"Hey, this tiger meat that has been nourished by spiritual energy is really delicious. It seems that I can eat more here and let Yue'er and the others have a taste when I go back." Yuan Changqing said while eating.

"It's really delicious. It's so delicious with a little simple seasoning. Then those more powerful monsters and beasts are even more delicious. I must try it if I have a chance in the future." Yuan Changqing finished eating the tiger meat. , I thought secretly in my heart.

The next day, Yuan Changqing grilled some tiger meat, and after eating it, he set off again.

Yuan Changqing has been practicing the Eye of Energy in his previous life. Through the Eye of Energy, Yuan Changqing can only see part of the Kunlun Mountains.

Yuan Changqing also knows something about the ninety-nine dragon mountains in the Kunlun Mountains.

However, covered by the Great Emperor's formation, Yuan Changqing's gazing eyes had little effect, and could only see a blurry scene ahead.

Therefore, if you want to find the real entrance, you can only look for it bit by bit.

In the blink of an eye, three months passed, and Yuan Changqing also discovered a valley. After constant exploration, this was the most likely place to be the entrance.

Moreover, the concentration of spiritual energy here is much stronger. If you practice here for a long time, it will definitely be of great help to your practice.

However, relatively speaking, if you just rely on the spiritual energy here to practice, it may be similar to Yuan Changqing relying on the power of the stars pulled by the Blue Silver Emperor.

However, as Yuan Changqing's strength becomes stronger, the power of the stars brought by the Blue Silver Emperor will definitely be more, so this is not very important to Yuan Changqing.

After finding this valley, Yuan Changqing also felt it carefully, began to look for the correct entrance to the formation, and sensed the rules of operation.

Combined with his own knowledge of runes, Yuan Changqing also began to learn from the formations here.

When Yuan Changqing felt that it was almost time, he rested for two more days, recuperated his energy, and was ready to enter the formation.

Two days later, Yuan Changqing came to the formation, took a deep breath, and stepped in.

After Yuan Changqing took this step, he felt as if he had entered another world. The world in front of him became more open, as if he had entered a new world.

The Kunlun Mountain that he saw outside was already very tall, but after entering here, Yuan Changqing felt that it was really small and dwarfed.

I saw that the mountains here were even taller, connected to the sky and the earth, with no top visible. The peaks towered into the clouds, surrounded by wind and clouds, the stars hung high, and the clouds and mist shrouded them.

And the spiritual energy inside is so dense that it's like a heavy fog. The spiritual energy is like fog, and even the line of sight is blocked.

Yuan Changqing just took a deep breath, feeling as if he had taken a big tonic pill, and his whole spirit seemed to be lifted.

Moreover, this is only the edge of the formation. I really don’t know what it will be like when entering the core.

"It's really a big deal. It's indeed worthy of being a supreme emperor. I really aspire to it!" Yuan Changqing was shocked when he looked at the layout here and said with emotion.

"Alas! Now I am just a small monk in the Life Spring Realm, so I better not think about it so much. The top priority now is to improve my strength!"

"However, the spiritual energy in this periphery alone is enough for me to break through the current realm. After I find a safe place, I can start to use the spiritual energy here to break through to the Shenqiao realm."

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing continued to analyze the layout of the formations here, learning from them while breaking the formations, which also allowed Yuan Changqing's formation level to rapidly improve.

When he could no longer crack it, Yuan Changqing gave up. Now that he was only at this level, there was no need to push too hard.

In the process of Yuan Changqing breaking the formation, he also gained a lot and got a lot of elixirs along the way.

Although these elixirs may be different from the more advanced ones, they are enough for Yuan Changqing and Yuan Changqing's family.

Yuan Changqing collected all the elixirs he collected into the World Bead and planted them inside. This could also ensure the effectiveness of these elixirs.

With such a good training place, Yuan Changqing also found an open place without formations, which made it easier for Yuan Changqing to move and practice.

As a result, Yuan Changqing also officially started practicing here. He was originally at the peak of Mingquan, not far from the Shenqiao.

As the Five Elements Sutra circulated, Yuan Changqing's spiritual energy also began to pour in, replenishing the divine power in this sea of ​​suffering.

I saw Yuan Changqing's colorful sea of ​​suffering. There was a spring at the bottom of the sea of ​​suffering, from which divine liquid gushed out from time to time and washed over the wheel of life. This divine liquid was the liquid of life.

Cultivating in this place with rich spiritual energy, as Yuan Changqing continued to refine the spiritual energy from the outside world, the five-color sea of ​​suffering also continued to grow.

Five colors of light also emerged from Yuan Changqing's body, and the colors were constantly changing, just like the five elements were constantly changing.

I saw that the entire five-color sea of ​​suffering was constantly churning, like a tsunami, with waves, life springs gushing, and divine power sources boiling.

As the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness continues to grow, the Life Spring at the bottom also becomes much larger, and streams of rays of light continuously emerge from the spring eyes.

Yuan Changqing's divine power surged in the sea of ​​suffering at this moment, and Xiaguang said, this is the peak state of the Life Spring Realm, and the next step is the Divine Bridge.

After Yuan Changqing's training again, the original sea of ​​suffering became larger, and there was more divine power in it.

Afterwards, after Yuan Changqing consolidated his skills some more, he began to prepare for a breakthrough.

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