Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 288 The Other Shore

"Wow, grandparents, mom, look, this Kunlun Mountain is really tall and spectacular. Its top seems to be connected to the sky, and you can't see the end." Yuan Yuer couldn't help but sigh as she looked at the Kunlun Mountain in the distance.

At this time, Yuan Changqing and his family had arrived at the boundary of the Kunlun Mountains. After arranging matters in the Forty-Nine Cities, the family set out towards the Kunlun Mountains.

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "Yue'er, where are you now? What you see now is only a part of it. This is just a small part of Kunlun Mountain exposed to the outside. When you see the real Kunlun Behind the mountain, it’s not too late for you to come back and express your feelings.”

Zeng Li also said: "Yes Yue'er, your dad has said it before, what we can see here is only what we can see. When we get to the place and see the real Kunlun Mountain, we still don't know how big it is." Well, anyway, I can’t imagine it right now.”

"Mom, it's okay. We'll know when we see it," Yuan Yuer'er said nonchalantly.

Jiang Fen also said: "Yue'er, your father has said that it is very dangerous in Kunlun Mountain. When we get here, you should not be so reckless."

Yuan Yue'er nodded and replied: "Grandma, don't worry, I don't want to die so young, I will be careful."

Yuan Changqing added: "As long as you know, it's no joke there. If you are not careful and make a mistake, there will be no consequences."

Then, Yuan Changqing looked at the sky again and said: "It's getting late now, so we don't have to rush. Let's rest here tonight. When I come back from hunting a prey, it will be our dinner." .”

Yuan Yuer clapped her hands happily and said, "Great, we can eat delicious food again."

"You, your dad brought back so much prey last time, and you haven't eaten enough yet!" Zeng Li said, tapping Yuan Yue'er's head with his finger.

Yuan Yue'er rubbed her head, pretending to be aggrieved and said: "Mom, haven't I eaten for a while? I miss it a little."

Zeng Li added: "I see, you are greedy."

After finding a spacious sheltered place and settling in, Yuan Changqing took Yuan Yuer'er to look for prey.

It didn't take much effort to see Yuan Changqing coming back with an elk. The prey outside did not pose much of a threat to Yuan Changqing, so he solved it in a few moments.

After dinner, the family chatted for a few words and then took a rest.

The next day, when the group arrived at the valley where Yuan Changqing found the entrance last time, they finally arrived at the place.

Yuan Changqing reminded again at this time: "This is the entrance. When you enter later, everyone must follow me closely. You can follow my path. You can't go wrong. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Well, I got it, don't worry!" Everyone said in unison.

After that, Yuan Changqing walked into the sacred land of Kunlun Mountain again, and his family followed behind.

When Yuan Yuer and others saw the real Kunlun Mountain, they couldn't help but open their mouths. Only then did they know what the real Kunlun Mountain Yuan Changqing said was like.

However, looking at their looks, it was clear that they were shocked by the scene here.

"It's really spectacular. It's just like what it looks like in myths and legends. It's so beautiful, as if you're in a fairyland. It's so big and so bright. If you don't see it with your own eyes, you can't even imagine it. There is such a place in this world." Zeng Li sighed with disbelief.

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "Okay, now is not the time for us to lament. Everyone should focus on it. Let's go to a safe place first. Then it won't be too late for us to slowly lament."

After that, everyone followed Yuan Changqing's footsteps and came to the place where Yuan Changqing practiced last time.

"Okay, it's quite safe here. As long as everyone doesn't run around and touch the places covered by the formation, it will be fine. We will be practicing here in the future. Let's each find a place first!" Yuan Changqing said again Remind family members.

Yuan Yue'er said at this time: "It's really nice here. The aura is so rich. It's like a holy land for cultivation. Compared with the outside world, it can be said to be very different."

Zeng Li also nodded and asked: "Husband, what's going on? Why can't we feel a trace of spiritual energy outside, but here the spiritual energy is like mist? The difference is too big."

Jiang Fen also said: "Yes, Changqing, I can't even imagine now. Could it be that we have really come to fairyland? It's like a myth shining into reality. I still feel like I'm dreaming."

"Haha, mom, don't worry, this place is real. Just think that you are in a fairyland. We can also practice well in such an environment." Yuan Changqing said with a smile.

Then, he added: "As for why there is such a big difference between here and the outside world, I don't know if you felt it when you came here. The spiritual energy from the outside world is gathering here."

What Yuan Changqing said also made everyone stunned. Looking at their expressions, it was clear that they had not noticed.

Yuan Yuer asked doubtfully: "Dad, do you know the reason for this?"

The reason is that Yuan Changqing knows that the layout here is because Emperor Zun arranged it for the purpose of refining immortal weapons, which also caused the galaxy where Earth Star is located to enter the Age of Ending Law.

Yuan Changqing also said seriously: "When you came in just now, you should have seen the formations all over the place. These formations are not simple. I only saw a little bit of them last time I came here."

"However, the formations here are at least quasi-emperor level. You can imagine the level of people setting up the formations here."

"Therefore, don't rush into the formation when you have nothing to do. It will really kill people."

"Of course, while we are practicing, we can also study the formations here. This is good for us to master and calculate the formation patterns."

"Furthermore, our family has also collected some books about formations and runes. With this as a reference, we can learn better."

Everyone nodded. Yuan Yue'er looked around and asked, "Dad, the elixirs you brought back last time were collected here. Are there any more?"

Yuan Changqing replied: "Yes, there is. Even I don't have the ability to get it. Many better elixirs are surrounded by formations. When I know more about the formations here, maybe I can get them back. Yes, but why do you ask?"

Yuan Yuer shook her head and said: "It's nothing, I just think those elixirs are quite useful."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Okay, don't think about it. The rich spiritual energy here is not enough for you to practice. Now our first task is to practice here and work hard to improve ourselves." Your cultivation is more important than anything else."

"Moreover, we may need to practice here for a long time this time. You can also take this opportunity to practice again from scratch in such an environment with sufficient spiritual energy to check for any mistakes and make up for them."

"Last time I also brought back a lot of skills and cultivation insights. We are practicing and comprehending at the same time. I hope everyone can break through to the second great realm this time."

After that, everyone found a place and started practicing.

Yuan Changqing also found a place to start practicing. The last time he came here, Yuan Changqing had already reached the peak of Shenqiao Realm.

After calming down, Yuan Changqing restored himself to his peak state and was ready to break through.

At this time, in Yuan Changqing's sea of ​​suffering, five-colored rays of light were flowing, the waves on the sea were undulating, and the divine springs on the bottom of the sea were constantly gushing out divine power.

The Hongqiao above the Mingquan continued to extend towards the mysterious and mysterious place. With the movement of the Five Elements Sutra, Yuan Changqing followed the Hongqiao to a place full of fog.

In an instant, the scene changed, and Yuan Changqing came to a modern world.

"Yuan Changqing, do you still want to do it? What's wrong with asking you to work overtime? If you don't want to work overtime, don't do it."

"Hey, if you don't want to do it, then don't do it. I don't want to do it a long time ago. The salary won't increase. You still make me work overtime every day, let alone overtime. You still want me to work for you for free. Here If you don’t leave me alone, you will have your own place to stay.”

"Let's go. If you leave, don't think about coming back. You're working like this without overtime. Do you have the money to pay you if you don't work overtime? Do you think it's so easy to find a job now? Sometimes you beg me."

"Hmph, if you want me to leave, you can just lend me your salary first."

Later, Yuan Changqing changed several jobs in succession, but they were all very unsatisfactory. These jobs were like using old scalpers to squeeze them hard, and they would not give up until the last bit was squeezed out.

In the end, Yuan Changqing couldn't stand this kind of life anymore, so he returned to his hometown. In an accident, he came to another world.

In this world, Yuan Changqing met his confidante and saw the magic of this world.

However, for some reason, Yuan Changqing felt that this world was not the real world, but rather the world in a novel he had read.

However, it also feels like this is a real world. Yuan Changqing can feel that the people and things here are real and not fake.

I don't know how long it took, but a big battle broke out, and Yuan Changqing also participated in it. In the end, in order to protect his lover, he died together with the enemy.

Then, Yuan Changqing felt that he had come to another world. From the beginning, he had been ordinary for more than ten years, thinking that he could live an ordinary life.

Suddenly, one day I discovered that this world was very unusual, so I started to practice cultivation again.

Along with the fleeting experience, Yuan Changqing experienced a lot and thought a lot, and found that these were what he had experienced.

"Oh, I hope I can get you all back when I become stronger in the future."

Suddenly, the fog in front of him dissipated, and Yuan Changqing found himself standing on a Hongqiao, looking at what seemed to be five palaces above, accompanied by bursts of Taoist sounds.

After that, Yuan Changqing's sea of ​​suffering also changed from vibrant to lifeless, going back and forth nine times, each time getting longer. Fortunately, the spiritual energy in the sacred soil of Kunlun Mountain was sufficient.

Otherwise, Yuan Changqing might also fail to transform due to lack of spiritual energy.

When Yuan Changqing broke through to the other side, the outside world also discovered his situation.

"Mom, will dad be okay?" Yuan Yuer asked with a worried look.

"Crow Zui, how could something happen to your dad? He will be fine." Zeng Li clenched his hands, feeling very worried.

When Yuan Dongfang and Jiang Fen saw this, they were also worried and could only watch Yuan Changqing silently.

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