Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 289 Dao Palace

After nine lives and nine deaths, Yuan Changqing finally broke through to the last stage of the secret realm of Lun Hai.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing also saw the five vague temples high above the other shore.

Yuan Changqing knew that he had made a breakthrough, and he had also seen his Dao Palace. He only waited for his cultivation breakthrough later to enter the second secret realm: the Dao Palace Secret Realm.

After Yuan Changqing's nine transformations were completed, a large amount of the remaining bone fragments and impurities in his body were left behind during the transformation process.

After watching Yuan Changqing wake up, Zeng Li cried with joy and immediately fell into Yuan Changqing's arms.

"Husband, what you did just now scared me to death." Zeng Li said with a slight cry while slapping Yuan Changqing.

Yuan Changqing patted Zeng Li on the back and comforted him: "Okay, okay, I'm okay. I just broke through a realm just now. I'm okay!"

After comforting Zeng Li, Yuan Changqing's parents and Yuan Yue'er also gathered around.

After Jiang Fen saw that Yuan Changqing was fine, she felt relieved and asked: "Changqing, you were really worried about us just now. What is going on?"

Yuan Changqing also explained: "You will also encounter this when you break through to the other side in the future. Now I will tell you about my breakthrough experience."

Yuan Yue'er jumped out at this time and said exaggeratedly: "Dad, please tell us quickly. You didn't see that my mother was worried about you just now."

Zeng Li glared at him, Yuan Yue'er stuck out her tongue and became quiet.

Yuan Changqing patted Zeng Li's hand and said, "You have all read our Five Elements Book. It also said the secret about the secret realm of the Wheel and Sea."

"That is, when we break through to the other side, we will undergo nine transformations. These nine transformations can make our bodies stronger and purer."

Later, Yuan Changqing pointed to the pile of broken bones left behind after his transformation, and said: "These are the excess things from the transformation. This is an opportunity to reborn, which can make it easier for us to practice in the future. "

"In a word, it makes our blood and bones more perfect and full of divine power."

"Also, when you break through, you also need to pay attention to one thing, that is, you will experience the disaster of fog."

"As for what the disaster of the fog will be, it depends on each person. Everyone's experience is different, and the disaster of the fog will be different."

"Therefore, if we want to break through to the other side, we need to break through the mist and then undergo nine transformations before we can break through to the other side."

Yuan Yuer asked again: "Dad, when you transform, can you transform again and again?"

Yuan Changqing thought for a while and then said: "It should be possible. This requires detailed analysis of specific issues."

"For example, if the spiritual energy cannot satisfy the nine transformations, it is also possible to transform separately."

"Or maybe you need some special things to help you transform. You can transform again and again."

"However, there is no need for this in our current cultivation environment. The abundant spiritual energy in the sacred soil of Kunlun Mountain can already provide enough spiritual energy needs."

After experiencing Yuan Changqing's breakthrough to the other side, everyone returned to the state of cultivation.

Yuan Changqing also began to practice hard, striving to break through to the Dao Palace realm as soon as possible.

After breaking through to the Dao Palace realm, it will be much easier for Yuan Changqing to comprehend scriptures and classics.

After all, after entering the realm of the Dao Palace and having the gods of the Dao Palace, these gods can assist in understanding those scriptures and classics, and Yuan Changqing does not need to study alone like a hard worker.

After Yuan Changqing completes the cultivation of the secret realm of Lun Hai, he can cross the pure land on the other side at any time and enter one of the five temples above.

Yuan Changqing is also considering which divine treasure trove to open first. What is cultivated in the secret realm of the Taoist Palace is actually the five internal organs of the human body, namely the divine treasure trove of the heart, the divine treasure trove of the liver, the divine treasure trove of the spleen, the divine treasure trove of the lungs, and the divine treasure trove of the kidneys.

The main functions of the Heart Divine Treasure are to control the blood, to store the gods, and to control transparency.

It plays the role of dominating the entire life activities of the human body, so the heart is called the "official of the monarch", "the foundation of life", and "the master of the five internal organs".

The heart is in the body and connects with the pulse, the flower is in the face, the tongue is in the orifice, the joy is in the will, and the fluid is sweat. It belongs to fire in the five elements, is the yang of yang, and corresponds to the summer air in nature.

The main function of the Liver is to regulate diarrhea and store blood.

Its characteristics are that it mainly promotes activeness, is happy but hates depression, so it is called "hard zang". "Suwen·Linglan Secret Code" says: "The liver is the official of the general, where the plans come out."

The liver is in the body and the tendons, its flowers are in the claws, the orifices are eyes, the will is anger, and the fluid is tears. It belongs to wood in the five elements, which is the yang in the yin, and corresponds to the spring air in nature.

The main function of the spleen is to govern transportation and control the blood.

After a person is born, the continuation of life activities and the transformation and enrichment of essence, qi, blood and body fluids all depend on the movement and transformation of water and grain essence by the spleen and stomach, so the spleen and stomach are called "the foundation of acquired nature".

The movement characteristic of temper is the main promotion. The spleen is Taiyin damp soil, and it is responsible for transporting and transforming water, so it likes dryness and hates dampness.

The spleen connects muscles in the body and governs the limbs. It is the mouth in the orifice, the spleen is in the lips, the will is thinking, and the fluid is saliva. It belongs to earth among the five elements and is the most yin among yins. It corresponds to the Qi of Changxia and is strong in the four seasons.

The main functions of the Lung God Store are to control Qi and breathing, control the movement of water, direct the hundreds of meridians, and control the festivals.

The basic operation form of lung qi is to spread, release, suppress and descend. The lungs are at the highest position among the five internal organs and cover all internal organs, so they are called the "canopy".

The lungs are in the body and the skin, their flowers are in the hairs, the orifices are in the nose, the aspirations are in sorrow (sorrow), and the fluids are in tears. It belongs to gold among the five elements, is the yin among yang, and corresponds to the autumn air in nature.

The main functions of the kidney are: to store essence, water, and receive qi.

Because the kidney stores the innate essence and is the source of human life, the kidney is called the "innate foundation".

Kidney essence transforms kidney qi, and kidney qi is divided into yin and yang. Kidney yin and kidney yang can support, promote, and coordinate the yin and yang of the whole body's internal organs, so the kidney is also called "the foundation of yin and yang of the five internal organs."

The kidney stores essence, governs stinging, and is also called the foundation of sealing.

The kidney connects the bones in the body, produces marrow, and connects the brain. Its flowers are in the hair, in the orifice it is the ears and two yin, in the will it is fear, and in the liquid it is saliva. It belongs to water in the five elements and is the yin among yins. It also corresponds to the winter air in nature.

It can be seen from the five internal organs that these five sacred treasures are related to the foundation of cultivation and serve as a link between the past and the following.

In the end, Yuan Changqing chose to cultivate the Divine Treasure of the Heart first, just because it plays the role of controlling the entire life activities of the human body, and is the "official of the monarch", "the foundation of life", and "the master of the five internal organs".

After that, Yuan Changqing began to open up the Divine Treasure of the Heart. With the help of the rich spiritual energy of the Kunlun Mountain Sacred Land, it took more than half a month to finally step into the Divine Treasure of the Heart from the pure land on the other side.

However, at this time, the Divine Treasure of the Heart has not yet been completed. Now it can only be said that the Divine Treasure of the Heart has been opened up.

Subsequently, Yuan Changqing continued to absorb the spiritual energy from the sacred soil of Kunlun Mountain. After another month or so, the divine treasure in the heart became more and more brilliant.

At this time, the divine treasure of the heart is like a lotus flower that has not yet bloomed, gestating the god of the heart.

With the continuous influx of spiritual energy, which is nourishing the God of the Heart, the Divine Treasure of the Heart becomes more and more crystal clear, with bursts of divine light.

At this time, there is also a vague shadow looming in the Heart of the Divine Treasure, which indicates that Yuan Changqing's first Taoist palace is about to be formed.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth continuously poured into the Divine Heart Treasure, and Yuan Changqing's spiritual consciousness also entered the Divine Heart Treasure, and began to shape the God of Heart.

Yuan Changqing also has some different ideas about the shaping of gods in the Taoist Palace, which is related to future visions.

After all, Yuan Changqing is the body of the five elements, and the vision is also related to the five elements.

Then, Yuan Changqing planned to shape the Taoist palace gods into a double-shaped image, that is, a human-shaped god and the image of a five-element sacred beast.

Because I chose the Heart Divine Treasure, the corresponding Five Elements Sacred Beast is Suzaku.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing began to shape the image of the Suzaku in his own impression. As a Suzaku appeared in the Heart God's Tibetan, this was half of the completion of the Heart God.

After that, Yuan Changqing continued to control the Suzaku to slowly transform into a human form, which was his own appearance. After turning into a human form, he saw a fiery red Suzaku mark between the eyebrows of the humanoid god.

Then, Yuan Changqing controlled the spirit of the heart to continuously change back and forth between the red bird and the human form. Only when it reached a rounded shape was it completed.

At this point, Yuan Changqing successfully cultivated the first Dao Palace Divine Treasure in the secret realm of the Tao Palace: the Divine Treasure of the Heart.

After half a month of cultivating the Divine Treasure of the Heart, Yuan Changqing continued his efforts and began to cultivate the second Divine Treasure.

As the saying goes, the five elements complement each other and complement each other. Yuan Changqing also plans to start from the direction of the five elements' mutual restraint. This is also to prepare for a magical power that he will envision in the future.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing's second divine treasure was the lung divine treasure.

I saw the spiritual energy around Yuan Changqing continuously pouring into his body, beginning to accumulate for the impact on the lungs.

You must know that the divine treasure of the lungs is connected to the divine way of spiritual energy, covering the internal organs. It is located at the highest position and is known as the canopy.

In addition, because the five internal organs are long and the essence of heaven and earth is light, it absorbs the divine source of heaven and earth, and it is the most important among the five internal organs.

After a large amount of spiritual energy poured into the Divine Lung Treasure, Yuan Changqing also successfully opened up the Divine Lung Treasure. Every time he exhaled and inhaled, he seemed to be connected to heaven and earth, and the speed of mobilizing the essence of heaven and earth was also many times faster.

Later, after Yuan Changqing opened up the divine treasure of the lungs, he repeated his old tricks and created the god of the lungs. The lungs belong to gold and are white tigers.

At this point, Yuan Changqing has completed the cultivation of the two Dao Palaces in the Dao Palace Secret Realm.

Later, Yuan Changqing also carefully felt his current strength. As expected, it was one step at a time, and every realm had earth-shaking changes.

And now that we have arrived at the secret realm of the Tao Palace, the gods in the Tao Palace are also studying scriptures and scriptures all the time, and bursts of Tao sounds are constantly coming from the Tao Palace.

As Yuan Changqing finished practicing, Yuan Yuer's voice came over.

"Dad, have you broken through the secret realm of the Dao Palace?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, I am now at the second level of the Dao Palace. You must practice hard."

"Ah, the Du Dao Palace is at the second level, and I have just broken through to the Divine Bridge Realm." Yuan Yue'er said with a tearful face.

Yuan Changqing glanced at Yue Yuer and said: "Then what else do you have to be dissatisfied with? You have only been practicing for a long time, and you are still not satisfied with the cultivation of the Shenqiao realm. You know, cultivation requires one step at a time, why are you in such a hurry."

"Hehe, didn't I hear that you are in the secret realm of Dao Palace? It feels like the gap between us has become wider again." Yuan Yuer said embarrassedly.

Zeng Li said at this time: "You, you still can't change your frizzy problem, you will suffer in the future."

"My dad is here, don't be afraid." Yuan Yuer said carelessly and indifferently.

"Okay, wife, don't talk about Yue'er. How are you all practicing now?" Yuan Changqing interjected.

Zeng Li replied: "It's all okay. Cultivation in such an environment is naturally much faster than in the outside world."

Jiang Fen also said: "Yeah, look, your dad and I feel a lot younger now."

"Well, that's good. It'll be good if your cultivation level improves."

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