Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 30 Counterattack

It seems that no matter which world it is in, its rules are always the same, the weak eat the strong.

This is even more obvious in this fantasy world. This is a world where great power belongs to oneself. As long as you have a big fist, you can be the rule maker.

The brewery in Blue Silver Village has started producing, and two shops in Soto City have also opened, and business is slowly getting back on track.

Yuan Changqing's vacation is almost over, and they are preparing to return to Tiandou City to start preparations for the new semester.

However, there are some blind people who, relying on some strength, find his way to the head.

If they are not defeated at once, trouble will definitely come one after another in the future.

Through Yuan Changqing's investigation, they found out that the person who was causing trouble for his store was a fairly powerful gang in Soto City.

Usually this gang relies on its strength and specializes in bullying those small traders who have no strength.

They use the excuse of collecting protection fees to make the small traders pay. If you don't pay, they will stab you in the back and beat you. As long as you are not caught red-handed, you will consider yourself unlucky.

You have no evidence, and the City Lord's Palace has nothing to do. You just received a warning from the City Lord's Palace.

They are also smart, and they attack selectively. They do not touch the properties of powerful or noble people, but only select small traders with no background.

And there are several such gangs in Soto City. As long as you don't make Soto City angry and resentful, those officials will be invisible.

The money collected by these gangs is also measured, and they will not let anyone lose profits. In order not to bring trouble on themselves, the small traders grit their teeth and endure it.

Also, even the nobles will benefit from this. Those officials are all nobles, so they look down on these common people.

This time I saw a new store opening. After making inquiries, I found out that it was owned by civilians and the business was pretty good, so I started to collect protection fees.

A few gangsters came to the store and asked my sister-in-law.

"Which of you is the boss? Come out and we'll find him if we have anything to do."

Hearing this arrogant tone, my sister-in-law knew that the person coming was evil.

"I'm just, what's wrong, what do you want from me?"

"That's fine. You just came here. If you don't know the rules, we won't hold you accountable. Just pay this month's security fee."

"Why don't I know about security fees? Who are you?"

"You don't need to know who we are. Each store has 2 gold soul coins every month. You have two, a total of four gold soul coins. Please pay it quickly."

My sister-in-law was not someone to be trifled with, and said, "If you don't explain clearly, why should I hand it over?"

"Anyway, I've informed you that if you don't hand it over, someone will come to you and ask for it."

After the gangster finished speaking, he left. At this time, when people from the nearby store saw that he was leaving, they came over and told my sister-in-law some unspoken rules in the city.

After my sister-in-law and uncle returned to Lanyin Village in the evening, they talked about what happened today. After everyone discussed it, they decided to see it first before talking about it.

A few days later, nothing happened, and those people didn't come to cause trouble. Yuan Changqing and the others got some news in the past few days.

I felt that those people must be planning something, so they all became more vigilant.

Sure enough, when my sister-in-law and the others returned to their residence in the city, a group of people surrounded my sister-in-law and uncle in a remote place.

"This beautiful young lady, now I am here to collect your security fee in person. Do you want to pay it or not?"

A man who looked like a leader said slowly.

My sister-in-law said: "You are that bullshit gang, people who specialize in sucking the hard-earned money of us civilians!"

"So what, don't think about running away today. You have to pay the money if you don't want to, but now you not only have to pay it, but you also have to play with the elders before it's over."

After Ye Xiaofan heard this, he was also furious and took action directly.

"Linglong, if you want to talk nonsense to them, you must first defeat them and then talk."

"The fourth soul skill, fire feathers fill the sky."

Swishing large pieces of burning flame feathers flew towards those gangsters.

"Ah, it's the Soul Emperor."

"It's over, run away."

Seeing Ye Xiaofan's six soul rings, the gangsters knew that they had offended someone they should not offend, so they all started to run away.

"The fourth soul skill, Diamond Lock."

"The fifth soul skill, Blue Silver Bite."

In the small courtyard where my sister-in-law and the others lived, she looked at a group of people who were tied up.

My sister-in-law said to Yuan Changqing: "Changqing, what to do with them, or kill them all."

"Spare my life, young master."

"Spare my life."

There were calls for mercy.

Yuan Changqing said: "Seal their soul power first, and we will talk about it later."

Then everyone sealed the souls of these people one by one and threw them into the room where the debris was piled.

The house my sister-in-law and the others rented was in a small courtyard, and the space was very generous. Everyone came to the living room.

Yuan Changqing said: "This time, we will eradicate this gang at once to deter other forces, otherwise trouble will come again in the future."

My uncle said: "Yes, although we are not worried about trouble for the time being, if we don't clean up this time, we are afraid that trouble will continue and we will not be able to develop with peace of mind."

"Okay, we will interrogate the leader later to see what their specific situation is. Then my uncle, Catherine, and I will go directly to their lair and stew in one pot."

"As for the people here, deal with them directly and throw them outside the city. We will also see blood."

Later, Yuan Changqing and the others interrogated the leader. Maybe they had lived in peace for too long and were very afraid of death.

He told the situation of their gang in a crackling voice, and then he was of no use anymore. Yuan Changqing killed him directly, and the others were also killed by his uncle and the others.

The strongest person in this gang is the high-level soul king, who is the gang leader, and the rest are low-level soul masters and ordinary people.

Late at night, in a large courtyard in the west area of ​​Soto City, four people appeared outside. They were Yuan Changqing, Yuan Linglong, Ye Xiaofan, and Catherine.

After they entered the compound, they didn't waste any time and took action directly to deal with the sentry.

Then they looked for other targets, working in pairs, and the little shrimps were easily dealt with, but they still made some noise.

Some of those with strength at the Soul Sect level were still a bit resistant, so their gang leaders also discovered that something was wrong.

When he saw Yuan Changqing and others coming in and killing people, he shouted angrily: "Who are you? How dare you come to our Black Tiger Gang to cause trouble."

Yuan Changqing and the others don't talk much, because they can easily be killed if they talk too much, hehe.

"You don't care who we are, you messed with people you shouldn't mess with, and you guys are scum, today is the day you die."

After saying that, Yuan Changqing and the others started directly.

"Kill, the fourth soul skill, Blade Storm."

"The fourth soul skill, Diamond Lock."

"The fourth soul skill, fire feathers fill the sky."

"The third soul skill, Golden Eagle Claw Shadow."

After the opponent saw the attack, he quickly summoned his martial soul and began to fight with all his strength. Today, two soul emperors and two soul kings appeared.

"The third soul skill, the body of the black tiger."

"The fourth soul skill, the black tiger takes out the heart."

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