Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 31 Marriage

Facing the combined forces of two soul emperors and two soul kings, the remaining members of this gang were quickly eliminated.

The gang leader is barely good enough, and he is also a high-level soul king.

"Why do you want to kill us?"

The leader of the Black Tiger Gang asked before he died.

"Why should I kill you? There are many people who want to kill you. It's just that you are unlucky. The protection fee is on my head. Who will die if you don't die!"

"The fifth soul skill, Sword of Ice."

In this way, after Yuan Changqing answered his question, he used his fifth soul skill to solve him.

"Sister-in-law, let's all search separately and move all the valuable things away."

The four of them searched quickly and briefly, and after finding the valuable things they could find, they quickly left here.

The movement here also attracted the attention of the people around. Not long after Yuan Changqing and the others left, the city guards came to check.

I saw corpses all over the courtyard, and blood was still flowing on the ground.

However, the creator here has returned home.

By the next day, almost everyone in the west of the city knew that the Black Tiger Gang had been wiped out, and the vendors here were very happy.

However, what they don't know is that when one force dies, another force will rise.

My sister-in-law and the others also went to work in the store on time. No one else knew that they were responsible for what happened last night.

Maybe only some relatively powerful people discovered some clues, so they told their subordinates not to provoke him.

In the next few days, some people observed the location of my sister-in-law's store from a distance, but she and the others ignored her and went to and from get off work as usual every day.

The people from those forces reported the information they found after they returned. They knew that the owner of the shop here was a soul master like the Soul Emperor. As for whether there was a soul master above the soul saint, they did not find out.

In this way, Yuan Changqing stayed for a few more days, and after seeing that there was no trouble, he was ready to leave.

Before leaving, Yuan Changqing held a simple wedding with Catherine at home and officially became husband and wife with her.

They also planned to hold it again after returning to Tiandou City, and he couldn't aggrieve Catherine.

On the wedding night, Catherine was dressed very beautifully, just like a princess in a fairy tale from her previous life.

"Husband, I finally become your wife, love me."

With the beauty in front of her, Yuan Changqing naturally cannot let her down.

Afterwards, both of them looked satisfied, and Catherine lay on Yuan Changqing's chest and told her.

"Husband, like sister Yuyan, I also want to have one of our children."

Yuan Changqing stroked Catherine's smooth back, thought for a while and said.

"That's okay. Your soul power is now level 66, and you're still a little far away from becoming a Soul Saint. But if you want to have a child, we'd better work harder!"

After saying that, the two started fighting again. After a long time, they finally retreated.

This time Yuan Changqing's family will go to Tiandou City because their family will officially meet with Catherine's family.

Then there was another wedding for the two of them in Tiandou City, so their whole family went out together.

They thought this was a family trip, chartered three carriages in Soto City, and set off together.

The family's shop and brewery were on track, and there were dedicated people taking care of them, so they set off with peace of mind.

After stopping and stopping along the way, they passed through many cities. Half a month later, Yuan Changqing and his family arrived in Tiandou City and stayed directly at Catherine's hotel.

Later, Catherine's family also warmly received Yuan Changqing's family at home, and they got along very happily.

Catherine's parents were surprised when they saw Yuan Changqing's family, especially after knowing their strength. They didn't expect that their family's strength was not bad, at least better than them.

Some of their dissatisfaction with Yuan Changqing disappeared. After all, his daughter was not bad, and she even found a married woman, which was also a thorn in their hearts.

However, after knowing the strength of Yuan Changqing's family, the thorn was easily removed and he agreed that the two of them would get married as soon as possible.

The two families don't have any relatives, because they are both commoners, and they don't have to pay much attention to it. They just stay at home, and the two families have a meal, and that's it.

After the marriage, Yuan Changqing spent a few days with his family in Tiandou City, and they planned to go back.

After all, there are still a lot of things to do at home, and I still feel a little uneasy. Now that the things here are completed, Tiandou City also took a look.

So, after Yuan Changqing and the others sent their families out of the city gate, they looked at the carriage going away and turned back to the hotel.

Now Yuan Changqing is staying in Catherine's hotel. Because Wang Yuyan is there, after discussing with Catherine, the three of them stayed in the hotel directly.

Catherine's parents' martial arts were neither good nor bad, just at the mid-level. Otherwise, they wouldn't have the ability to open a hotel in Tiandou City.

Catherine's father's martial spirit is Golden Feather Bird, her mother's martial spirit is Gray Eagle, with an innate soul power of level 5, her brother's martial spirit is Golden Feather Eagle, which can also be called Golden Feather Gray Eagle, and her innate soul power is level 6, and her sister-in-law's martial spirit is Golden Feather Eagle. The soul is a white lotus, with innate soul power level 5.

After seeing off the family, Yuan Changqing and Catherine went to his father-in-law's house that night.

He called Catherine's family together and prepared to tell them about the evolution of Wuhun.

Catherine first said: "Mom, dad, brother and sister-in-law, what we are going to say today is very important, you must pay attention to it."

Catherine's father's name is Hans, her mother's name is Anne, her brother is Tom, her sister-in-law is Miranda, and her two nephews are Anthony and James.

Hans said: "What's the matter? Tell me, it's so serious."

Everyone was watching her, waiting for what she would say next.

"If you want to listen, you must first swear to your martial soul that you will not tell anyone about what you heard today."

Tom said: "Why is it so important that you still have to swear to the martial spirit?"

Catherine said: "If you want to listen, you must swear. Will I still harm you?"

After Hans and the others looked at each other, they thought it was the same, so everyone swore an oath to the martial spirit.

Yuan Changqing then said: "Mom and Dad, what I want to say is something that can serve as a family inheritance for you."

"First of all, what I want to say is the conditions for the evolution of martial souls. The first is to understand the characteristics of one's own martial soul and feel the martial soul."

"Low-level martial souls will feel pressure when facing high-level martial souls. This is because high-level martial souls naturally exert pressure on low-level martial souls. This is reflected in soul beasts."

"Also, high-level martial souls are relatively more perfect and have fewer flaws, while low-level martial souls have more flaws."

"So, the innate soul power it awakens is weak. Of course, it is not absolute for those high-level martial souls, but it is absolute for low-level martial souls, unless it mutates."

"Then how do you make a low-level martial spirit better and more perfect? ​​That is to let the martial spirit continuously make up for its flaws and let it evolve."

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