Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 32 Surprise

Yuan Changqing added: "As for how to make up for the shortcomings and let the martial soul evolve, we need to first understand the characteristics of our martial soul."

"Then, select additional soul rings based on the characteristics of each martial soul. At this time, the selection of soul rings is the most important start."

"Because we want to become stronger because of soul skills. However, not every soul ring is suitable for us, and we can't just choose a soul ring and attach it and ignore it."

"So, for us low-level martial souls or intermediate martial souls, the choice of each soul ring is very important."

"Only by carefully selecting the soul rings that are more suitable for us, the soul skills we get will not only be more suitable for our martial souls, but also make up for the shortcomings of our martial souls."

"With the repair of the defects of the martial soul and the continuous addition of soul rings, the origin of the martial soul can change from a quantitative to a qualitative change, allowing the martial soul to evolve."

"With this continuous evolution, low- and intermediate-level martial arts will evolve to high-level, top-level martial arts."

"And it can also make the martial arts of future generations stronger and stronger with each generation."

After Yuan Changqing finished speaking, he stopped talking and waited for everyone to digest the information.

Catherine's family was also short of breath, and they did not expect Wuhun to hide so many things.

If Yuan Changqing didn't tell them today, they might never know this in their lifetime. Now they also understand why they were asked to swear in the first place.

This is really the secret that can make the family prosperous and prosperous.

After a while, everyone calmed down.

Catherine said: "Mom and Dad, what I'm saying today is to let you know that if you add soul rings in the future, you must carefully choose soul rings, because only you know everyone's martial soul best."

"Also, we must learn the knowledge about martial arts. If you don't even know these basic things, it's useless, because we don't have that kind of inheritance."

"Look at the soul master families on the mainland now. It is very likely that their ancestors have discovered these things long ago, and then through generation after generation of research, they slowly made the souls more and more powerful, making the families more and more powerful. powerful."

"If our family starts taking action now, we may not be able to slowly develop into a powerful family in the future."

"Although my brother's and I's martial arts have mutated, they still mutated for the better, but you can also see the situation in the next generation."

"Anthony and his two brothers still have the same martial arts spirit as you, so you have to supervise them to learn martial arts knowledge."

"As long as you master the knowledge of martial arts, and then based on the characteristics of martial arts, you can better deduce the soul ring that suits the martial soul."

"There is also my brother's martial soul. Since the mutation is not complete, I have to choose the soul ring carefully. I may not be able to make further progress in the future."

Catherine talked a lot, just hoping that her family would pay attention.

After hearing this, Hans said: "No wonder those big families produce a large number of soul masters in each generation, even though the innate soul power is uneven."

Yuan Changqing said: "This is the inheritance of those big families who have mastered the best martial arts knowledge and soul ring attachments."

"So, you must study it carefully in the future. You are bird martial spirits. It is best to add a bird spirit beast as a spirit ring. There is also the issue of attributes."

"Choose the soul rings of bird soul beasts with the same attributes, which is the direction of your research. However, you must also study other soul beasts. After all, hunting soul beasts does not mean that you can hunt whatever you hunt."

"Then, the soul ring must be attached according to the characteristics of the martial soul and the attributes of the martial soul, so that a more suitable soul ring can be attached."

Hans said: "It seems that our family has to start thinking carefully about the soul ring of our martial soul."

Catherine said: "Yes, in the current soul master world, attaching soul rings is a bit casual. Only those big families have strict requirements for attaching soul rings."

Tom said at this time: "No wonder Changqing and your family's strength has improved so obviously. Even the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit can achieve such strength."

Yuan Changqing said: "Haha, although our family's strength was not very good in the past, our family is a bit special. That is, each generation has innate soul power after awakening the martial soul, but it is relatively low, but they have also figured out something."

"Also, I also like to read books. After reading too much, I discovered some things. It was also through some of my theories that our family learned that there are so many secrets about the soul rings attached to martial souls."

"But as long as we know these things, it's better not to spread them outside, otherwise the big forces won't be able to tolerate us when they find out."

Hans said: "We definitely won't talk about these things everywhere. Those big families maintain their advantages through these things, and naturally they don't want more people to know."

"We won't cause trouble for ourselves, after all, we are still very weak now."

Then Hans also reminded his family members not to tell anyone. Although they had sworn an oath, they still had to be vigilant.

The reason why Yuan Changqing reminded Catherine's family was that he hoped they would not get carried away because they knew the secret.

However, Yuan Changqing was not worried that they would tell anyone. They all took the martial soul oath. After all, everyone was smart, otherwise Hans would not be able to earn this family fortune.

Now they are both prosperous and disadvantaged, and they cannot implicate his family just because something happens to them.

A few days later, Yuan Changqing and the others also returned to school, because the new semester was about to start.

Now Catherine has also moved to Yuan Changqing's place, and the three of them have lived a life without shame, which makes Yuan Changqing extremely happy.

The teachers in the school also knew that Catherine and Yuan Changqing were married. What they didn't expect was that Catherine would marry Yuan Changqing, a married man.

This makes many single teachers very sad, and makes those single people wonder if married men are so popular!

However, Yuan Changqing and Catherine also invited teachers they knew well to have a meal at her hotel, and everyone was happy to congratulate them.

I don't know if it was sincere or not, but they did the etiquette they were supposed to do.

After the school started, it has been three years since they came to school, and the students in their class are also in their third grade. Now their students have fewer courses.

The teacher has basically finished teaching you the knowledge you need to learn, and the only thing left is to go to the library to learn by yourself.

However, Yuan Changqing and his class still have to complete the fixed courses every day. As long as they are completed, you can do whatever you want and no one will care about you.

The weekly soul fighting will still take place, but Yuan Changqing and Catherine will not go with them every time, only once in a while.

So he has more time and more time to read.

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