Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 300 Goodbye Ye Fan

Yuan Changqing knew that the ancient palace that appeared now was just the Demon Emperor's fake tomb, not the real Qing Emperor's tomb.

However, even so, it is not something that these swarming demons and humans can shake.

I saw those monsters and humans rushing towards the Demon Emperor's ancient palace, trying to open the ancient palace that exuded divine light. In the end, they were knocked back by the brilliance of the ancient palace.

The whole ancient palace exudes a sense of time, and there are many ancient words engraved on the crystal clear ancient palace.

Like dragons and phoenixes flying, various mythical beasts are constantly evolving. Iron characters and silver hooks are vigorous and powerful. These are the characters of the demon clan in ancient times.

The demons and humans who had been beaten out all sacrificed their respective "weapons" at this time, and hit them towards the ancient palace. Divine flowers were everywhere, and demonic auras were bursting out.

The ancient temple that was hit suddenly seemed to come to life. The lines on the ancient temple continued to glow, knocking down those "weapons" full of divine and demonic energy that were hit.

Even so, the demons and humans became even more energetic, as if they had been given blood, and they attacked the ancient temple even more desperately.

At this time, Ye Fan, who was hiding and watching, became stunned for a moment when he saw the surging energy and various brilliance flying.

After all, this was the first time I saw such a scene, and I was a little shocked. However, in Yuan Changqing's opinion, this was just childish.

At this time, Yuan Changqing also discovered Ye Fan, but he did not show up, but stood in the distance and watched everything quietly.

"Is this the power of monks? I wonder when I will be like them, alas!" Ye Fan murmured, his eyes full of yearning.

The divine flower is gorgeous and colorful, the demonic energy is surging, and various weapons absorb energy and release powerful attack power.

In order to obtain the sacred treasures and immortal scriptures in the Demon Emperor's ancient palace, the strong men of the demon clan and the people from Lingxu Cave continued to attack desperately, but they were blocked one by one. The scene was full of blood and flesh, with broken limbs and arms. There were demon and human monks who died.

However, after some attacks by the demon clan and human clan strongmen, the ancient palace finally showed a slight crack.

Suddenly, seeing this situation, the monks who were still alive became even more excited, and they stepped up their attacks one after another, in order to be the first to enter the ancient temple and obtain the remains inside.

Cruel and bloody, this is the world of monks. For opportunities and treasures, they fight to the death and fight to the death.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Changqing couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Monk, in this world, are you struggling to cross the sea of ​​suffering, fighting with the sky, the earth, others, and yourself? Fighting, the weak will eat the strong, the weak will die and the strong will live, there is no reason at all."

Yuan Changqing was so emotional when he saw the declining demons and humans. However, Ye Fan had another feeling.

Seeing this cruel scene, Ye Fan was frightened. As a person living in modern society, a person who grew up under the influence of the starry sky civilization on the other side, he couldn't accept it for a while.

Living in a modern society like Earth Star, with legal constraints, Ye Fan had never seen such a world like this with corpses strewn across the fields and broken limbs.

After the crack appeared, both the demon race and the human race wanted to enter first, so a new battle began. Various weapons continued to swallow the divine flowers and intertwined together, emitting powerful power and making clanging sounds.

The divine light was endless, all kinds of divine light were intertwined together, and human and demon monks continued to fall. The energy produced by these monks made even the heaven and earth tremble.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the descendant of the demon emperor who was possessed by Pang Bo suddenly broke through the seal and rushed into the ancient palace when no one cared about him.

Previously, Ye Fan and Pang Bo were forced to go deep into the primitive ruins. As a result, when Pang Bo opened the Qing Emperor's Tomb, he happened to be hit by the remnant soul of the Qing Emperor's descendant and was possessed.

When Qingdi took the initiative to be buried in the Demon Emperor's ancient tomb, he did not give the Qinglian Emperor's soldiers to future generations. This also led to the decline of Qingdi's lineage.

The descendant of the Qing Emperor was also unlucky. He wanted to get the Qing Emperor's legacy and the Qinglian Emperor's soldiers, so he came to the Demon Emperor's ancient tomb to look for them, in order to once again carry forward the Qing Emperor's lineage.

However, it is not so easy to enter the tomb of a great emperor. Before it can be penetrated deeply, the descendants of the Qing Emperor will be in tragedy, and in the end only the remnants of their souls will be left to linger.

I don’t know whether it was Pang Bo’s bad luck or his luck. After Pang Bo used the divine fruit and divine spring in the ancient forbidden land, the demon blood in his body was constantly activated. After breaking through the sea of ​​suffering, the blood became even more vigorous. Yes, this is also the reason why the descendant of Qing Emperor chose Pang Bo.

After the possessed Pang Bo entered the ancient palace first, the monsters and powerful figures who were still fighting saw that someone actually picked up the leak while they were fighting.

Suddenly, they were furious. They stopped their hands and rushed into the ancient palace. However, at this moment, the demons and human monks who rushed into the ancient palace also continued to fall because of the divine light emanating from the ancient palace.


When Pang Bo rushed into the ancient palace first, Ye Fan also discovered Pang Bo. Suddenly, he appeared from his hiding place and was about to rush in.

"Young friend Ye, it's better not to enter now." Just when Ye Fan was about to rush into the colorful ancient palace, a hand was placed on his shoulder.

At this time, Yuan Changqing came behind Ye Fan at some point and stopped his action.

"Who?" After hearing the voice, Ye Fan was also surprised. Someone appeared silently behind him.

Ye Fan was immediately frightened, turned around and saw an acquaintance, and said in surprise: "Senior, you are here too, great, Pang Bo is possessed by something, please save Pang Bo!"

Yuan Changqing said with a smile: "Little friend Ye, please be patient. I've also seen Pang Bo. You don't have to worry about him. This might be his chance."

Yuan Changqing knew that Pang Bo had the blood of a great demon, and the person possessing him was a descendant of the Qing Emperor, so he must have the scriptures of the Qing Emperor. In addition, he had fallen for a long time and was already dying.

However, as Pang Bo has also entered the path of cultivation, there is no danger to his life in a short period of time. In the original work, with the help of Ye Fan, Pang Bo successfully destroyed the remaining soul of the descendant of the Qing Emperor, and also obtained Got the Qingdi Sutra.

Not only that, but later Pang Bo also pretended to be a pig to eat the tiger, and was trained by the demon clan, and gained a lot of training resources in vain, although he was discovered.

Ye Fan asked doubtfully: "Senior, you didn't see the joke, right? Pang Bo's body is obviously occupied by something else, and it is very likely that his life is in danger."

Yuan Changqing added: "Young friend Ye, you may not know, but your classmate is not an ordinary person. From what I can see of him, the blood in your classmate's body is very extraordinary. He is not in danger for the time being."

Although Ye Fan's mood calmed down after Yuan Changqing said this, he was still worried, and his expression also looked worried.

Ye Fan asked again: "Senior, what should we do about the current situation?"

Yuan Changqing said calmly: "Wait, you have just stepped into practice now. I think you have seen the previous battles. The opening of the Demon Emperor's Tomb this time is just an appetizer."

Immediately, Mark also nodded, and he was also surprised. He didn't expect that the current situation was just an appetizer.

Ye Fan added: "Senior, you mean this has just begun. Are there more people involved?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, those people before were just little shrimps. The people who really participated in opening the Demon Emperor's Tomb have not taken action yet. The people who entered now are just cannon fodder to explore the path. Understand."

Now Ye Fan also knows a lot about the practice world, but not much. Lingxu Cave Heaven didn't tell Ye Fan much.

"Cannon fodder, senior, those strong men who went in were just cannon fodder, wouldn't those who came behind be even more powerful?" Ye Fan asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's just cannon fodder. Don't you think it's incredible, very cruel, and a little unacceptable?" Yuan Changqing said lightly.

Ye Fan nodded involuntarily, fell into silence, and then asked: "Senior, I would like to ask, how do you compare with those strong men who have not yet appeared?"

Yuan Changqing glanced at Ye Fan, then asked with a smile: "Little friend Ye, how much do you know about the world of cultivation?"

Ye Fan said sheepishly: "Senior, I'm not afraid of your jokes. Even though I've been here in Beidou for almost two years, I don't know much about the world of cultivation at all."

"But, as far as the Lingxu Cave I have been in before, the strongest people I have come into contact with are also from the Lunhai Secret Realm. Up to now, I only know that there is a Dao Palace Secret Realm above the Lunhai Secret Realm."

"However, I heard these mentioned by an elder from Lingxu Cave Heaven. As for the others, I'm not too sure."

Seeing Ye Fan say this, Yuan Changqing nodded and said, "Since you asked, I will tell you something about our monks."

Hearing Yuan Changqing say this, Ye Fan was also happy, and he was finally able to understand more about the cultivation world.

"Thank you, senior." Ye Fan said with a happy face.

So, Yuan Changqing looked at the ancient palace in front of him, then looked at Ye Fan, and said, "Let me tell you about the level of our monks first."

"There are five major secret realms in the secret realm that we monks practice. You already know the previous secret realms of Wheel Sea and Dao Palace."

"The three secret realms behind them are the fourth heaven of the Four Pole Secret Realm, the ninth heaven of the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, and the Immortal Platform Secret Realm. These five secret realms run through the direction that our monks need to practice."

After Yuan Changqing finished speaking, he stopped talking. Ye Fan also knew the five secret realms of the secret realm at this time. He didn't expect that there would be so many levels in the future.

Then, Ye Fan asked again: "Senior, can you tell me about the situation of each secret realm?"

Yuan Changqing thought for a while, anyway, the Qingdi Tomb has not yet reached the critical moment, so it is nothing to talk about it. Ye Fan will know about it later.

So, he nodded and continued: "If you want to hear it, let me talk about it. You have almost understood the secret realm of Lun Hai. Next, I will briefly talk about the situation of the secret realm behind it. These things will be better if your strength level increases in the future. Will know."

"The so-called Dao Palace Secret Realm actually refers to the five internal organs in our body. After we break through to the Dao Palace Secret Realm, we will open up the divine treasures in the five internal organs and form gods in the five internal organs."

"Although this is only the second secret realm, we cannot underestimate it. The secret realm of Dao Palace serves as a link between the previous and the following."

"The next step is the secret realm of the four poles. The limbs of the human body are cultivated, but this is just an appearance. The real situation is actually about the mystery of the four poles of heaven and earth."

"After reaching the Four Extremes Secret Realm, the power of heaven and earth will accompany us when we raise our hands to help us fight. It is extremely powerful."

"The Dragon Transformation Secret Realm behind is simply the spine of our human body. It is like a big dragon supporting the body. As long as there is enough dragon marrow, it is easy to practice."

"So, as long as there are enough training resources in the first four secret realms, it is not difficult to improve their strength."

"However, although it is said that as long as the training resources are sufficient, the strength can be improved quickly, but we should know that if a tall building rises from the ground without a solid foundation, it is useless."

"Therefore, this is something we need to take warning from. Only a solid and thick foundation is the foundation of our strength."

Ye Fan also nodded seriously at this time and said: "Thank you, senior, for informing me. I have learned the lesson, but I don't know what the last secret realm of Xiantai is like."

"With your current strength, there is not much benefit in knowing so much. However, if you want to know, I will briefly introduce it to you."

"When you reach the secret realm of Xiantai, you need to rely on your personal understanding, not the cultivation resources. No one can help with this."

"The levels of the Immortal Stage Secret Realm are half-step to great power, followed by great power, king, saint, saint king, great saint, quasi-emperor, and great emperor."

"There are eight levels in total, and each level has nine heavens. You just need to understand these."

"Also, when you were on Mars last time, didn't you ask me how to return to Earth? As long as you reach the level of a saint, you will be able to travel through the void with your own power, absorb the energy from the void, and return to Earth alone. Star."

"However, the prerequisite is that you must know the coordinates of the Earth's stars. Otherwise, you will get lost in this vast void."

"As for the question you asked before about how my strength compares with those who have not yet appeared, I am now at the level of the Immortal Second Power, which is equivalent to some of them."

"Moreover, the prominent figures of the major forces in Beidou are at the level of the Immortal Ermong. For example, the Holy Lords of various holy places are at the same level as me."

"Of course, those holy places of great religions must each have their own background, so it goes without saying."

Ye Fan was also surprised and said: "I didn't expect that senior's strength would be so strong. Then the piece of five-color jade that senior gave me last time had a powerful blow."

Yuan Changqing smiled and nodded without saying anything. Ye Fan was very happy to see him again.

Moreover, now that Yuan Changqing appears here, it means that there may be a chance here. Ye Fan thought to himself, I wonder if he has a chance.

If Yuan Changqing knew what Ye Fan thought like this, he would definitely say that Yan Ruyu, a descendant of the Qing Emperor, is here. Outside the Qinglian Emperor's soldiers and the Qing Emperor's heart, the one who benefits the most is you, Ye Fan.

No, as soon as Ye Fan thought about it, in the ancient palace, he saw Pang Bo throwing something towards Ye Fan forcefully. Yuan Changqing also saw a golden book page next to him.

I have been busy in the past two days, so I will not update. I hope all readers will understand me.

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