Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 301 The Qing Emperor’s Legacy Appears

I saw a golden light shooting towards Ye Fan. This was the reason for Pang Bo.

At this time, Pang Bo's soul had not been suppressed by the remaining soul of the descendant of the Demon Emperor, so he was able to give Ye Fan something.

When Yuan Changqing saw the golden light, he knew that this page of golden paper was the Wheel and Sea Chapter of the "Tao Jing", which is known as the most powerful practice method of the Wheel and Sea Secret Realm.

After seeing the golden page, Yuan Changqing took it with one move of his hand.

Then, Yuan Changqing's soul glanced at the golden page, and sure enough, a piece of skill appeared in his mind, which was extremely exquisite.

"Little friend Ye, this golden page should be given to you by Pang Bo. You must keep it carefully and don't expose it. This golden page is not simple. It is best to keep it in your sea of ​​suffering." After reading it, Yuan Changqing said seriously said.

After Ye Fan took the golden page, coupled with Yuan Changqing's look, he knew it was definitely not simple.

After being put into the sea of ​​suffering, Ye Fan asked: "Senior, what on earth is this golden page?"

Yuan Changqing explained: "Young Tao Jing friends should know it!"

Ye Fan nodded and replied: "I know, after I went to Lingxu Cave, I had to pass on the Taoist scriptures there. I just heard from the elders of Lingxu Cave that the Taoist scriptures handed down now are incomplete."

"Senior, is there a Taoist scripture on that golden page just now?"

Yuan Changqing added: "Yes, there is indeed a Taoist scripture, but it only has the Wheel and Sea chapter. However, it is the complete Taoist scripture, the secret chapter of the wheel and sea, which is enough to build the foundation."

"Although I have taught you the Five Elements Sutra, it is not as good as the Dao Sutra. After all, this is a secret chapter of the Great Emperor's Sutra."

Immediately, Ye Fan was pleasantly surprised and said: "Senior's kindness in teaching the Dharma has already helped me a lot, and Ye Fan dare not forget it."

"It's just that I also heard that the Sutra of the Wheel and the Sea is the most powerful method for cultivating the sea of ​​suffering. I wonder if seniors know why. Is there a distinction between the emperor's sutra and the inferior?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "This chapter of the Sea of ​​Sutras is indeed the most powerful sea of ​​suffering cultivation technique. This is because every cultivator's path is different, so there is a focus."

"Therefore, just like why this Taoist scripture says that the Lun Hai Chapter is known as the strongest, it is because it can build the strongest Taoist foundation."

"For example, there is also the Dao Palace Chapter of the Western Emperor Sutra in Yaochi Holy Land. It can develop the Dao Palace to the extreme. This makes the Dao Palace Chapter of the Western Emperor Sutra the strongest."

"As for whether the Emperor's Scripture is superior or not, it depends on personal reasons. After all, being called the Emperor's Scripture has its outstanding characteristics."

"So, it depends on the understanding of the Dao. The deeper the understanding of the Dao, the stronger the natural strength will be."

Ye Fan heard so many secrets again, and couldn't help but have an idea in his heart. Now that he also understood the ancient holy body, he also had a vague probability in his heart. He knew that it would be difficult for him to break the ancient holy body by taking the normal path. Eucharistic Restrictions.

So, Ye Fan asked again: "Senior, can you tell me what the most powerful secret realm's cultivation techniques are?"

Yuan Changqing looked at Ye Fan and said: "Your physique is the ancient holy body!"

Ye Fan nodded and said, "Yes, how did the senior know."

Yuan Changqing said truthfully: "I have noticed you before. Your body is shining with golden light, which is very similar to the ancient holy body. That's what I guessed."

"I see, senior, I think you should also be aware of the difficulty of cultivating the ancient holy body now. I just heard you talk about some secrets of the Sea of ​​Sutras, and I had a vague idea in my heart." Ye Fan said helplessly. .

When Yuan Changqing heard what Ye Fan said, he also understood his vague thoughts now.

So, he said: "Okay, let me tell you about it. Next, I will talk about the most powerful chapter of cultivation in the Four Extremes Secret Realm. That is the Hengyu Sutra of Emperor Hengyu. This Sutra involves an extremely powerful person." Holy place.”

"The most powerful chapter of cultivation in the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm is the Taihuang Sutra, which is the inherited emperor sutra of an immortal dynasty in Zhongzhou."

"As for the final Immortal Chapter, there are two ancient Imperial Sutras of the human race, the Taiyang Sutra and the Taiyin Sutra. They are the Sutras created by the Ancient Sun Emperor and the Ancient Taiyin Emperor respectively."

"However, these two imperial scriptures have not been seen in the world for a long time. It will take a lot of effort to find them."

"Also, you said just now that you have some vague ideas, and I can guess some. Therefore, if you want to collect them all, you should know how big they are inside."

"After all, this all involves the Yakuza forces. If you really find it, don't expose it, otherwise, those forces will hunt you down all over the world."

After listening to this, and with Yuan Changqing's reminder, Ye Fan also knew the source of these exercise chapters. Suddenly, his scalp felt a little numb.

However, now that the Dao Jing Wheel and Sea Chapter is available, there is no need to worry. First, complete the cultivation of the Wheel and Sea Secret Realm.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing said with a smile: "Little friend Ye, it must be very difficult to cultivate your ancient holy body."

After Ye Fan heard this, he looked bitter and said helplessly: "Yes, senior, I have been in Beidou for almost two years, and I am about to open up the sea of ​​suffering. If my body's strength is not bad, I don't know how to cry. "

"Haha, cultivating the ancient holy body now requires a lot of cultivation resources. Even the great religious holy places dare not spend resources on such a physique. It can be imagined that the cultivation resources required are so terrifying. ." Yuan Changqing reminded again with a smile.

Immediately, Ye Fan's face became even more bitter, and he said: "Senior, the physique you mentioned is already doomed. There is no other way. I can only bite the bullet and continue to practice, take it one step at a time."

Seeing this, Yuan Changqing said again: "You don't have to be like this, there will always be a way. Now I will give you some advice. After what happens here, you can go to the Eastern Wilderness and Northern Territory, which is rich in resources. You can go there and have a look. .”

"Besides, you know about the gambling stones on the Earth Star. Gambling on sources is also popular in the Northern Territory. As long as you have that ability, you will be able to get a lot of sources."

"After all, your ancient holy body can still be improved as long as you have enough training resources."

At this time, Ye Fan couldn't help but his eyes lit up, but then dimmed again, saying that he didn't have the skills to gamble on stones and gambling sources.

Ye Fan said again: "Senior, then this gambling source should be similar to gambling on stones. Does it require a discerning eye?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, but it is not impossible. As long as you find a scripture called Yuan Tianshu, it will not be a problem."

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing thought for a while and said: "Forget it, I have a fragment of scripture here, you can temporarily respond to the emergency."

Then, Yuan Changqing reached out and pointed, and a ray of light shot into Ye Fan's forehead. This was the fragment of the source book that Yuan Changqing got on the Earth Star.

Ye Fan saw that Yuan Changqing had passed on another scripture to him. Although it was a fragment, after reading it, he was attracted by its profound meaning and finally saw some hope in the resources for cultivation.

"Thank you, senior, for your kindness in teaching the scriptures. Ye Fan will definitely be unforgettable." Ye Fan thanked him.

Yuan Changqing waved his hand and said: "It's okay. We all come from the same place, so that's all we can do to help you. After all, I don't have a source of energy, so you have to rely on yourself."

"Also, after you have cultivated to the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, you can go to Zhongzhou, where dragon veins are everywhere and it is a place rich in dragon marrow. This will be helpful for you to practice the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm."

"However, I still want to remind you that when your ancient holy body breaks through to the four-pole secret realm, you'd better prepare sufficient sources. This will be a big disaster for you."

Suddenly, a solemn look appeared on Ye Fan's face, and he asked: "Senior, can you explain in detail what is going on?"

Yuan Changqing said: "I can only tell you this, when you go through the heavenly tribulation in the Four Extremes Secret Realm, you will be tested by the ancient holy body. As long as you survive this heavenly tribulation."

"Then, the sky is as high as the birds can fly, and the sea is as deep as the fish can leap. It can be said that the road to spiritual practice will be smooth and smooth."

"But if you don't get through it, I don't think I need to tell you the consequences."

Ye Fan didn't expect that this ancient holy body would have such a disaster. Fortunately, now that he knows this, he can prepare early.

"Thank you, senior, for informing me, otherwise I wouldn't even know this."

"It doesn't matter, you will know this sooner or later."


There was a loud noise that shook the heaven and the earth.

I saw that the ancient palace in the sky was constantly shaking at this time, emitting thousands of rays of light, sweeping away all the creatures still around the ancient palace, even Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan were affected.

At this time, Yuan Changqing also emitted colorful light, shrouding himself and Ye Fan to avoid being hit by the divine light from the ancient temple.

Later, sensing that many strong men were coming, Yuan Changqing grabbed Ye Fan and said, "Let's leave here first. It's not going to be peaceful here. There are a lot of strong men coming from behind."

Hearing this, Ye Fan began to worry about Pang Bo again, and hurriedly said: "Senior, these strong men are here, and Pang Bo is still inside, will there be no danger?"

"Haha, don't worry. If something happens to Pang Bo, I will take action. Now let's just watch the show." Yuan Changqing consoled him.

"Swish swish."

The sound of breaking through the sky came, and dozens of divine lights appeared in the sky. However, many strong men came here driving the divine rainbow, and everyone exuded a powerful aura.

Moreover, behind the dozens of divine rainbows, strange beasts roared, as if thousands of troops and horses were galloping towards them, with majestic momentum, rolling clouds and mist, and thousands of rays of light.

Dozens of powerful monks came driving ancient beasts, standing in the void, emitting bursts of murderous aura. There was also a majestic flag swaying in the wind, with the four characters "Shaking Light Holy Land" on it.

Seeing this imposing scene, full of energy and domineering, Yuan Changqing felt like the word "slut" came out in his heart.

With this pomp and momentum, it was just like those emperors traveling in ancient times. However, in Yuan Changqing's opinion, the Holy Lord of the Holy Land may be just fine.

"The Shaking Light Holy Land is such a grand event."

Suddenly, there was an indifferent explosion in the distant sky, and there was a trace of disdain in the sound.

Yuan Changqing looked around and saw that there was another Holy Land coming, and it was an extremely powerful force. The Huanggu Ji family was indeed a family of the Great Emperor, but their confidence was different. Even the Holy Land of Shaking Light could not be looked down upon.

"Huh, Huang Gu Ji's family, this is not your home. Why can't I, Yaoguang Holy Land, come?" Suddenly, the Yaoguang Holy Land and Huang Gu Ji's family faced off.

"Then everyone will have to rely on their own abilities."

After a period of confrontation, both sides knew that now was not the time for a battle of wills, and this was obviously an agreement.

Then, the strong men on both sides exuded powerful power and besieged the ancient temple in the sky.

"Shaking Light Holy Land? Huanggu Ji Family?" These names were also shocking to Ye Fan. After all, these names appeared in some myths and legends circulated on Earth.

Later, Ye Fan asked: "Senior, do you understand these two forces?"

Hearing this, Yuan Changqing said: "I'm not familiar with them either, but you should be careful when you encounter them in the future, especially the Yaoguang Holy Land. Their Holy Land is suppressed by the Supreme Emperor's soldiers."

"Also, the Huangguji family is the blood descendant of the Emperor of the Void, and has inherited the Emperor of the Void. Therefore, if you want to get the Four Extremes Chapter, it depends on your luck."

Ye Fan nodded when he heard this, and his heart became serious.

Now, with the addition of the two major forces, the Huanggu Ji Family and the Shaking Light Holy Land, the battle has instantly escalated to a higher level and become more intense.

Various powerful "weapons" hit the ancient palace continuously. The various divine patterns on the ancient palace were intertwined, and the vibrations became more intense. The divine light spread like ripples to the surroundings, and the ancient palace also erupted. A divine light.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Changqing also became happy. These two major forces are really powerful and they are good free labor.

At this time, a lot of psychic weapons were also sprayed out from the ancient palace, but Yuan Changqing didn't like it. This time Yuan Changqing came here for the Qing Emperor's heart.

You know, the opportunities in an Emperor's heart that has been refined with the Emperor's murderous intent and power can be imagined.

Why did Yuan Changqing come all the way here, it's impossible to come here to watch a big show. This time, at least some blood must be squeezed out from the emperor's heart. This is a holy product of cultivation.

Yuan Changqing knew that it was not long before the emperor's heart appeared, so he said to Ye Fan: "Young friend Ye, you leave here first. There may be a war later, and I can't take care of you. You need to find a safe place to hide first." stand up."

"Senior, please be careful. I'll leave first." Ye Fan also knew that with his strength, which he had just opened up the sea of ​​suffering, he was like cannon fodder here, so it was better to leave honestly.

Afterwards, Ye Fan found a place, but what Ye Fan didn't know was that there were already descendants of the Demon Emperor there who had arranged a back-up plan.

Ye Fan also got what he deserved there, and also met the shameless Taoist priest Duan De there.


There was another loud noise, and a monstrous power came out, making the faces of the people around him pale for a while, and saw a crystal coffin of no larger than the size appearing, emitting a dazzling light.

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