Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 302 The Sacred Heart of the Blue Emperor

There was a violent "dong-dong" sound in the sky, which made people's souls tremble, and the people around the ancient palace could not help but turn pale.

The sound in the ancient palace was like a thunder drum, exuding overwhelming power and spreading to all directions, causing the people around to retreat violently.

The vast and unpredictable energy spread around like huge waves, unparalleled in power and momentum.

Sweeping away all the ancient beasts from the ancient Ji family and the Yaoguang Holy Land surrounding the ancient palace, chaos suddenly appeared, with people on their backs and horses in a state of utter confusion.

When everyone was astonished, a small crystal-colored coffin appeared, emitting intense light that illuminated the world, making it impossible for anyone around to open their eyes.

The mysterious and unpredictable energy spreads to all directions like boundless waves, its divine power shakes the heavens and shakes the heavens and the earth.

"Plop, plop!"

The powerful heartbeat beats violently like a thunder drum, full of powerful vitality, shaking in all directions.

At this moment, Pang Bo rushed out of the ancient palace, filled with evil aura, soaring straight into the sky, heading towards the crystal coffin, followed by many people chasing him.

"Quick, stop him."

The people from the Huanggu Ji family and the people from the Shaking Light Holy Land also rushed over at this time, trying to seal the small crystal coffin.

At this time, a group of monks also rushed out of the ancient palace and headed towards the small crystal coffin. At this time, there were big hands transformed by magic in the sky, trying to grab the small crystal coffin. The demon race and the human race started fighting again. , refusing to give in to each other.

The small crystal coffin looked like a sacred object at first glance, which naturally attracted countless strong men present to fight for it.

This is an opportunity. Regardless of whether I can grab it in the end, now that this opportunity appears in front of me, I naturally have to seize this opportunity. Maybe I will get this opportunity.

"I've finally waited for you, and now it's time to take action." Yuan Changqing looked at the Holy Heart of the Green Emperor flying out and said to himself.

Immediately, the place where Yuan Changqing stood flashed with five-colored light, and he appeared in front of the small crystal coffin in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, people around saw Yuan Changqing appearing in front of the small crystal coffin, and they all took action, hitting Yuan Changqing with various energies.

"You are so brave, you actually dare to snatch the sacred object in front of us, and you don't know whether to live or die."

"Bold, are you able to fight for this treasure? Leave quickly, or you may risk your life."


After looking at Yuan Changqing, people around him kept shouting angrily, wanting Yuan Changqing to leave this place.

At this time, Yuan Changqing also slapped the person who was attacking him with his palm. The five-color divine light bloomed in the sky and the earth, and he hit him with overwhelming power.

Immediately, the members of the Huanggu Ji family and the Yaoguang Holy Land who were rushing forward were directly shot away. Then, the five-color mana transformed into a huge palm and directly pressed it down. The monks who were still charging were knocked down by this powerful force. It hit the ground and was so pressed that I couldn't move.

Looking at this monstrous giant palm, the powerful energy fluctuations shook the void. It was so powerful that it overwhelmed the world. Everyone started and then took action without reservation.

All kinds of weapons and magic weapons were of various colors, their brilliance soared into the sky, emitting bright light, and they all struck at Yuan Changqing's five-color giant palm.

Yes, facing Yuan Changqing's powerful five-color giant palm, it had no effect and could not resist it at all. In the end, it was all driven into the ground, causing dust to rise all around.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing directly beat away all those who still wanted to snatch the Holy Heart of the Qing Emperor. With a flash of five-color divine light, he rolled up the small crystal coffin and grabbed it in his hand.

However, the small crystal coffin seemed to not want to follow Yuan Changqing. When he grabbed it, it kept vibrating, trying to get out of Yuan Changqing's control.

However, how could Yuan Changqing make the small crystal coffin fulfill his wish? There was no way the fat meat he had obtained could just be let fly, right?

Yuan Changqing's hand was full of five-color light, and countless divine patterns appeared around the crystal coffin. The divine patterns were constantly intertwined, wrapping around the crystal coffin, and directly suppressing it.

Even so, the small crystal coffin was constantly vibrating, trying to shake the divine patterns on it. However, no matter how hard it resisted, it could not break away from Yuan Changqing's control.

After that, the five-color divine light shook the void, transformed into a ray of light, and disappeared directly. Yuan Changqing used the Five Elements Escape Technique to leave here.

When the monks who had been beaten away by Yuan Changqing saw Yuan Changqing leaving, everyone became furious and set up their divine rainbows to chase after him.


"Who is that person? How dare he steal the Demon Emperor's treasure in such a grand manner in front of us."

The crowd roared incessantly, and countless energies exploded all around. It was obvious that they were extremely angry. Countless towering trees were blown into powder by this powerful energy wave.

"Dare to go against our Yaoguang Holy Land. After catching him, he will die badly." Several strong men in the Yaoguang Holy Land were also filled with anger at this time.

"Damn it, how dare you compete with my Huangguji family for the treasure." At this time, the people of the Huangguji family were also furious, with their long hair flying, and their lungs were obviously blown away by Yuan Changqing's sudden snatching of the Demon Emperor's treasure.

That was the most precious treasure of the Demon Emperor. To be cut off halfway like this was a slap in the face of holy places like them. How could they just let it go?

Pang Bo, who was possessed by the big demon, was even more furious. The demonic aura soared into the sky, and his whole body exuded a powerful demonic aura. It was extremely bright, and countless runes appeared on his face, making him look extremely demonic.

"Whoever dares to steal my demon emperor's treasure, get out of here. Aren't you afraid that a great emperor will take over the karma? Aren't you afraid that Qingquan, the strong man of my demon clan, will take it away?"

That was the Sacred Heart of the Great Emperor of the Demon Clan. The Demon Clan had already planned an unknown amount of the world, and yet it was so easily taken away. How disgusting.

You must know how much the demon clan has paid in order to plot the emperor's heart and the emperor's weapons, and just to have the emperor's heart cut off like this. Isn't this a direct step on the demon clan's body? How can it be tolerated?

Pang Bo, who was exuding majestic demonic aura, suddenly looked up to the sky and roared, the sharp sound resounding through the sky, shaking the void.

Unfortunately, Yuan Changqing's figure in the sky had long since disappeared, and there was nothing else left.

Ye Fan found a safe place under Yuan Changqing's reminder. During the battle just now, Ye Fan also stopped and watched from a distance.

Yuan Changqing faced so many strong men, and the five-color giant palm directly drove those people away. He had been strong for many years, and Ye Fan was also shocked.

Ye Fan also clearly saw the countless divine patterns emitting from the five-color divine light in Yuan Changqing's hand wrapping the small crystal coffin, and finally left calmly in front of so many powerful humans and monsters.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fan was filled with excitement, pride and yearning.

This is a strong man. As soon as he takes action, he easily sweeps away many strong men present. Everything is so light and calm, as easy as the autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

Such a scene also made Ye Fan's heart burn with a heroic will like fire. He became stronger and became as strong as Yuan Changqing. This strong heart was imprinted in his heart at this moment.

After chasing for a distance, everyone could not find Yuan Changqing's figure, and finally returned without success.

Now that the demon emperor's treasure in the small crystal coffin has been lost, there is nothing the demon and human strong men present can do no matter how angry they are.

Even if these people's spiritual thoughts swept through every plant and tree in the world, no signs were found.

Then, seeing that it was illegal, everyone looked at the colorful ancient palace still in the air. Now that one of the Demon Emperor's treasures had been robbed, they could only count on other things in this ancient palace.

Although the Demon Emperor's treasure was robbed, although it made people angry, it had already happened and there was nothing that could be done about it.

At this time, a strong man from the Yaoguang Holy Land walked towards the head of Lingxu Cave Heaven and asked: "Can you guys get the Tao Jing, the human race's immortal scripture?"

The head of Lingxu Tongtian was also very depressed at this time. They were the first to arrive at the original ruins. When the Demon Emperor's tomb was opened, they thought they could take advantage of it.

However, I still looked down on the Tomb of the Blue Emperor and didn't even think about it. Is the Tomb of the Great Emperor that simple? Isn't it just a fool's errand to think that with the strength of a Lingxu Cave Heaven, he still wants to get involved in the Tomb of the Demon Emperor?

As a result, not many benefits were obtained, and many elders and disciples of Lingxu Cave Heaven were harmed. Now not only did they not get any benefits, but they also caused the estrangement between Yaoguang Holy Land.

The head of Lingxu Cave Heaven replied in anguish: "The Book of Taoism has disappeared, the Demon Emperor's Sacred Heart has been snatched away again, and my human race's most precious treasure has not appeared yet."

"What are you talking about? The Taoist Scripture has disappeared. Are you kidding me? How is that possible?" After hearing this, the strong man from Yaoguang Holy Land also said incredibly loudly, Yaoguang Holy Land and The Huangguji family obviously didn't believe this.

Seeing the faces and reactions of these people, it was obvious that they did not believe what they said. The head of Lingxu Cave Heaven suddenly had a bitter look on his face and said: "The "Tao Jing" is indeed missing. I really didn't get it."

At this moment, a fairy light came from the sky, there were bursts of divine sounds, and a dozen fairies-like women flew through the air above Ye Fan's head.

Each of these women has an extraordinary temperament, and their white clothes are better than snow. They are like relegated immortals, unstained by the world of mortals, untainted by the smoke and fire of the world, and otherworldly.

"I didn't expect that even a holy land like Yaochi Holy Land, which has not been around for a long time, would come. Then, I'm afraid other Eastern Wasteland Holy Land sects will also come."

"Yaochi doesn't care about world affairs, are you going to fight for the Demon Emperor's treasure now?" The people from Yaoguang Holy Land couldn't help but ask when they saw the people from Yaochi Holy Land arriving.

Hearing the question, a woman in the Yaochi Holy Land smiled sweetly and said: "I, the Yaochi Holy Land, passed by this place and saw the demonic atmosphere here, so I came over to take a look. I didn't expect that the ancient tomb of the Demon Emperor was opened. However, my Yaochi Holy Land I have no intention of competing with you for things here.”

Seeing people from the Yaochi Holy Land say this made the people of the Huanggu Ji family and the Yaoguang Holy Land feel at ease.

However, since even people from the Yaochi Holy Land have appeared, then, now that the Tomb of the Qing Emperor in the Eastern Wasteland is open, other holy land sects and sects of the aristocratic families should also come. This primitive ruins will be crowded with countless monks. , come here to look for opportunities.

After Yuan Changqing stole the Demon Emperor's Sacred Heart, he once again placed layers of sealing runes on the small coffin, which was about an inch in size, completely suppressing it.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing was still worried about being thrown into the sea of ​​suffering, so he let the Blue Silver Emperor take root on the small coffin and float above the life spring in the sea of ​​suffering.

This time Yuan Changqing's purpose of coming to the original ruins was achieved, but he did not leave. After dealing with the Sacred Heart of the Green Emperor, he came to the original ruins again.

Now the good show here in the primitive ruins is not over yet. How can we leave home so early at this time? There are still exciting good shows to watch later.

There is no distinction between immortals and mortals when watching a show. Since you are here, it is not bad to be a spectator. If you don't finish watching this great show, wouldn't you feel sorry for the audience?

Therefore, after dealing with the Holy Heart of the Qing Emperor, Yuan Changqing went to find Ye Fan first.

After finding Ye Fan's figure, the five-color divine light flashed and the figure appeared again.

The moment Yuan Changqing appeared, Ye Fan was also shocked. When did there be an extra person next to him.

But after seeing clearly that it was Yuan Changqing, Ye Fan finally felt relieved.

Later, Ye Fan said with a face of surprise: "Senior, you haven't left yet."

Yuan Changqing said with a smile: "Ye Xiaoyou, the drama is not over yet. How can we leave such a wonderful place now?"

Thinking of Yuan Changqing's previous battles with those strong men, his invincible demeanor was deeply imprinted in Ye Fan's heart, making Ye Fan secretly feel a firm determination.

At this time, Ye Fan asked: "Senior, what is the Holy Heart of the Demon Emperor that you were fighting for before? After you leave, the people of the Huanggu Ji family and the Yaoguang Holy Land are eager to find you and want to eat you. "

Yuan Changqing said with a smile: "When things here are over, you come with me. Then you will know that this thing is good for you to improve your strength."

When Ye Fan heard what Yuan Changqing said, he was also pleasantly surprised and said: "Really, senior, that's so embarrassing."

"It's okay. Anyway, I may not be able to squeeze out much of this stuff. I'll share some with you when the time comes." Yuan Changqing said nonchalantly.

Although the Holy Heart of the Green Emperor can squeeze out some of the Holy Blood of the Green Emperor with Yuan Changqing's current strength, if it is squeezed too much by Yuan Changqing, it will explode with supreme power. When the time comes, Yuan Changqing will not be able to control it. It will also escape automatically.

In this case, Yuan Changqing will try his best to squeeze it out, and then share some to give Ye Fan a good relationship.

Yuan Changqing knew that the ruthless emperor had prepared a lot of good things for Ye Fan, especially the source of the black and yellow mother energy.

As long as there is a piece of this thing, it can continuously produce black and yellow energy. This thing is useful to Yuan Changqing.

At that time, Yuan Changqing can get a piece of it from Ye Fan, which will be of huge benefit to the World Pearl.

After leaving, Yuan Changqing was still preparing to go to the Immortal Palace. Although he could not rob Ye Fan of the source of the Xuanhuang Mother Qi of Heaven and Earth, there was also a lot of Xuanhuang Qi in it.

With these things, the World Pearl can be repaired faster.

Just as Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan were talking, there was movement again at the Demon Emperor's Tomb.

"Senior, those people are in the ancient palace of Kung Fu again." Ye Fan said at this time.

Yuan Changqing nodded and looked towards the ancient palace. He saw dozens of powerful men surrounding it, with various weapons and magic weapons hitting the colorful ancient palace.

The ancient temple that was under attack was shaken again, and the divine patterns on it were flashing continuously, sending out bursts of divine light that swept around.

Streams of dazzling divine light continued to sweep around, causing the heaven and earth to tremble.

I've been busy with things recently, and the updates will be resumed when I'm done. Now I can only guarantee that there will be updates every day. I hope all readers will bear with me.

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