Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 310 All are secret words

After watching the World Pearl merge into the source of the Xuanhuang Mother Qi of all things, the World Pearl also sent a piece of information, which also let Yuan Changqing know that just this part of the source of the Xuanhuang Mother Qi of all things has allowed the World Pearl to directly repair one-third, and also restored it. It's really scary.

Xuan is the color of the sky, yellow is the color of the earth, Xuanhuang refers to the heaven and the earth, the air of Xuanhuang is the air of the heaven and the earth, so it is said that it can swallow the sun and the moon of the sky and the earth.

Therefore, the source of the Xuanhuang Mother Qi of all things is like a great tonic for the World Pearl. If it were an entire source of Xuanhuang Mother Qi of all things, perhaps the World Pearl would be almost completely repaired directly.

However, this is also Yuan Changqing's guess. After all, the Xuanhuang Qi in different worlds has different effects. Yuan Changqing is also very satisfied with the fact that it has been restored to one-third.

Moreover, with the existence of the source of the black and yellow mother energy of all things, the World Pearl will continue to be repaired, so there is no need to be so anxious now.

Now the effect of the World Pearl has become more obvious to Yuan Changqing. In the past, it could only allow medicinal materials to grow quickly without losing their medicinal properties.

However, now that the World Pearl has been repaired to one-third of its level, it has become even more obvious, allowing medicinal materials to rapidly transform.

Now that the World Pearl has calmed down, the White Tiger Immortal Medicine and the Demi-God Medicine Polygonum multiflorum living in it have changed significantly.

Especially the demigod medicine Polygonum multiflorum, it is undergoing this transformation, and maybe soon it will become like the medicine of immortality.

You must know that in the world of Zhetian, the elixir of immortality is the elixir of immortality that comes from the death of the former Immortal King-level existence, just like rebirth, and Nirvana.

Just like the Qing Emperor, the Qing Emperor got the opportunity to take root on a piece of bronze fragment and develop consciousness. Finally, he cut off the medicinal properties of his own immortality medicine, practiced again, and became the last great emperor in ancient times.

Therefore, as long as those immortal medicines in Zhetian can be rebuilt again if there is a chance, they will be rare geniuses in all ages.

After all, their predecessors were immortal king-level existences, although they had undergone great changes after their fall.

However, as long as you practice again, some memory fragments left over from your previous life will be as helpful to your practice as an immortal's instructions. This is why Qing Emperor can stand out from the competition of countless geniuses and become the last great emperor in ancient times. great deeds.

However, in the Qing Emperor's era, the geniuses who competed with him suffered. After the Qing Emperor's Tianxin mark dissipated, the character's unparalleled genius Gai Jiuyou wanted to break through the Qing Emperor's imperial suppression, although he failed in the end. .

However, it has to be said that Gai Jiuyou is qualified to become a great emperor, but he was born at the wrong time.

The immortal medicine and demigod medicine now in Yuan Changqing's World Pearl may also have the same opportunities as the Qing Emperor, but it depends on their choices.

After all, although the elixir of immortality has a certain degree of wisdom, this wisdom is also ignorant. It can only be said to be able to seek good fortune and avoid evil, but it cannot think independently like real wisdom, let alone practice. .

And now Yuan Changqing's World Bead may provide such an opportunity to the White Tiger Immortal Medicine and the Demi-God Medicine. It depends on whether they can seize it.

Of course, the World Pearl now not only has these functions, it can also help Yuan Changqing with his auxiliary training.

And it can help Yuan Changqing trap people and get them. As long as he is accidentally trapped by the World Pearl, death is waiting for him.

However, everything has advantages and disadvantages. If the strength is too much higher than Yuan Changqing, it is possible to forcibly break the world pearl's blockade.

After all, the current World Pearl has not been fully restored, and its functions cannot be fully exerted, so there is a flaw.

Although the World Pearl still has such flaws, it is also a trump card for Yuan Changqing. As long as the opponent is not clear about it, isn't it Yuan Changqing's fault.

Therefore, people can now survive in the World Pearl, instead of being only used to cultivate medicinal materials as before.

Seeing that the source of the Xuanhuang Mother Qi of all things was so helpful to him, Yuan Changqing felt that investing in Ye Fan was really a big profit.

Sure enough, Ye Fan, the son of destiny, was extraordinary, and all the good things in Zhetian seemed to be prepared for him.

However, Ye Fan is not at a loss. After all, although the dragon-patterned black gold given by Yuan Changqing is not as precious as the source of the black and yellow mother energy of all things, it is not much worse.

Immortal gold like dragon-patterned black gold is now extremely precious in Beidou, and it is difficult to find it in the outside world.

And this immortal gold is only available in those dark forbidden areas. Although some appear from time to time in the outside world, the amount is very small, and it is impossible to refine a complete weapon of enlightenment.

Just like Emperor Hengyu of the ancient Jiang family, his Hengyu Furnace failed to find suitable immortal gold at the beginning, so he could only refine a Sun God Furnace.

However, although this quasi-emperor weapon was okay when he was a quasi-emperor, it was no longer helpful to Emperor Hengyu after he became the great emperor.

Therefore, Emperor Hengyu's Hengyu Furnace was later refined by finding a piece of red blood phoenix gold, so only the emperor's soldiers could help the emperor.

The piece of dragon-patterned black gold that Yuan Changqing gave to Ye Fan was enough to refine a complete instrument of enlightenment. Therefore, for Ye Fan, it is impossible to say who lost and who gained.

After Yuan Changqing sent the source of the black and yellow mother energy of all things into the World Pearl, and after the World Pearl calmed down, Yuan Changqing opened his eyes with a look of joy on his face.

"Ye Fan, I really want to thank you for this piece of the black and yellow mother energy source of all things. This treasure is really helpful to me." Yuan Changqing said happily to Ye Fan.

Ye Fan quickly waved his hand and said: "As long as it helps seniors, this is the only thing I can help seniors now."

Yuan Changqing added: "It's okay, we don't need to thank you again and again, it would be too disrespectful."

"However, you said that you want to use the source of the Xuanhuang Mother Qi of all things to refine the weapon of enlightenment, then you still need to go to the Fire Domain of Jin State, so that you can help you refine the source of the Xuanhuang Mother Qi of all things into shape. "

Ye Fan also asked: "Senior, I have also heard of this fire realm, but I don't know what it is like there. Can you tell me about it?"

Yuan Changqing also explained to Ye Fan: "It can be said to be a good place for refining treasures. The fire in the fire domain can improve the quality of the magic weapon."

"So, in Beidou, if you want to refine a magic weapon, you basically go there to refine it."

"And this fire domain is divided into nine layers. The temperature of each layer is higher than the previous layer. Without the protection of powerful treasures, even a powerful person like me would not dare to enter the deepest part."

"Moreover, the Fire Realm can also help people practice. When you go to the Fire Realm to refine the tools for enlightenment, you can also practice well there. This will also have unexpected benefits for you."

"Of course, if you can enter the depths of the Fire Domain and collect some of the flames inside, you can also use it as a trump card. The fire there can easily burn to death a powerful being."

After Ye Fan heard this, he was a little moved, but he was a little embarrassed when he thought about going deep. After all, his strength did not allow it, so he could only see the situation when the time came.

Now Ye Fan still doesn’t know that his Bodhi Seed can block the flames there. In the original work, Ye Fan used the help of Bodhi Seed, and the instrument of enlightenment we refined from it, the "Mother Qi Cauldron of All Things", collected a lot of energy. The flames also used these flames to enslave many strong men.

Ye Fan nodded and said: "It seems that I really need to go to the Fire Realm, otherwise, my weapon of enlightenment will not be refined until the year of the monkey."

Later, Ye Fan and Yuan Changqing gave him the fairy gold and asked: "Senior, can you tell me about this fairy gold?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "As far as I know about fairy gold, it is said that there are nine kinds of fairy gold, and each kind of fairy gold has different mysteries. These need to be explored by yourself."

Ye Fan was also surprised and said: "There are actually nine kinds of immortal gold. Senior, what are those nine kinds? Also, what is the secret?"

"The dragon-patterned black gold in your hand is one type. The remaining eight types are bright white gold, phoenix blood red gold, eternal blue gold, divine mark purple gold, Daojie gold, feathered green gold, fairy tears green gold, and red sun orange gold. ." Yuan Changqing directly mentioned the nine kinds of immortal gold.

He added: "As for what the secret is, you can understand that each kind of fairy gold has its own rules. You can understand it from their names. It is like the phoenix blood red gold, and its secret is like the phoenix. Generally, one can achieve nirvana and be reborn."

"Of course, these all need to be explored and understood. It is one thing for me to say it, but it is another thing to unlock the secret of immortal gold."

"However, as long as the secret of immortal gold is turned on, then the refined weapon will be as if it has life and will become more powerful. If it is an imperial weapon, the secret will be turned on and the weapon will not be opened. It’s no different.”

Ye Fan also nodded at this time. He didn't expect that this fairy gold had such a side. It was really enlightening.

Ye Fan also said at this time: "This fairy gold is indeed an exclusive thing for refining imperial weapons. Only in this way can its preciousness be reflected."

Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "That's why this fairy gold is so rare and people flock to it. Otherwise, how can it show its preciousness?"

After some time, the inheritance of the Clumsy Peak was also started. Li Ruoyu, the master of the Clumsy Peak, was sitting opposite the ladder of the Clumsy Peak as if he was petrified. At this time, there were also series of strange phenomena appearing on the Clumsy Peak. .

After Yuan Changqing discovered this situation, he also knew that the inheritance of Zhuofeng had been opened, and these secrets would also appear.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing quickly reminded his parents and asked them to quickly understand the inheritance of this Zhuofeng.

Now Yuan Changqing lives here with Yuan Dongfang and Jiang Fen, and he usually practices here.

At this moment, there seemed to be threads intertwined between the heaven and the earth at Zhuofeng, and unknown rules appeared, turning into order, deriving inexplicable power, and constructing various lines in the void.

All things are withering, grass and trees are withering, turning into soil and returning to nature, as if everything should be like this. These rules begin to affect everything on Zhuofeng, as if an eternal rule is evolving this species.

Yuan Changqing was looking at these intertwined threads intently, and carefully understood the truth.

I don’t know how long it took, but suddenly there was clarity in my heart, as if a seed had entered the body and was imprinted on my heart, just waiting to take root and sprout. Yuan Changqing suddenly had a sudden enlightenment, knowing that this should be the secret of the Nine Secrets. The word is secret.

Not only that, but Zhuofeng's natural way has also been understood, although this natural way will not become Yuan Changqing's main practice.

However, this natural way will greatly supplement Yuan Changqing's ability to create his own skills in the future.

After all, Yuan Changqing himself is the body of the Five Elements, and the inheritance of Emperor Fuxi's scripture he is currently practicing is only temporary.

This natural way is of great help to the Five Elements. There are many natural rules involved in the rotation of the Five Elements.

In this world, the five elements are the most basic constituent substances, and the changes in the way of nature are naturally closely related to the rotation of the five elements.

As the inheritance on Zhuo Peak was opened, various strange images were emitted, which also attracted the attention of other main peaks of Taixuan Sect, and the foot of Zhuo Peak was also surrounded by disciples of Taixuan Sect.

If we don’t say that people all have bad natures, before I saw that Zhuofeng was desolate, there were only a handful of disciples.

However, as the Zhuofeng inheritance started, some people started thinking about joining Zhuofeng.

However, they also don't think about it. This natural way is very slow to improve its strength once it is practiced. Even if they join now, they will eventually leave.

However, the opening of Zhuofeng's inheritance this time has brought huge gains to the peak master Li Ruoyu. With accepting the inheritance of Zhuofeng, it should be time for him to break through in strength.

And everything on Zhuo Peak was clearly seen by Li Ruoyu, and he also became clearer about Ye Fan's background.

Although I had noticed that Ye Fan had a strong physique and strong blood, he never thought that he had the physique of the Ancient Holy Body.

Li Ruoyu said to Ye Fan: "The ancient holy body is indeed extraordinary. The thunder and lightning intertwined in the golden sea of ​​suffering are really unprecedented and unheard of!"

Ye Fan also knew that his physique was exposed at this time, but he did not expect that Li Ruoyu would also detect it without coming into contact with his own suffering.

Ye Fan had no choice but to say: "Senior Li, I have no choice. I was hunted outside before. I heard that Taixuan Sect was recruiting disciples, so I had no choice but to come here to escape."

"But senior, don't worry, junior will definitely not spread anything you get here."

Li Ruoyu smiled and said, "You don't need to be nervous. I don't mean any harm. I just didn't expect that the Ancient Holy Body could cultivate to this extent on its own like you."

"Thank you, Senior Li, for your understanding. It's just a fluke that I can cultivate to this level." Ye Fan also thanked him quickly.

Li Ruoyu added: "But it is difficult to cultivate your physique. You should also know by now that cultivating the ancient holy body requires a huge amount of resources!"

Ye Fan also smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, senior, but there is nothing we can do about it. This physique is destined to be like this, and this junior can only move forward slowly step by step."

After Yuan Dongfang and Jiang Fen woke up, Yuan Changqing came outside and heard the conversation between Li Ruoyu and Ye Fan.

After Li Ruoyu saw Yuan Changqing again, he smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist, it seems that you have gained a lot!"

Yuan Changqing replied: "This time I really took advantage of fellow Taoist Zhuofeng. I didn't expect that the natural way of Zhuofeng is so mysterious. I took advantage of it."

Li Ruoyu was also an open-minded person. He waved his hand and said, "Fellow Taoist, you don't need to do this. I just ask you, fellow Taoist, not to pass on Zhuofeng's inheritance."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Friends, please rest assured that I will protect the inheritance of Zhuofeng. However, I have benefited from here, and I can't just take advantage."

"So, fellow Taoist, I also have a secret technique here. Now I pass it on to you, as a thank you gift from me."

Then, Yuan Changqing's finger lit up a divine light and shot into Li Ruoyu's mind. Then, another divine light lit up and shot into Ye Fan's mind.

After Li Ruoyu accepted the information from Yuan Changqing's divine light, he was also surprised and said: "Fellow Taoist, I didn't expect that you actually have the secret skill of composing words."

Ye Fan also received the information at this time. When Li Ruoyu said this, he knew that this was one of the nine secrets of the same level as the Jiuzi secret he had obtained on Zhuo Peak.

Ye Fan also thanked him quickly: "Senior, I didn't expect you also have the Nine Secrets. Thank you so much for teaching me this time."

Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "It's all luck. Isn't this Zhuofeng also one of the nine secrets?"

Li Ruoyu also thanked him: "Fellow Taoist, you are too modest. This is not luck, it is simply chance. I really need to thank you, Taoist friend."

"Fellow Taoist, you don't have to be like this. Didn't I also obtain the Secret of All Words at Zhuofeng? My teaching of this secret to my fellow Taoists can be regarded as mutually beneficial. Strictly speaking, I still took advantage." Yuan Changqing faced Li Ruoyu. said.

Yuan Changqing looked at the Taixuan Sect disciples below Zhuofeng and said: "It seems that Zhuofeng is going to be lively, fellow Taoist, so I won't disturb fellow Taoist for now."

Li Ruoyu shook his head and said with a wry smile: "These people haven't seen the inheritance of Zhuofeng appear. They want to try their luck. It would be good to have a few who can persevere."

Yuan Changqing nodded, knowing that Li Ruoyu was telling the truth. After all, the way of nature is different from other ways, and few can persist in it.

Li Ruoyu looked at the situation at the bottom of the mountain and knew that these people should also be arranged by other main peaks, and said: "Fellow Taoist, please help yourself, I also need to make arrangements now."

Afterwards, Li Ruoyu took Ye Fan to the foot of the mountain, preparing to explain the situation at Zhuofeng. In the end, whether the disciples listened or not was none of his business.

After Yuan Changqing saw that Li Ruoyu was busy with matters at Zhuofeng, he also returned to his parents' residence.

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