Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 311 Ji Ziyue


The inheritance of Zhuofeng was opened, and the other 107 main peaks sent many disciples here, preparing to accept Zhuofeng, who had few disciples, as a disciple.

At this time, many people had gathered at the foot of Zhuofeng Mountain. As Li Ruoyu and Ye Fan arrived at the foot of the mountain, the crowd suddenly became lively. These people were all people who wanted to join Zhuofeng Mountain.

"Don't stop me. I am the first to pass the test of Zhuofeng. I am the great disciple of Zhuofeng." A pleasant voice sounded. This was none other than Ji Ziyue, whom she had not seen for many days.

This Ji Ziyue came to Taixuanmen together with Ye Fan. She is a disciple of the Huanggu Ji family, and she is also a rare Yuanling body. She is also a genius, but she doesn't like to practice and is more playful.

Ji Ziyue came to Taixuanmen this time because she heard that the inheritance of Zhuofeng was about to be opened, and it was one of the nine secrets, so she appeared here.

At this time, when Ji Ziyue saw Li Ruoyu and Ye Fan coming, she quickly ran over, hugged Li Ruoyu and said, "Senior Li, I'm back again."

When Ji Ziyue participated in Zhuofeng's assessment before, she was the first to pass the assessment. She was supposed to be a disciple of Zhuofeng, but after learning that she was from the Huanggu Ji family, she was taken over by Xingfeng.

On the one hand, this is to protect Ji Ziyue's safety. After all, if something happens to Ji Ziyue in Taixuanmen, it will be difficult to explain to the Huanggu Ji family. You know, a Yidao force is not that easy to offend. .

On the other hand, it is because of the inheritance of Zhuofeng. This involves inheritance, and naturally Ji Ziyue, a direct descendant of the ancient Ji family, will not know about it.

Otherwise, it would be bad for Zhuo Feng's information to be lost to Huang Gu Ji's family. This is also the reason why Xing Feng was accepted as a disciple after knowing Ji Ziyue's identity.

The inheritance of Zhuofeng has passed. Now that Ji Ziyue has come to Zhuofeng again and asked to join Zhuofeng, Li Ruoyu no longer has the worries he had before.

Li Ruoyu nodded to Ji Ziyue and said, "Okay, since you still want to join Zhuofeng, then from today on, you will be my disciple of Zhuofeng."

After agreeing with Ji Ziyue to join Zhuofeng, Li Ruoyu said to the other people at the foot of the mountain at this time: "If you want to join Zhuofeng, then you should first realize it at the foot of the mountain for half a month. If this half If you gain something within the month, you can join Zhuofeng."

Li Ruoyu said that this can be regarded as a test for these people. It is impossible for them to accept you into Zhuofeng just because you say you want to join.

After finishing speaking, Li Ruoyu left the others behind and took Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue up to Zhuofeng.

On the way, Ji Ziyue stared at Ye Fan with her big watery eyes and asked: "Little boy, have you learned that secret technique?"

After Ye Fan heard this, he smiled and just shook his head silently.

Seeing this, Ji Ziyue said again: "Little boy, what do you mean? Have you not learned that secret technique? I don't believe it!"

Then, Ji Ziyue had a sweet smile on her face, which made people want to pinch her.

A pair of big eyes stared at Ye Fan and said: "That day when Zhuofeng inheritance started, you were on the mountain. You must have gained something. It is impossible that there is no chance at all. Hurry, tell me quickly."

When Ye Fan saw Ji Ziyue's look, he knew that this weird girl didn't believe it.

So, Ye Fan said with a "hehe" smile: "Of course this is a bit of a gain. Do you want to learn?"

When Ji Ziyue heard Ye Fan ask this question, she quickly nodded her little head and said: "You have to learn, you have to learn, little kid, leave it to me quickly. I am now the disciple of Zhuofeng, and my senior sister will protect you from now on. "

Ye Fan said again: "If you want to learn, you can, just exchange your Void Sutra."

It is naturally impossible for Ye Fan to hand over the secret technique at Zhuofeng to Ji Ziyue. After all, this is the inherited method of Zhuofeng, and he is not that stupid.

Moreover, Ye Fan asking Ji Ziyue to use the Void Sutra in exchange was also a kind of rejection, because he just wanted to tease Ji Ziyue.

Suddenly, after hearing what Ye Fan said, Ji Ziyue showed two cute little tiger teeth in her mouth, looking like she was gnashing her teeth, and said: "You think so beautifully, this is the inheritance scripture of my Ji family, it is impossible It’s a rumor.”

"Besides, even if I hand it over to you, if you dare to do so, if you know that you have my family's Void Sutra, you will wait to be hunted down by people from my family."

Ye Fan looked at Ji Ziyue's look, thought for a moment, and then said: "You are also a disciple of Zhuofeng now, so I will leave it to you!"

Later, Ye Fan taught Ji Ziyue the natural way of Zhuofeng. As for the secret technique of Nine Secrets, it was not spread. After all, Li Ruoyu had reminded it before.

In the days that followed, Ye Fan stayed at Zhuofeng to practice what he had gained this time at Zhuofeng.

Because of the opening of Zhuofeng's inheritance, more than thirty disciples were sent from other main peaks, and Li Ruoyu couldn't refuse. In this way, Zhuofeng's popularity also increased a lot.

Because Ji Ziyue's identity as a member of the Huanggu Ji family was exposed, many people usually surrounded her, which also made Ji Ziyue very tired, and Ye Fan had been avoiding her.

Seeing Ye Fan like this, Ji Ziyue was so angry that her teeth itched, and she said fiercely: "Little boy, how dare you hide from me, don't let me catch you, or else, I want you to look good."

"Ah sneeze..."

While Ji Ziyue was talking about Ye Fan, Ye Fan kept sneezing.

"Who is thinking of me?" Ye Fan rubbed his nose and said to himself.

After a few days, Ji Ziyue finally blocked Ye Fan. As soon as she came up, Ji Ziyue put her hands on her hips and said with an unhappy look: "Little kid, I finally found you. Let's see where you go this time. Run, tell me, why are you always avoiding me?"

Ye Fan quickly argued: "No, I have been practicing, how can I hide from you? You are thinking too much."

Ji Ziyue looked disbelieving and said, "Really, you didn't lie to me?"

"No, I really didn't lie to you. You are so cute, how could I lie to you." Ye Fan replied seriously.

"Huh, I don't dare to judge you. If I find out that you are lying to me, I will reveal your secrets, such as the Bronze Immortal Palace, the Xuanhuang Mother Qi of all things..." Ji Ziyue was still uneasy and hurriedly Said some threatening words.

"Stop it, little aunt, why are you saying everything outside? This can cost people's lives." Ye Fan quickly interrupted Ji Ziyue's words and looked around nervously. If others heard this, he would The situation is even more worrying.

Although Yuan Changqing is now at Zhuofeng and will not pose any life threat to him, Yuan Changqing cannot always be by his side.

If these words are heard by others, and then go outside, what awaits him will be a continuous pursuit. Ye Fan does not want to live such a life.

Afterwards, Ji Ziyue pulled Ye Fan down the mountain. After arriving at the foot of the mountain, Ye Fan found that he could still see an acquaintance in Taixuanmen.

Li Xiaoman also saw Ye Fan at this time and was stunned for a moment. Then he walked past openly and said, "Ye Fan, I didn't expect you to come to Taixuanmen too."

"Yes, it turns out you are here. I wonder which main peak you are on?" Although Ye Fan was still a little embarrassed after seeing Li Xiaoman, he quickly recovered his composure when he thought that they had broken up for so many years.

Li Xiaoman smiled and said: "I am at Xingfeng now, are you a disciple of this Clumsy Peak?"

Ye Fan nodded and said, "Yes, we can be considered the same sect."

Li Xiaoman added: "Then we can get together often. I have something else to do, so I will leave first."

"Okay, you go about your business first." Ye Fan nodded and replied.

Ye Fan looked at Li Xiaoman leaving, making Ji Ziyue beside him furious, and then he pinched Ye Fan's waist with one hand.


In an instant, the pain made Mark take a breath, it was so sour and refreshing.

Then, Ye Fan said angrily: "Ji Ziyue, what are you doing? I provoked you, why did you pinch me?"

While rubbing the pinched area, Ye Fan asked Ji Ziyue.

"Hmph, who was that person just now and what does it have to do with you? I see that you are reluctant to leave. You must be hiding something from me." Ji Ziyue also said dissatisfied.

Ye Fan was asked and didn't know how to answer. He couldn't tell Ji Ziyue that she was his old lover.

So, Ye Fan had no choice but to say: "What, she is my fellow countryman, we come from the same place, I didn't expect to meet here today."

At this moment, Ye Fan met the Xingfeng disciples who had previously caused trouble for him. After a few words of disagreement, they started fighting.

Ye Fan was now like a humanoid beast, knocking down those Xingfeng disciples one after another, and their magic weapons were also destroyed by Ye Fan's body.

"Hiss, is this still a human? It's simply a humanoid beast!"

"Yes, this physical body is too strong and too perverted. How did he cultivate?"

Seeing Ye Fan fighting, the people around him couldn't help but take a breath, and couldn't help but sigh.

Afterwards, Ye Fan flew down from the air, looked at those who were knocked to the ground and said: "I will teach you a lesson this time. It will not be so easy for you to do it next time in my hands. Get out!"

As soon as Ye Fan finished speaking, someone from Xingfeng flew towards this side.

"Little boy, let's go quickly, a strong man is coming." With that said, Ji Ziyue took Ye Fan and flew away from here, rising into the sky in an instant.

At this time, a magical rainbow suddenly appeared on Zhuofeng, like a real bridge, spanning dozens of miles. Li Ruoyu appeared on it and led Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue over.

Suddenly, several more old people appeared, raised their hands to Li Ruoyu and said, "Senior Brother Li, we don't have any ill intentions in coming here."

"I know." After saying that, under the control of Li Ruoyu, the Hongqiao took Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue across dozens of miles to the top of Zhuofeng.

"Senior Brother Li looks extraordinary!"

"Yes, now I feel that Senior Brother Li's strength is comparable to that of a powerful person. It seems that this humble peak is about to rise again."


After seeing the aura revealed by Li Ruoyu, several elders of Xingfeng continued to communicate with each other.

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