Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 312 Ji Haoyue

After Li Ruoyu brought Ye Fan back to Zhuofeng, it didn't take long for another incident to happen.

At this moment, a strong man from the Ji family suddenly appeared. As soon as this person appeared, he confronted Li Ruoyu.

The old man from the Ji family used the Great Void Technique as soon as he came up. It was so unpredictable that he constantly shuttled through the void, making it impossible to identify its location.

However, Li Ruoyu seemed to be able to predict the future, his movements were smooth and natural, and the divine light shot out from his hand, constantly confronting the old man of the Ji family's Great Void Technique.

Seeing that the Great Void Technique could not help Li Ruoyu, the old man of the Ji family quickly changed his moves. At this moment, a huge palm appeared in the air.

The overwhelming energy pressed up and immediately enveloped the peak, as if it was about to pull it out.

"Void Mahamudra."

That handprint was the secret skill of the Void Sutra used by the old man of the Ji family. However, Li Ruoyu did not panic at this time, and he rose into the sky and struck out with a palm, facing the big handprint of the void.

As Li Ruoyu struck with his palm, the palm print filled with natural aura continued to merge with the big hand print of the void, and finally it was directly wrapped up. Then, the air returned to calm again.

The old man of the Ji family did not expect that Li Ruoyu could resolve the Void Mahamudra in such an understatement, and then the figure disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

Obviously, the old man from the Ji family just came to test Li Ruoyu this time. He also knew that he was no match for Li Ruoyu who was on the Clumsy Peak. After a few moves, he immediately disappeared.

"call out…"

At this moment, two figures flew out of Zhuofeng. These were Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue. They received the invitation from Xingfeng and were preparing to go to Xingfeng.

When Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue arrived at Xingfeng, they saw that a lot of people had gathered here. There were many young men and women sitting on the grass. There was a wooden table in front of these people. It is filled with fruits and fine wines.

“Ding ding dong dong…”

The pleasant sound of the piano kept ringing, and a man in blue clothes was playing the piano. When he saw Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue coming, he quickly stopped and went to greet them.

"Welcome both of you." The person who spoke was none other than Hua Yunfei, a young leader of Xingfeng's generation.

"I have been in seclusion for more than two years. It was only after I came out that I learned that there was some friction between the disciples of Xingfeng and Zhuofeng. The reason why I invited you two here today is to resolve the unpleasantness between the two peaks. There is no other intention."

Hua Yunfei explained the reason for inviting Ye Fan as soon as he came up. His image of spring breeze also made people feel very convincing.

Seeing this, Ye Fan also said politely: "Brother Hua is like this, which really makes me ashamed. Although it happened for a reason, I did hurt Xingfeng's disciples. I am here to apologize to all the Xingfeng brothers. "

Hua Yunfei also said sincerely: "Well, it is my Xingfeng disciples who caused this incident in the first place. Over the years, our Xingfeng has become increasingly prosperous, which has also made many Xingfeng disciples become arrogant and arrogant. With my character, I feel that in Taixuan Sect, Xingfeng is the most respected person, which is not good."

"And I have heard about these things for a long time. Now Brother Ye can teach them a lesson. This will also let them know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world."

"I'm going to show off my shame here today and play a song. I'll take it as an apology to Zhuo Feng. Let's just write it off and let everyone live in harmony from now on. How about that?"

Seeing Hua Yunfei like this, Ye Fan nodded and said: "That's what it is, just listen to Brother Hua."

At this time, Ji Ziyue was also transmitting messages to Ye Fan, saying: "Little Mao boy, I remembered, this Hua Yunfei is not simple, he is very powerful."

Afterwards, Ji Ziyue said something about Hua Yunfei.

This Hua Yunfei can actually compete with Ji Ziyue's brother Ji Haoyue. Ji Haoyue is known as the Eastern Wasteland Divine Body, and Hua Yunfei had a battle with Ji Haoyue. Although he was defeated in the end, Ji Haoyue didn't feel it either. He was seriously injured by Hua Yunfei.

Hearing this, Ye Fan was also shocked. Although he knew that Hua Yunfei must be extraordinary, he did not expect to be so powerful.

Ye Fan also quickly sent a message and asked: "Your brother has the body of Donghuang, and he also has the phenomenon of the rising moon on the sea. Is it so difficult to face Hua Yunfei?"

Ji Ziyue said again: "Little boy, you don't know, this Hua Yunfei is not simple, he has also cultivated into a powerful ancient vision."

"Furthermore, after that battle, I heard that Hua Yunfei immediately went into seclusion. He only came out now. It must be even more unfathomable."

"In this area, except for my brother, I think there should be no one of his generation who can rival him."

At this moment, divine rainbows appeared in the distant sky. There were men and women. They looked very extraordinary at first sight.

Ji Ziyue also noticed it, and quickly looked into the air. When she saw the person coming, she quickly hid behind Ye Fan, and whispered in a low voice: "Why is Brother Haoyue here too?"

"Ziyue, don't come here yet!" Ji Haoyue was dressed in purple clothes, fluttering in the wind, and had an otherworldly temperament. She spotted Ji Ziyue as soon as she arrived here.

Hearing Ji Haoyue calling her, Ji Ziyue had no choice but to come out from behind Ye Fan, and then jumped to Ji Haoyue's side.

"Brother Haoyue, why are you here?" Ji Ziyue came to Ji Haoyue and hugged one of his arms and asked.

Ji Haoyue did not answer Ji Ziyue's question, but looked at Ye Fan and asked: "Ziyue, why are you with him?"

"Why can't I be with him?" Ji Ziyue was also dissatisfied with her brother's words and asked quickly.

However, Ji Haoyue did not pay attention to Ji Ziyue, and came to Ye Fan and asked in a cold voice: "It's you and my sister who have been together these past few months?"

Ji Haoyue's question also made Ye Fan feel angry, as if I owed you eight million.

So, Ye Fan didn't get up, just sat there, and said something that almost broke Ji Haoyue's heart, and said, "Yes, we live and eat together, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong, you actually said what's wrong?" Ye Fan's words immediately made Ji Haoyue furious, as if fire was burning in his eyes. If Ji Haoyue's eyes could kill, Ye Fan didn't know he was dead at this time How many times.

As the anger in Ji Haoyue's heart continued to emerge, suddenly, the blue sea emerged with sparkling waves, and a bright moon slowly rose. This was exactly Ji Haoyue's vision - the bright moon rising from the sea appeared behind him.

When Ji Ziyue saw that her brother had revealed his vision, she quickly stopped her and said, "Brother, what are you doing?"

However, Ji Haoyue, who was in anger, didn't care about this. The vision flow behind him turned and emitted a ray of light, which immediately immobilized Ji Ziyue in place, unable to move.

Ji Ziyue could only feel anxious secretly when she saw that she had been placed where her brother was.

Then, Ji Haoyue's vision sea rose and the bright moon attacked Ye Fan.

When Hua Yunfei saw this, he originally wanted to stop him, but in the end he didn't know what he was thinking, so he didn't take action and just watched from the side.

Suddenly, the bright moon turned into a moon blade and slashed directly at Ye Fan, as if it wanted to cut Ye Fan in half.

"elder brother…"

Ji Ziyue, who was immobilized, shouted loudly when she saw this.


As a loud noise sounded, Ye Fan was not cut in half by the moon blade, but was blocked directly.

Suddenly, everyone present was stunned. Everyone was shocked. They didn't expect that Ye Fan, a little-known monk, could even block the strange attack of the Donghuang Divine Body.

Ji Haoyue was a little surprised when she saw this. Then, the blue sea behind her rose into the sky and rolled directly towards Ye Fan.

Ye Fan is now also struggling to support Ji Haoyue's turbulent vision.

However, at this moment, a mysterious force emerged from Ye Fan's golden sea of ​​suffering to help resist Ji Haoyue's vision.

I saw that golden flames appeared on Ye Fan's body. Even if Ji Haoyue's vision hit it, there was nothing he could do about Ye Fan.

Hua Yunfei, who was watching all this from the side, had a change in his eyes. He did not expect that Ye Fan could block Ji Haoyue's attack with his own strength.

"It seems that I still underestimate you. It seems that you also have a special physique." Ji Haoyue said at this time.

Then, the blue waves behind Ji Haoyue became more turbulent, and the bright moon instantly turned into a huge moon blade, crossing the void and slashing at Ye Fan again.

Seeing this, Ye Fan could only muster up his strength and punch out with all his strength, only to see a huge fist directly collide with the moon blade.


The huge sound was accompanied by the collision of energy, and the people around him were also affected, and they also retreated one after another.

Ji Haoyue saw Ye Fan blocking his attack, and then said: "I didn't expect you still have some strength. I only used one-tenth of my strength in the attack just now. Now I am attacking with all my strength. I don't know if you can I can catch it.”

Hearing what Ji Haoyue said, Ye Fan was also troubled and couldn't tell. At this time, another huge wave came behind Ji Haoyue, which was much stronger than before.

At this moment, in Ye Fan's golden sea of ​​suffering, there was lightning and thunder, and a golden lotus appeared, directly wrapping Ye Fan. Those waves hit the golden lotus, like a small boat struggling forward in the waves. OK.

"The golden lotus is planted in the sea of ​​suffering."

"This is a vision. I didn't expect that Ye Fan would also have a vision. It seems that he is still underestimated."


People around him started talking a lot when they saw Ye Fan being protected by golden lotus.

Ji Haoyue saw that her attack was blocked by Ye Fan again, and the huge waves behind her became more violent, as if they were going to wash away everything.


There was another loud noise, and the two visions collided directly. Ye Fan's golden lotus was directly scattered, and the whole person flew out.

The huge collision also caused a trace of blood to appear on Ye Fan's face. Fortunately, this was only a small injury, which was shaken by the huge energy, so it was nothing serious.

At this time, Ji Haoyue was also ready to pursue the victory, and another moon blade hit Ye Fan. Suddenly, a colorful barrier appeared in front of Ye Fan, directly blocking Ji Haoyue's attack.

After Ye Fan saw this colorful barrier, he knew that Yuan Changqing had helped him block Ji Haoyue's attack.

"Who, who is interfering with my battle, stand up." Ji Haoyue said loudly at this time.

"Boy, since you have won, there is no need to kill you. Let this battle end here." Yuan Changqing's voice came from all directions, making it difficult to distinguish his specific location.

At this time, the guardian who followed Ji Haoyue also appeared, constantly searching the surroundings, as if he wanted to find Yuan Changqing.

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