Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 336 Daily life

It has been some time since Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan came out of their hometown of Yaochi and then parted ways.

After Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan separated, they went to the Yaochi Holy Land to find their wives and children.

And Ye Fan also went to look for Bangbang eagerly. The Black Emperor didn't know if he was a little afraid of staying with Yuan Changqing, so he followed Ye Fan.


When Yuan Yue'er looked at Yuan Changqing, she jumped up happily, and in a flash, she came to Yuan Changqing's side and held on to her hand.

"Dad, where have you been in the past few years? Since you left last time, there has been no news from you. Mom and I are so worried about you!" Yuan Yuer asked impatiently, and kept asking Yuan Changqing winked with a teasing look on his face.

Zeng Li also came over at this time, with a smile on his face, and Yuan Changqing also held her hand. At this time, the picture of a family of three looked so warm.

At this time, Yuan Changqing also spoke about the situation outside in the past few years.

Yuan Changqing said: "Since I left last time, I have been staying in the Southern Region. As you know, the Qingdi Tomb in the original ruins has been opened. I went there."

Yuan Yue'er nodded and said, "I know, that's Yaochi, and some fellow apprentices went there and told some about the situation there after they came back."

"It is said that it was very tragic there. Many people died. The major forces fought until the sky was dark and the earth was dark. In the end, the Holy Heart of the Azure Emperor was nowhere to be found."

"Moreover, even the Qing Emperor's imperial weapons were tricked by the descendants of the demon clan. Previously, the God King Body of the Huangguji family wanted to steal the imperial weapons of the descendants of the demon clan."

"As a result, he was chased by the powerful Peacock King of the demon clan, which also caused a war between the demon clan and the human race in the southern region."

Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "It seems that we Yue'er know a lot, so have you practiced seriously in Yaochi?"

"Of course, I am not far away from the Second Immortal Power now. My mother and I are also top experts in Yaochi." Yuan Yuer said with a complacent expression.

Zeng Li also spoke at this time: "Yue'er is right. We can live comfortably in Yaochi. We don't have to worry about safety, so we can practice in peace."

Seeing Yuan Changqing nodding repeatedly, Yuan Yuer asked again: "Dad, what happened next? What did you do after that? You didn't come back to see us."

Yuan Changqing further explained: "Then I practiced with great concentration in the Southern Region for three years, and then I went to Taixuan Sect to accompany your grandparents."

"After that, you remember Ye Fan, he was the fellow who came to Beidou with us. Later, I came to the Northern Territory with him, and we also went to the hometown of Zishan and Yaochi together."

Yuan Changqing asked curiously: "Dad, it is said that Zishan is called the Magic Mountain, and it is very scary inside. You didn't encounter any danger inside?"

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "No, the trip to Zishan went well. I also obtained a lot of resources there, and I also brought a lot back to you."

"Wow, that's great. But, dad, I heard that the previous saint of our Yaochi Holy Land entered Zishan, and there was no news about it afterwards. Did you find any clues in Zishan!" Yuan Yuer'er said in Yaochi. After all these years, I still heard some secrets.

"We found some traces, but it's just too dangerous inside Zishan. We didn't check carefully when we entered, so there are no specific findings."

"That's it, then what else have you gained from it?"

"It's nothing, just some sources. I also found the inheritance of Master Yuan Tian and rescued an ancient man who was in front of Si Qian."

"The inheritance of Master Yuan Tian? It is said that the previous saint entered Zishan just to find a Master Yuan Tian. I didn't expect this to be true!" Yuan Changqing said in surprise.

Then he said: "You also saved a man who has lived for four thousand years, so this man lived a really long life. Dad, who is this man?"

"I told you, don't tell anyone. It's good to know, so as not to spoil the big thing." Yuan Changqing first reminded.

After Yuan Yuer and Zeng Li both nodded in response, they then said: "It is Jiang Taixu, the God King of the ancient Jiang family who was invincible to Beidou four thousand years ago. The news that he was rescued by us has not yet spread."

"Oh, it turns out he is a senior of the Huanggu Jiang family. We have never heard of this." Yuan Yuer has only been in Beidou for a few years, so naturally she doesn't understand him.

After all, Yuan Changqing's family had only been in Beidou for a short time, and Jiang Taixu was a figure from four thousand years ago. After coming here for so long, naturally few people mentioned it anymore.

However, if Yuan Changqing thinks about it, it won't be long before the news of King Jiang Shen reappearing in the world will definitely come out, and it will definitely shock the world.

Moreover, Jiang Taixu's enemies, former rivals such as the King of Dark Night, will definitely come to look for trouble.

Yuan Yuer asked curiously: "Dad, you said you went to Yaochi's old place. I heard that something happened there, and then you moved here. How is the situation there?"

Yuan Changqing sighed: "That's true. If nothing happened there, it would be far better than the Yaochi Holy Land now."

"As for the accident, when we came out, we did see something abnormal inside. However, we left in a hurry and didn't see it with our own eyes. Anyway, you just need to know that it is scary."

Yuan Yue'er nodded and asked: "Dad, have you found any treasures or other treasures left in the Yaochi before?"

"This is a must, but I told you to keep it a secret. I don't want to be hunted down by Yaochi." Although Yuan Yuer and Zeng Li are now disciples of Yaochi, Yuan Changqing is not.

"Don't worry, we know the importance of it." Yuan Yue'er assured, and then said: "In this case, Dad, what you get this time is definitely not simple, it won't be the "Western Emperor"!"

At the end, Yuan Yue'er couldn't help but guess, and even she was a little shocked by the answer she guessed.

"Yue'er, I don't see that you have become smarter. You really guessed it right this time." Yuan Changqing replied with a smile.

After Yuan Changqing told the answer, not only Yuan Yue'er, but also Zeng Li couldn't help being a little surprised and said: "Changqing, you really got the "Western Emperor Sutra" in the hometown of Yaochi!"

"Dad, you must be very lucky. No, if you go on an adventure next time, you must take me with you. I also want to go out and experience something, so I can't always stay in Yaochi to practice. "

Yuan Changqing thought for a while and agreed. After all, the flowers in the greenhouse cannot withstand the wind and rain. It would be good to go out and experience it. At least after experiencing some things, people can grow.

"Okay, I will take you with me next time I have a chance. Then our whole family will go."

After seeing Yuan Changqing agree, Yuan Yue'er also looked forward to it and asked: "Then when will we go?"

Yuan Changqing looked at Yuan Yuer with a funny look and said, "Why are you in a hurry? This matter is not urgent. I will tell you when there is a suitable opportunity."

"Besides, even if I don't have a chance here, you can still go out with the people from Yaochi Holy Land to see something."

Hearing what Yuan Changqing said, Yuan Yue'er also reacted and said, "Yeah, why didn't I think of that? I'm a master after all, right?"

Zeng Li asked at this time: "Changqing, how long do you plan to stay in Yaochi this time?"

Yuan Changqing replied: "There is no specific time for this. Let's check the situation first. No matter what, I will stay with you for a while."

"Besides, I have rented a house in the city outside Yaochi Holy Land. You can move in with me when the time comes."

"After all, there are only women in the Yaochi Holy Land, so I can't stay here all the time. It's inconvenient."

The last time he sent Zeng Li and Yuan Yuer to Yaochi Holy Land, Yuan Changqing was living in an outside city just like now.

Zeng Li nodded and said, "Okay, I'll say hello to Yaochi later, and we'll go to your place."

In the days that followed, Yuan Changqing accompanied his wife and daughter, while occasionally retreating to meditate on the principles of Taoism to increase his accumulation of knowledge.

Now Yuan Changqing does not practice deliberately. For Yuan Changqing, he needs to seize the time to understand his own way, and accumulate, accumulate, and accumulate again.

After all, after reaching the peak of power, the next step is to make plans for your own way of killing, and the rest is not important.

Therefore, the most important thing now is to find your own way. As long as you understand it thoroughly, you will not be in a hurry and lose your position when the time comes to cut the way.

You must know that the catastrophe faced in this stage of cutting the path is extraordinary. If you want to survive the catastrophe of cutting the path, you must be fully prepared.

However, there is no rush now. Yuan Changqing has only been practicing at the peak level of almighty power for a few years, and killing Tao also requires opportunities. It does not mean that cutting Tao can kill Tao.

This requires a clear understanding of one's own path and which path one wants to cut, which involves a choice.

If it is a reverse attack, it will lead to a shocking disaster. After all, if you want to go against heaven, you will have to face the test issued by heaven and earth to you. If you pass it, everything will be fine. If you fail, then there will be nothing to say and everything will disappear.

This is also the reason why few people will choose the reverse path, because not everyone can survive this choice, only the kind of unique genius who is rare in the world can survive.

And now Yuan Changqing is the same. He is facing a crucial choice that will affect his life. It is just a one-time decision. It is related to his future path and there is no room for any mistakes.

This is also the beginning of the journey to God. In Zhetian, there can only be one great emperor who can dominate the world and dominate the world.

However, this life is a little different. If there is nothing else, two great emperors will be born in this life, sharing the respect of heaven and earth.

This also has to be said that Ye Fan later went against the will of heaven and forcibly broke the imperial blockade of the great emperor of the Golden Crow clan, achieving the throne of the world and breaking the rules that had not changed for millions of years. It is terrifying to think about it.

Although Yuan Changqing is relatively confident about his own strength, he does not dare to say that he can break the imperial blockade like Ye Fan and achieve the status of the Great Emperor.

Such a disaster is unimaginable. Just like Ye Fan, who has an ancient holy body and the luck of the world, he almost died in the end.

Moreover, if you want to break the imperial blockade, you must break the Tianxin Seal, and there is only one Tianxin Seal, and with the Emperor still alive, it is not so easy to break.

Therefore, Ye Fan's path is not suitable for Yuan Changqing, and he can only find another path. Otherwise, the final highest achievement can only be another kind of enlightenment, but in the end he has not truly become an emperor. The difference is a bit big.

However, Yuan Changqing also had some immature ideas, which was whether his World Pearl could be completely repaired before he became emperor.

Since the World Pearl is called the World and is an innate spiritual treasure, there is naturally a world-like existence inside it.

Then, just like the world of Zhetian, replace your own heart with the heart of heaven, and the mark of Tianxin is the collection of the Tao of the world of Zhetian. After integrating the mark of Tianxin, you can dominate the heaven and earth and be honored in this life.

In this way, Yuan Changqing thought about whether he could use the World Pearl to replace the Tianxin Seal, so that he would not have to fight for the throne of the world that covers the sky.

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