Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 337 The Lively Northern Territory

A few months have passed, and Yuan Changqing has continued to hear about some recent events in the Northern Territory.

First I learned the news about Ye Fan from the monks. Now Ye Fan has returned to the Holy City of the Northern Territory from King Qingjiao, and is also entwined with the descendants of the seven major bandits of the Northern Territory.

In the Holy City of the Northern Territory, the stone workshop that swept through the major holy places cut out many rare treasures, such as black gold swords with dragon patterns, seeds of the Kirin Immortal Medicine, and of course, there are many sources. of.

Moreover, ancient creatures, a blond monkey, and a peerless beauty were also cut out from those source stones.

However, the woman's chest was pierced directly by a war spear, and she was finally snatched away by the golden monkey.

It can be said that Ye Fan is now prospering in the Northern Territory. Not only has he met many like-minded friends, but he has also earned enough resources for cultivation from those stone workshops.

However, this is just a drop in the bucket. You must know that as the time goes on and the strength increases, the point source will not be used at all.

Not to mention the tens of millions of kilograms of sources required when facing the four major catastrophes, which is still less.

Of course, Ye Fan was in the limelight, but he was also targeted by all the major Holy Land families, and not just one family but two families.

Fortunately, Ye Fan learned some secret skills in the Yuan Tian Book, which allowed him to change his appearance, which allowed him to escape easily.

It is said that he disappeared in the end without any trace. Even those Holy Land families searched the Northern Territory and found no trace.

However, Yuan Changqing guessed that Ye Fan must have run away with the Black Emperor, and he was probably hiding.

After all, he is now being targeted by the major forces in the Northern Territory. If he doesn't run away now, then when will he wait? You must know that these major forces are not easy to deal with.

Another thing is that Ye Fan needs to improve his strength now. Since he has obtained so many sources from the Holy City, he can just take this opportunity to improve his strength.

Recently, another piece of news spread to the Northern Territory, about one of the Nine Secrets. This has attracted the attention of all the major forces, and they have sent their successors there.

It is said that this was caused by a group of tomb robbers. In a place called Belvedere, the group stole some ancient artifacts and bought them to an ancient weapon shop in the Northern Territory.

Later, someone bought a broken bronze bell from the ancient weapon shop and found some ancient writings on the bronze bell. After finding someone to decipher those writings, there was news about the Nine Secrets. Suddenly, in the Northern Territory, Caused huge waves.

The person who bought the bronze bell hired an expert to repair the bell and found that there were hundreds of characters on it, and speculated that it might be an ancient burial object.

However, these are not the point. What is important is the information recorded in writing, which is the life record of a monk and the information about one of the nine secrets inherited by the monk's family.

The Nine Secrets, the ultimate technique that can be understood at one time, the truly unparalleled magical technique in ancient and modern times, has never been surpassed. Even the forbidden secret techniques created by the later great emperors cannot compare with it.

Perhaps, only the nine secret methods created by the ruthless emperor to fight against the Nine Secrets can compete with it, but strictly speaking, there is still a slight gap.

However, this is of course for others. If it is used in the hands of the ruthless emperor, it will be a different matter.

After all, when the person who created it created it, he added his own Tao, and naturally it was performed as if it was a Tao, which is not the same as before.

Returning to the topic, this time such a supreme magic appeared in Belvedere, which naturally alarmed all the major holy land families.

Even some strong men from the older generation are dispatched this time, and these people are also snatching the main force of the Ninth Secret.

As for the saints and saints from the holy land families, they came here just for an experience. This fight for the Nine Secrets can also be regarded as a tempering. Of course, it also reduces the conflicts between the major forces.

After all, if the two forces really collide directly and wait until real fire breaks out, it will be a very scary thing.

Once the top forces start a war, it will not be easy to end it. The final result will definitely be a river of blood and a loss of lives.

Moreover, now that the news has come, there will definitely be a lot of excitement there. Yuan Changqing also knows that in the end, Ye Fan got the things there, and he also came up with a golden cicada escape plan, playing tricks on all the Holy Land families.

Not only that, Ye Fan also directly captured many saints and saints alive, including the Holy Land of Shaking Light, which initially had a conflict with Ye Fan.

Since the news came, Yuan Yue'er also asked Yuan Changqing if she would go. She was very much looking forward to it and was planning to go and see it with the people from Yaochi Holy Land.

Regarding the Nine Secrets, Yuan Changqing is very interested, and he also knows that the Nine Secrets that appeared this time are Xing Zi Secret, which is about the supreme magic of speed and also involves the rules of space.

The footwork that Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan learned from the crazy old man before was evolved from the incomplete Xingzi secret.

So, Yuan Changqing went to Yuan Yue'er and Zeng Li and said, "Yue'er, there must be a gathering of all major forces in Belvedere this time. If you want to go, just go with Yaochi Holy Land first."

Yuan Yuer asked: "Dad, are you going?"

"Go, why don't you go? Just think of it as watching the fun. I will take your mother with you when the time comes, so I won't go with you. We will go find you when we get to Belvedere." Yuan Changqing replied.

When Yuan Changqing and Zeng Li rushed to Belvedere from the Yaochi Holy Land, there were already many powerful people here, as well as many powerful monks.

Since these people have come to Belvedere, they must all be here for the Ninth Secret. After all, the Ninth Secret is too tempting.

"Quack quack quack..."

On the outskirts of Belvedere, the miserable crows crow from time to time, which makes people feel heartbroken.

This is a mass grave, desolate and dilapidated, with opened graves everywhere, and some dead bones in the tombs can be seen everywhere.

Obviously, for the sake of the supreme magic of the Nine Secrets, the monks who came here did not care about these tombs here. Even if they dug three feet into the ground, they still hoped that they would be lucky enough to find the Nine Secrets directly.

When Yuan Changqing came, he didn't go around digging other people's graves like those monks. He just had to wait, and the underground palace would naturally be found and opened by these people.

It is said that the underground palace is also related to the Wushi Emperor. It is said that some people who want to be resurrected are suppressed here, as well as the arrangements for those who want to be resurrected.

The Emperor Wu Shi placed a Chaos Stone here to suppress all arrangements here.

"Croak, croak, croak..." The crow's cry was extremely shrill, and it kept circling back and forth in this mass grave. This scene seemed to be something ominous.


Suddenly, there was a violent sound of fighting in the distance, and two figures were fighting in the sky.

I saw the divine light flashing in the distance, the brilliance was brilliant, the energy of the battle caused the void to be broken, and the sky was trembling.

"This is the battle between the Holy Son of Light and the Golden Winged Peng King." A person who knew the two people said at this time.

The battle between these two people also attracted the attention of other forces, including people from Yaochi Holy Land.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing also discovered Duan De, an unscrupulous Taoist priest. Last time, I heard that Ye Fan was cheated by him.

This time Duan De came here, he must have thought that there are benefits here, and he will definitely not be missed in this kind of thing. In the end, Duan De was tricked by Ye Fan here, and he took revenge for being tricked last time. .

Yuan Changqing led Zeng Li to Duan De and asked with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Duan, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect that we haven't seen each other for several years. It's really fate that we can meet here again this time!"

Yuan Changqing appeared so quietly, but Duan De was startled. After seeing who it was, he felt relieved.

The business Duan De is engaged in now has many people here who hate him. If he is discovered, he will be hunted down.

He even dared to break into the tomb of the God King of the Ji family, which is commendable for his courage. It is said that the ancestral graves of the fifth largest bandit in the Northern Territory have been dug up and are now being hunted.

"It turns out it's fellow Taoist. I'm really shocked. Where have fellow Taoists gone in the past few years? Why haven't I heard from you?" Duan De couldn't help but ask.

Yuan Changqing added: "Unlike you, I am running around everywhere. I have been practicing. After hearing the news here, I came over to take a look."

Duan De asked again: "Why aren't fellow Taoists with that boy Ye Fan?"

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Duan, I heard that he was tricked by you. Maybe you can meet him this time." Yuan Changqing joked with a smile.

Duan De smiled awkwardly and said, "How can you say this is a trap? I am helping him."

"Maybe! However, Fellow Daoist Duan, you should be careful now. People from all major forces are here. What you have done will make some people hate you to the core." Yuan Changqing also reminded.

Duan De's eyes immediately started to roll around, and he pretended to be puzzled and said: "Fellow Taoist, what are you talking about? Why don't I know?"

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said without saying anything more, "You'd better be more careful. That's all."

After a while, Duan Decai nodded, as if admitting, and said: "Thank you, fellow Taoist, I will pay attention."

Then, he boasted: "If nothing else, they still lack some skills to catch me. I am quite knowledgeable about running away."

Duan De's words are true. Otherwise, he wouldn't still be alive and kicking now. Every time he was chased, he would escape narrowly and narrowly. He was really good at that.

With the gathering of major holy places, such as the Huanggu Jiang Family, Wanchu Holy Land, Dayan Holy Land, Huanggu Ji Family, Yaochi Holy Land, Zifu Holy Land, Daoyi Holy Land, Thirteen Great Bandits, etc., they are all top-level above Beidou power.

The arrival of these forces is not so friendly to casual cultivators. Even if they find the Nine Secrets, they still don't have the life to take them.

"As soon as the Ninth Secret appears, the younger generations of the major forces gather together. This may be a battle for the qualification of the emperor!" Looking at the young people of the major forces, Yuan Changqing couldn't help but say.

Duan De also nodded in agreement at this time and said: "Looking at the posture, it really looks like those who are competing for the emperor's road, but whether they can take the god's road in the end depends on chance."


Suddenly, a strong man took action, and a hole was opened in the ground. There was a large crack hundreds of feet deep, which went directly into the ground.


I saw countless yin energy rising into the sky, and it was so cold that the monks present could not help but tremble.

Then, the billowing gloom swept across the sky and turned into dark clouds that covered the sky and the sun.


From the dusty Yin Qi, it was like a Yin person passing through, rushing out directly, with murderous intent soaring into the sky, wind and clouds swirling around, and the ground trembling.

Countless Yin soldiers and Yin generals are like a torrent of steel, aiming towards the front, trying to destroy everything in front of them and annihilate them.

However, these terrifying Yin soldiers and Yin generals are not scary to the monks. On the contrary, they make people feel that there must be a hidden existence underneath.

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