Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 339: A plan to divert trouble to the east

"Hey, what's going on, everyone? Are you posing?" Ye Fan deliberately teased when he saw the saints and saints approaching the black stone platform.

At this time, the saints and saints from the Holy Land families, such as Zixia Fairy from Zifu Holy Land, the saints and saints from Yaoguang Holy Land, etc., were all imprisoned on the spot because they were too close to the black stone platform, so they had to come There are no exceptions here.

This was because these people were too eager. After seeing the animal skin roll on the stone platform, they couldn't wait to get it first.

It's a pity that God's calculations are not as good as those of humans. What these saints and saints don't know is that the black stone platform is a chaos stone.

Waiting for the approaching of these saints and saints to activate the imprisoning characteristics of the chaos stone, which resulted in the current situation.

Of course, not all people who come here are imprisoned. Those whose forces are relatively weak, or who are not big forces and have no backers behind them.

Perhaps because of some concerns in their hearts, these people took a step slower and did not approach the stone platform, so they were not imprisoned.

Among these people, there are also followers of saints and saints from major Holy Land families. They are also relatively weak. Faced with their own saints and saints being imprisoned, all of them are helpless at this time.

The confinement force field of the stone platform cannot be underestimated. Not only is the body imprisoned, but even the divine power can be dissolved. Faced with such a situation, one can only panic.

Even the demon princess Yan Ruyu was suppressed after entering the Temple of Light. In this temple, there was an almost transparent divine tower in a corner, and inside the divine tower sat an old man.

And this old man is the guardian of this temple, and he suppressed the demon princess Yan Ruyu on the spot.

Although Yan Ruyu holds the Azure Lotus Imperial Weapon, now Yan Ruyu is only a monk in the Four Extremes Secret Realm. If he wants to use his own strength to activate the Extreme Dao Imperial Weapon, it will be too difficult. He may not have activated it yet. He was sucked dry by the imperial soldiers.

Therefore, even if Yan Ruyu was the only monk present who held the Jidao Imperial Artifact, there was nothing he could do.

Then, when Ye Fan and Duan De came in, they saw what was going on, and Ye Fan couldn't help but start ridiculing these people.

However, when Ye Fan discovered that those people were imprisoned, he knew there must be a reason, so he stood outside the force field and gloated at these people.

After all, the forces behind these saints and saints still have many enemies and conflicts with Mark.

Therefore, Ye Fan turned on the ridicule mode. Anyway, if he was discovered, he would be hunted by the forces behind them, so why should he be polite? Let's feel happy first.

"Boy, don't be complacent. When I get out of trouble, I'll kill you first." The Golden Winged Peng King was the first to hold back and started shouting.

"Ah, ah, I'm so scared, please don't kill me." Ye Fan teased in an exaggerated way, pretending to be shivering and extremely scared.

Later, after Ye Fan returned to normal, he began to gear up and said, "It's a pity that you don't have the chance to wait for the escape. Now let me let you experience what it means to be incompatible with the sky and the earth."

Afterwards, Ye Fan directly entered the force field with the Xuanhuang Cauldron of All Things on his head. Without being hindered at all, he came to the Golden Winged Peng King and took action directly.

And why Ye Fan can move freely in this force field is of course because the Black Emperor told him that the Xuanhuang Mother Qi of all things can offset the confinement of the chaotic force field.

The Black Emperor was also envious of Ye Fan's treasure tripod, which was refined from the source of the black and yellow mother energy of all things. Unfortunately, it was useless to envy him anymore. This was Ye Fan's tool for enlightenment.

"Hiss! Everything is Xuanhuang Mother Qi, I didn't expect this kid to have such a good thing."

Duan De was very knowledgeable and recognized Ye Fan's Xuanhuang Cauldron as soon as it appeared. His eyes were still moving around, obviously paying attention to something else, and he couldn't help but murmured in a low voice.

"What, why are you okay..."

"This is impossible…"

"It must be because of the cauldron above his head..."

"Yes, this cauldron must be a valuable treasure..."


"Boy, I advise you to hand over that treasure tripod. Otherwise, even if you get the treasure here, you will never leave."

Although the people present were imprisoned, their eyes could see and their mouths could speak. Seeing Ye Fan move freely, they all commented.

"Bang bang bang..."


"I told you to be crazy, I told you to be arrogant, I told you to want to kill me, I..."

Ye Fan beat the Golden-winged Little Peng King violently and kept mumbling, but the excitement on his face made those who watched the Golden-winged Little Peng King feel numb.

This is like meeting a ruthless person, who has no taboos and no scruples. He is afraid that it will be his turn to be repaired next. Each one of them no longer has the arrogant aura before, and they all shut their mouths.

"It's great!" After beating the Golden-winged Xiaopeng Queen, Ye Fan felt refreshed and couldn't help but clapped his hands and said loudly.

Now the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King has turned into a pig-headed face, and he can no longer look human. Of course, he is originally a demon, not a human.

When other people saw the current appearance of the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King, they also felt cold in their hearts. When Ye Fan turned to them, they all thought in their hearts not to trouble me.

And Ye Fan was also scanning the saints and saints present. Suddenly, a bright smile appeared on his face, and he raised his legs and walked towards that person.

"Think!" Yaoguang Holy Son saw Ye Fan looking at him, and his heart suddenly sank to the bottom. He knew that he would be in trouble next, and his face began to look ugly.

Afterwards, Ye Fan came to the Holy Son of Yaoguang and looked at him seriously. It was obvious that he had bad intentions and was harboring bad intentions in his heart!

"Boy, what do you want to do? Let me tell you, if you try to touch me, Yaoguang Holy Land will not let you go." Yaoguang Holy Land obviously did not realize what would happen next, and even threatened Ye Fan. .

However, what Ye Fan is not afraid of most now is threats. He can only say that the Holy Son of Yaoguang is not satisfied. What is the situation now? He still brings out the Holy Land of Yaoguang to show off his power. Isn't this just looking for trouble?

However, Ye Fan didn't pay too much attention to it. He would let you have a good oral pleasure first and then let you experience the fist and kick package later.

"Bang bang bang..."


There was another friendly exchange with Holy Son Yaoguang, which directly beat Holy Son Yaoguang into a human shape.

Later, Ye Fan always wanted to seek revenge and revenge, and beat up all those who had hatred against him.

But when he was preparing to repair Ji Haoyue, the body of the Ji family's god king, he finally let him go in the face of Ji Ziyue's pitiful plea.

When Ye Fan revealed the Xuanhuang Cauldron of All Things, Ji Ziyue had already guessed who Ye Fan was.

And as expected, after Ye Fan let Ji Haoyue go with his plea, Ji Ziyue became more sure. At the same time, she felt happy after seeing Ye Fan let go of her brother because of her plea.

Because of her sister Ji Ziyue, Ji Haoyue also escaped the physical pain and catastrophe, but Ji Haoyue's mood was not so beautiful.

"I didn't expect that my majestic divine king's body would be in such a situation one day. I have to rely on my sister to avoid such humiliation. It is tolerable, but what is unbearable? I will wait until I meet this kid next time. He's good-looking." Ji Haoyue swore in her heart.

"Boy, you are so brave..."

"The Supreme Elder is right behind you. How dare you hurt my Holy Son? You will definitely die without a burial place."

Seeing Ye Fan punching and kicking the saints and saints in the chaotic force field, especially the disciples of the Shaking Light Holy Land, some of the demon clan of the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King shouted.

These people and the demon clan were also afraid that the Yaoguang Holy Son and the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King would have some shortcomings, so they all threatened them.

Also, these people are used to being arrogant. They didn't know what the situation was now, so they just said some inappropriate words.

Ye Fan was unceremonious in the face of these clamoring people outside the force field. He directly sealed the strength of the Holy Son of Light and the Golden Winged Peng and put them into the Xuanhuang Cauldron of All Things. Let's see how you give the power behind you. Account.

Ye Fan relied on the Xuanhuang Cauldron of All Things to offset the restraining force field of the Chaos Stone. Today, he not only beat up those who had grudges against him, but also naturally obtained the animal skin scroll on the Chaos Stone Platform.

Regarding the animal skin scroll, everyone thought that there must be nine secrets in it. However, they could only watch Ye Fan take it away so easily, and there was no way.

After all, if you can't move in the force field, there is nothing you can do about it, and you feel resentful in your heart, thinking about making this kid look good after you get out.

In fact, this animal skin scroll does not record any Nine Secrets at all, but records the marks of two maps, about Shengya and Zishan.

However, these two places are not benign places, they are both terrifying areas with a narrow escape from death.

This is why Yuan Changqing knew the situation of the animal skin scroll and didn't care so much.

"Black Emperor, remember to prepare the Xuanyu Platform and prepare to escape. I will write down the contents on the animal skin scroll first." Ye Fan sent a message to the Black Emperor in the Xuanhuang Cauldron of All Things.

"Don't worry, we have already prepared it." The Black Emperor also responded.

Ye Fan had thought of a countermeasure before he came in, and coupled with the situation reported by those disciples of the Holy Land family who were not imprisoned, Ye Fan felt that this countermeasure was very good.

Therefore, Ye Fan also took the animal skin scroll and started reading at this time. This was a plan to divert the trouble to the east and escape the golden cicada.

Although he had reached a cooperation agreement with Duan De, an unscrupulous Taoist priest, when he was outside, Ye Fan also kept an eye on Duan De, knowing that this unscrupulous Taoist priest was unreliable.


Sure enough, Duan De had been silent before, and now he suddenly moved. A black broken bowl was seen above his head, emitting rays of light, and he was not restricted at all in this chaotic force field.

In an instant, Duan De came to Ye Fan and grabbed the animal skin roll directly.

Not only that, Duan De, the unscrupulous Taoist priest, was not satisfied. He reached out with one hand and grabbed the Xuanhuang Ding of All Things, trying to snatch away Ye Fan's weapon of enlightenment.


A dog barked, and Duan De's hand that reached out was bitten. Duan De had to withdraw his hand in pain.

Ye Fan said angrily: "Unscrupulous Taoist priest, what do you mean? Do you want to burn down the bridge?"

Duan De had already grabbed the animal skin scroll at this time. Although he didn't get the Xuanhuang Cauldron of All Things in the end, he felt a little regretful, but he was still satisfied.

Duan De said with a smile on his face: "I am afraid that this animal skin is not safe in your hands, so it is safer to put it in my hands."

"Hmph, you said it nicely, then why do you still want to steal my tripod." Ye Fan snorted coldly.

Duan Detian said shamelessly: "I haven't seen this before. I just want to touch it. Don't be so stingy."

"Hmph, you really don't have any good intentions. You have been plotting against me from the beginning. If I still believe you, then I will be an idiot." Ye Fan said angrily.

However, although Ye Fan looked angry on the surface, he was happy in his heart. This was exactly the escape strategy that Ye Fan had planned long ago.

And now that Duan De has come, this strategy can be carried out smoothly. Since Duan De cooperates so actively, Ye Fan is ready to put on a big show with him.

When the time comes, let's see what Duan De, an unscrupulous Taoist priest, will do, and Ye Fan can just take advantage of the opportunity to trick him in order to avenge the last time he was tricked.

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