Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 340 Duan De was tricked


Suddenly, the transparent ancient tower in the corner of the temple shattered, and Yan Ruyu, who was suppressed inside, escaped.

Just when Duan De wanted to escape, he was stopped by Yan Ruyu who had just escaped from the trap holding the Azure Lotus Emperor Soldier.

The eyes of everyone in the temple were also attracted by Duan De and Yan Ruyu.

This just allows Ye Fan to take this opportunity to escape from here. After all, there are powerful elders from all the major holy land families behind him, as well as powerful people such as the Great Demon of All Things. If he doesn't run away now, how long will it take?

Ye Fan had to run now. After all, the Xuanhuang Cauldron of All Things in his hand was too precious. Anyone who had seen it would be jealous and would definitely snatch it away.

At this moment, there was movement outside. Ye Fan knew that these were the holy land families, and the demon clan and the great demon had arrived at the temple.

"Black Emperor, are you okay? If you don't leave, it will be too late." Ye Fan started to feel anxious in his heart, and couldn't help but send a message to the Black Emperor to ask.

"Why bother? It'll be ready soon. Get ready." Hei Huang moved a little faster and reminded at the same time.

"Shua... buzz..."

At this moment, there was a wave of fluctuations in the void. After Ye Fan threw out a mysterious jade platform, he stepped on it and prepared to cross the void. The space channel opened and the brilliance disappeared in the temple in a flash.

"Boy, why didn't you remind me when you left? Wait for me!" Just when Ye Fan disappeared and the space door was not closed, Duan De's voice came over.

When Duan De saw Ye Fan throwing away the Xuanyu Platform and preparing to escape, he was ready to take a ride and ran over quickly.

"Shua...bang..." At this moment, a divine light struck directly, and Duan De, who had just stepped half a foot into the door of space, was knocked out.

After Duan De was beaten out at this time, he was furious. He didn't care so much and just used his secret escape method, preparing to leave here first.

At the same time, he was secretly cursing Ye Fan for being dishonest and not informing him before leaving, which caused him to be stuck here and face the siege of so many powerful people.

However, Duan De did not want to think about his previous behavior and had the nerve to blame Ye Fan, although Ye Fan was originally prepared to let Duan De, an unscrupulous Taoist priest, take the blame.

However, who asked you to take the initiative to send it to your door? Then, don’t blame Ye Fan for not practicing martial ethics.

It can only be said that Duan De hit the muzzle of the gun himself, and Ye Fan could only go along with the flow and reluctantly successfully implemented his plan. It can be said that everyone is happy.

However, if Duan De knew what was going on, he would be furious.

Just when Duan De ran away and was about to leave, someone began to remind the powerful elders who came here.

"The Supreme Elder, the animal skin scroll recording the Nine Secrets is on this Taoist priest."

"Fellow Taoist, should you take the initiative to hand it over, or should I take it myself?"

Faced with the siege of many strong men, no matter how hard Duan De ran, he could not escape. In the end, Duan De had no choice but to hand over the animal skin roll.

And this animal skin scroll has been tampered with by Ye Fan for a long time. It only contains information about Zishan. As for the information about Shengya in it, the Northern Territory has naturally erased it.

Just when Duan De was surrounded and forced to hand over the animal skin scroll, in order to successfully leave here and get out of danger.

Duan De directly threw the animal skin roll far away, and the strong men from the Holy Land family also chased after it, trying to get it first.

Duan De also took this opportunity to escape from here, and finally left this beautiful city with many dangers.

After all, Duan De's career is glorious and great, and many of the major forces coming here this time have enemies with them.

Even so, Duan De was still chased all the way. Finally, with great difficulty, he managed to escape with his unique secret technique. This time it was really extremely dangerous.

But Ye Fan successfully escaped from the Belvedere underground palace from the beginning, handed over all the most dangerous parts to Duan De, and left gracefully.

With the opening of the Belvedere Underground Palace, most of the forces in the Eastern Wasteland have gathered here, and they have sent the Holy Sons and Saints to come here, preparing for these young people to have a collision to see who is the strongest of the young generation in the Eastern Wasteland.

It is a pity that who would have thought that there is such a strange treasure as the Chaos Stone in the underground palace of Belvedere, and it can actually emit the ability of a confinement field, which also caused the saints and saints of the major holy land families to be attacked.

Not only that, even the Holy Son of the Shaking Light Holy Land and the Golden Winged Peng King of the Monster Clan were suppressed and kidnapped, which shocked the entire Eastern Wasteland.

You must know that the Holy Son of Light and the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King are among the strongest geniuses among the younger generation.

However, he was not satisfied with being beaten up in public, and was directly sealed and kidnapped.

No matter what the reasons were for being suppressed and taken away, the sensation caused by this caused even other Holy Land families to pay attention.

The Holy Son of Yaoguang was kidnapped, which made the Holy Land of Yaoguang furious, and the Lord of Yaoguang was furious.

The same is true for the ruthless lineage that hides the Yaoguang Holy Land. You must know that the Holy Son of Yaoguang is the heir of the ruthless emperor they selected, and now he was suppressed and kidnapped.

This also caused people from the ruthless lineage to secretly go out, preparing to find the person who kidnapped the Holy Son of Light, and quickly eliminate them.

Therefore, in order to save the Holy Son of Yaoguang, the Holy Land of Yaoguang began to go to war, retrieving the Holy Son at all costs, and kill the kid to save the face of Holy Land of Yaoguang.

The demon clan was even more terrifying. The Golden-winged Old Peng King personally came to the rescue and began to search for Ye Fan throughout the Northern Territory.

At the same time, the turmoil in the Belvedere underground palace did not end, although in the end Duan De threw the animal skin roll out in order to escape and ascend to heaven.

It's a pity that although Duan De's idea is good, not everyone is bound to win the Nine Secrets.

For example, Wu Dao, the fifth largest bandit among the thirteen largest bandits in the Northern Territory, had his ancestral grave dug up by Duan De. After meeting Duan De this time, how could he let him go so easily, saying that he must pull out Duan De's skin.

Finally, it is said that Duan De was chased by Wu Dao all the way to Zhongzhou, where he lost track of him.

Relying on this ability to escape, even the powerful ones were not killed, which also made Duan De's alternative reputation loud and clear in the Eastern Wasteland.

In the end, the animal skin scroll was shared by the major forces in the Eastern Wasteland, and no one could monopolize it. After all, for the sake of the Nine Secrets, if it was besieged by the major forces in the Eastern Wasteland, only a fool would do such a thing that would outweigh the gains and losses.

Then, after research and verification by various major forces, it was discovered that what was recorded in the animal skin scroll was not the Nine Secrets, but a map. The location of Zishan was clearly marked on the animal skin scroll.

When a big shot went to Zishan to investigate in person, he realized what a shocking terrain it was.

Therefore, this also made the major forces speculate that there might be a shocking creation inside. For a while, many forces gathered to discuss how to take out the creation inside.

But at this time, Ye Fan and the Black Emperor passed through the Xuanyu Platform and crossed the void to an oasis. The Yaoguang Holy Land and the Old Peng King were also following his traces.

After the Belvedere Underground Palace incident ended, Yuan Changqing finally took the opportunity to take advantage of the situation and took the Chaos Stone in the Temple of Light into the World Pearl.

After the Chaos Stone entered the World Pearl, the World Pearl was suddenly filled with light, laws emerged, and divine patterns and chains intertwined.

The Chaos Stone also began to be dissolved, turning into the energy of Chaos, which was continuously absorbed and fused by the World Pearl.

As a result, the World Pearl was being continuously repaired. At this time, Yuan Changqing also learned the function of this chaotic energy, and it was indeed possible to repair the World Pearl.

Yuan Changqing had this guess at the beginning. After all, chaos produces Wuji, Wuji produces Tai Chi, Tai Chi produces two forms, two forms produce four phenomena, and four images produce all things.

Then, special treasures like the Chaos Stone in the Zhetian World must also be useful for innate spiritual treasures like the World Pearl.

Sure enough, after the Chaos Stone entered the World Pearl, it caused changes, and the chaos energy inside was also extracted, constantly repairing the World Pearl.

This is great news for Yuan Changqing, and he can pay special attention to such treasures in the future.

After the incident in Belvedere ended, major forces began to gather in the Holy City of the Northern Territory again. Next, there will be another disturbance.

Yuan Changqing also took Zeng Li all the way to the Holy City. As for Yuan Yue'er, there was no need to worry. She followed the people from Yaochi Holy Land to the Holy City.

The Holy City in the Northern Territory has existed forever, and it is difficult to trace its origin. At first, many holy places and ancient families wanted to occupy it. Later, after many secrets and efforts, they could only reach an agreement to jointly take charge of this sacred city.

However, only many holy places and ancient families know the secrets of this sacred city. No one outside knows about it, and only a few secrets have been revealed.

And in the center of this divine city, there is a heavenly palace, and in the heavenly palace there is an ancient Taoist platform, which is covered with dense divine patterns. Even the strong ones at the level of the Holy Lord, who are as powerful as all the major forces, don't know about it. What is the function of those divine patterns?

Later, after searching for records in ancient books, I learned that it was rumored that several ancient emperors crossed the void on the Taoist platform and went to a land of creation.

It's a pity that this is just a rumor, which can no longer be tested and has not been verified.

However, in the end, many holy land families discovered some wonderful uses, that is, there are nine simple stone spirits left on the Taoist platform.

And this stone order has no other use, that is, you can use the stone order to cross the void. No matter how far the distance is, you can directly return to this stone platform through it.

After discovering the stone order, an old holy master brought the stone order to Zhongzhou. They were separated by hundreds of millions of miles. With the help of the stone order, they crossed the void and finally returned to the stone platform successfully.

However, the farther the distance, the more divine power is consumed, which is reasonable. Therefore, if ordinary monks want to use the stone order to return, if the distance is too far, they cannot afford the huge consumption of divine power.

Nowadays, these nine stone orders are in the hands of nine top forces.

After Yuan Changqing arrived in the Holy City, it was indeed the center of the Northern Territory. It was very lively and full of news. Many monks were also discussing various recent gossips.

The biggest news is about the information on the animal skin scroll that many Holy Land families had obtained from Belvedere Underground Palace.

And it was also mixed with news about what happened in Belvedere, including the news that Ye Fan abducted the Holy Son of Light and the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King.

As well as the Yaoguang Holy Land going to war, searching for Ye Fan's whereabouts all over the world, and the Golden-winged Old Peng King has now appeared in the Northern Territory, looking for Ye Fan's whereabouts.

However, Yuan Changqing knew that Ye Fan would definitely come to this holy city to join in the fun, but he didn't know when he would come.

However, Ye Fan provoked quite a lot of forces, all of which were powerful Holy Land families.

However, I have to say that Ye Fan's destiny is really great. Now he is still alive and kicking in the face of so many holy places of aristocratic families. He is truly worthy of being the son of the world.

It can only be said that Ye Fan, the son of the world, can shine wherever he goes, stir up the world, and be at the center of the storm.

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