Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 341 Purple Mountain Bell Rings

As the major Holy Land families gathered in the Holy City, they began to discuss preparations to attack Zishan, and the major forces also sent strong men.

"Changqing, do you think these big forces can succeed in attacking Zishan this time?" Zeng Li asked curiously.

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "I'm afraid these people think too much. Moreover, strictly speaking, the attack on Zishan this time is a disaster rather than a blessing."

Zeng Li thought for a while and said: "Disaster? Is it the reason for those ancient creatures sleeping in the purple mountain you mentioned?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Yes, if these people attack Zishan this time, they will definitely awaken the ancient creatures inside. And once those ancient creatures are born, they will probably cause another bloody storm."

Although Zeng Li didn't know how serious the matter was, but Yuan Changqing said it was so serious, then a big disaster would definitely happen.

"Ah, if this happens, a lot of people will die. Can't we avoid it? Stop them from attacking Zishan." Zeng Li said with a frown.

Yuan Changqing sneered and shook his head, saying: "You are thinking too much. The forces attacking Zishan this time have long been confused by the fictitious creations in Zishan."

"Moreover, if you rashly stop it for no reason, it will be considered that you want to monopolize attention, and you can't stop it at all. You might even end up with a grudge."

"So, this is not worth the gain and it is completely meaningless. It is better to just let things happen as they are now."

"Besides, when something goes wrong, they are the ones who take the lead. Even if they can't solve it, someone will naturally come forward to solve it. Don't think so much."

"We don't need to worry about these things now. There are tall people taking care of us. The most important thing for us now is to work hard to improve our cultivation."

"This way, if something happens, we can deal with it more calmly, right?"

After listening to Yuan Changqing's great reasoning, Zeng Li also nodded and said: "That's true. Since things are destined to happen, it's more important to work hard to improve your cultivation."

Then he asked: "Then do you want to remind Yue'er that there is also the Yaochi Holy Land?"

Yuan Changqing thought for a while and said: "You can remind Yue'er. As for your Yaochi Holy Land, you don't need to be too clear. Just remind her from the side."

"As for whether Yaochi Holy Land listens to it or not, it is their choice. However, given Yaochi Holy Land's consistent style in the past, they should listen."

Zeng Li nodded and said: "You are right. I have been in Yaochi Holy Land for so long, and Yaochi has basically not had much involvement or involvement in major events in the outside world."

Yuan Changqing added: "After all, Yaochi Holy Land is a women's holy land. It can maintain such a transcendent status and naturally has its own way of doing things."

"In addition, women are generally not good at fighting. Fortunately, there are Ji Dao Emperor soldiers to suppress them. This has advantages and disadvantages."

Although there is some truth in what Yuan Changqing said, these women in the Yaochi Holy Land should not be underestimated.

Otherwise, the Yaochi Holy Land would not have been able to survive for such a long time and still stand among the top forces in the Eastern Wasteland.

It can be seen that the foundation of the Yaochi Holy Land, even after experiencing the changes in the Yaochi hometown, is now slowly recovering.

Rather than like Yan Ruyu, a descendant of the Demon Emperor of the Demon Clan, because the Qing Emperor took the Qinglian Emperor's soldiers away and did not leave them to future generations, the current Demon Emperor lineage has continued to decline.

Even though now Yan Ruyu has recovered the Qinglian Imperial Weapon, she still needs to take shelter under the sects of the Peacock King and the Qingjiao King in order to keep the Jidao Imperial Weapon in her hands.

Just like Ji Haoyue before, she dared to directly snatch the Qinglian Imperial Soldier from the hands of the demon princess Yan Ruyu.

This is because we know that even if the Qinglian Emperor Weapon is in Yan Ruyu's hands, due to its relatively weak strength, it will not be able to activate the ability of the Supreme Dao Emperor Weapon.

If Yan Ruyu was stronger, Ji Haoyue wouldn't have the guts to rob her openly. If she was so stubborn and thoughtless and acted recklessly, she would have died long ago.


A vast bell rang, resounding throughout the Holy City. Yuan Changqing could detect the terrifying sound wave power from the bell in the Holy City.

You know, Zishan is not close to the Holy City. The sound wave alone can be directly transmitted to the Holy City. This shows that the Wushi Bell, an extremely imperial weapon, is probably close to an immortal weapon.

But at this moment, people kept appearing on the ancient stone platform.

They all had weak auras, messy hair, and pale faces. Everyone looked miserable. It was obvious that they had encountered a great terror when they attacked Zishan.

Yuan Changqing was now looking at the ancient stone platform in the center of the Holy City on the street, and murmured: "Looking at the situation of these people, these Holy Land aristocratic families may have failed in their attack on Zishan. The Wushi Bell is worthy of being an imperial bell. The sound alone can convey It has such power even in the Holy City."

I saw seven or eight Holy Lord-level experts coming out of the ancient Taoist platform suspended in the Central Heavenly Palace at this time, each with their own hands. The situation was not very good.

"Oh my god, those are all the holy masters of the major holy land families!"

"Di Wei, this is the Holy Power of the Great Emperor. Is it true that the Emperor is not dead?"


Suddenly, the monks in the Holy City began to talk about the appearance of the Holy Lords from the major Holy Land families.

This time, these people from the Holy Land families attacked Zishan. They were able to return to the Holy City only because of Shi Ling's ability to cross the void. They could successfully return from Zishan. Otherwise, with the power of the Emperor from the Wushi Clock, these people would never have thought of coming back alive. .

And when the monks in the Holy City discovered that these supreme Holy Lords appeared at the same time and fled back to the Taoist platform in the Heavenly Palace of the Holy City, they were also shocked.

That was an extremely powerful man who dominated the vast land. Even such a powerful man needed to run for his life. This shows how powerful and terrifying the bell he heard before was.

Moreover, among the people who accompanied these Holy Lords this time, those who came back were the more powerful ones.

But those powerful people like the Four Extremes Secret Realm and the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm were not so lucky. They were directly shaken to death by the imperial power of the Imperial Bell and were annihilated.

Fortunately, the Holy Master of the Holy Land Family used his great supernatural power to take away some people when he escaped. Otherwise, the losses in the attack on Zishan this time would have been even greater.

Seeing this situation, Yuan Changqing shook his head again and said to himself: "This time you attack Zishan, you will gain nothing."

With the Wushi Bell, a supreme imperial weapon that is close to an immortal weapon, and the suppression of the Wushi Sutra, if you want to successfully break Zishan, you will probably need a strong person at the level of an emperor.

However, it is not impossible to enter. Just like the last time Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan entered with the Shishi Emperor Jade, they might still gain something.

Of course, the premise is that you are not greedy, otherwise, you may end up trapped in Zishan like the God King Jiang Taixu, and you will die in it if you live.

But even if the first attack on Zishan failed, it could not stop those Holy Land families from preparing to attack Zishan again and seize the so-called good fortune in Zishan.

This has also caused the Holy City to be even more lively now, a bit more lively and prosperous than usual.

Because of the Zishan incident, all the major forces in the Eastern Wasteland sent their men to garrison in the Holy City.

The forces that attacked Zishan before now also know that the imperial power emitted by the previous bell is the legendary Wushi Bell. It was the Wushi Emperor, the emperor's warrior who conquered the heaven and earth.

After knowing that it was the Imperial Weapon of Wushi Bell, the major forces instantly became jealous and became even more excited.

Since the Wushi Bell is in the Purple Mountain, then the inheritance of the Wushi Emperor should be in the Purple Mountain. In this way, there is the ownerless Emperor’s Divine Treasure in the Purple Mountain. How can we not make people extremely excited and surprised? Again and again.

Therefore, although the first attack on Zishan failed, it was because they were not fully prepared at the beginning and did not show their strongest strength.

Now that there are ownerless treasures like the Wushi Great Emperor, if you want these holy land families to give up, it is simply not possible.

So, after knowing some of the situation in Zishan, the major holy land families began to discuss the matter of attacking Zishan for the second time.

In the Eastern Wasteland and Northern Territory, there are countless countless sources buried deep in the earth. This is why although the Northern Territory looks very desolate, all the major forces are stationed in various cities in the Northern Territory. among.

Not to mention the Holy City, which has gathered countless big forces. It can be said that the world's influence has gathered here. The forces from Zhongzhou, Nanling, Beiyuan, and Western Desert all have big figures in this Holy City.

At this time, the central area of ​​the Holy City was surrounded by countless monks. It was because of the sound of the emperor's bell that it alerted countless powerful people and the existence that was suspected of being the emperor.

However, the biggest news now is about the Great Emperor's Divine Treasure of Emperor Wushi, which has also caused the Holy City to become overcrowded. The monks who come here want to follow the Holy Land families who attacked Zishan to share the pie.

Yuan Changqing looked at these monks and could only shake his head. This man was really blinded by profit and lost his head.

If Zishan was so easy to break, there would be no need to wait until now, and these people who want to pick up a bargain might have been sold by those holy land families without knowing it, and they are eager to get involved. I really don’t know How to write the word "death".

Just when the Holy Land families were once again discussing the attack on Zishan, Yuan Changqing also took Zeng Li for a walk around the Holy City. Now that they have arrived at this Holy City, let's take a good look at this majestic divine city.

Countless heavy and simple buildings, pavilions and pavilions are like fairy palaces, with carved dragons and painted phoenixes, making people feel relaxed and happy.

On both sides of the road, there are rows of towering trees as old and simple as dragons. The bark of the trees is densely covered like fish scales, blocking out the sky and the sun.

A vast stone square appeared in front of Yuan Changqing's eyes. The grass was overgrown and the towers collapsed. It looked extremely desolate.

On the plaque on the gate of Shifang, the word "Tianxuan" could be vaguely seen. In an instant, Yuan Changqing thought that this should be the Shifang of Tianxuan Holy Land in this holy city in front of Liuqian.

However, due to the destruction of the Holy Land, there are only two people left in the Tianxuan Holy Land. One is the crazy old man whom he saw at Taixuanmen before, and the other is Wei Yi who has been guarding Tianxuan Stone Square.

Of course, there is also the Holy Maiden of Tianxuan who became a slave in the ancient forbidden land. Although she became immortal through transformation, she also lost her sense of autonomy.

However, it seemed that the ban was lifted by the ruthless emperor and returned to normal. These were barely the three remaining people in Tianxuan Holy Land.

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