Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 343 Humanoid Immortal Medicine

As Ye Fan came to the Holy City again, storms arose again, and those Holy Land families were also busy preparing to attack Zishan for the second time.

It can be said that the Holy City is really exciting now, and all the talents from all walks of life have gathered here in the Holy City, which is very lively.

In addition, the Northern Territory itself is a place rich in Origin Stones, and the gambling sources that emerged as a result, as well as the Origin Techniques that have been passed down for a long time, naturally shine in the Northern Territory.

Except for the most famous Yuan Tianshi who has not been born for a long time, the Yuan Wang lineage is indeed extremely prosperous, making it famous far and wide.

However, the appearance of Ye Fan, a person inherited from Yuantian Master, once again added a fire to the Holy City, and it suddenly became more lively.

Last time, Ye Fan made a lot of money by relying on source skills and gambling, which led to the pursuit of him by those holy land families who did not respect martial ethics.

Now that Ye Fan is here again, there will definitely be an uproar, and the center of the storm is once again gathered in the Holy City.

However, Yuan Changqing does not have to worry about Ye Fan's safety. After all, there must be countless people who say that Beidou can kill Ye Fan.

However, is Ye Fan really so easy to be killed? It is naturally impossible. If someone dares to bully Ye Fan with his strength and puts his life in danger, the sky will be shrouded in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

And those forces that are chasing Ye Fan will definitely be purged. Even those Ji Dao forces suppressed by Ji Dao imperial weapons will not be spared.

After all, facing an emperor who has lived for several lifetimes, no matter how many emperor soldiers there are, they cannot compete with him.

Tianyao Tower.

This time, because of Ye Fan, the auction was unprecedentedly prosperous. In addition, because of Zishan, many big shots came to this holy city.

For example, several of the thirteen major bandits from the Northern Territory came, and the strong men from Zhongzhou who were attracted by the inheritance and imperial soldiers of Emperor Wushi also gathered here.

As we all know, Zhongzhou has many dragon veins, which also makes Zhongzhou a holy place for the establishment of dynasties. Several immortal dynasties also stand in Zhongzhou.

These immortal dynasties all have the ultimate imperial weapon to suppress luck, and the dragon veins in Zhongzhou are rich in dragon sources, which are necessary cultivation resources for cultivating the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm.

The people who came to this holy city this time were the powerful men of the four immortal dynasties. These people wore dragon crowns, were majestic and majestic, and were directly ushered into a top-level box by the people of Tian Yao Que.

Not only people from Zhongzhou came, but also several old monks from the West Desert. Each of these monks had golden Buddha lights shining on their heads, and they were obviously successful in practice.

This is only part of it. Obviously, there are more big shots coming to Tianyao Palace just for the treasures in this auction.

Among them, there is one thing that Yuan Changqing likes, that is, the elixir of immortality in human form, but it is incomplete, and there is still a little bit of life left. This was also cut out by Ye Fan from the source stone.

And Ye Fan still has the seeds of Bodhi Seed and Kirin Immortal Medicine in his hands. He is truly worthy of being the son of the world, and good things are constantly gathering in his hands.

These were the most precious ones, and Ye Fan was reluctant to auction them off, so he kept them in his hands. The rest were auctioned off in exchange for their sources to improve his cultivation.

After all, the Ancient Holy Body is a big source of food, which can be described as terrifying. This is also Ye Fan's helpless move.

Otherwise, with so many good things, Ye Fan would only keep the most precious ones, and put the rest up for auction.

In the box, Yuan Changqing looked at Ye Fan and said: "You have really understood the essence of the Yuan Tianshu. This time you shocked the people who came to participate in this auction."

Although Ye Fan is no longer as miserable as Que Yuan because of the inheritance of Yuan Tianshi, no amount of Yuan can withstand the consumption of the ancient holy body.

Ye Fan smiled bitterly and said: "Senior, I have no choice. For the sake of source, I can only rely on gambling source. In fact, I don't want to be in the limelight like this."

"Also, who doesn't know how to make a fortune silently? However, the reality is so helpless, and sometimes we have to face it."

"This time I have to take out the good things that I cut out and auction them. Otherwise, knowing that I have so many good things in my hands, my life will be even more difficult."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "You are not much better now. The Kirin Immortal Medicine Seed in your hand has already made many people jealous."

"Otherwise, there wouldn't have been so many people chasing you last time. Fortunately, you ran fast."

"And you have produced so many good things this time. I don't know how many people are jealous. But this time you put them up for auction, which distracted a lot of people's attention."

Ye Fan added: "There is no other way, but this is not bad. There is no loss before, I can still make a lot of money, and it can provide enough resources for my cultivation."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "The auction is about to begin."

At this moment, the splendid Tian Yao Que auction site was already full of people. At a glance, there were heads everywhere, and the auction was about to begin.


The long bell rang, and instantly, the auction scene of Tian Yao Que suddenly became quiet.

Now almost all the forces and big shots who should come have arrived at the scene. As for other unimportant people, there is no need to care too much. The auction has officially begun.

On a golden high platform at the front, a gray-haired old man stepped onto the high platform and announced the start of the auction.

I saw a group of little goblins lined up on both sides. These were the maids assigned by Tian Yao Que to present the auction items.

At the beginning, only some ordinary items were auctioned, with a value of only a few thousand kilograms. This was also to take care of ordinary monks.

And those precious treasures are not something that everyone can come up with, so these ordinary items are only for the public.

Until the seventh item appeared, which was an ancient jade. Ye Fan only spent a few thousand kilograms to auction it off.

"The Emperor's Jade." After Yuan Changqing saw it from the side, he knew what it was. The last time he and Ye Fan went to the Purple Mountain, they used the Emperor's Jade when they came out.

However, so many people present were ignorant of the goods and thought it was just a similar ancient jade. However, they did not know that this was a good thing. .

And if those who are preparing to attack Zishan know the function of the Emperor Jade, I don't know how much trouble it will cause. Maybe it will be auctioned for a sky-high price.

Yuan Changqing did not compete with Ye Fan. After all, if he really needed to use it, he could just borrow it from Ye Fan.

Therefore, for Yuan Changqing, this Wushi Emperor Jade is not of much value, unless he can collect nine pieces of Wushi Emperor Jade, which will have some effect.

Later, the auction items began to become valuable, and they were no longer as trivial as before.

I saw that the items in the auction also contained records of cultivation experience left by the powerful, broken King's Divine Weapon and other treasures. This also made the auction now reach a small climax. One item alone weighed over one hundred thousand kilograms. The source.

One item after another was auctioned off. It has been a long time and it has almost reached the final stage.

The people sitting in the auction venue were also waiting for the finale this time, and this also came to the goals of many holy places and big shots at the scene.

The finale this time is the ancient insect divine source and the incomplete humanoid elixir prescribed by Ye Fan.

Tian Yao Que has also done a lot of publicity for these two precious artifacts, which is why so many big names have been attracted to the scene.

Looking at the lively venue, Yuan Changqing said: "Ye Fan, it seems that there are a lot of big shots competing for your two treasures this time. You can make a lot of money."

Ye Fan also showed a satisfied smile at this time and said: "It seems that Tian Yao Que's publicity is in place. Otherwise, there would not be so many big shots coming to the scene."

"Haha, these two things are too precious. Among those big forces, there must be many people who are nearing the end of their lifespan, and these two things of yours are life-extending magic items, so they will naturally attract these people." Yuan Changqing said with a smile. .

At this moment, the old man on the high platform personally held up a small stove as white as jade.

The jade-like small stove was tightly sealed and had a special sealing technique on it.

"You all, Xiangbi, should know what this is. This is one of the last two divine artifacts that everyone has been waiting for for a long time, the ancient magical medicine cut from the source stone."

Immediately, as the old man finished speaking, the auction hall began to become noisy and could not be quiet for a long time.

After all, such an ancient magical medicine is rare in the world, and everyone present wanted to have a glimpse of its true appearance, and wanted to see with their own eyes what this ancient magical medicine looked like.

However, most of the people here are just watching the excitement. A divine object like this cannot afford the source.

Moreover, even if you can afford it, you don't have the life to enjoy it. The world of cultivation is very cruel. Everything must be fought for, and everything depends on strength.

Therefore, only the big forces and big shots on the scene can compete for such a peerless divine object.

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "Oh, what a pity. If this thing is a complete plant, it can be the elixir of immortality that can extend the emperor's life for a lifetime."

Ye Fan also said: "This is why I will put it up for auction. Moreover, many parts of this humanoid elixir have been petrified."

"Another reason is that even if I keep it in my hands, I can't save it. It would be more cost-effective to exchange it for some resources."

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "It is not impossible to save it. As long as there are enough divine springs, there is still a lot of hope to save it."

Ye Fan shook his head and said: "Senior, that's what I said. However, as far as I know, the whereabouts of the divine spring are only in the ancient forbidden land. However, it is too dangerous there. If you want to get the divine spring there, it is not worth the gain. .”

What Ye Fan said is correct. There is no divine spring in the outside world at all. It is as difficult as climbing to the sky to save this human form of immortality.

Of course, except for Ye Fan, the ancient forbidden land is not very dangerous to Ye Fan, but Ye Fan doesn't know this now.

As for whether there are other places in Shenquan, of course there are, but those places are also restricted areas. Outsiders can't get out unless they have great luck or extraordinary strength.

There is no divine spring in the outside world at all. Even the Yao Chi in the former Yao Chi hometown is only comparable to the divine spring and cannot be compared with the divine spring.

Unfortunately, something happened there, and there were corpses everywhere. The water in the Yaochi no longer had the same effect as before, and there might still be an unknown aura left in it.

These are all disasters caused by the underworld. Just to get the corpses of the Emperor's Corpse and the Dacheng Holy Body, they did such cruel and inhumane things.

Regarding the things done by the underworld, even if Ye Fan will not liquidate them in the future, they will be liquidated by Emperor Wushi.

After all, there was originally an arrangement by the Queen Mother of the West in the old place of Yaochi, just to be resurrected together with the Dacheng Holy Body in the future. Yes, it was directly destroyed by the underworld, causing the corpse to transform, and Yaochi also suffered.

At this moment, the old man on the high platform opened the seal of the jade and took out a fist-sized piece of alien ice and snow divine source, in which the incomplete ancient magic medicine was sealed.

Just after the alien ice and snow divine source was taken out, a faint fragrance floated out, lifting the spirits of anyone who smelled the fragrance.

It was a pair of milky white feet, side by side, with light blue rhizomes underneath. This was also a strange ancient magical medicine.

If this was a complete ancient magical medicine, it should be a standing humanoid plant, and there would be many roots under its feet.

Originally, it should have been a thing of the emperor before, but he didn't expect that it has become like this now, and Yuan Changqing couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

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