Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 344 Succeed

With the display of the human-shaped ancient magic medicine, the people present were greatly excited. This was also the first time for these people to see this magic medicine.

"Because it has been so long ago, it is difficult to verify the specific origin of this ancient human-shaped magical medicine. However, based on its medicinal fragrance, many seniors can still confirm that it is a type of magical medicine. Therefore, this ancient human-shaped magical medicine The starting price is 160,000 Jinyuan.”

"Hiss, so high!"

As the starting price was announced, most of the people present had to marvel that this was truly a sky-high price item.

Compared with the ones that were auctioned before, compared with this humanoid ancient magic medicine, they are of a completely different level.

But now this ancient magical medicine is still incomplete, and the starting price alone is already sky-high. If it is a truly complete ancient magical medicine, its value is simply unimaginable.

However, even this shocked most of the people present, but for those big forces, this was nothing.

After all, these big forces themselves occupy most of Beidou's resources, so they naturally don't care about this.

Of course, although the value is very high, some people still don't take it seriously. This is why this ancient magic medicine is so incomplete. It is unknown how much its real value is.

This is only the idea of ​​​​those people who don't have much capital. This is not the case for those big forces.

Those long-lasting big forces don't care about such a small source, but this ancient magic medicine is unique. After taking a photo, you can bet on its value.

Then, after a burst of noise, there was a brief silence, and then someone started to quote.

"One hundred and seventeen thousand catties of source."

"One hundred and eighty thousand catties of source."

"Two hundred thousand kilograms of source."


At the beginning, some powerful people and old-timers made bids. However, after the Holy Land Family and the Great Pope stepped down, those people had no choice but to withdraw.

Competing with these big forces is asking for trouble. It is better to withdraw from the competition early than to ask for trouble.

With the Zhongzhou Dynasty's bid, the auction price of this humanoid ancient magic medicine was directly raised to 300,000 kilograms.

"It seems that they are preparing for the second attack on Zishan. They want to take pictures of this ancient magic medicine in human form to use as a life-saving drug." Yuan Changqing also had some guesses at this time.

However, if this is the case, then it is a waste. It is a crime to waste a good elixir like this.

Ye Fan also said at this time: "Senior, it seems that these people are really unwilling to give up. Based on their strength, if they still want to break into Zishan, they will probably fail again."

After all, Ye Fan entered together with Yuan Changqing, and rescued the God King Jiang Taixu from inside. He was a powerful man at the level of Dacheng King. Even so, he was trapped in Zishan, and these are still powerful people. Even if they are no longer There are too many, but they are of no use.

Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "Ye Fan, you have to know how tempting the imperial weapon of Wu Shi Bell in the Purple Mountain is now, how could these people give up."

"Moreover, they are still dreaming about the divine treasure of the Emperor Wushi. If you don't know about such a huge opportunity, will you be tempted too?"

Ye Fan thought for a moment and then said: "Senior, don't tell me. Just thinking about it makes my heart beat. Fortunately, we know the situation. Otherwise, if it were like this, we wouldn't even know how we died."

Yuan Changqing sighed at this time: "This is also human nature. Human desires are endless and can never be satisfied."

"Moreover, you have also experienced the opening of the Qing Emperor's Ancient Tomb. Looking back now, it is not much different from the situation in Zishan."

"You know, after the Qingdi Ancient Tomb was opened, too many people died there. It can be described as a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood."

"However, the attack by these forces on Zishan this time may be even more serious, and more people will die."

Ye Fan was also shocked at this time, and immediately thought of something, and asked: "Senior, you are talking about those ancient creatures sleeping in the Purple Mountain. Isn't there the Beginning Clock suppressing them there? Can they still come out? Leaving Zishan and coming to the outside world?"

Yuan Changqing added: "Even if there is Wu Shi Zhong suppressing them, it is impossible for Wu Shi Zhong to take care of those ancient creatures with lower strength."

"Moreover, this is compared to the Wushi Bell. As for the level of ancient creatures that can come out, it is unknown. I think the ancient creatures at the saint king level should be able to come out."

This is also Yuan Changqing's guess when he thinks that the ancient creatures in the Purple Mountain will come to greet the Emperor. As for the stronger ones, it is not clear whether they can come out.

Ye Fan also had a hint of gloom in his heart, but then he thought that he couldn't control these things. If something happened, there would naturally be a tall man to take care of him, so he felt relieved.

Ye Fan added: "Then the forces attacking Zishan are going to be unlucky this time. I really want to see them suffer heavy losses now."

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "Whether they suffer heavy losses or not is none of our business. It's just that after awakening those ancient creatures this time, the civilians will suffer. It's all the fault of the forces attacking Zishan."

"Yes, these Holy Land aristocratic families have never done anything good. Sometimes they are unlucky." Ye Fan was also very unhappy when he thought of those Holy Land aristocratic families.

"Hey, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's continue to see what price these big forces can pay." Yuan Changqing also stopped this heavy topic.

Then again, it is not easy to talk about this ancient human-shaped magical medicine. In the age of mythology, it was controlled by Emperor Zun. It is said that the Nine-turn Golden Pill is made from the human-shaped magical medicine as the main medicine.

Therefore, in a sense, this human magic medicine is much stronger than other magic medicines.

You must know that because of the Nine Transformations Golden Pill, the Emperor's era was a glorious period when great emperors coexisted. From this, it can be seen that this human-shaped magical elixir can be regarded as the first immortal elixir in ancient and modern times.

In the original work, this elixir of immortality was acquired by the Ancient Legend Dynasty, which also caused the last remaining essence of the humanoid elixir to be exhausted.

Although Ye Fan also found it later, it was a pity that the vitality had long been gone. He still used the life spring liquid of Lingbao Tianzun, plus other immortal medicine liquids, various divine springs, and the holy body life spring. Liquid, it is difficult for people to be reborn into nirvana with the human-shaped divine medicine.

And Ye Fan also watched the process of his rebirth, realized his own path to immortality, and started a new life. From this, we can see what is special about him, especially for the human race.

And the Guhua Dynasty brought out so many sources, which shocked everyone on the spot. It was as if they were swallowing mountains and rivers with anger, and suppressed everyone.

"It's just a incomplete magical medicine. Does it need twice as many sources?"

"It's such a generous move. It deserves to be an immortal dynasty. It has a source!"


The Guhua Dynasty's emergence of such a level also made those Holy Land families no longer bid, although those Holy Land families were nothing to this Dianyuan.

However, compared to the incomplete humanoid magic medicine, it is not worth it, so I won’t bid randomly.

As for any of these holy land families, they have vast amounts of resources, but they also have many disciples. This consumes a lot of resources. Hundreds of thousands of kilograms of resources can train many disciples.

"Three hundred and twenty thousand catties." The monks from the Western Desert also began to bid.

"Three hundred and fifty thousand catties." Guhua Dynasty also quoted again.


Yuan Changqing knew very well the value of this human-shaped magical medicine. Besides, he also had the World Pearl in his hand. Its effect on cultivating the magical medicine might help it recover without the need for a divine spring.

"Four hundred thousand catties." Yuan Changqing raised the price directly, looking like he had a lot of money.

Ye Fan was also surprised at this time and asked: "Senior, do you need this human-shaped magic medicine?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "I want to try to see if I can save it. If I succeed, it will be of immeasurable value to me."

Ye Fan nodded and said: "If I had known you needed it earlier, I wouldn't have auctioned it, I would have given it to you directly."

"Haha, you don't have to say that. I don't lack these cultivation resources, so you don't have to worry about it. After all, your physique is too resource-hungry." Yuan Changqing said with a smile.

Although Yuan Changqing has never gambled on sources, he collected a lot when he was in Zishan last time, including Shenyuan.

The divine source is much more precious than the source, so Yuan Changqing can still take it out. Even if he can't take it out, Yuan Changqing's World Pearl contains many thousand-year-level medicine kings.

"Forty-two thousand catties." Yuan Changqing's bid also made the big shots of the Guhua Dynasty shudder. Unexpectedly, there were still other bidders to compete at the last moment. It was really unexpected.

"Four hundred and fifty thousand catties." Without hesitation, Yuan Changqing increased the price again.

Yuan Changqing's bid this time also made Guhua Dynasty hesitate to consider whether to bid to compete. After all, the price was already three times more than the humanoid magic medicine.

"Forty-eight thousand catties." After hesitating for a moment, Guhua Dynasty made another offer, as if it was determined to win.

"Five hundred thousand catties." Immediately afterwards, Yuan Changqing made another offer, also determined to win.

Seeing Yuan Changqing's no-nonsense attitude, the big shot in the Guhua Dynasty shook his head and gave up making another bid.

After all, the price is already much higher, and it is no longer equal in terms of assessed value.

"The first time is five hundred thousand catties. The second time is five hundred thousand catties. Is there any more price? Fifty..."


"make a deal."

As the hammer sounded, Yuan Changqing finally succeeded in taking the human form of the ancient magic medicine, which was beyond the expectations of everyone present.

Ye Fan was shocked when the sound of the deal sounded. He didn't expect that the humanoid magic medicine alone would produce so many sources.

After he came to his senses, Ye Fan quickly said: "Senior, I didn't expect that you are also a source person, but the value surprised me a little, but congratulations to senior for getting what he wanted."

"Hahaha, it's nothing. I just met someone I'm interested in. Otherwise, I wouldn't be willing to spend so much money, just once in a while." Although Yuan Changqing spent a lot of money at this time, he still felt very sad. happy.

Yuan Changqing also wanted to see if he could observe its growth process like Ye Fan did after reviving the immortality medicine in human form, and see if he could gain anything.

If there is, maybe the imperial path in this life will be a clear path. Even if there is not, then you can still get an immortal medicine, no matter how you say it, you won't suffer any loss.

However, a plant of immortality medicine only cost Yuan Changqing 500,000 catties. This transaction was also a huge profit.

At this time, the venue suddenly became noisy, and many people started talking.

"Hiss, it's so crazy, we actually sold 500,000 kilograms of source."

"Yes, this is three times higher than the starting bid. He is really a talented person. But who is this person? Why is he so strange?"

"Is it possible that this humanoid magic medicine is actually not simple, and there are some reasons that we don't know?"


At this time, after the official transaction was completed, everyone was shocked. This was 500,000 kilograms of sources. Many people would not be able to have so many sources in their lifetime.

And the incomplete human magic medicine actually shot such a crazy level, it's a bit dreamy to think about it.

So, will the last auction item be as crazy as this human-shaped magic medicine?

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