Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 345 The Storm in the Holy City

The humanoid ancient magic medicine set off a climax, and then came the final finale.

"What is being auctioned now is the last lot of this auction, and it is also the second grand finale, the source of the ancient insect god cut out of the Source Stone." The old man on the high platform announced loudly.

A divine source the size of an adult's fist was placed on a high platform, emitting light like a small sun. Outside, there were forty-nine ancient insects sealed in the divine source.

"Divine Source, this is Divine Source. This Divine Source alone is worth a lot of money."

"The value of the divine source is indeed high, but the ancient insects sealed in the divine source are even more valuable."

The auction house was boiling with excitement again, especially some monks who looked very old, and they were trembling with excitement.

This is the source of the ancient insect god, and it is also the main medicine of the life-extending magic elixir. For those monks who are about to expire, there is no treasure that can extend their lifespan.

After all, life is gone and precious things cannot be enjoyed. Therefore, it is not excessive at all for this ancient insect divine source to be the final highlight.

The person on the high platform looked at the excited crowd below and introduced loudly: "This ancient insect divine source is worth one hundred thousand kilograms of source alone, and there are forty-nine more precious ones inside. Ancient insects.”

"Also, I think everyone should know that the magic elixir made from ancient insects as the main medicine can prolong life by three to four hundred years, which is almost as good as the eighty thousand-year-old Medicine King."

"So, the starting price for the ancient insect divine source is 600,000 kilograms of source. Please start bidding."

After some introductions, the people on the high platform reported the auction price of the ancient insect source. As the 600,000 kilogram source was exported, the sensation caused this time became even more intense.

"Sixty-one thousand catties." The person on the high platform looked at the words and as soon as the words fell, someone started to quote.

Although the price seems a bit exaggerated, for some people who need it, it is considered normal and they do not think there is anything wrong with this price.

"Six hundred and twenty thousand catties." As the first person started bidding, others began to follow suit.

"Sixty-three thousand catties of source."

"Six hundred and forty thousand kilograms of source."


Ordinary monks simply cannot participate in this kind of game and can only watch those Holy Land families continue to raise prices.

After all, many major forces have been prepared for a long time, and these people came here mainly for the source of the ancient insect god.

You know, the temptation of being able to extend your life by three to four hundred years is very great for those who are about to reach the end of their lifespan. You can imagine from the popularity of the on-site auction.

You must know that something that can extend your life for three to four hundred years is right in front of you. Who doesn't want it? There is a saying that "it is better to die than live", which is basically the truth.

"The first time is the source of 1.25 million jins, the second time is the source of 1.25 million jins...the third time."


"Congratulations to the Guhua Dynasty for finally filming the source of the ancient insect."

In the end, the source of the ancient insect god was still lost to the Guhua Dynasty, although the ancient Hua Dynasty and Yuan Changqing had withdrawn from the competition for the humanoid ancient magic medicine.

However, the Ancient Insect Divine Source was really destined to be won by the Guhua Dynasty this time. In the end, the Ancient Insect Divine Source was sold for a sky-high price of 1.25 million kilograms, which is shocking just thinking about it.

However, this is really a drop in the bucket for an immortal power that rules the endless territory of Zhongzhou.

With the ancient insect divine source being auctioned off, the auction also officially came to an end. The last two auction items alone allowed Ye Fan to harvest nearly two million kilograms of source, which was enough for him to reach perfection in the Taoist palace.

However, because there are still four major catastrophes waiting for Ye Fan, Ye Fan has been collecting sources to prepare for the subsequent catastrophes.

After that, Yuan Changqing took Ye Fan to Tianyao Palace to settle accounts and then left together.

And those who had been supporting Ye Fan could only watch from a distance when they discovered that there was an unfathomable master of mine beside him.

When those people were following Ye Fan, as soon as Yuan Changqing found out, he took the initiative to release the powerful aura pressure, which also made those people dare not act rashly.

After parting ways with Ye Fan, Yuan Changqing returned to his residence and directly planted the human-shaped elixir of immortality into the World Pearl.

Now this humanoid elixir of immortality still has its last bit of vitality. After being planted into the World Pearl by Yuan Changqing, a small amount of roots gradually sprouted out from under its feet.

Looking at the condition of this human-shaped elixir of immortality, I also know that it knows that the World Bead can help it. With this little bit of vitality, as time goes by, the vitality will definitely become more and more prosperous.

Yuan Changqing's World Bead now contains the White Tiger Immortal Medicine, the Polygonum Multiflorum Semi-miraculous Medicine, and the current Humanoid Immortal Medicine, there are already two immortal medicines.

When he was on Mars before, Yuan Changqing also took the body of the Bodhi tree into the World Bead. However, he originally wanted to see if he could restore its vitality through the World Bead, but now it seems that he has taken it for granted.

After all, the Bodhi tree has already reached nirvana, and its vitality has long been transferred to the Bodhi tree. The remaining body of the Bodhi tree only still has some medicinal properties of the elixir of immortality.

This is also the reason why there are still six bodhi leaves on the body of the bodhi tree. After such a long time, Yuan Changqing is also sure that there is no possibility of resurrection of the bodhi tree.

However, such a big bodhi tree body cannot be wasted. Looking at the six green bodhi leaves still hanging on the bodhi tree, plus Ye Fan's bodhi seeds can achieve enlightenment, Yuan Changqing also has an idea.

Yuan Changqing is going to extract the essence of the magical medicine from the Bodhi tree, plus six Bodhi leaves and the heart of the Bodhi tree to refine six Bodhi beads.

In this way, it should also have the effect of enlightenment. It may not be comparable to the immortal medicine Bodhi Seed in Ye Fan's hand, but having the effect of enlightenment is better than nothing.

Yuan Changqing knew that he could only rely on himself to realize the Tao, not to mention his talent. The further he went, the more difficult it became.

After having the idea, Yuan Changqing planned to go to the Fire Domain of the Southern Jin Kingdom again after he and Ye Fan went to the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest.

In the following days, the Holy City did not become silent because of the end of the Tian Yao Que auction. Instead, it became even more lively.

Because the peerless treasures that Ye Fan brought out from the Holy City were auctioned at sky-high prices at Tian Yao Palace, it also made the major stone workshops even more lively. This also allowed the stone workshops in the Holy City to take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune.

Moreover, with the arrival of the descendants of the Source King lineage, the gambling boom once again set off, which also caused huge losses to all stone shops patronized by the descendants of the Source King lineage. They also once again caused a lot of trouble in many stone workshops. Everything turned upside down.

There were eight descendants of King Yuan who came to the Holy City this time. After they arrived in the Holy City, they frantically raided the major stone workshops. With their achievements, this also caused a sensation.

Finally, he announced in public that he would challenge Gufeng, and Gufeng was Ye Fan's pseudonym in the Holy City.

After all, facing the pursuit and interception of many holy land families, Ye Fan is not a fool. Naturally, he needs to change his appearance. Otherwise, if he is exposed to the outside world, he is asking for trouble.

The ancient style of Ye Fan's pseudonym was at a time when there was a shortage of sources. Since those eight people are known as the descendants of the King of Source, I guess there is no shortage of sources.

As a result, Ye Fan also took advantage of the trick and responded to the challenge, but the stakes for both parties increased again.

Faced with Ye Fan's response, the descendants of King Yuan's lineage were naturally confident. In the end, both parties agreed and agreed on a time. At that time, it would be a formal showdown. The winner would get all the gains of the loser, plus Bet on both sides.

This Source Technique duel instantly caused a sensation in the Holy City, and then spread throughout the Holy City in the shortest possible time. It also continued to spread to the Northern Territory and spread to further places.

This duel of origin techniques also made all the major stone workshops nervous, and they were all afraid that the duel location chosen by both parties would be in their own stone workshop.

As a result, all the major stone workshops in the Holy City began to hide some new Origin Stones to avoid serious losses.

Of course, those Origin Stones that have been displayed for a long time and are still very famous cannot be hidden anymore. After all, this is related to the face of a stone workshop. This is a credibility issue.

In addition to the Source Technique showdown between Ye Fan and the Source King lineage, the Holy Land families who are attacking Zishan for the second time are also preparing to complete their attack. This is also the focus of attention in the Holy City.

However, I don’t know whether this second attack on Zishan will succeed in obtaining the Emperor Wushi’s imperial weapons and the good fortune in Zishan.


On the seventh day after the auction ended, the bells rang through the Holy City again. The long bells resounded throughout the heaven and earth, and the entire Holy City resonated with the bells and began to tremble.

"The Wu Shi Bell rang again. It seems that the second attack on Zishan has ended."

After hearing the bell, Yuan Changqing already knew the outcome of this attack on Zishan, and there was no possibility of success at all.

So, Yuan Changqing looked at the Heavenly Palace in the center of the Holy City again.

Sure enough, those who attacked Zishan once again used the stone order to emerge from the stone platform in the Heavenly Palace, no different from last time.

Soon, the news of the failure of the second attack on Zishan spread throughout the Holy City, and the Holy Lords of the Holy Land families fled back in embarrassment again.

Moreover, the All Saints families once again lost their troops and generals, and subsequently, the world was shaken again.

Later, more accurate news came out. This time, many figures of the older generation were completely destroyed in the sound waves of the Wushi Bell, disappearing into thin air. Even several powerful men at the Holy Lord level were seriously injured.

This time, before the All Saints family attacked Zishan, they reached an agreement with the Thirteen Great Bandits of the Northern Territory and used half of the Supreme Dao Emperor's Artifact - the Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar. They wanted to use this to attack Zishan, but they failed in the end.

In the end, it was the Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar that activated its mysterious power at the most critical moment, blocking the power of the Imperial Artifact of the Wushi Bell. Otherwise, I am afraid that the Holy Lord who went to attack Zishan this time would perish there.

Although the Shaking Light Holy Land has the black gold cauldron with dragon patterns, the Hengyu Furnace of the Huanggu Jiang family, and the Void Mirror of the Huanggu Ji family, these three imperial weapons need to be suppressed and cannot be used at any time.

Therefore, relying solely on half of the Imperial Weapon's Sky-Swallowing Devil's Jar is naturally unable to compete with the awakened Supreme Dao Imperial Weapon, the Wushi Bell.

"Alas, greed is enough to swallow the elephant. Wushi Zhong reminded you people the first time. You are still dreaming about getting Wushi Bell and the Great Emperor's Divine Treasure. Be careful and your teeth will break." Yuan Changqing shook his head and looked at I can only sigh at all this.

This time the attack on Zishan failed, and the world was shocked. Then, the Holy City once again became the focus, and they wanted to see whether the next Holy Land families would give up on the good fortune in Zishan, or continue to attack.

Who is the peak at the end of the immortal road? When I see the beginningless path, it becomes empty.

This sentence sums up the achievements of the ancient Emperor Wu Shi. There are few rivals in the past. The inheritance and creation he left behind can recreate a holy land as long as it is obtained.

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