Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 35 Current Situation in Mainland China

Speaking of the current Haotian Double Star, they are the leaders of the new generation of Haotian Sect.

Tang Xiao and Tang Hao have now become famous in the mainland, and with the blessing of the Haotian Sect, which ranks first among the three major sects, they are even more talkative.

Now Tang Hao, who is only twenty-six or seventeen years old, is already a strong man at the Soul Emperor level. He also has the Haotian Sect's secret skill Chaotic Cloak Hammering Technique and the self-created soul skill Haotian Nine Jue.

The Clear Sky Hammer is known as the number one offensive martial spirit in the mainland, and with the blessing of the Chaos Cloak Hammer Technique, it goes without saying how powerful its attack power is.

Yuan Changqing is also a master of blacksmithing, but his martial spirit is not a hammer-type martial spirit, so his skills are pretty good among ordinary blacksmiths of the same level.

But for those blacksmiths who specialize in making a living, each of them has some unknown forging skills.

This is like the Haotian Sect's Cloak Hammering Technique. This unique skill can not only be used against enemies, but can also be used for forging.

With the blessing of the Chaos Cloak during forging, you can easily forge ordinary iron blocks into refined iron. Of course, this is not something you can learn just because you want to.

The Chaotic Cloak Hammering Technique requires not only a strong body, but also strong soul support to unleash its power.

There are ninety-nine and eighty-one blows in the Luan Cloak Hammering Technique, and each blow is stronger than the last. If you don't have a strong body, you can easily cripple yourself.

Yuan Changqing also knows some of the principles of the random cloak hammering technique, which is to use force to strike, and the strength, speed and soul power required are extraordinary.

Otherwise, if you use the random cloak hammer technique to fight against the enemy, and you slowly perform it there, it is very likely that you will be the one who suffers the tragedy in the end.

Just like the self-created soul skill of Feng Xiaotian of Shenfeng Academy in the future, the Thirty-six Severe Wind Slash, which uses high speed to form a powerful cutting force field.

If the opponent's soul power is not strong, it will be difficult to break the force field, and then the only fate is failure.

Yuan Changqing also slowly figured out some force-generating techniques based on some of the principles he knew. Although it may be different from the original random cloak hammering technique, it can achieve similar effects, but he cannot yet perform the ninety-nine and eighty Just one hammer.

This is determined by his physical fitness and soul power. Although he has practiced "Five Animals", "Five Animals" is not a complete unique skill in body training.

However, because Yuan Changqing's martial spirit is Blue Silver Grass and has strong vitality, coupled with the daily practice of "Five Animals" and its health-preserving and body-refining effects, his body's toughness is still very good.

Moreover, some of the special effects of the "Changchun Jue" practiced by Yuan Changqing gradually appeared, and his physical fitness was comparable to some animal martial spirits and weapon martial spirits.

As for the special effects of "Changchun Jue", we will talk about it later. After all, it is a Taoist secret, and it can't be justified without something.

Moving on to the matter of the Haotian Double Star, Yuan Changqing also roughly knew through the people in the teahouse that Tang Hao and himself were about the same age.

But look at others, they are all Soul Emperors in terms of strength, but I have accumulated it in two lifetimes, and now I am still a Soul King.

Looking at those time travelers on the Douluo Continent next door, whether they have twin martial spirits or super martial spirits, and cheating, thinking about my own situation brings tears to my eyes.

Catherine's innate soul power is level 8, and now she is a Bensan, and is only an intermediate soul emperor. This is also the norm in the soul master world.

Tang Hao from the Haotian Sect could reach the advanced soul emperor at the age of twenty-six or seven. This is the gap.

Civilian cultivation can only be practiced step by step. Without top-level techniques and resources, they can only rely on themselves.

Backed by a sect like the Haotian Sect, coupled with his extraordinary talent, he has worked hard to cultivate him since he was a child, taking medicinal baths and top-notch cultivation techniques.

The additional soul rings are also the best soul rings and the best years. As for civilians, if you are talented, the school can hunt for a century-old soul ring for you. As for whether it is the best soul ring and the best years, it depends on luck.

As for those with poor talent, you don't have that special treatment. You just get whatever you encounter, which is considered good.

If you are unlucky, if you encounter danger when hunting a soul beast for the first time, you might just burp your butt.

Therefore, there is no harm without comparison. Yuan Changqing is okay, although the plug-in function of World Pearl is not as strong as that of Douluo Continent next door.

However, something is better than nothing, isn't it? The World Pearl is just seriously damaged and there is still time to recover.

The Haotian Double Stars are now roaming the Douluo Continent. Although they will challenge some strong people, they are also fighting in a friendly manner and do not kill or maim each other.

Of course, they also did some good deeds when they traveled to the mainland. When they encountered evil soul masters or some bandits who harmed the civilians and occupied the mountains as kings, they would also eliminate these people.

No wonder Yu Xiaogang regards Tang Hao as his idol in the future, not only for his cultivation, but also for the reason of eliminating harm for the people!

The future Golden Iron Triangle may have appeared because of this. This is also the worship of the Haotian Double Star by young soul masters today. Yuan Changqing did not expect that there are also idol sect soul masters on Douluo Continent.

According to the current age of Tang Hao in Haotian Double Star, Yuan Changqing deduced that Yu Xiaogang may have left the Basketball Overlord Dragon Sect and may not have met Bibi Dong yet.

After all, there are still about 18 years left in Tang San's timeline, and Dugu Bo is still a Contra, and there are still about 8 years left before he becomes a titled Douluo.

Dugu Bo has not discovered the Ice and Fire Eyes yet, and Yuan Changqing feels that he must find the Ice and Fire Eyes as soon as possible.

After all, Dugu Bo has a weird personality. If he found it first, the fairy grass inside might say goodbye to Yuan Changqing.

It's not like Yuan Changqing didn't want to make friends with Dugu Bo in the past, but Dugu Bo's character is a bit difficult to choose, so he'd better wait and see.

Therefore, Yuan Changqing went to the teahouse more and more often, and got more and more useful information from the teahouse.

According to Tang Hao's situation, Tang Hao became a Titled Douluo at the age of 45. At that time, Tang San, the son of the world in Douluo Continent, had just been born. Later, his wife A Yin sacrificed to Tang Hao to help him become a Titled Douluo.

Ah Yin left behind a blue silver grass seed. Although it did not die completely, it turned into a weak blue silver grass again.

Therefore, there are still 18 years until the timeline of Tang San's arrival, and Yuan Changqing doesn't know how far he can cultivate in 18 years.

Tiandou Royal Academy, Yuan Changqing’s home.

Catherine said: "Husband, why do you like running to teahouses so much lately? I rarely see you reading at home after holidays. Don't you like reading very much?"

Wang Yuyan was also very curious, so she looked at Yuan Changqing with a curious look on her face.

"My dear wives, I just want to spend more time with you. You see, if you go out for a walk more and drink tea, you will feel better. A happy mood is good for Catherine, and it will also be good for the fetus."

Seeing Yuan Changqing say this with a serious face, the two women were speechless, they would not believe it.

Catherine added: "Why don't we two sisters not believe it? If there was nothing special, you would be so diligent and run to the teahouse so frequently."

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