Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 36 Small talk

Yuan Changqing saw that Catherine and Wang Yuyan didn't believe what he said, so he had nothing to hide.

"Although I didn't say everything, some of them really do think that way. Do you think being in a happy mood will be good for Catherine and the fetus in her belly?"

Catherine said: "Okay, even if what you said is true, what about the others?"

"There's nothing else, I just went to listen to the fun."

Wang Yuyan said: "It's lively. What's so lively about the teahouse? They're just idle people bragging and passing the time."

Yuan Changqing said: "You don't know this. There are some braggarts in this tea house, but it's not all bragging."

"Think about it, you guys, they have people from all three religions and nine streams, and they have been exposed to a lot of things on Douluo Continent."

"So, if you want to know what is happening on the mainland, going to the teahouse is a good choice."

"Some of these people often travel to various places and know a lot of things. If you want to get information in the future, maybe you can get it from these restaurants."

Catherine said: "Then what did you hear?"

"Hahaha, it's nothing. They are basically talking about the Haotian Sect's Haotian twin stars Tang Xiao and Tang Hao. Now they are great figures in Douluo Continent."

"Then Tang Hao is already a high-level soul emperor at the age of twenty-six or seven, and has also made quite a name for himself in Douluo Continent."


Wang Yuyan exclaimed: "It's so powerful. He's already a high-level soul emperor when he's only twenty-six or seven. I don't know when he will become a soul king."

Yuan Changqing comforted: "Yu Yan, you don't have to worry, you still have me and Catherine, and our child Qinglan."

Catherine also comforted: "That's right, you still have us, as well as grandparents, parents, and sister-in-law."

Wang Yuyan smiled and said: "Brother Changqing, sister Catherine, I'm fine, I just sighed!"

Yuan Changqing added: "Don't think too much. After all, they are backed by the Haotian Sect. They have high innate soul power and constant resources since they were young. They practice the best martial arts on the mainland, and their soul rings are also helped by strong men from the sect. Coupled with the sect’s inheritance, it’s normal to practice quickly.”

"It's different for us civilians. We have no resources, and our cultivation depends entirely on our own hard work."

"But our family doesn't need to worry now. Although our innate soul power is low, but we have family-inherited skills, we will slowly improve. Although our talents are not good, as long as we practice unremittingly, we will slowly improve. Up."

Catherine said: "Yes, after I practice this technique now, through comparison, the previous techniques are just one or two points worse. If I had this technique before, it is impossible to say that I am a soul saint."

Wang Yuyan said: "Well, I will work hard to practice, don't worry!"

Catherine changed the subject and said, "Husband, will you be able to cultivate to the level of Soul Emperor this year?"

Yuan Changqing also said happily: "Yes, I am now the peak soul king at level 59, and I am still a little short of breaking through. I will definitely reach the soul emperor this year."

"I didn't expect that my husband, your cultivation speed is not bad at all. You are almost as good as the Soul Emperor."

"Yes, if Bluesilver Grass hadn't evolved twice, I wouldn't have been able to practice the "Eternal Spring Art" so fast even if I had practiced it."

"Then after I give birth to the child, I will have to practice hard, otherwise I don't know when you will catch up with me."

"Hahaha, now you have also practiced the "Eternal Spring Art". Although you are pregnant with a child this year and your level will not be improved, after you give birth to a child, you will definitely be promoted to Soul Saint in a few years."

"Well, hubby, since you have been studying martial arts for so long, haven't you ever thought about helping sister Yuyan's martial arts evolve?"

Wang Yuyan said: "Sister Catherine, you wrongly blamed Brother Changqing. There is still a difference between my martial spirit and the martial spirits on the mainland."

"My martial spirit is not like the beast martial spirit, the weapon martial spirit and the plant martial spirit. Like the beast martial spirit and the plant martial spirit, there are reference objects in the spirit beast, and the weapon martial spirit only needs to have corresponding attributes."

"My martial spirit is Chang Ling, which is difficult to refer to. Therefore, Brother Chang Qing followed the route I took. The requirements for additional soul rings are to increase the sturdiness, functionality and usage of Chang Ling. Come and attach a soul ring."

To the technological world, Chang Ling belongs to cloth and fiber, but Douluo Continent does not have this explanation, so they don’t know, and Yuan Changqing doesn’t know how to explain it.

Therefore, the soul ring arranged for Wang Yuyan was based on the hardness, toughness and functionality of the reinforced fiber.

Those soul beasts that spin silk, special soul beasts, etc., and the metallic ones among plant-based soul beasts are good choices.

Catherine said: "Oh, so that's it, but sister Yuyan's martial spirit is indeed relatively poor. How to choose the spirit ring, and you can only verify it one by one. Anyway, it's good to have a direction."

Wang Yuyan said: "Yes, but I am also very satisfied with the soul ring attached now. Although I don't know if it is the most suitable for my martial soul, I can feel that it has indeed been strengthened a lot."

"Then it seems that the soul ring you attached to me, sister Yuyan, is not bad, at least there is no deviation."

Yuan Changqing said: "In the world of soul masters, it is really difficult to choose soul rings for some special martial souls, but they are very rare. In fact, I think Yuyan's best choice for additional soul rings is those that spin silk."

"However, the abilities of the silk-spinning soul beasts are also mixed, and some are not easy to deal with, so I put them together."

"Also, soul beasts are not what we want, so for us, the right one is the most important."

Catherine said: "That's right. After all, hunting soul beasts is quite dangerous. Sometimes it's better not to force it."

Since Yuan Changqing clarified the timeline, he has gained a better understanding of the current Douluo Continent. Although Wuhun Palace is the most powerful organization in the continent, it has not yet reached its peak state.

The Haotian Sect is now at its peak, and not even the Spirit Hall dares to touch it easily.

As for the specific situation of Qibao Glazed Sect and Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect, Yuan Changqing does not know, but being among the top three sects, their strength cannot be underestimated.

Although the remaining sects are weaker, apart from not having top-level combat power like Titled Douluo, there is no shortage of high-end combat power.

There is also the confrontation between the two empires. Generally speaking, the mainland is relatively calm.

Yuan Changqing is also developing in a low profile now. Since coming to Tiandou City, he has chosen to be a teacher.

On the one hand, it can be protected by the academy. After all, the Tiandou Royal Academy has the endorsement of the Tiandou Empire. As long as the brain is not sick, it will not rashly provoke the Tiandou Empire.

On the other hand, he is not very strong now and needs to develop in a low-key manner and learn knowledge from Tiandou Royal Academy. In any world, knowledge is precious.

In the end, you can understand Douluo Continent better and avoid becoming blind yourself.

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