Douluo's Blue Silver Family

Chapter 348 Dragon-shaped Magical Medicine Fruit

Ye Fan restrained his aura, and with the black and yellow cauldron of all things above his head, he slowly moved forward step by step, moving towards the True Dragon Immortal Medicine step by step.

At the same time, the Yuantian Divine Patterns under Ye Fan's feet are also constantly appearing, imprinted in the world.

Yuan Changqing was also following Ye Fan at this time, his aura restrained, as if this person did not exist in this space.

After a long time, Ye Fan and Yuan Changqing approached the True Dragon Immortal Medicine, looking cautious, fearing that they would disturb the True Dragon's Immortal Medicine and scare it away.

If the True Dragon Immortal Medicine knows that someone wants to take it, it can easily run away. Yuan Changqing and the others have nothing to do with it.

Later, after approaching the True Dragon Immortal Medicine, Ye Fan began to arrange the source of the sky array to seal the True Dragon Immortal Medicine and prevent it from escaping.

And Yuan Changqing was not idle at this time. He also began to continuously draw divine patterns and began to seal the surrounding space, preparing for double insurance.

After all, I don’t know how big the noise will be when I pick up the True Dragon Immortal Medicine.

Yuan Changqing is not so ambitious that he wants to take away the entire plant of the True Dragon Immortal Medicine. Knowing that it will not disappear, as long as he can take away the fruit of the Immortal Medicine, the goal will be accomplished.

After preparing everything, Yuan Changqing sent a message to Ye Fan, saying: "Let's take action together later. If you encounter danger, don't think too much about anything else. Use the Xuanyu Platform to cross the void immediately."

Ye Fan nodded, and then he stretched out his two big hands and headed straight towards the True Dragon Immortal Medicine.

Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan have already made a plan. Yuan Changqing will catch the real dragon elixir of death, and Ye Fan will pick the golden fruit. This is also to prevent it from escaping and failing in the success.

I saw the divine power flowing in Ye Fan's hands. After grabbing the magic medicine fruit, he pulled hard and pulled hard.

The golden elixir is like a shrunken dragon. It is actually the elixir of immortality. There is also a dragon ball in its mouth.

After Ye Fan used his strength to pull the magic medicine fruit, the little dragon kept struggling and the dragon ball in his mouth was spit out.

At this moment, because when Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan were grabbing the True Dragon Immortality Medicine, the spiritual power fluctuations caused by the stirring of their divine power awakened the guarding creatures of the ancient royal family in the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest.

In the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest, there are countless floating counters, flashing with bursts of light, all of which are ancient royal creatures sealed with precious divine sources.

As the ancient royal family awakened, Ye Fan also felt a huge energy locking him. His hands and feet suddenly felt cold, and he secretly felt bad.

"Senior, it seems that our actions have awakened the ancient creatures." Ye Fan said at this time.

At this time, Yuan Changqing also exuded divine power and stood in front of Ye Fan to prevent those ancient royal families from imprisoning Ye Fan with their great magic power.

At this time, Yuan Changqing said hurriedly: "You and the Black Emperor go first."


A spine-chilling cry sounded from the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest, as harsh as a ghost's cry or a wolf's howl, extremely shrill and heart-wrenching.

Even the Black Emperor, who was standing far away to meet the two men, suddenly felt a chill on his back and his hairs burst.

After the golden fairy-like little dragon protruded from the dragon bead, something unexpected happened again. Ye Fan had to give up the golden magical medicine fruit and directly grabbed the dragon bead and put it into the Xuanhuang Cauldron of All Things.

Yuan Changqing was not slow at this time. With his other hand, after Ye Fan gave up the fragrant magic medicine fruit, he grabbed it directly. With the flow of divine power, Yuan Changqing picked the magic medicine fruit and threw it into Ye Fan's Xuanhuang of All Things. tripod.

"Senior, let's leave quickly." Ye Fan, who was preparing the Xuanyu Platform, said quickly.

Afterwards, Yuan Changqing stepped into the Xuanyu Terrace, and he and Ye Fan fled directly across the void.

The Black Emperor also saw that the situation was not good in the distance, so he took out the Xuanyu Platform to open the space passage and left without daring to stop at all.

After all, the situation at this time was extremely critical. The ancient royal family had broken through the source of the gods and came directly to kill Ye Fan and Yuan Changqing.

Just after Yuan Changqing and the others crossed the void and left, overwhelming murderous intent filled the space of Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest.

But because the True Dragon Immortal Medicine lost its magic medicine fruit, it instantly burrowed into the ground, and then disappeared.

"Chirping, croaking, squeaking, squeaking..."

When Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan left, a burst of incomprehensible words full of murderous intent and anger came.

Unfortunately, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan had already entered the space channel at this time.


A huge energy hit the space channel opened by the Xuanyu Platform, and a chain reaction was also caused inside the space channel. Countless energy flowed turbulently, which was extremely dangerous.

Yuan Changqing also mobilized his divine power at this time to form an energy shield, wrapping himself and Ye Fan to prevent the turbulent flow of energy from affecting the two of them.

At this time, because the space channel was disturbed, Yuan Changqing turned around and saw the appearance of the ancient royal family outside the space channel.

It looked extremely ugly, with green eyes, more than two meters tall, and a long snake tail behind it, giving it a strange appearance.

"Chirp, wow, gaha, yaa... (Damn humans, they actually stole the magic medicine, chase them, kill them, and take back the magic medicine...)"

At this time, one of the ancient royal creatures who woke up said angrily.


"Where's Gaha..."

Then, he quickly left the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest and chased after him.

But Yuan Changqing, on his side, took Ye Fan across the void several times in a row, and only stopped after staying away from the ruins of the Hades Palace.


A black shadow appeared from the sky, and Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan were alerted as they felt space fluctuations.

But when he saw clearly that it was the Black Queen, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Yuan Changqing had discovered before that the awakened ancient royal creature was stronger than himself.

Although I am not afraid, it is difficult for two fists to defeat four hands, and with Ye Fan beside me, it is a bit difficult.

"Why didn't you two say hello when you left? You scared me so much that I ran away." The Black Emperor said with a tone full of displeasure when he appeared.

Ye Fan retorted at this time: "Damn dog, you didn't look at the situation at that time. Is it too late? Besides, you can't see the form next to you."

"Also, aren't you a good person? How could you come up with so much nonsense?"

The Black Emperor was also speechless at this time. Then, he thought of Mark's elixir of immortality and suddenly became happy.

So, the Black Emperor immediately licked his face and came to Ye Fan, saying: "Ye Heizi, hurry up, take out the magic medicine and show it to me. I will help you see if the magic medicine is mature."

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen such shameless people. The Black Emperor's words immediately left Ye Fan speechless.

Ye Fan looked at the Black Emperor with disgust, and then slapped him to the ground.

"Damn dog, you are thinking about eating shit, right? What are you thinking about? Do you think I don't know? I think you just want to take it all for yourself, so don't think about it." Ye Fan exposed it mercilessly. The Black Emperor's true intentions.

"Wow, Ye Heizi, tell me clearly, what do you mean? I also contributed to picking the magic medicine this time. You don't want to embezzle my part, do you?" Hei Huang said with a look on his face. Looking at Ye Fan warily.

Ye Fan snorted coldly: "I think that's what you have in mind. I'm not as good as you. I will certainly give you what I deserve."

"Wow, that's pretty much it. If you really mess with that part of me, we're not done yet." Black Emperor was relieved at this time, the magic medicine, I can still feel what the magic medicine tastes like.

At this time, Ye Fan took out the Xuanhuang Cauldron of All Things and saw that the magical medicine fruit inside had been fused with the dragon beads again.

The fruit of the True Dragon's Immortal Medicine can only be considered a complete medicine if the fruit of the medicine and the Dragon Ball are combined into one, and can it produce the true power of the medicine.

Before, Ye Fan only got the dragon beads, but then Yuan Changqing took action and picked off the little dragon-like magical fruit.

"Senior, look at how we allocate it!" Ye Fan looked at Yuan Changqing and asked.

After all, Yuan Changqing worked hard to get this complete immortality medicine fruit this time.

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "One magic medicine fruit can extract up to nine drops of the essence of the magic medicine. Any more will destroy the medicinal properties of the magic medicine fruit."

"So, just give me four drops, and you can divide the rest among yourselves."

"However, you can leave a drop to send to King Jiang Shen. Maybe it will be unexpectedly helpful when you overcome the four great tribulations."

Ye Fan nodded and said: "Okay, just listen to senior, I will leave it to senior God King to send it to you at some time."

The Black Emperor was a little impatient at this time, and said happily: "Then the remaining four drops are mine."

"Bah, damn dog, don't you have some idea of ​​how much effort you have put in? If you give me four drops, I'll give you one drop and you'll be lucky." Ye Fan spat at the Black Emperor when he opened his mouth.

"Wow, you evil-minded Ye Heizi, I did not call you by your name wrong. I didn't expect you to be so greedy. You are not satisfied with the fruits, and you want to covet the few drops of my magic medicine. Wang, See if I don’t bite you to death.”

Ye Fan's words immediately aroused great dissatisfaction from the Black Emperor. As he spoke, he rushed forward, opened his bloody mouth, and bit Ye Fan's arm.

"Ah, you damn dog, please let me go quickly, or I'll fight back."

"Wow, Ye Heizi, I'll bite, I'll bite, bite, bite..."


After that, after some fighting and compromise, the Black Emperor finally got three drops of the magic medicine from Ye Fan. Even so, the Black Emperor still looked indignant.

"Wow, Ye Heizi, if you still behave like this next time, don't ask me to help you." The Black Emperor couldn't help but say at this time.

Ye Fan didn't have a chance, Black Emperor said to Yuan Changqing: "Senior, where are you going to go next?"

Yuan Changqing said at this time: "I am planning to go all the way to the Southern Territory, to the Fire Territory, to refine a treasure, so where are you going next?"

Ye Fan thought for a while and felt that it was a bit dangerous to be in the Northern Territory again, so he should avoid the limelight first. Maybe it would be good to go back to the Southern Territory.

So, Ye Fan said: "Senior, why don't I go to the Southern Territory with you? This Northern Territory is a bit dangerous for me now. When I go to the Southern Territory, I will prepare to concentrate on training and improve my strength first. "

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "This is not bad. You have gained a lot in the Northern Territory this time, which is enough to be promoted to the Dao Palace. It is fundamental to improve your strength first."

"I also think about it this way. After I improve my strength to the level of Dao Palace, I will make every effort to prepare for the four great tribulations." When Ye Fan thinks of the catastrophes he faces in the four great tribulations, he still feels sad in his heart. Somewhat uneasy.

However, even so, we can only take one step at a time. No matter how difficult it is, we can only face it.

Looking at Ye Fan's somewhat sad look, Yuan Changqing said: "You don't have to worry too much about your four major catastrophes. What is supposed to come will come naturally. There will be a road for the car to reach the mountain, and it will be straight for the boat to the bridge."

"Besides, it's useless for you to think so much now. It's wise to improve your strength first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

"If you really encounter a crisis, I will not stand idly by. Besides, didn't I ask you to send a drop of magic medicine to King Jiang Shen before? This is also the key to whether you can survive the four great catastrophes. .”

Ye Fan asked with some confusion at this time: "Senior, is there anything else to say in this?"

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