"Ye Fan, you should have learned something about your ancient holy body!" Yuan Changqing looked at Ye Fan and asked.

Ye Fan nodded and said: "I understand it, but it is a common understanding. I don't know the specific reason."

Yuan Changqing added: "Well, I will tell you what I know, so that you can have a more detailed understanding of the ancient holy body."

"First of all, you already know that the Ancient Holy Body is not incapable of cultivation, but the cultivation resources it requires are relatively large. The cultivation resources equivalent to those required by the Ancient Holy Body can create several times as many other monks."

"You should have heard that during the ancient times, the ancient holy body could be practiced normally like ordinary people. The name of the holy body was also because it was called the ancient holy body at that time, so it was called the ancient holy body."

"Also, although the training resources required are also huge, they are not as exaggerated as you are now."

"There is a more important point. In the ancient times, mankind has never given birth to a great emperor. You should be able to imagine how harsh the living environment of the human race without the suppression of the great emperor would be."

"The embodiment of the law of the jungle can be said to be most vividly demonstrated by the human race in the ancient times."

"However, although no great emperor was born in the human race at that time, nine great ancient holy bodies appeared. This level of holy body can be said to be comparable to the level of the great emperor."

"However, in the final analysis, the Dacheng Holy Body is still at the quasi-emperor level. It does not have the laws of the emperor, and is still inferior to the great emperor."

"And the more important point is that after the Dacheng Holy Body reached its old age, its energy and blood declined seriously, and it could no longer compete with the Great Emperor."

"However, fortunately, the birth of nine great saint bodies in succession during the ancient times allowed the human race to survive those difficult years."

"It is also for this reason that in order to commemorate the Holy Body, people named it Huanggu."

"Why are you so physically strong now? In fact, this is the reason why the ancient holy body has energy and blood. It is invincible at the same level."

Following Yuan Changqing's narration, Ye Fan suddenly imagined the scene of the ancient Holy Body sweeping the world in the ancient times. He was also excited and proud. He did not expect that the Ancient Holy Body would have such a glorious period.

When the Black Emperor heard this, his eyes began to roll again, and he was also thinking about how Yuan Changqing knew these secrets.

Moreover, Yuan Changqing also understood his situation very well, which also puzzled the Black Emperor.

"Could it be that Yuan Changqing is actually an old monster, or that he has such an understanding because of a shocking inheritance." The Black Emperor thought secretly in his heart.

Ye Fan asked at this time: "Senior, why is the ancient holy body now so incapable of cultivation?"

Yuan Changqing turned to look at the Black Emperor, startling it, and then jumped to his feet and said: "Wow, boy Yuan, why are you looking at me? This ancient holy body cannot be cultivated, and it has nothing to do with me."

Yuan Changqing smiled and said: "Heihuang, why are you so excited? I didn't say it had anything to do with you. As for why you are looking at you, you don't have any idea."

"Woof woof, I don't know anything, so don't ask me." Hei Huang quickly denied.

Yuan Changqing said again: "Black Emperor, do you really not know? Then do you want to know the whereabouts of the innate Tao fetus?"

When the Black Emperor heard this, his dog eyes suddenly widened, but he was shocked that Yuan Changqing actually knew this.

"Wow, boy Yuan, please tell me the whereabouts of the innate Tao fetus. Where is she?" Black Emperor couldn't wait to run to Yuan Changqing and asked.

Ye Fan was confused again at this time, why was he still talking about the Ancient Holy Body just now, and now he went to the Innate Dao Fetus? Is there any relationship between the two?

However, there is no connection at all, so why is the Black Emperor so excited?

Yuan Changqing rolled his eyes at Black Emperor and said, "You said you didn't know, so what? Now it's revealed!"

The Black Emperor was not embarrassed at all. His thick-skinned old face had been practiced to perfection, and he said: "Wow, wow, didn't I just remember this? After all, it's been such a long time, so it's normal for me to forget."

"However, you haven't said where the innate Tao fetus is yet. Tell me quickly."

Yuan Changqing looked like he was thinking hard and said: "Oh, I am just like you. As time went by, I forgot about it. I'm really sorry."

"Hey, damn dog, I didn't expect you to be here today, it's so satisfying." Ye Fan looked like he was gloating about his misfortune, which made the Black Emperor want to take a bite.

However, the whereabouts of the innate Tao fetus is more important now. In this way, there is hope for the inheritance of the emperor.

As for other things, they are not important at all. It has to be said that the Black Emperor is really loyal to his master.

Ye Fan then said again: "Senior, let's ignore this dead dog and let's talk about why the ancient holy body couldn't practice later."

Yuan Changqing nodded and continued: "Secondly, this is the ancient holy body. Because nine holy bodies were born in a row, they were not emperors but looked like emperors. This attracted the attention of a force."

"So, this force wanted to find out the secret of the ancient holy body."

"As for the specific process, we cannot know. After all, these things have long been buried in the long river of history."

"Perhaps, only those forces with a long history can know, but it can definitely be guessed that a war must have occurred."

"The reason why the Ancient Holy Body declined later was also because that force issued a curse on the Ancient Holy Body from heaven and earth. This is also the reason why the Ancient Holy Body can be said to be almost impossible to practice now, and why unknown things will happen in its later years."

Ye Fan's face suddenly darkened. It turned out that the Ancient Saint was unable to practice now because someone had placed a curse on him.

Later, Ye Fan asked: "Senior, do you know what that force is called?"

Yuan Changqing nodded and said: "Don't say it, don't say it, otherwise it will cause great terror. We are too weak now and have no qualifications to touch that force."

"So, when you don't have absolute strength, even if you know it, it will only cause you trouble."

"Therefore, it is better to wait until you have the strength to touch it, and you will naturally find clues. It will not be too late to know by then."

When Yuan Changqing said this, Ye Fan knew that the force might be more terrifying than he imagined. This was a big mountain blocking his progress.

At this time, Yuan Changqing continued: "Finally, it's about your four great catastrophes. In fact, this is also part of the curse."

"This is still the scariest part. This is a life-and-death crisis for you. After you get over it, you will be able to reach the sky."

"If you can't get through it, everything will eventually disappear and turn into ashes."

"However, everything is not an absolute dead end. There is a glimmer of hope. Then there is part of your hope in King Jiang Shen."

Ye Fan was a little confused and asked: "Senior, is there any treasure from Senior God King that can help me?"

Yuan Changqing added: "Actually, strictly speaking, it is not a treasure, but the origin of God King Jiang's body, and only the origin of Dacheng God King's body can be used."

"Ah, the origin of the divine king's body, wouldn't that make the senior god king destroy his own foundation?" Ye Fan was also shocked. It was impossible to think about using the origin of the divine king to help him tide over the difficulties.

Yuan Changqing shook his head and said: "Then you are wrong. You also know that King Jiang Shen has been trapped in Zishan for four thousand years, and his foundation has been almost destroyed."

"Therefore, if there is no other way and there are not many days to survive, then breaking up and standing up is the only way to restore King Jiang Shen to his former glory."

Later, Ye Fan thought of something and said: "That's why the senior asked me to leave a drop of the elixir of immortality for the senior God King to help him break through and stand up again."

Yuan Changqing shook his head again and said: "No, just a drop of the elixir of immortality will not have much effect at all."

"Ah, what's that for?" Ye Fan was even more puzzled.

"Do you know why I gave King Jiang Shen another drop of the demigod medicine when we were in Zishan last time?" Yuan Changqing asked.

Ye Fan carefully recalled the situation at that time, and after a while, he said: "Senior seemed to say that someone was still waiting for Senior God King. Could it be that this drop of immortality medicine was prepared for that person."

Ye Fan is not stupid, and he quickly figured out some of the joints. After all, he can guess from a piece of information that that person must be very important to King Jiang Shen, and must be a female senior.

Then, everything will be clear at a glance. After Ye Fan figured this out, he suddenly realized it.

Yuan Changqing said again: "Therefore, you still need to give the immortal medicine fruit in your hand to King Jiang Shen. You help him, and he helps you, achieving mutual success, getting the best of both worlds, and making friends with a strong man."

Although Ye Fan was going through the four great tribulations and faced danger, he could also take the True Dragon Immortal Medicine.

However, after all, Ye Fan is too weak. If the innate Dao map is not weakened, it is very likely that Ye Fan will directly fall into the disaster.

Of course, this is impossible. After all, there is still a ruthless emperor, and it is impossible for her to watch Ye Fan fall.

However, if this is the case, Ye Fan's achievements in the future will definitely not be as great as relying on himself to survive the disaster alone.

Therefore, the help of King Jiang Shen is still needed. In this way, the True Dragon Immortal Medicine in Ye Fan's hand can also help King Shen Jiang stand up and live another life, instead of only extending his life for a few thousand years like in the original work.

Of course, for some people, thousands of years is not a long time, but there are fewer people with talents like King Jiang Shen.

This is all because although King Jiang Shen succeeded in defeating the queen and establishing himself, strictly speaking, it was not perfect.

It would be different if we had Ye Fan's True Dragon Immortal Medicine this time. After all, the True Dragon Immortal Medicine can help the emperor live a new life, let alone help King Jiang Shen to break up the throne. This is not Easily.

And Ye Fan can also survive the four great catastrophes with the help of King Jiang Shen, although it will definitely be life-threatening as in the original work.

However, the premise is that you have to survive the catastrophe first, then you can hope to survive.

Ye Fan thought that Yuan Changqing just said that there is a trace of vitality in King Jiang Shen. So, it means that the vitality in King Jiang Shen is not all, there are other parts.

"Senior, apart from King Jiang Shen, do you have anything else to remind me of?" Ye Fan asked the doubts in his heart.

Yuan Changqing looked towards the direction of the Ancient Forbidden City in the Southern Territory and said: "Although with the help of King Jiang Shen, you can successfully survive the catastrophe, you will definitely be fatally injured."

"Therefore, your last chance of survival lies at the place where you reach the starting point of Beidou."

Ye Fan was stunned again and murmured: "The starting point, the vitality, so it is the ancient forbidden land. Is it possible that this ancient forbidden land is so destined to me, I want to go there again."

Suddenly, Ye Fan smiled bitterly. Thinking about the ancient forbidden land now, he still felt a little frightened.

Although I came out of the ancient forbidden land safely twice, I don't want to go there again. After all, there is too little certainty there.

However, when Yuan Changqing said this, Ye Fan had to take it seriously. You must know that this is a matter of his own life.

Yuan Changqing said again: "Don't think so much. You haven't overcome the disaster yet. Maybe you will survive it successfully and there is no need to go!"

Ye Fan shook his head and threw away the worries in his heart. Anyway, it was not the time to overcome the tribulation yet.

If it really comes to that moment, what dangers are there to be afraid of? All we can do is become a living doctor and try again.

The Black Emperor was also shocked at this time, and there was a flash in his eyes. The ancient forbidden land was not ordinary. So, Yuan Changqing and Ye Fan both came out of there alive.

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